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Although we recently clarified sex-based differences in mouse kidney morphology, the developmental processes responsible for these gender differences during maturation remain unclear. The present study analyzed the morphometry of kidneys from 20-, 30-, 50-, 60-, 70-, 90-, 120- and 150-day-old DBA/2Cr mice. Total kidney weight and ratio of kidney weight to body weight were larger in males than females beginning at 50 days of age. The percentage of renal corpuscles exhibiting a cuboidal parietal layer was higher in males than in females in the 70-day and older mice. The diameter of cortical renal corpuscles was larger in males than in females beginning on day 90. The number of proximal convoluted tubular cell nuclei was higher in females than in males from day 90 onward. Vacuolar structures in the proximal convoluted tubular epithelium became prominent in 70-day-old males. PAS-positive granules in the proximal straight tubular epithelium became prominent in females on day 50. This paper is the first to describe the development of gender differences in mouse kidney morphology.  相似文献   

It has been shown that some dietary plant proteins beneficially influence lipid metabolism in animals. The effect of pea protein in this respect however has not yet been investigated. Therefore, we studied the effect of purified pea protein on the lipid metabolism in rats. Twenty-four rats received diets with either 200 g/kg of casein or purified pea protein for 16 days. Concentrations of triacylglycerols in liver, plasma and lipoproteins did not differ between both groups of rats. However, rats fed the pea protein diet had a lower concentration of total cholesterol in the liver and the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) fraction than rats fed the casein diet (p < 0.05); cholesterol concentration in plasma, low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL) did not differ between both groups. Rats fed pea protein moreover had an increased mRNA concentration of cholesterol-7α-hydroxylase in the liver and an increased amount of bile acids excreted via faeces compared with rats fed casein (p < 0.05). Concomitantly, mRNA concentrations of sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-2 and its target genes 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and LDL receptor in the liver were increased in rats fed pea protein (p < 0.05). The data of this study suggests that pea protein stimulates formation and excretion of bile acids, which leads to a reduced hepatic cholesterol concentration and a reduced secretion of cholesterol via VLDL. An increased gene expression of SREBP-2 and its target genes HMG-CoA reductase and LDL receptor may be a means to compensate for the increased loss of cholesterol for bile acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (uL-FABP) is a clinically useful biomarker for monitoring chronic kidney disease (CKD) in humans. However, long-term monitoring of uL-FABP in CKD cats has not been reported. The objective of this preliminary study was to investigate whether the urinary excretion of L-FABP could predict the deterioration of renal function in 2 CKD model cats. Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (uL-FABP) increased before standard renal biomarkers, including serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and symmetric dimethylarginine, in 1 cat with deteriorating renal function, but remained low and relatively stable in another cat with stable renal function. Our results suggest that uL-FABP is a potential clinical biomarker for predicting the progression of CKD in cats, as it is in humans.  相似文献   

We induced hypothyroidism in rats by conducting a thyroidectomy (TD) and investigated subsequent changes in the morphology of the skin, especially that of the epidermis and hair follicles. The 6 rats in the TD group seemed less active than the 3 rats in the control group and had cold, dry paws. All of the rats in the TD group exhibited retarded hair growth 12 weeks after surgery. Histologically, all of the rats in the TD group exhibited epidermal thinning from 12 weeks after surgery. Many hair follicles were in the telogen phase: the bulbs and papillae were involuted and had migrated towards the epidermis. Hair follicle atrophy involving thinning of the outer root sheath and the inner root sheath was often observed. The immunoreactivities of antithyroid hormone receptors alpha and beta in the outer root sheaths of 5 of the TD rats were weaker than those of control rats. Cell proliferation in hair follicles of TD rats was weaker than in follicles of control rats 4 weeks after surgery. It is suggested that decreased expression of TRs and decreased cell proliferation activity in the hair follicles of rats is associated with a lack of thyroid hormone and results in retardation of hair growth.  相似文献   

Nonproteinuric and proteinuric dogs were studied to determine whether the urine protein/creatinine ratio from a 24-hour urine sample could be used to predict urine protein excretion. Urine protein/creatinine ratios estimated from urine produced during daylight hours and from that produced during nighttime hours were compared to determine whether time of sample collection influenced the prediction of the urine protein excretion value. Urine protein/creatinine ratios in urine from male dogs were compared with those from female dogs to determine whether sex had an influence on the value. Hospitalized and nonhospitalized dogs were used to determine the effect of exercise restriction. The urine protein/creatinine ratio varied significantly between healthy and proteinuric dogs (P = 0.0001). It was not influenced by collection period or sex. Animals not confined to hospital cages had a significantly lower urine protein/creatinine ratio than did hospitalized animals confined to a cage (P = 0.003).  相似文献   

