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Nitrogen (N) uptake and loss in leachate from a pulse of 15N-labelled synthetic cow urine applied to a pumice soil were compared in a glasshouse lysimeter experiment among the grass species, Agrostis capillaris , Dactylis glomerata , Phalaris aquatica , Lolium multiflorum , L . perenne and a L . multiflorum/A. capillaris mixture. In addition, four L. perenne treatments investigated the effect of infection by Neotyphodium lolii strains. Leachate volumes and leachate nitrate concentrations were measured. At final harvest 24 weeks after sowing, dry matter (DM) mass of shoots and roots, plant N and 15N contents, soil residual mineral N, and root diameters and lengths were measured. Endophyte had no effect on plant or nitrate variables. Lysimeters planted with L . perenne (pooled endophyte treatments) leached 48 mg of NO3-N compared with <3 mg N for the other grasses. Recovery of 15N was highest in A. capillaris (0·99), followed by D. glomerata and P. aquatica (0·89), the L . multiflorum / A. capillaris mixture (0·87), L . multiflorum (0·60) and L . perenne (0·44). Low 15N recoveries and high leaching losses from L . perenne were associated with low plant and root masses of DM and low rooting depth. High aerial mass of DM, root systems extending below 20 cm and high root masses of DM in lysimeters with A. capillaris , P. aquatica and D. glomerata contributed to a high rate of nitrate interception by these species and low leachate losses. The L . multifloru m/ A. capillaris mixture was intermediate between the two species for most of the variables measured.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare alternative models for fitting to data on degradation of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and crude protein (CP) in the rumen of two harvests of four temperate grasses, made into hay in Belgium, and one harvest of three tropical grasses commonly used in Burundi. Fifteen non-linear models were used and these included generalized Mitscherlich, simple Mitscherlich (or exponential), generalized Michaelis–Menten, Gompertz, logistic, simple Michaelis–Menten, segmented Van Milgen and von Bertalanffy models. Degradation profiles of DM, OM and CP obtained in sacco from the rumen of three mature sheep were fitted to all the models. The convergence success rate along with acceptable parameters was used as a first tool to eliminate models. Comparisons between the remaining twelve models were then made using the run test of sign, the root mean square prediction error, the root mean square error, the lack of fit test and the variance ratio test criteria. On the basis of an overall assessment using these tests, the Gompertz lagged model was the best suited to fit the degradation data of both temperate and tropical grasses. This study confirmed the superiority of sigmoid type functions over diminishing return-type models.  相似文献   

Seed mass and shape of grasses were analysed in a temperate flora containing 178 and 26 species belonging to C3 and C4 photosynthetic types respectively. The weedy character and the annual or perennial status were also considered. On the basis of the seed traits studied, three groups were distinguished: C4 grasses, annual C3 grasses of weedy character and perennial non‐weedy C3 grasses. The C4 group had more isodiametric (same diameter in all directions) seed shape and lower average seed mass than the C3 group. To our knowledge, this has not yet been described for temperate C4 grasses and is certainly associated with their preference for open habitats where competition for light is small. Weedy annual C3 grasses had heavier and less isodiametric seeds than C4 grasses did. These species are mostly specialized to establish in the dense cover of perennial vegetation, and this ability distinguishes them from the C4 group. Non‐weedy perennial C3 species possessed less isodiametric seeds than did C4 grasses, but did not differ from weedy annual C3 grasses. As most alien C4 grasses naturalized in Hungary are annuals with small, isodiametric seeds, these traits are good candidates to be included in screening for potential future invasives in open habitats.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in patterns of root distribution, nitrate interception and response to moisture stress were assessed in both parents and 198 progeny of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) full‐sibling mapping population. This was carried out in metre‐deep tubes of sand culture in a glasshouse experiment. The proportion of root dry matter (DM) weight in the top 10 cm of sand ranged from 0·33 to 0·75 and values of log10(1 ? K), where K is the constant for an exponential model relating root DM weight and root depth, also showed wide variation among genotypes. The proportion of a pulse of 15N recovered in whole plants ranged from 0·124 to 0·431. There was a positive linear correlation between the proportion of 15N recovered and plant total DM weight, but no relationship between nitrate interception and patterns of distribution of DM weight of roots. Some genotypes responded to moisture stress by increasing root growth, and in others root growth was inhibited. It is concluded that this below‐ground variability in root variables may be an evolutionary adaptation by plant populations to survive heterogeneity in soil biotic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

