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木梳一直是泾县传统特色加工产业,历史悠久。木梳加工业是我县木竹加工业最多的行业之一,经过十几年的发展,木梳加工企业已达100余户,从业人员2900余人,年产木梳6000万把。开发出保健木梳、工艺木梳、竹梳等5大系列300多个品种。产品占全国木梳市场60%以上的份额,产品远销欧美及东南亚地区。  相似文献   

几种木材表面化学成分分布特征的XPS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用XPS表面分析技术,分析了意杨、红橡、色木、柚木和红檀五种树种木材的表面化学成分特征。结果表明:⑴不同树种木材表面的化学成分存在差异;⑵意杨、红橡、色木、柚木和红檀5个树种木材表面都存在四种结合方式的C;⑶不同树种木材表面的O/C比值和C1/C2比值存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

国产榆木压缩木的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李青 《木材工业》2000,14(4):38-39
实木压缩弯曲技术是丹麦20世纪90年代推出的最新技术。该技术与传统的压缩木和弯曲木不同,是采用纵向压缩,使木材细胞壁在长轴方向产生绉褶,从而使压缩木具有三维弯曲特性。这种特性极大地促进了家具、装饰、工艺等产品的创新发展,是目前国际上非常流行并广受欢迎的弯曲木材料,具有其它弯曲方法不能实现的优势。但丹麦的研究对木材树种的选择要求很严,很多树种被排除了弯曲的可能性,根据丹麦提供的资料,水曲柳是可用的木材树种。但水曲柳是珍贵树种,大径级的天然林水曲柳木材在我国已经很少,价格也高。因此,必须根据我国木材资源特点选择一…  相似文献   

20世纪六七十年代,江苏北部地区成功从意大利引种美洲黑杨,在国内通称为意杨。经过几十年的发展,国内意杨资源相当丰富,由意杨原木生产的旋切板胶合木(简称LVL)在多个领域得到广泛应用,但鲜见用于建筑结构。因此,对意杨LVL材料物理力学性能进行研究,以期拓展意杨LVL在建筑领域的应用。结果表明,意杨LVL材料物理力学性能优且变异小,可用作建筑结构的承重材料。  相似文献   

表层压缩技术在杨木实木地板生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为扩大意杨木材的应用领域、实现高附加值利用,对意杨木材进行表层压缩处理,再将其制成实木地板.对表层压缩意杨木材的性能,及地板成品漆膜性能的检测结果表明:表面压缩处理后,意杨木材表层密度增加;再经热处理后,表面硬度、弹性模量,弦向尺寸稳定性均有增加,但静曲强度略有降低 ;制成的杨木实木地板的漆膜硬度增加.  相似文献   

意杨一般初期生长良好,后期易受病虫害的侵扰,直接影响到其生长和材质。一、意杨易感病虫害的原因意杨为单层纯林,大面积栽植树种单一,很难维持生态系统稳定性。造林时可配置槭树、泡桐、水杉等树种与其混交,搭配  相似文献   

从栽植时间、苗木选取、树塘开挖、栽植方法、防止失水、栽后管理和病虫害防治等方面,对我国北方平原地区主要的速生用材造林树种之一意杨的栽植与管理技术进行探讨,以期为意杨栽植提供技术参考。  相似文献   

根据多年的试验实践,总结出适合于公路绿化的6种乔灌木意杨、银杏、金叶千头柏、蜀桧栀子花和红叶小蘖,并介绍了这些树种的生长特性以及最适宜的扦插繁殖技木,将对今后的公路绿化有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

干法无胶硬质纤维板制造工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干法无胶硬质纤维板制造工艺曹忠荣为检验干法无胶生产硬质纤维板的技术可行性,对其工艺进行了研究。1试验方法1.1试验方法此工艺过程除无施胶工序外,其余工艺过程与传统干法纤维板生产工艺相同。1.2原料意杨和桦木。意杨剥皮削片,桦木未剥皮直接削片。1.3蒸...  相似文献   

扬州市丘陵岗地植被恢复选择树种时必须考虑乡土树种、经济林树种和园林景观植物,提出了意杨(populus Canadensis)等9个备选树种为扬州市丘陵岗地森林植被恢复的主要树种.  相似文献   

Compressed wooden plates and dowels were used to connect members in post-and-beam structures as a substitute for a steel fastener. In order to take advantage of the characteristic properties of compressed wood and to achieve optimum joint performance, two compressed wooden plates were used in each joint to give multiple shear planes for each compressed wooden dowel. Consequently, this type of joint showed very good properties in pull-out and momen-trotation performance, and its engineering design could be further optimized. This joint is expected to be introduced to many kinds of structural systems, including long-span frame structures made of domestic timber found in Japanese residential houses.  相似文献   

