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以单季晚稻甬优1540为材料,水稻专用配方肥为基础,搭配不同的基肥施用方式,研究了不同施肥方式对水稻产量和效益的影响。结果表明,与人工撒施基肥的处理相比,应用侧深施肥技术的处理,可减少基肥用量,加快水稻分蘖速度,增加有效穗数,可增产3.0%以上。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,减少基肥、分蘖肥的施用比例,适当增加穗粒肥的施用,有利于免耕强化栽培单季晚稻产量的提高;减少前期氮肥施用比例,有利于控制中期群体,提高成穗率,增加每穗总粒数和实粒数;增加穗粒肥的施用比例,有利于提高结实率和千粒重;科学合理的氮肥施用比例,还有利于降低水稻纹枯病的发生,从而减少农药施用量,降低生产成本,也有利于保护生态环境,促进无公害稻米的生产。  相似文献   

仙居县水稻强化栽培技术(SRI)试验示范结果初报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水稻强化栽培技术是一种高产高效栽培方法。为探索SRI在仙居县的适用性和增产潜力,2003年我们在横溪镇下陈村建立了一个面积为6.67hm^2的杂交籼稻粤优938 SRI示范方,并在该示范方内和白塔镇高迁村设置了水稻强化栽培秧龄、移栽密度、氮化肥用量及品种对比等4项试验。示范方前作以绿肥为主。  相似文献   

通过对两优培九在温岭市作单季晚稻栽培的产量构成因素及主要生育特性分析,得出两优培九高产栽培的主攻方向是有效穗数和每穗实粒数,据此提高了相应的高产栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

两系杂交稻两优培九2003年在浙江永嘉进行了单季晚稻"千亩示范片"高产示范,平均单产达9.80 t/hm2,比三系杂交稻协优914增产3.0 t/hm2左右,最高产量达10.42 t/hm2,在温州市首次获得两系杂交稻大面积平衡高产.介绍了该组合的示范概况和表现,总结了其主要栽培技术.  相似文献   

SRI及其在浙江的应用前景   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
毛国娟 《中国稻米》2003,9(4):10-11
一、SRI的基本含义与特征SRI,即水稻强化栽培体系 (SystemofRiceIntensifi cation),是1983年由Henridelaulanie神父在马达加斯加提出的一种水稻高产高效栽培法。SRI的基本观点是 :为使稻株产量更高 ,每株必须有更多的分蘖、更多的有效穗 ,每穗有更多的粒数、更大的籽粒。为了使  相似文献   

4个点的试验结果表明,天优华占作单季稻和连作晚稻种植,与相应对照相仿,均属感温型组合,但秧龄弹性较好。在稀播湿润育秧条件下,单晚应掌握5月15~25日播种,秧苗秧龄30~40d、叶龄7.57~9.13叶时移栽,保证本田有4.29~5.46叶的营养生长叶龄;连晚应掌握6月20~30日播种,秧苗秧龄25—35d、叶龄8.00~9.20叶时移栽,保证本田有3.05~3.70叶的营养生长叶龄。  相似文献   

强化栽培技术(SRI)在常规早籼稻上应用效果初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2006~2007年试验结果表明,常规早籼稻应用水稻强化栽培技术能明显增强个体生长优势,促进大穗形成、单株最高分蘖及成穗数和每穗粒数大幅度增加;在推迟播种、插栽丛数和基本苗比常规栽培减少35.7%~57.2%。N02T,单产虽因有效穗减少而减产,但只减产1.1%~7.1%。  相似文献   

水稻强化栽培(SRI)技术可改善稻株个体生长环境,充分挖掘个体生产潜力,植株发根力强,分蘖优势明显,且穗形大,能获得较大幅度增产。SRI还能降低育秧成本,节省灌溉用水(一般节水30%~40%)。介绍了SRI在台州单季水稻上的应用效果及其技术要点。  相似文献   

几种新型肥料在晚稻黄华占上的应用效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用田间小区试验,以常规化肥和不施肥料为对照,研究了几种新型肥料在一次性基施条件下对晚稻黄华占的生长发育、产量及肥料利用效率的影响。结果表明,与不施肥对照相比,所有参试肥料一次性基施后均能显著提高晚稻产量,其中以施用硫包衣尿素处理的产量和氮磷钾吸收及利用效率最高,经济效益最佳。  相似文献   

对62份优质晚籼稻新品系产量因素进行相关分析和通径分析.结果表明:各产量因素与产量均呈正相关,其中穴穗数、结实率和穗长与产量的相关达极显著或显著水平;对产量的净贡献率大小依次为穴穗数(39.2%)、结实率(24.58%)、每穗总粒数(17.8%)、千粒重(15.37%)。株高和穗长作用极微弱且为负值。各产量因素问相互制约,相互促进。根据研究结果和育种实践,认为优质晚籼稻高产育种的主攻方向是提高穴穗数、结实率和总粒数;高产(产量在550kg/667m^2以上)结构模式应该是有效穗21—23万穗/667m^2,每穗总粒数160—175粒,结实率85%-90%,千粒重25—28g.  相似文献   

Rice quality is decided by genotype,environ-ment,and cultivation.We studied the effectson rice yield and quality by applying N fertiliz-er at late growth stage. Materials used were Peiza-maoxuan,alate binary hybrid rice.It was seeded on Jun16 and transplanted on Jul 19,1998,with aspace of 25.0cm×13.3cm,30hills/m~2 and 2seedlings/hill.The treatments were T1=1 2 3,T2=1 2,T3=1 3,T4=2 3,T5=1,and T6=CK(1:Applied N at boot-ing stage,2:Applied N at initiation stage,and 3:Applied N at grain filling stage).Theamount of N fertilization was 50g/plot·time  相似文献   

