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There is a documented lack of racial diversity in veterinary medicine. It has been suggested that lack of animal ownership by minorities, cultural and ethnic biases relating to animals, and a lack of role models of color within the veterinary profession are reasons for the lack of racial diversity in veterinary medicine. The purpose of this study was to survey the attitudes of minority junior high and high school students toward veterinary medicine. It was hypothesized that African American and Latino students in New York City (NYC) would have limited experience with veterinary medicine and would not have a favorable attitude toward the profession. In fact, the survey, which was sent to several NYC schools, found that minority students have a positive view of animals and of veterinary medicine. The survey also showed that a deficiency of minority role models for students, a lack of interest in and enjoyment of veterinary medicine on the part of students, a perception on the part of students that veterinary medicine does not provide a satisfying lifestyle, and inadequate student exposure to the profession are key factors in the lack of racial diversity in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

This essay will suggest research methodologies for historians interested in the history of gender and veterinary medicine over the past 200 years. This topic is a very timely one, because we are currently living through a transition in the interactions between gender and veterinary medicine. Traditionally male-dominated, veterinary medicine has recently experienced a world-wide increase in the number of women entering veterinary schools and practicing in all areas of the profession. Understanding this transition requires us to ask historical, cultural, and sociological questions in order to illuminate the roles of gender ideologies and the participation of women in the development of modern veterinary medicine. The following paragraphs outline three specific methodological strategies that historians have used to study the interactions between gender and science and gender and medicine. I will propose ways that we veterinary historians can use these strategies to study gender and veterinary medicine. It is beyond the scope of this paper to summarize the literature on women and veterinary medicine; but it will nonetheless highlight a few studies from nations around the world to illustrate the methodological strategies that I propose. I hope to provide scholars with ideas for future studies in the history of gender and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

近年来,中兽药在现代畜禽养殖、对抗动物疫病、调节改善动物免疫力方面都发挥了重要的作用,但是其在畜禽给药途径和生物利用度方面还存在一定不足。畜禽消化系统的不同导致给药方式必然存在不同,兽用中药配方颗粒使用方便,而且生物利用度高于中药散剂。目前尚无兽用中药配方颗粒的相关研究,本文对兽用中药配方颗粒的研究进展进行归纳总结,以期为兽用中药配方颗粒的开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

动物医学专业的实践性较强,稳固的基础知识和过硬的实践技能的训练对动物医学人才的培养尤其重要。专业素质养成教育重视专业素质的循序渐进发展,培养学生日渐形成熟练的操作技巧和良好的思维活动能力,为动物医学人才培养所需。此外,加强教师引领作用和探索更多的实践教育途径,能够促进学生不断地积累知识和逐步扎实提升专业技能,充分发挥素质养成教育在动物医学高素质专业人才培养中的作用。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医专业实践性强,人才培养成长周期较长,随着规模化养殖业的发展,畜牧兽医专业人才需求日渐旺盛。因此,如何培养专业知识扎实、技能过硬的高质量人才就成为高校教学工作的重点。对畜牧兽医专业实行现代学徒制的教学方法进行了探索和研究,旨在为畜牧行业人才培养提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

Veterinary practices are unique environments that bring humans into close contact with many different species of animals; therefore, the risk of exposure to infectious pathogens is inherently different in veterinary medicine than in human medicine. In contrast to the risk of exposure to blood in human medicine, infections from zoonotic diseases in veterinary personnel are primarily related to exposure to animal faeces, infected skin, wounds, droplets and puncture wounds. Infection-control measures in veterinary practices are often insufficient to prevent zoonotic disease transmission. The Veterinary Standard Precautions (VSP) Compendium is designed to help prevent transmission of zoonotic pathogens from animal patients to veterinary personnel in private practice.  相似文献   

动物医学专业是实践性较强的学科,提高学生实践能力对促进大学生就业和培养应用型兽医人才具有重要意义。客观分析了动物医学专业实践教学存在的问题,并探讨了动物医学专业实践教学模式的改革措施,以期为高校的动物医学专业实践教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Ninety-two species of plants used in traditional veterinary medical practice in Nigeria are presented. The vernacular names, animal species in which they are used, indications/uses and comments on the plants are given. The importance of integrating traditional veterinary medicine with modern orthodox veterinary medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an Internet-based review conducted in January and February 2003 to assess the educational opportunities available in veterinary public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine at the 27 veterinary schools in the United States. Most professional veterinary curricula are designed to train students for careers as highly qualified private practitioners, although there is an increased need for veterinary perspectives and contributions in the public health sector. The future of veterinary public health relies on the opportunities available in education to teach and encourage students to pursue a career of public service. The results of this review indicate the availability of a wide variety of required courses, electives, and post-graduate training programs to veterinary students in the United States. Veterinary students are exposed to a median of 60 hours of public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine in required stand-alone courses in these areas. Four veterinary schools also have required rotations for senior students in public health, preventive medicine, or population medicine. Contact time for required public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine courses ranges from 30 to 150 contact hours. Advanced training was available in these subjects at 79% of the 27 schools. Greater collaboration between veterinary schools, schools of public health, and the professional public health community will increase exposure to and opportunities in public health to all future veterinarians.  相似文献   

As we contemplate responsibilities as well as opportunities in research, it is fair to begin by considering why research is, or should be, important to veterinary schools and colleges, to our profession, and to society. Veterinary research is conducted in many venues, such as colleges of veterinary medicine, veterinary science departments, comparative medicine departments, medical schools, and many other university departments, as well as in industry laboratories, governmental agencies, and other organizations. But schools and colleges of veterinary medicine have a unique and historic responsibility to ensure that our veterinary medical research programs are sufficient in quality, capacity, and depth to meet the research needs of our society. Consequently, my comments will be oriented toward veterinary schools and colleges.  相似文献   