Based on experimental data gathered in a research project on nitrogen fluxes in intensive dairy farming in Northern Germany, an analysis of fossil energy input and energy efficiency in forage production from permanent grassland and maize for silage was conducted. Field experiments comprised different defoliation systems and different rates of mineral N fertilizer and slurry application. Each change from grazing to cutting in grassland systems reduced the energy efficiency. Energy efficiency consistently decreased with increasing rates of mineral N application. In the production of maize for silage, maximum energy efficiency was obtained with an application of 50 kg N ha?1 from slurry only. Net energy yields of maize for silage were much higher than that of grassland when compared at the same level of fossil energy and nitrogen fertilizer input. Considering both nitrate‐leaching losses and a necessary minimum quantity of grass herbage in a well‐balanced ration, it is suggested that a high proportion of maize for silage in combination with N‐unfertilized grass/clover swards used in a mixed cutting/grazing system represents a good trade‐off between the leaching of nitrates and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted over a 4‐year period to determine NO3 leaching losses from grassland on a freely draining sandy soil. The experiment consisted of all combinations of five defoliation systems; cutting‐only (CO), rotational grazing (GO), mixed systems with one (MSI) or two silage cuts (MSII) plus subsequent rotational grazing, and simulated grazing (SG), four mineral nitrogen (N) application rates (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg N ha?1 year?1), and two slurry levels (0 and 20 m3 slurry ha?1 year?1). Due to the high N return by grazing animals, leaching losses in the rotational grazing systems generally were associated with NO3‐N concentrations which exceeded the EU limit for drinking water. NO3 leaching losses in a rotational grazing system could be reduced by lowering the N fertilizer intensity and the inclusion of one or two silage cuts in spring. However, even in the unfertilized mixed systems, N fixation by white clover exceeded the amounts of N removed via animal products, which resulted in NO3‐N concentrations well above the EU limit for drinking water. In terms of leaching losses, the cutting‐only system was the most advantageous treatment. NO3 leaching losses on grassland could be predicted by the amount of soil mineral N at the end of the growing season and by the N surplus calculated from N balances at the field scale. From the results obtained a revised nitrogen fertilization policy and a reduced grazing intensity by integrating silage cuts are suggested.  相似文献   

对果园生草区果树树体生长和根系活力的多年跟踪观察与研究结果表明:果园全园生草3 a期间内会对果树(龙眼)生长产生影响,但不显著。果园全园套种不同牧草5 a时,果园全园套种宽叶雀稗对果树(蜜柚)的抑制作用达到显著差异水平,而此时其它参试牧草百喜草、平托花生、圆叶决明、日本草等对果树树体影响差异不显著。果园生草后,显著降低了蜜柚的根系活力。特别是宽叶雀稗区蜜柚根系活力最低,平均仅为 317.11 μg·g-1·h-1,较对照(547.85 μg·g-1·h-1)降低了42.12%,而套种圆叶决明措施蜜柚根系活  相似文献   

A field experiment with maize for silage was conducted to assess the effects of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha?1), slurry application rates (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and the use of an understorey with perennial ryegrass on nitrate (NO3)‐leaching losses. Leachate was collected using ceramic suction cups. Soil mineral N (SMN) was determined to a depth of 90 cm at the end of the growing season. Higher levels of N supply with mineral fertilizer or slurry resulted in higher leaching losses. The grass understorey significantly reduced the losses. The amount of N lost to the groundwater was positively related to SMN at the end of the growing season, with leaching losses representing less than 0·45 of SMN on average. Leaching losses were positively related to the N surplus, which was calculated from the difference between N input (N from fertilizer, slurry and atmospheric deposition) and N output (N removed with maize herbage mass and bound in the understorey biomass in spring). In view of the large variation in weather conditions between the experimental years, it is suggested that for the sandy soils in this experiment N‐leaching losses under maize can be estimated satisfactorily from SMN and the calculated N surplus.  相似文献   