两优培九是由江苏省农科院和国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心合作育成的两系杂交籼稻组合。2000年引入江山市试种 ,2002年全市种植面积0.3万hm2,占单晚面积的44.98 % ,预计2003年将进一步扩大种植 ,成为江山市单晚的当家品种。据两年的调查显示 ,两优培九在江山市常规栽培单产仅为550kg/667m2 ,相当于示范片中低产田产量。这说明当地多数农民并未真正掌握两优培九组合的高产特点和栽培技术 ,有必要作进一步的探讨。一、两优培九的生育期及适应性经江山市2年的试验观察认为 ,两优培九感温性强、感光性不及协优9308组合 ,早播早成熟 ,全生育期14…  相似文献   

在大力推行种植业结构调整的过程中 ,炎陵县农技推广部门不断探索 ,在晚稻秧田综合利用的基础上 ,逐步形成了“黄瓜—晚稻秧田—晚稻”的高效栽培模式 ,并很快被农民所接受 ,应用面积逐年扩大 ,效益不断提高 ,成为炎陵县种植结构调整的典型。一、模式的效益分析1.经济效益1998~2002年连续5年调查统计 ,应用该模式后 ,每667m2 可产黄瓜4500~5500kg,因黄瓜早熟 ,市场价格好 ,产值达3000元 ,纯收益2000元 ;同时 ,每667m2还可产晚稻谷550kg。2.社会效益该模式提高了晚稻秧田的综合利用率 ,为晚…  相似文献   

Rice is a major staple food in Afghanistan, and its production contributes to the food security for millions of Afghans. However, over the past four decades, increases in rice cultivation in the Amu Darya River Basin in the northeastern part of the country are contributing to head/tail inequities in irrigation water-sharing, both at river basin and at canal levels. Since 2007, the Participatory Management for Irrigation System project has been experimenting with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as an alternative to the highly water-consumptive traditional method of rice cultivation by inundation of fields. The aim is to introduce a water-saving method for upstream rice-growing farmers to improve the water access for downstream users. To the extent that such a method improves yield, this gives upstream farmers an incentive to switch to this new method which benefits them and, indirectly, other farmers downstream. In 2009, 42 farmers who are cooperating with the Aga Khan Foundation practiced SRI, facilitated through the project’s participatory technology development (PTD) approach. Their average SRI yield, 9.3 tons ha−1, was considerably higher than that obtained with their traditional rice-growing practices. Those farmers who had 2 years of experience with SRI methods and who greater mastery of the techniques got, on average, 65% higher yield than first-year SRI farmers. More-experienced farmers improved their rice production by 27% in comparison to their previous results in 2008. The PTD approach engages the experienced farmers as resource persons to assist new volunteers, promoting local transfer of knowledge. The primary factor in yield improvement was an increase in the number of grains per panicle (+47%). A 10% increase in the number of tillers per square meter, despite lowered plant population, was the second major factor. Yields appeared to be very responsive to an increased number of mechanical weedings. Challenges still remain to be dealt with on the way toward up-scaling, especially as the security situation remains problematic. However, the PTD approach is facilitating work in the field as is cooperation with government personnel.  相似文献   

直播稻作为轻型栽培技术 ,具有省工、节本、高产、高效优势 ,深受广大农户特别是种粮大户的欢迎 ,已成为浙江省水稻栽培的重要方式。2000年全省直播稻面积达21.6万hm2,占全省水稻播种面积的13.5 % ,其中直播单季晚稻14.0万hm2。由于直播稻播种量少 ,水稻苗期空间大 ,干湿交替时间长 ,田间杂草种子多 ,繁殖快 ,常常因发生草害而减产 ,甚至因草荒而绝收。大面积生产实践表明 ,直播稻田的草害问题一直是影响直播稻普及推广的主要障碍因子之一。一、杂草发生特点1 .杂草种类据海宁市新仓镇调查观测 ,直播单季晚稻田杂草…  相似文献   

System of rice intensification (SRI) is a water-saving agro-technique being popularized in Southern Asia including India. A particular key practice in SRI, reduced water application (no continuous flooding), needs to be more farmer-friendly for its mass adoption under traditional and non-traditional cultivation. A field experiment was conducted maintaining different water regimes throughout the crop season (vegetative as well as reproductive stages) by scheduling irrigation applications at 1, 3, or 5 days after disappearance of ponded water (DADPW), using two different plant spacings and two different varieties. With an increase in the period of water stress, tiller production was increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) and found to be maximum under prolonged stress, i.e., 5 days after disappearance of ponded water (5 DADPW). Increased tiller production did not result in yield increments, but yield-contributing parameters (panicle weight, grain weight per panicle, filled grain percentage, and test weight) were confirmed as critical determinants of yield. Plant nutrient (NPK) uptake was reduced under stress conditions, but the translocation of phosphorus and potassium from sources to sink was increased significantly in this study. Nutrient utilization efficiency was also enhanced under mild (3 DADPW) to prolonged (5 DADPW) water stress conditions. No significant reduction in yield was recorded under mild water stress, and this resulted in increased water productivity; however, significant yield loss was observed under prolonged water stress (5 DADPW).  相似文献   

甬优6号烟后单季晚稻高产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甬优6号作烟后栽培产量高,3a示范平均产量达665kg/667m^2,最高产量754.9kg/667m^2。其高产栽培技术:适期早播,稀播育壮秧,增施肥料,搞好水浆管理,利用“九二0”(赤霉素)控制无效分蘖,严防病虫危害等。  相似文献   

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