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Summary. Translocation of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-14C (14C-aminotriazole) was compared to that of 14C-assimilates in couch grass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) at three different growth stages.
Assimilates of 14CO2 were translocated from the treated shoot to other shoots and rhizomes at the 2–3-leaf and 3–4-leaf stages of development. Much less labelled material was translocated into untreated shoots at the 5-leaf stage. More 14C-assimilates were translocated to the roots than to untreated shoots at all developmental stages. The translocation patterns of 14C-aminotriazole and 14C-assimilates were similar.
Two metabolites, A and B, were formed from 14C-aminotriazole, which chromatographed identically to previously described metabolites in Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. A was further metabolized into B. Labelled aminotriazole and its two metabolites were translocated throughout the plants. Metabolite A was phytotoxic when concentrated and re-applied to couch grass, but its properties were not those of Unknown II from Cirsium arvense. They were the same as those of Unknown III. Whether or not metabolite A and Unknown III are identical was not established.
Migration des substances assimilables marquées au 14 C, du 3 amino-1,2,4-triazole et de ses métabolites chez Agropyron repens  相似文献   

At two stages of development, selected parts of plants of Poa pratensis L. were supplied with 14 CO2 and the distribution of assimilated 14C determined quantitatively after 24 h. In the younger plants most was retained in the treated shoot: of that exported, most moved to the roots and least to the developing rhizomes. In older plants roots were again major sinks for 14C assimilates but the patterns were markedly changed when parts of the system were defoliated 24 h before supplying the 14CO2. Defoliation frequently led to increased percentage export from the fed shoot and a relative (but not absolute) reduction in the amount exported to the roots. Rhizomes imported more from rhizome tillers or the main axis than they did from a primary tiller. These results are discussed in the context of the physiology of grasses and with reference to likely patterns of movement of foliageapplied translocated herbicides. Distribution des substances absorbées chez Poa pratensis L. Etude quantitative A deux stades du développement des portions de plantes prelevées sur Poa pratensis L. ont été soumises a I'action du 14CO2 et la distribution des substances absorbées et marquées par le 14C a été déterminée quantitativement apris 24 heures. Dans les plus jeunes plantes, la plus grande partie a été retenue dans la pousse traitée. La plus grande partie des substances qui ont migri, est allée dans les racines et la plus faible dans les rhizomes en voie de diveloppement. Dans les plantes plus âgées, les racines ont été de nouveau les lieux privilegeés d'accumulation des substances absorbies marqutes par le 14C mais les processus furent nettement differenis lorsque des portions du systeme furent defoliées 24 heures avant la fourniture de 14CO2 La deAfoliation provoqua fréquemment un accroissement du pourcenlage des substances exportées depuis la tige alimentée, et une reduction relative (mais non absolue) des quantités exportees vers les racines. Les rhizomes ont imports des quantilés plus grandes depuis les rhizomes des talles ou de la tige principale que depuis une lalle primaire. Ces resultats sont discutés dans le contexte de la physiologie des graminées et en se référant aux modalités probables de la migration des herbicides appliques sur le feuillage. Die Verteilung von Assimilaten bei Poa pratensis L.—Eine quantitative Untersuchung Ausgewahlle Pflanzenteile von Poa pralensis L. wurden in zwei Enlwicklungsstadien mit 14CO2 versorgt. Nach 24 Stunden wurde die Verteilung von assimiliertem 14C quantitativ bestimmt. In den Jüngeren Pflanzen blieb der Grossteil in den behandelten Sprossen. von den Assimiiaien, die verlagert wurden, ging der grösste Teil in die Wurzein und nur wenig in die sich entwickelnden Rhizome. Auch bei äiteren Pflanzen hatten die Wurzeln den grössten Bedarf an 14CAssimilaten. Grundsätzlich anders verhielten sich die Pflanzen, wenn 24 Stunden vor der Behandlung mit 14CO2 die Blätter teilweise entfernt wurden. Das Entfernen der Blotter führte häufig zu einer prozentual stärkercn Auslagerung aus dem behandelten Spross und zu einer relativen (aber nicht absoluten) Verminderung der Menge, die in die Wurzeln verlagert wurde. Die Rhizome wurden stärker von Rhizomsprossen oder vom Haupttrieb als von einem Pri mart rieb(-spross) versorgt. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit der Physiologie der Gritser und unter Berücksichtigung von geeigneten Modellen der Verlagerung von blattapplizierten und translozierten Herbiziden diskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary. A method of exposing seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to 14CO2 is described. Within the 1st hr alter 14CO2 exposure, no translocation of the 14C out of the treated branch could be observed. After a 24-hr period, however, the 14C in dormant seedlings had been translocated basipetally to part of the root system only, with no lateral diffusion of the 14C-compounds in the stem. About a week after exposure, both symplastic and apoplastic patterns of translocation had caused a more uniform distribution of 14C. In seedlings at active internode elongation, the translocation patterns were fundamentally identical to those in dormant seedlings, but the active shoot growth had led to a more uniform distribution of the 14C.
Simazine at 20 ppm had apparently stimulated both the photofixation of 14CO2 and the rate of translocation of the 14C-assimilates. At 30 ppm, however, simazine had blocked the translocation of nutrients to the roots. On the other hand, the 14CO2 uptake was not influenced. The simazine incubation had apparently no influence on the synthesis of cationic photosynthate.  相似文献   