The use of cattle manure (CM) for fertilization presents challenges for optimizing nitrogen (N) use. Our work aimed to assess N efficiencies, in a 6‐year experiment with three biennial rotations of four crops: oat–sorghum (first year) and ryegrass–maize (second year) in a rainfed humid Mediterranean area of Spain. Fertilization treatments included the following: control (no N), 250 kg mineral N ha?1 year?1 (250MN), three CM rates (supplying 170, 250 and 500 kg N ha?1 year?1) and four treatments where the two lowest CM rates were complemented with either 80 or 160 kg mineral N ha?1 year?1. Treatments were distributed randomly in each of three blocks. Maximum dry‐matter yield (~44–49 t ha?1 rotation?1) was achieved in the third rotation, and only the control and the 170CM yielded significantly less. Within the limitations of the EU Nitrate Directive, the N steady state supply of 170CM always requires a complement of mineral N (80 kg N ha?1) to maximize N agronomic efficiency. The maximum N‐fertilizer replacement value (250CM vs. 250MN) was 0·67, without significant differences between the two treatments in other N‐related efficiency indexes, which indicates that plants took advantage of residual‐N effects. Nitrogen losses by leaching in the 250CM treatment were around 5–7% of the N applied. This reinforces the sustainability of manure recycling in long cropping seasons.  相似文献   

Indigenous perennial grasses are widely distributed in the Arabian Peninsula. Their survival under limited rainfall and grazing suggests a potential role as grassland species and for rehabilitation of degraded rangelands. Forage productivity, seed production and water‐use efficiency (WUE) was determined over 2 years for four indigenous grasses: buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), dakhna (Coelachyrum piercei Benth.), da’ay (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) and tuman (Panicum turgidum Forssk.) together with one exotic species, rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) in the central region of the United Arab Emirates. Three irrigation treatments were used: R1 (1858–6758 m3 ha?1 year?1), R2 (929–3379 m3 ha?1 year?1) and R3 (464–1689 m3 ha?1 year?1). Buffel grass had the highest dry‐matter (DM) yield under all irrigation treatments. The average DM yield of buffel grass was 14·6 and 15·1 t ha?1 in the 2 years which was significantly higher than that for the other grasses with dakhna having the lowest DM yields. The WUE of 0·7 and 0·8 kg DM m?3 in the 2 years for buffel grass was significantly greater than for the other grasses. Buffel grass showed the highest increase in WUE in both years when the irrigation was reduced from treatment R1 to R3. The results suggest that the desert grasses of the Arabian Peninsula, such as buffel grass, could be useful grass species in reducing the use of scarce irrigation water provided that seed production can be increased.  相似文献   

Monocultures of thirteen perennial C3 grass species that co‐occur in temperate semi‐natural grassland communities in Europe were compared in a factorial field design of two levels of N supply and two levels of cutting frequency. Above‐ground yield of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) concentration and pepsin‐cellulase DM digestibility of herbage were measured in two successive years. Species was the largest source of variability in yield of DM and DM digestibility of herbage, while CP concentration of herbage responded more to management factors. The highest mean DM yields and values of DM digestibility of herbage were achieved in spring for Festuca arundinacea and in autumn for Phleum pratense. Poa trivialis and Festuca rubra had the lowest DM yield and DM digestibility values, respectively, regardless of seasons and treatments. For all species CP concentration in herbage increased in response to an increase in cutting frequency and N supply by an average of 46 and 34 g kg?1 DM respectively. Differences between years and seasons indicated the importance of plant phenology on nutritional variables and the influence of environmental factors on species performance. Species ranking was compared according to their annual digestible DM and CP yields. The results show that some grasses have a nutritive value which is comparable to that of forages selected for high yields.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):127-155

This paper examines the nature and importance of the dynamics of crop root growth, particularly root turnover, and the application to different cropping systems. Methods now available to investigate root dynamics are summarized, and information being obtained is presented. Effects of physical, chemical, and biological factors on root dynamics are discussed. Growth of new roots and death of older roots can change the initial distribution in soil, allowing roots to exploit zones that have a more favorable nutrient or water supply. In herbaceous crops, the lifespan of roots appears to range between 16 and 36 per cent of the annual growth cycle. However, there is a paucity of data with which results can be compared. Localized enrichment of the water and nutrient supply enhances root turnover, and plants growing in soil well supplied with nutrients tend to have shorter-lived roots than those from nutrient limiting conditions. Both drought and excess water can induce premature root death, as can the resupply of water after drought. Turnover of roots contributes to carbon deposition in soil through their death and decay, as well as from the release of exudates from those roots during their lifetime. Improved understanding of root turnover is important for the development of more sustainable cropping systems. In particular, it could be used to improve the exploitation of N released from green manure as well as capturing N that has been leached below the rooting zone of staple crops. It is stressed that root turnover has more importance for plants with longer life cycles than in short season annual crops.  相似文献   