兽医药理学作为畜牧兽医专业的专业基础课.是联系基础兽医学与临床兽医学的桥梁和纽带。该课程由理论教学和实验教学两部分组成,实验教学为理论教学服务.是夯实理论知识的一种手段。根据高职高专畜牧兽医专业的教学要求和特点,探索并改进兽医药理学课程教学方法,改变传统的填鸭式教学方法,采用多种手段教学以提高学生的自主学习能力、发现问题和解决问题的能力,以激发学生学习积极性.提高教学质量,从而为临床一线培养合格的应用型专业技术人员打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Communication is a core clinical skill of veterinary medicine and one that needs to be taught and learned to the same degree as other clinical skills. To provide this education and essential expertise, veterinary schools in many countries, especially including North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia, have begun to develop programs and communication curricula. Human medical education, however, has 30 years' experience in developing communication curricula, and is thus an excellent resource upon which veterinary educators can build and shape their own communication programs. This article describes a skills-based communication course that has been successfully implemented for veterinary medical education at Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) and was based on the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine's well-established program. The Calgary-Cambridge Guides and supporting textbooks provide the scaffolding for teaching, learning, and evaluation in both programs. Resources such as space and materials to support the OVC program were also patterned after Calgary's program. Communication skills, and the methods for teaching and learning them, are equally applicable for the needs of both human medicine and veterinary medicine. The research evidence from human medicine is also very applicable for veterinary medicine and provides it the leverage it needs to move forward. With this extensive base available, veterinary medicine is in a position to move communication skills training forward rapidly.  相似文献   

目的:了解国内黄芪、当归、党参等3类中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域的研究状况,为后续研究提供参考。方法:运用文献计量学与计算机统计分析的研究方法,以国内3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究的期刊文献为样本,进行文献学特征、文献主题内容的分析与研究。结果:当归是3种中草药中"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最早、时间跨度最大的中药材;3种中草药的主要饲喂或治疗对象有鸡、猪、牛、鼠、犬等;主要饲喂或用药类型有单药、组方、提取物、注射液、散剂、汤剂等;主要对症有增强免疫机能、生长性能、生产性能、治疗前胃疾病等。结论:在国内,高校是3种中草药"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最主要机构,3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域应用范围较广、应用技术日趋成熟,普遍遵循着扶正祛邪、调节阴阳平衡的中兽医治疗原则。  相似文献   

中兽医起源于中国古代,是具有独特理论体系和丰富诊疗手段的传统兽医学,历史悠久。西方兽医传入我国后,因诊疗便捷且收益较高,基层兽医从业者大多采用西兽医技术防治动物疾病,严重冲击中兽医的在基层的应用。本文通过分析中兽医现状与调查基层中兽医从业及发展情况,剖析其存在的问题和发展机遇,初步探讨提出解决思路,使中兽医得以更好的传承与发展。  相似文献   

This article is about change; particularly the prospect for change in veterinary research during the last decade and a half of the 20th century. The title encapsulates the idea that veterinary medicine, if it is to be effective, periodically has to change its approach to solving animal health problems; that over the last century we have witnessed one major change, that from veterinary medicine as an art to veterinary medicine as a science, and that we are probably on the brink of another change, moving from a scientific or more correctly an experimental approach to a mathematical or observational approach.  相似文献   

兽用中药化学成分复杂、药效物质基础研究薄弱,质量控制与评价一直是其研究的难点。现行的以理化检测方法为主的质量控制手段难以满足现代中兽医药发展的需要,难以很好地反映中药的有效性、安全性。本文阐述了显微、DNA条形码分子鉴定、基因芯片等生物学检测方法与评价技术在兽用中药质量控制中的应用价值,建议加强生物学相关检测及评价技术的研究和应用,弥补传统质控方法的不足,促进兽用中药质量控制水平的全面提升。  相似文献   

近年来,在市场和政策的双重促进下,中兽药行业发展突飞猛进,但作为一个资源依赖型的产业,兽用中药资源的利用与开发对行业的健康可持续发展至关重要。本文首先就兽用中药资源的历史发展及开发现状展开了论述,然后针对如何开发兽用中药新资源进行了重点探讨。指出新资源的开发,有助于扩充中兽药行业的药物来源,减少与人药的资源争夺,降本增效,促进中兽药行业高质量健康发展;同时提出新资源的开发应坚持中兽医药理论为指导,并以临床疗效为最终导向,走中兽药特色的道路。  相似文献   

The evolution of preventive medicine and public health training in professional veterinary medicine curricula is documented. Most veterinary colleges in the US began with a single course in meat hygiene or public health, with a focus on food hygiene issues. These courses laid the foundation for modern veterinary preventive medicine and public health training for veterinary students. Most graduates of veterinary colleges today have extensive training in population health, preventive medicine, and zoonotic diseases.  相似文献   

本文从6个方面论述制定养殖基本药物的作用与意义,并提出一个"养殖基本药物名单",其中化药与生物药307个、中药180个,合计487个。我国目前市场上可供养殖使用的兽药和饲料药剂超三千种,养殖者如何选择用好?是个大问题。我们倡导临床医疗用药要"少而精",若以"养殖基本药物名单"作基础,就有引导养殖者或兽医优选使用药物的作用。  相似文献   

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