Summary. 14CO2 together with autoradiographic techniques was used to stuy the movement of labelled carbon within wheat plants at different stages in their development. Movement of 14C about the plain was found to be extensive in the early stages, gradually bccoming more localized until at a stage after ear emergence there was little transference of labelled carbon between tillers within a 24-hour period.
In the early stages of development 14C from leaves on the main shoot was transported throughout the plant but accumulated in greatest amounts in the meristematic regions. Assimilates produced by the leaves of newly formed tillers were distributed mainly to the meristematic regions of those tillers although labelled carbon was moved in into the rest of the plant. In the later stages of development of each tiller the labelled assimilate was restricted to the tiller itself and to any very young tillers associated with it. After car emergence the pattern of distribution of the labelled carbon from the youngest and second youngest leaves was found to differ. Movement was predominantly towards the ear from the flag leaf and towards the root system from the leaf below the flag.
It was noticed that mature leaves accumulated some labelled material and the possibility that this occurred via the transpiration stream following migration from phloem to xylem, as is the case with some of the case with some of the translocated herbicides, was investigated, but no indication of xylem transference was obtained.
The possible application of these studies to investigations into the relationship between the movement natural assimilates and of translocated herbicides is discussed.  相似文献   

The rhizome tips of Poa pratensis L. are inherently negatively geotropic but grow horizontally under the dominance of the apices of their parent tillers. This dominance is rapidly lost when the rhizome tips are exposed to light. The dominance, which is also associated with the lack of cataphyll development, was increased by defoliation and when light was excluded from the parent tiller, was reduced by addition of nitrogen, but was unaffected by orientation of the rhizome apex. The axillary buds on the rhizome may abort, remain dormant, grow into rhizomes or produce aerial shoots. They are primarily under the apical dominance of the rhizome apex, but their dormancy was broken by light. In the intact plant, buds distal to the rhizome apex lost dormancy earliest but removal of the rhizome apex caused buds proximal to the cut stump to grow most rapidly. These results are discussed and comparisons are made with other rhizomatous species. Quelques aspects de la physiologie des rhizomes de Poa pratensis L. Les extrémités des rhizomes de Poa pratensis L. sont, par nature, négativement géotropiques mais poussent horizontalement sous la dominance des apex de leurs talles apparentées. Cette dominance disparait rapidement lorsque les extré-mités des rhizomes sont exposés à la lumiére. La dominance, qui est aussi associée avec le manque de developpement de la cataphylle a été augmentée par la defoliation et lorsque les talles apparentées ont été soustraites à Faction de la lumiére; elle a été réduite par apport d'azote mais n'a pas été influence par l'orientation de l'apex du rhizome. Les bourgeons axillaires sur le rhizome peuvent avorter, rester dormants, se développer en rhizomes ou produire des tiges aériennes. Ils sont tout d'abord sous la dominance apicale de l'apex du rhizome, mais leur dormance a été rompue par la lumiére. Dans la plante intacte, les bourgeons en position distale par rapport k l'apex du rhizome rompent leur dormance plus tot mais l'enlévement de l'apex du rhizome provoque, chez les bourgeons en position proximale par rapport à l'extrémité