Although mice kidney morphology shows various sexual dimorphisms, the effect of the estrous cycle has not previously been discussed. In this study, we investigated the effects of the estrous cycle on kidney morphology, including renin-positive areas, of female DBA/2 mice. No effects were confirmed in most of the histometrical parameters, however, the percentage of the renal corpuscles in which cuboidal epithelium covered under 50% of the parietal layer was significantly higher during estrus compared to that during anestrus.  相似文献   

216 values of urinary allantoin excretion were received from 8 digestibility trials, which included 48 rations with different protein and energy content. Thus relations between allantoin excretion and food intake and ration composition, respectively, could be evaluated. Additionally variations in N balance were measured, since there is a close relation to allantoin metabolism. Fecal N excretion was elevated with increasing energy intake, but varied only slightly with modified N supply. Urinary N excretion and also N retention increased with higher N intake. On the other hand urinary N losses were reduced with increasing energy supply and part of the saved nitrogen was deposed into the body. There was a distinct increase in allantoin excretion with raised protein intake, when N supply ranged generally low. But with a daily supply of crude protein above 60 to 70 g there was no significant further response in allantoin excretion. Allantoin excretion increased linearly with higher energy supply. Several restrictions for conclusions on the extent of microbial protein production in the digestive tract estimated out of measured allantoin values were discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction In studies on the quantitative mineral metabolism the separation of total faecal mineral excretion into the fraction of dietary and of endogenous origin is often a methodical barrier. Both components cannot be distinguished by standard chemical procedures. But their separation is essential to the quantification of the mineral flux from the diet into the organism and back from tissues into the faecal excretion as it is necessary for example to quantify the bioavailability of dietary mineral sources (K irchgessner et al. 1993). For this purpose, the use of isotopes is an appropriate means. During the last decades, several techniques employing radioactive or stable isotopes have been developed, e.g. the ‘comparative balance method’, the ‘dual tracer’ or ‘double isotope’ technique, methods based on computerized ‘compartment analysis’ and the ‘isotope-dilution technique’ (e.g. A ubert et al. 1963; T hompson 1965; B elshaw et al. 1974; G ibson et al. 1988). Among these methods, the isotope-dilution technique, in particular, comprises direct and quantitative measurements of mineral fluxes and provides robust estimates of endogenous faecal excretions as has been shown for a series of macrominerals and trace elements (W eigand and K irchgessner 1976a,b; W eigand et al. 1986a,b; K reuzer and K irchgessner 1991; R euber et al. 1993; K irchgessner et al. 1994; W indisch and K irchgessner 1994; W indisch et al. 1997; G abler et al. 1997). For iodine however, there is no appropriate isotope method available. Therefore, the present experiment was designed to establish the isotope-dilution technique for iodine. The isotope-dilution technique is based on a single parenteral injection or a long-term oral administration of the tracer (W indisch and K irchgessner 1994). After the labelling procedure, all tracer that appears in the faeces is of endogenous origin. The calculation from the quantity of tracer recovered in the faeces to the total amount of endogenous faecal excretion of the respective element is performed by the use of a reference tissue from which the endogenous excretion originates or which is at least in very close physiological relationship to the endogenous excretion. Using 125I as tracer the total amount of endogenous faecal iodine is calculated as follows: Endogenous faecal iodine (ng/day) = Afaeces/SAreference tissueAfaeces = 125I activity in the faeces (Bq/day)SAreference tissue = specific 125I activity of the reference tissue (Bq 125I per ng of total iodine)True absorption of dietary iodine (ng/day) = Iodine intake – iodine in faeces (total – endogenous)In total, the present methodological study had to focus on two major aspects. Since the administered tracer needs time to reach steady-state kinetics within the excretory pool of iodine it was to be clarified at first, from which day after a single 125I administration does the faecal 125I excretion correctly represent the total endogenous excretion quantitatively. Secondly, it had to be clarified which tissue or body fluid may be used as a proper reference source to quantify the endogenous faecal excretion and thus to calculate true absorption of iodine.  相似文献   

The absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of enteral alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) was studied in four experiments. Six male Sprague Dawley rats were used to investigate the excretion of AKG in urine and faeces. Thirty rats, randomly assigned to five groups, were used to investigate the distribution of AKG in body tissues. They were gavaged with AKG enriched with 3 muCi/kg BW of (14)C uniformly marked AKG. Fourteen male Sprague Dawley rats were used to study the absorption of AKG (duodenum vs. ileum). Intestinal recovery of NaAKG vs. CaAKG was investigated in 36 rats. There was no significant excretion of non-metabolized AKG in the urine and faeces. There was no significant difference in the systemic levels of AKG when comparing the proximal to distal small intestine infusion. Up to 50%, 30% and 20% of gastrically delivered AKG was recovered in the stomach, 0.5, 1 and 2 h after gavage; the jejunal recovery achieved a maximum of 3%, 30 min after gavage, and was not detectable 2 h later. There was a relatively high distribution of (14)C-AKG in the tissues (e.g. liver, brain, bones, skin, muscles), 3 h after gavage, up to 70% of the administered dose. In conclusion, the high rate of retention of the carbon from AKG allows the postulation that there is a non-energetic mode of metabolism of intragastrically administered AKG. After conversion to final metabolites, AKG penetrates into all tissues and organs of rats, including the bone tissue. Intestinal absorption of AKG does not depend on the type of AKG salt administered.  相似文献   

Many hyperthyroid cats develop azotaemic chronic kidney disease (aCKD) following treatment, which has led to the hypothesis that hyperthyroidism might be detrimental to renal function. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activation occurs in hyperthyroidism, which could cause peri-tubular hypoxia, tubular damage and the development of aCKD. Urinary vascular endothelial growth factor:creatinine ratio (VEGFCR) is postulated to be a marker of tubular hypoxia. VEGFCR was correlated with plasma renin activity (PRA) and compared between hyperthyroid cats that did and did not develop aCKD following treatment (pre-azotaemic and non-azotaemic groups respectively). PRA was positively correlated with VEGFCR (rs = 0.382; P = 0.028); however, pre-azotaemic hyperthyroid cats had significantly lower VEGFCR than non-azotaemic cats at baseline (median 122.3 fg/g versus 167.0 fg/g; P < 0.001). RAAS activation in hyperthyroidism is associated with increased VEGFCR; however, increased VEGFCR was not correlated with the development of aCKD. Therefore, tubular hypoxia may not be a mechanism for renal damage in hyperthyroid cats.  相似文献   

In 2 two-factorial experiments, each conducted on 80 growing male rats, the effects of substituting 10% raw potato starch (PS), pectins (PEC), or cellulose (CEL) for wheat starch (WS) and the addition of tannic acid to WS (WSTA) were studied using diets differing in protein quality. Casein unsupplemented or supplemented with DL-methionine and gluten unsupplemented or supplemented with lysine, methionine and tryptophan were used as protein sources in Experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Parameters indicative of caecal fermentation intensity (pH, acetic, propionic and butyric acid contents, digesta and tissue weight) and of protein metabolism (urea blood concentration, faecal and urinary nitrogen excretion) were determined. Ten-day balance experiments were preceded by a 10-day adaption period to respective carbohydrates given in a diet containing balanced protein. In both experiments the type of carbohydrates affected the caecal concentration of individual and total SCFA and other parameters of fermentation intensity. Pectins and potato starch were fermented more intensively than cellulose. Faecal N excretion was increased by all carbohydrates substituted for cereal starch, and by tannic acid. Urinary excretion was greater on CEL than on PEC and WSTA containing casein and on other diets containing gluten. In both experiments urinary N excretion was the lowest on PEC diets. Protein quality had the greatest effect on apparent biological value and net protein utilization but all indices of protein utilization were also affected by carbohydrates. It is concluded that not only the amount of N excreted in faeces but also in urine is affected by the type and fermentability of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Observation was made of the influence of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) supplement in food on 134Cs excretion and distribution after oral internal contamination of laboratory brown rats. After diet administration with 2.5, 5, and 10% zeolite supplement the 134Cs elimination in droppings increased and the radionuclide deposition in liver, kidneys and femoral musculature decreased. The zeolite decontamination effects were observed with preventive administration, as well as with sorbent administration from the 24th hour after a single internal contamination.  相似文献   

蜂胶对糖尿病大鼠肾脏的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将复制糖尿病模型的72只SD大鼠随机分为模型组、蜂胶水提液低剂量组(WSP1),蜂胶水提液高剂量组(WSP2)、蜂胶醇提液低剂量组(EEP1)、蜂胶醇提液高剂量组(EEP2)和阳性对照组,另取12只为正常组.除正常组和模型组外,各组分别给予不同的试验药物.给药7周后,抽血测生化指标,同时取肾脏,计算肾脏/体重.结果发现蜂胶能降低糖尿病大鼠的尿酸、尿素、肌酐水平,并且蜂胶给药组大鼠的肾重/体重均比模型组低,表明蜂胶对糖尿病机体内的肾脏组织具有保护作用.  相似文献   

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