吴琼  华毓坤 《木材工业》2006,20(1):39-40
在企业调查的基础上,归纳出常州传统木梳的材料特性,主要加工工序、工艺;运用柔性生产理念,对每一道工序、工艺进行对比分析,采用合适的制造技术对具体的工艺进行改造,以形成木梳柔性生产流水线,以有限的投入创造更高的经济效益.  相似文献   

木结构民居是云南藏区传统的民居形式,其木质框架是以木材为主要建筑材料、榫卯为主要连接方式的构造.文中阐述传统木结构藏族民居的分类、构成形式、营建材料,从形制尺度、木框架构造等方面对云南藏区传统木结构民居及其框架构造进行分析研究,揭示其构造方式、建筑材料、工作性能等特性,对传统民居营建技术替代、建筑群风貌缺失等问题进行了...  相似文献   

木结构建筑以其原料环保、可重复利用、易设计、易加工等特点在现代建筑中占有一席之地。介绍了木结构房屋的特点及现代木结构房屋的种类,分析了现代木结构房屋的发展方向。  相似文献   

竹纤维高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)混熔生产竹塑复合材料的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
竹塑产品是由竹粉和塑料混合制造而成。由于其良好的尺寸稳定性,竹塑产品可以应用于室内和户外工程,代替木制品和塑料制品。本研究的核心技术是采用了专为加工竹塑材料而设计的啮合式双螺杆挤出机,其特点为:可更换的模块化螺杆;塑化柔和,混炼均匀;螺杆加热/冷却系统确保精确的熔体温度控制;高产量但螺杆转速很低;准确的排气控制,挤出压力稳定,预热加料机置于主机顶部,先抽出竹粉中残留的水分,使主机加料段更加充实,提高塑化混炼效果。优化的螺杆设计使剪切小,不易剪断竹纤维,能使物料在机内停留时间均匀。螺杆机筒采用双金属处理,耐磨耐腐蚀,使用寿命延长。  相似文献   

Timber is one of the most common materials used in traditional buildings worldwide. Our previous research has suggested that timber shear walls play an important role in resisting external loadings, such as earthquakes. Thus, improving the structural performance of in-filled shear walls can also improve that of the entire structure. In the traditional Taiwanese timber shear wall system, the embedment strength of beams and friction between wooden planks and beams significantly affect the strength of the shear wall. This article proposes a new method of reinforcing traditional timber shear walls in Taiwan by inserting teak and padauk strips into the grooves between wooden planks and beams to increase the embedment strength of beams and the friction between wooden planks and the hardwood strips. A total of 18 full-scale specimens were tested under reversed cyclic loading. The results revealed that the strength and energy dissipation capacities of a wooden shear wall can be significantly increased by inserting teak and padauk strips into the grooves between planks and beams. Furthermore, the simplified calculation method proposed in this study can be used to calculate the strength of both reinforced and unreinforced wooden shear walls with satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   

古鸣  吴静霞  龚青  武博 《林产工业》2019,46(7):30-34
对国内外建材及家具中VOCs检测标准、木家具中VOCs的来源和组分、木家具表面VOCs典型释放源、VOCs气体采集方法、VOCs的现场快速分析等进行了研究,提出了木家具VOCs现场快速检测方法,这对于提升家具产品环保质量,回应和解决社会民生关切问题,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Dielectric heating by radio-frequency power has been established in various countries as a practical means for the rapid gluing of wood with thermosetting adhesives. The high-frequency drying of wood and wooden products as an economical substitute for conventional drying methods is being investigated extensively.

Especially in South Africa, it seems the appropriate time to consider this process again. This article is the first in a series and reviews the general principles. Further papers will present values of dielectric properties of South African pines and deal with the possibilities of drying wood by this process.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, the Chinese wooden furniture industry has witnessed high-speed growth, making China a leading furniture exporter. Given the intensification of global competition, it is crucial to assess the present status and competitiveness of the Chinese wooden furniture industry, as well as the changes and challenges China will face in competing with other principal trading nations. Based on Balassa's Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Indices, it can be concluded that China has experienced a transition from comparative disadvantage into a high comparative advantage over the period, and has maintained a strong position in this labor-intensive industry. However, it still falls behind traditionally strong competitors such as Italy and Germany in terms of quality and unit price. It is also experiencing a growing challenge from lower-income countries such as Poland and Vietnam. Moreover, China now faces up more unfavorable macroeconomic circumstances such as rising cost, shrinking international demand, technology gap and escalating trade barriers. Thus, the government, industrial association and enterprises need to quickly take innovative steps coordinately to promote Chinese enterprises transitioning from the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to the original design manufacturers (ODM), further to the original brand manufacturers (OBM).  相似文献   

小径材的实木化综合开发与应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶翠仙 《木材工业》1999,13(5):24-25
小径材为家具与室内装修材料的实木化生产提供了丰富的原材料。本着合理利用,节约利用,综合利用的原则,进行产品的优化设计与优化加工,小径材在家具与室内装饰业的开发与具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

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