coupée, une croissance beaucoup plus rapide. Ces résultats sont discutés et des comparaisons sont faites avec d'autres espéces rhizomateuses. Einige Gesichtspunkte zur Physiologie der Rhizome von Poa pratensis L. Bei Poa pratensis L. verhalten sich die Rhizomspitzen von Natur aus negativ geotrop, aber durch Dominanz, die von den Sproβspitzen der Mutterpflanzen ausgeht, wachsen sie horizontal. Diese Dominanz wird rasch aufgehoben, wenn die Rhizomspitzen dem Licht ausgesetzt werden. Die Dominanz, die ferner mit einer fehlenden Entwicklung von Niederblättern an den Rhizomen einhergeht, wurde durch Entfernen der Blätter verstärkt, ebenso, wenn den Mutters-prossen das Licht entzogen wurde. Die Dominanz wurde durch Zugabe von Stickstoff gemindert; die Ausrichtung der Rhizomspitzen spielte jedoch keine Rolle. Die Axillarknospen an den Rhizomen konnen verkümmern, dormant bleiben, als Rhizome austreiben oder oberirdische Sprosse bilden. Sie stehen in erster Linie unter apikaler Dominanz der Rhizomspitzen, aber ihre Dormanz wird durch Licht gebrochen. Bei intakten Pflanzen verloren die im Hinblick auf die Rhizomspitze distalen Knospen ihre Dormanz am fruhesten, aber ein Entfernen der Rhizomspitze veranlasste die zum Schnittende hin proximal gelegenen Knospen am schnellsten zum Austreiben. Diese Ergebnisse werden diskutiert und Vergleiche mit anderen rhizombildenden Arten angestellt.  相似文献   

Summary. Tracer studies using single drops of solutions containing 3–amino-1,2,4–triazole-5–14C (aminotriazole-14C) or 2,2–dichloropropionic acid-2–14C (datapon-14C) revealed that in couch plants (Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) growing under field conditions in the autumn and at the stage where the aerial shoots were 40–50 cm long, both compounds moved in both symplast and apoplast. Dalapon was less mobile in the symplast than aminotriazole and only negligible amounts of dalapon were translocated to the rhizomes. The nodes of the treated shoots appeared to act as barriers to translocation, a phenomenon more pronounced for dalapon than for aminotriazole.
Application to a basal green leaf led to a more uniform distribution of the compounds within plants and rhizomes than when the application was made to the youngest fully-expanded leaf.
In couch plants with aerial shoots 10–15 cm long treated in the stubble, the distribution of both aminotriazole and dalapon was mainly restricted to the treated shoots. Even 15 days after application only trace amounts of radioactivity could be found in the rhizomes and untreated shoots.  相似文献   

Summary. When columns of three soil types were perfused with a microbial medium containing 5·7 and 26·9 ppm 14COOH-labelled chloramben, there was a rapid decrease in the 14C activity remaining in solution, attributable to soil adsorption. Soil pH and organic matter content were the primary factors controlling chloramben adsorption. Soil pH may enhance adsorption through its effect on the number of soil anion exchange sites, and sites for polyvalent cation bridging and H bonding. Following adsorption, liver decreases in solution 14C-chloramben activity were attributed to degradation; 14CO2 evolved during perfusion amounted to 25–30% of the total decrease in 14C-chloramben from solution. It was concluded that more than 90% of the 14C-activity remaining in solution could be attributed to intact chloramben. Thus, decarboxylation appeared to be the primary mechanism of chloramben degradation in soils. Lag phases observed during degradation and subsequent investigations with re-amended solutions implicated the soil microflora; even at chloramben concentrations of 26.9 ppm no toxic effect on the chloramben-degrading micro-organisms was apparent.
Dégradation du chlorambène [amibène) dans le sol  相似文献   