氮素供应形态对水稻根系形态和磷吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
 采用水培方法,研究了缺磷条件下不同形态氮(NH4+、NO3-和NH4NO3)下的水稻根系形态性状,以及它们产生的后效应对磷吸收的影响。结果表明,在氮素供应充足但磷饥饿胁迫的状况下,氮素形态对根系的影响仍然十分显著。与单一的铵营养相比,铵硝混合营养增加了根长和根系的表面积、根系的密度以及磷的总吸收量;与单一的铵或硝营养相比,铵硝混合营养可增加吸收的磷从根系向地上部的运输。因此,铵硝混合营养改善低磷胁迫下水稻对磷的吸收和转运,其部分原因与氮素形态与根系形态发生有关。  相似文献   

Temperate pasture legumes (e.g. Trifolium and Medicago spp.) often have a higher phosphorus (P) requirement for maximum productivity than pasture grasses. This is partly attributed to differences between legumes and grasses in their ability to acquire P from soil. We are the first to report differences in root morphology traits important for soil P acquisition in a range of novel pasture legumes being developed for use in temperate pastures of southern Australia. Up to a 3·6‐fold range in specific root length (SRL) (79–281 m root g?1 root) and 6·1‐fold range in root hair length (RHL) (0·12–0·75 mm) was found between the pasture species. The commonly used Trifolium subterraneum and Medicago sativa had relatively low SRLs and short root hairs, while Ornithopus compressus, O. sativus and Biserrula pelecinus had RHLs and SRLs more similar to those of two grass species that were also assessed. Specific root length was highly correlated with average root diameter, and root traits were relatively stable at different plant ages. We surmise that large differences among pasture legume species in the effective volume of soil explored could translate into significant differences in their critical P requirements (i.e. soil P concentration to achieve 90% of maximum shoot yield).  相似文献   

The effects of dormancy‐regulating chemicals (DRCs) on alleviating innate and salinity‐induced dormancy (SID) were assessed in seeds of four perennial forage grasses (Pennisetum divisum, Sporobolus spicatus, Coelachyrum brevifolium and Centropodia forsskalii). These grasses have the potential to be used for restoration or rehabilitation of degraded rangelands of the Arabian Gulf deserts. The four species showed various levels of innate dormancy. Germination of seeds stored for 2 months was not enhanced by any of the five studied DRCs in both C. brevifolium and P. divisum, but significantly improved by thiourea, fusicoccin and gibberellic acid (GA) in C. forsskalii and by thiourea, fusicoccin and nitrate in S. spicatus. Salinity had a significant negative effect on all the studied grasses. Sporobolus spicatus was more tolerant to salinity, compared with the other species. The effect of DRCs on alleviating SID depended on species. Whereas DRCs had little effect on alleviating SID in C. forsskalii and P. divisum, they greatly alleviated it in S. spicatus and C. brevifolium. Partial alleviation was observed by fusicoccin in C. brevifolium and by GA, kinetin and thiourea in C. forsskalii. Nitrate, fusicoccin and GA resulted in a complete alleviation in S. spicatus seeds in 200 mm NaCl.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean areas, water use efficiency (WUE) is mainly increased by maximising crop growth during the rainy seasons. Perennial forage species have a number of advantages in comparison to the predominantly used annuals. They can utilize water from autumn to spring, while annuals need to be sown or to germinate from the soil seed bank. Under Mediterranean annual rainfall pattern, perennial plants must grow from autumn to spring and survive under summer aridity. Drought survival can impact water use efficiency through plant mortality and stand recovery after autumn rainfalls. In order to enhance knowledge of physiological and agronomic traits associated with WUE and persistence, a 3-year study was conducted at two Mediterranean sites, comparing a range of accessions of two perennial species, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh). Within the accessions of predominantly Mediterranean origin, we defined four major functional types, i.e. groups of accessions with similar response to summer drought. One type (FT1) is represented by the only cultivar of a semi-arid cocksfoot (Kasbah) that is completely summer dormant, with high persistence under the most arid situations but with low WUE. The type FT2 all cocksfoot cultivars (Currie, Delta-1, Jana, Medly, and Ottava) that are not or less summer dormant, with good perenniality and intermediate productivity at rainy seasons. The type FT3 includes the cultivars of tall fescue (Centurion, Flecha, Fraydo, and Tanit) that combine an incomplete summer dormancy, a deep rooting system and the highest WUE from autumn to spring. The type FT4 is represented by a cultivar of tall fescue (Sisa) with no summer dormancy, therefore less persistent and also less productive. Dehydration avoidance in tall fescue and cocksfoot and summer dormancy in cocksfoot were the main strategies contributing to persistence under summer drought. WUE in autumn was highly correlated with sward recovery after drought. Seasonal and total WUE were also highly correlated with biomass production over the same period and with depth and density of the root system. Parameterization of functional types of the major species of forage grasses will enhance future modelling work to test the effects of a range of environments and future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