Summary. The influence of three crop safeners on the uptake and degradation of 14C-metolachlor was investigated in two corn varieties. Following application of herbicide and safener together to seedling shoots the concentrations of non-metabolized 14C-metolachlor in the tissues was found to be lower in the tolerant variety LG 9 than in the susceptible variety 211A. The difference between varieties was due to differences in both uptake and degradation of 14C-metolachlor.
Following shoot application most of the radioactivity was retained in the coleoptile and the mesocotyl. Two hours after application 95% of the herbicide had been degraded in coleoptiles and mesocotyls, whereas approximately 20% of non-metabolized 14C-metolachlor was present in the enclosed developing shoot leaves. In both corn varieties the safener CGA 154281 caused a substantial lowering of tissue levels of parent 14C-metolachlor. This was primarily due to an enhanced degradation. Glutalhione- S -transfer-ase (GST) enzyme activity in shoot tissues was found to be enhanced in both varieties by CGA 154281. Oxabetrinil and fenclorim were less effective than CGA 154281 both in reducing tissue levels of non-metabolized 14C-metolachlor and in enhancing GST activity in either variety.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings of Pyrus melanocarpa (Michx.) Willd. had a 3.5-fold greater tolerance to soil-applied hexazinone than those of Rubus hispidus L. in a greenhouse trial. R. hispidus accumulated four times more 14C-label in the foliage following root uptake of 14C-hexazinone than P. melano-carpa . Here, the greater uptake and susceptibility of R. hispidus was related to its greater root:fol-iage (weight) ratio compared to the tolerant P. melanocarpa . However, in whole plant metabolism studies employing younger plants there were no differences in 14C accumulation in the leaves. Here 14Chexazinone was converted to a number of hydroxylated and/or demethylated triazinone metabolites in both species following vacuum infiltration into leaf disks and root sections, or following root uptake in whole plants. A major difference in metabolism between the two species was the greater formation of the mono demethylated metabolite, B, [3-cyclohexyl-6-methylamino-l-methyl-l,3,5-triazine-2,4-dione] in P. melanocarpa which may also contribute to its greater tolerance. A loss of total 14Clabel from all plant parts with time may reflect cleavage of the 14C-ring-labelled herbicide.  相似文献   

Summary. Previous findings suggested that the translocation in Agropyron repens of 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (dalapon) may be considerably affected by the transpiration rate. This relationship has been studied further in the present investigation using 14C-labelled material and autoradiography.
It was found that when dalapon was applied to the leaves and the treated plants were placed in darkness a reduction in the transpiration rate of ca. 90% was associated with a marked increase in the amount of dalapon translocation into the roots and tillers. The evidence provided by the autoradiographs was confirmed by a quantitative assay of the 14C present in the roots. It was also found, however, that translocation was not appreciably affected either by a 50% reduction in the light intensity or when the transpiration rate was reduced by placing the plaints under conditions of high humidity in the light or by the application of white petroleum jelly to the leaves. An alternative hypothesis, namely that the effect of darkness on the movement of the herbicide might be due to changes induced in the normal pattern of assimilate translocation was also investigated but was not supported by the results obtained. Further experimentss, in which various parts of the treated shoot were placed in the dark, suggested that the effect of darkness on the translocation of dalapon is exerted primarily on the treated leaf itself.
Etudes sur to migration dans Agropyron repens de l'acide 2,2-dichloropropionique marqué avec 14C  相似文献   

In the present study, the phytotoxic activity of top-soil applied with thenylchlor [2-chloro- N -(3-methoxy-2-thieny)-2',6'-dimethylacetanilide] on the growth of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) was dependent on the emergence depth in soil but its activity on barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi) was only slightly affected by the emergence depth. However, the phytotoxic activity on barnyardgrass and rice was similar irrespective of the different emergence depths in its treatment to all soil layers. Thenylchlor treatment to the mesocotyl of barnyardgrass induced significant inhibition of shoot elongation, whereas the treatment to the coronal root only inhibited the coronal elongation without inhibiting shoot elongation. Absorption and translocation of 14C-thenylchlor in barnyardgrass were determined in water culture. The different amounts of radioactivity per plant among the treatments to the underground parts were due to the plant part that came in contact with 14C-thenylchlor. The radioactivity per dry weight was found to be higher in the basal part of the shoot than in its upper part in all treatments to the underground parts. It was suggested that the phytotoxic activity of thenylchlor on the growth of barnyardgrass in soil is induced by its accumulation in the basal part of the shoot through translocation. This primarily occurs after the absorption substantially by the mesocotyl from the herbicide-treated layer and additionally by other underground parts.  相似文献   

A. WALKER 《Weed Research》1973,13(4):407-415
Summary. Turnip, lettuce and ryegrass seedlings showed toxicity symptoms following shoot exposure to atrazine, linuron and aziprotryne at soil concentrations less than would be obtained from normal field applications. Responses following shoot exposure to simazine and lenacil were much less. Root exposure to all five herbicides caused seedling death at concentrations lower than those required for 'shoot-zone' toxicity. Pronamide and chlorpropham were tested against ryegrass only and at the concentrations examined were toxic only when localized in the shoot zone. Root exposure suppressed root growth, but the shoots were able to grow normally if the soil was kept sufficiently moist. Shoots contained more 14C-atrazine at emergence after shoot exposure compared with root exposure, but there was little subsequent uptake from the shoot zone. There was extensive uptake from the root zone after emergence. In the shoot-zone treatments, concentrations in the plant were high at emergence but were rapidly diluted by plant growth, whereas with root exposure, they increased throughout the experiments. The possible significance of these results to herbicide bebaviour under field conditions is discussed.
La distribution verticale des herbicides dans le sol et leur disponibilité pour les plantes: absorption comparée par la partie aèrienne et par les radnes  相似文献   

Absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate was evaluated under controlled conditions in peas ( Pisum sativum L.) and broad beans ( Vicia faba L.) parasitised or not by crenate broomrape Orobanche crenata Forsk.). Absorption increased with time up to 12 days after treatment, and reached about 50% of the 14C-glyphosate applied. Three days after treatment 70–85% of the total herbicide absorbed had been translocated out of the treated leaflet. There was no consistent differ ence in absorption and translocation between infected and non-infected plants 12 days after treatment. The 14C-glyphosate concentration in the root system increased with time in broad beans. In peas it remained more or less constant from 3 days after treatment. Generally, pods were stronger sinks for glyphosate than other parts of the plant. Herbicide accumulation in broomrape increased with its growth stage, and the parasite was a much stronger sink for glyphosate than the legume root system.  相似文献   

Using a root growth inhibition assay, we studied the diverse chiral responses of plants in the tribes, Aveneae and Poeae, to the optically active compounds, R- and S- 1-α-methylbenzyl-3- p -tolylurea (MBTU). We specifically examined the responses of grasses belonging to the Poeae tribe ( Lolium , Briza , Poa , Dactylis , and Festuca ) and the Aveneae tribe ( Avena , Holcus , Agrostis , Alopecurus , Beckmannia , and Phleum ). These plants include companion weeds of wheat and barley, and turf grass. The companion weeds of cereal crops, such as Poa annua , Poa pratensis , Dactylis glomerata , Avena fatua , Avena sativa , Holcus lanatus , Agrostis stolonifera , Alopecurus myosuroides , Al. aequalis , and Beckmannia syzigachne , showed significantly inhibited root growth in response to 20 µmol L−1 R- MBTU, whereas the root growth of Triticum aestivum was not inhibited at this concentration. Like Oryza sativa , almost all the Poeae and Aveneae plants tested here preferentially responded to R -MBTU, but the four grasses, Lolium multiflorum , D. glomerata , Alopecurus species, and Phleum pratense , preferentially responded to S -MBTU. Among them, the Agrostis species were highly sensitive to R -MBTU and the Alopecurus species were highly sensitive to S -MBTU. All the plants among the genera, Poa , Avena , and Alopecurus , showed a homogeneous chiral preference.  相似文献   

[14C]-Imazethapyr was applied as a seed treatment and at plant pre-emergence and post-emergence to peas ( Pisum sativum L.) parasitized by Orobanche crenata Forsk. Herbicide uptake increased with time regardless of the application method. Uptake reached about 98%, 89%, 81% and 94% of the total herbicide applied for the seed coating, seed soaking, pre-emergence and post-emergence treatments respectively. Herbicide translocation within the host plants consistently differed between O. crenata -infected and non-infected plants. High levels of 14C activity were accumulated by parasitic plants from the host. In non-infected pea plants, pods were stronger sinks for imazethapyr than the other parts of the plant, regardless of the application method. The herbicide distribution in the pea plant: O. crenata complex showed the same pattern regardless of the application methods. However, accumulation of radioactivity in the parasite was lower with pre-emergence and post-emergence application than with the seed treatments. In addition, radioactivity concentration in O. crenata plants was slightly higher when [14C]-imazethapyr was applied to pea seeds by coating than by soaking.  相似文献   