Water shortage threatens agricultural sustainability in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Thus, we investigated the effect of supplemental irrigation (SI) on the root growth, soil water variation, and grain yield of winter wheat in this region by measuring the moisture content in different soil layers. Prior to SI, the soil water content (SWC) at given soil depths was monitored to calculate amount of irritation water that can rehydrate the soil to target SWC. The SWC before SI was monitored to depths of 20, 40, and 60 cm in treatments of W20, W40, and W60, respectively. Rainfed treatment with no irrigation as the control (W0). The mean root weight density (RWD), triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction activity (TTC reduction activity), soluble protein (SP) concentrations as well as catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in W40 and W60 treatments were significantly higher than those in W20. The RWD in 60–100 cm soil layers and the root activity, SP concentrations, CAT and SOD activities in 40–60 cm soil layers in W40 treatment were significantly higher than those in W20 and W60. W40 treatment is characterized by higher SWC in the upper soil layers but lower SWC in the 60–100-cm soil layers during grain filling. The soil water consumption (SWU) in the 60–100 cm soil layers from anthesis after SI to maturity was the highest in W40. The grain yield, water use efficiency (WUE), and irrigation water productivity were the highest in W40, with corresponding mean values of 9169 kg ha?1, 20.8 kg ha?1 mm?1, and 35.5 kg ha?1 mm?1. The RWD, root activities, SP concentrations, CAT and SOD activities, and SWU were strongly positively correlated with grain yield and WUE. Therefore, the optimum soil layer for SI of winter wheat after jointing is 0–40 cm.  相似文献   

水稻根系育种的意义与前景   总被引:49,自引:4,他引:49  
 针对目前水稻育种的理论与实践中,主要考虑地上部分的形态、生理性状,而对根系这一重要的营养吸收、物质合成器官的有关性状未能开展明确的育种改良的现状,论述了开展根系育种对改良和提高水稻的品种特性,提高产量和品质的重要性、迫切性以及前景。  相似文献   

水稻结实期根系活性与稻米垩白形成的相关性初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
 以垩白不同的籼稻品种为材料,进行了田间试验和盆钵试验。结果表明,垩白不同的品种,其结实期根系活性存在显著差异。垩白米率、垩白度与结实期根系活性呈负相关。在根系活性指标中,库容根活量与垩白的关系最密切,而根系α 萘胺氧化力、颖花根活量与垩白的相关性较低。在抽穗期施用硝态氮肥,可以明显提高根系活性,减少垩白。抽穗期施用呼吸抑制剂叠氮化钠,导致多垩白品种GD9501的根系活性大幅度下降,垩白米率和垩白度大幅度提高;但少垩白品种青六矮表现相反。不同药剂处理下,垩白米率和垩白度分别与抽穗后10 d的根系活性呈显著(r=-0.8567*)和极显著(r=-0.9211**)负相关。  相似文献   

两个亚种间杂交稻组合的根系生理活性   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
沈波  王熹 《中国水稻科学》2002,16(2):146-150
以亚种间杂交组合Ⅱ优2070及恢复系2070、Ⅱ优419及恢复系中419为材料,分析测定了在不同生育期水稻的根系生长、伤流液量及根源细胞分裂素含量的变化情况,结果表明亚种间杂交组合具有根系生长优势和较强的伤流强度,根系伤流液中玉米素及细胞分裂素总量高于恢复系,杂交组合根系活力强,与玉米素及细胞分裂素总量下降缓慢有关。  相似文献   

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