Summary. An autoradiographic study of the distribution of 14C-labelled assimilates, derived from 14CO2 fed to the aerial parts, was made at ten different developmental stages of Oxalis latifolia H.B.K. and Oxalis pes-caprae L. Changing patterns of distribution of labelled assimilates to the underground parts of both species were revealed. These patterns are discussed in the context of the timing of control by defoliation and by foliageapplied herbicides.
Etude autoradiographique de la distribution des métabolites marqués an 14C à différents stades de développement de l'Oxalis latifolia H.B.K. et de l' O. pes-caprae L.  相似文献   

Summary. When seeds of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) were placed on small squares of filter paper moistened with solutions of picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid), the degree of inhibition on of root and hypocotyl elongation 72 hr later was related to picloram concentration. Inhibition was a useful parameter in determining quantities of picloram ranging from 0·03 to 7·2 μg. (Growth stimulation occurred from 0·00072 to 0·0072 μg. After paper chromatography of plant exudates containing 14C-labelled picloram, location and quantities of picloram on the chromatograms were determined by the lettuce bioassay and compared with determinations by the methods of ultraviolet light sensitivity, 14C 4π strip scanning and 14 C dilution calculations. Rf values determined lay all methods were identical, and the quantitative determination by the bioassay agreed closely with the calculations based on the amount of 14C detected by liquid scintillation counting.
Un essai biologique rapide d'idntification et de dosage de piclorame en solution aqueuse  相似文献   

Summary. A qualitative study of the movement of the herbicide paraquat from droplets applied to leaves of tomato plants, using 14C-methyl-labelled and 14C-ring-labelled paraquat dichloride and di(methylsulphate), has shown that it moves in the xylem with the transpiration stream. The chemical is as well transported from young leaves as from mature ones, and will move through a steam-ringed petiole. The enhancement of the amount of paraquat transported from the treated leaves which occurs when treated plants are kept in darkness for a period following treatment and then exposed to light, is probably due to the greater movement into the xylem through undamaged tissue which can occur in the dark. Once the chemical has been absorbed into treated leaves, light-induced damage is required for significant movement through the rest of the plant to take place, but the damage then inhibits further entry of paraquat into the xylem. The movement of paraquat in broad bean and maize is essentially similar, though the enhancement of movement by a period of darkness after application is much less marked.
La migration du paraquat dans les plantes  相似文献   

Summary Plants of Paspalum distichum L. with two stolons growing over water were treated separately with the sodium salt of 2,2-dichloropropionic acid-36C1 (dalapon), 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-14C (amitrole) and 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-dipyridylium dichloride-14C (paraquat) at four different situations on one stolon. Autoradiographs showed that both the amitrole and dalapon label accumulated in the apices of the treated stolons and in some of the young shoots growing from the base of the plant. The 14C from the paraquat label showed predominantly xylem translocating with no apical accumulation and little basal translocation. The results indicate that young basal shoots rely to some extent on assimilates from the mature stolons but that there is little transport between mature stolons.
La migration et la distribution de trois Herbicides marqués dans Paspalum distichum L.  相似文献   

Summary. Solutions of glyphosate containing 0–5 mM calcium, both with buffering (pH 4, 6 or 8) and without, were sprayed onto Panicum repens L. (torpedograss) foliage. Growth inhibition of the treated foliage was poorly correlated with inhibition of shoot regrowth from rhizomes. Therefore, when evaluating long term control of perennial grasses regrowth data should be utilized. Spray solution pH, calcium and glyphosate rate influenced herbicidal activity on torpedograss. Calcium affected glyphosate activity on torpedograss except at the highest herbicide rate (4·48 kg ha−1). Optimum herbicidal activity on torpedograss was achieved with soft water (i.e. no calcium), however, when calcium was present in the spray solution a pH of 6 reduced its antagonistic effects.  相似文献   

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