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Abstract— Thirty dogs having pruritus associated with atopy or idiopathy were treated with the HI-blocking antihistamine, clemastine (Tavist), a fatty acid-containing nutritional supplement (Derm Caps/Derm Caps ES), and both products simultaneously. Each product, and the combination of the two, were given for a two week period. Tavist and Derm Caps/Derm Caps ES each afforded satisfactory control of pruritus in 26.7 per cent of the dogs. The combination appeared to produce a synergistic effect in three dogs. Pruritus was satisfactorily controlled in 43.7 per cent of the dogs when Tavist and Derm Caps/Derm Caps ES were administered concomitantly. Résumé— Trente chiens souffrant de prurit associé soit à de l'atopie ou soit de causes indéterminées furent traités avec l'antihistaminique bloqueur H1, clémastine (Tavist), un supplément nutritionnel contenant des acides gras (Derm Caps ou Derm Caps ES) ainsi que les deux produits simultanément. Chaque produit ainsi que la combinaison des deux ont été donnés durant deux semaines et 26.7% des chiens ont démontré un contrôle satisfaisant du prurit avec soit le Tavist soit le Derm Caps/Derm Caps ES. L'utilisation des produits en combinaison semble avoir produit un effet synergique chez trois chiens. e prurit fut contrôlé de façon satisfaisante dans 43,7% des cas quand le Tavist et de Derm Caps. Derm Caps ES étaient administrés simultanément. Zusammenfassung— 30 Hunde mit Pruritus—durch Atopie oder idiopathisch bedingtwurden mit dem die H1-Rezeptoren blockierenden Antihistaminikum Clemastin (Tavist), mit einem fettsäurehaltigen Futterzusatz (Derm Caps) und mit einer Kombination aus diesen beiden behandelt. Jedes dieser Produkte allein sowie beide zusammen wurden jeweils 2 Wochen gegeben. Tavist und Dermcaps alleine führten jeweils zu einer zufriedenstellenden Kontrolle des Pruritus in 26.7% der Fälle. Beide Produkte zusammen schienen einen synergistischen Effekt bei drei Tieren zu haben. Der Pruritus wurde mit der Kombination von Tavist und Derm Caps in 43.7% der Fälle zufriedenstellend kontrolliert. Resumen Treinta perros que padecían cuadros pruriginosos asociados a atopia canina o de origen idiopático se trataron con un antihistamínico bloqueador de los receptores H1, la clemastina (Tavist), con un suplemento nutricional que contenía ácidos grasos (Derm Caps) y con ambos productos simultáneamente. Cada producto y la combinación de ambos se administró durante un periodo de dos semanas de duración. El Tavist y Derm Caps consiguieron un control satisfactorio del prurito en el 26,7% de los casos. La combinación de ambos productos parecía producir un efecto sinergístico en 3 perros. El prurito se controló de forma satisfactoria en el 43,7% de los perros cuando se administraba concomitantemente el Tavist y el Derm Caps.  相似文献   

Abstract— One hundred and sixteen veterinarians in North America completed a survey recording the use of specific commercial hypoallergenic diets in dogs and cats, ingredients recommended for homemade diets, and perceptions about problems with, or unacceptable ingredients in, current commercial pet foods. A wide variety of both commercial and homemade rations was recommended by the respondents for dogs and cats suspected of having adverse reactions to food. Homemade diets were recommended most often as the initial test diets for both dogs and cats with suspected food allergy. Ingredients recommended most often for homemade diets were lamb, lamb baby food, rice, potatoes, rabbit, fish, venison and tofu. Unacceptable ingredients in commercial pet foods mentioned multiple times included preservatives and dyes, wheat, beef, fish or fish meal, poultry/chicken, egg, soy and dairy products. Homemade diet recommendations of the respondents were evaluated for their nutritional adequacy. Most (90 per cent) of the homemade elimination diets were not nutritionally adequate for adult maintenance based on currently available recommendations. Résumé— 116 vétérinaires d'Amérique du Nord ont participéà une enquête sur l'utillsation d'aliments hypoallergéniques commerciaux pour chien et chats, les ingrédients recommandés dans les préparations ménagères et les recommandations concernat les problèmes rencontrés avec les aliments courrants industriels ou les ingrédients inacceptables dans leur composition. Un très large éventail de regimes ménagers ou industriels étaient recommandés par les participants pour les chiens et les chats suspects d'intolérance alimentaire. Des préparations ménagères étaient le plus souvant recommandées comme test d'exclusion, pour les chiens et les chats suspects d'allergie alimentaire. Les ingrédients les plus souvents recommandés étaient: viande d'agneau, viande d'agneau en pots pour bébés, riz, pommes de terre, lapin, poisson, gibler et pâte de soja. Les ingrédients mentionnés plusieurs fols comme étant à exclure des preparations industrielles étaient: conservateurs et colorants, bié, viande de boeuf, poisson, volaille, ouef, soja et produits laitiers. L'équilibre des preparations ménagères recommandées par les participantrs a étéétudié. La piupart (90 pour cent) de ces preparations étaient déséquilibrées par rapport aux recommendations courament admises pour l'entretien d'un chien adulte. Zusammenfassung— Einhundertsechzehn Tierärzte in Nordamerika nahmen an einer Umfrage teil, die folgende Punkte untersuchte: Einsatz von bestimmtem kommerziellen hypoallergenen Diätfutter für Hund und Katze, für hausgemachtes Diätfutter empfohlene Zutaten und Probleme mit gängiger kommerzieller Tiernahrung oder mit darin enthaltenen unannehmbare Inhaltsstoffen. Eine große Vielfalt sowohl von kommerziellen als auch hausgemachten Diäten wurde von den Befragten für Hunde und Katzen mit Verdacht auf adverse Reaktionen auf Futter empfohlen. Hausgemachte Diäten wurden am häufigsten als initialer Test für Hunde und Katzen mit Verdacht auf Futtermittelallergie empfohlen. Die am häufigsten empfohlenen Zutaten für hausgemachte Diäten bestanden in Lammfleisch, Lamm-Babynahrung, Reis, Kartoffeln, Kaninchen, Fisch, Wild und Tofu. Die als unannehmbar mehrfach genannten Inhaltsstoffe in kommerzieller Tiernahrung schließben Konservierungs-und Farbstoffe, Weizen, Rindfleisch, Fisch oder Fischmehl, Geflügel/Huhn, Ei, Soja und Milchprodukte mit ein. Die hausgemachten Diätemfehlungen der Befragten wurden auf ernährungsphysiologische Ausgewogenheit überpfrüft. Die meisten der hausgemachten Eliminationsdiäten [90%] waren nach den gängigen Ernährungsempfehlungen für den Erhaltungsbedarf erwachsener Tiere ernährungsphysiologische nicht ausgewogen. Resumen Cientosésis veterinarios en Norteamérica llevaron a cabo una estadística del uso de ciertas dietas comerciales hipoalergénicas en perros y gatos, ingredientes recomendados en dietas caseras e impresiones de los problemas causados por ingredientes inaceptables en la dietas comerciales de uso corriente. Los casos responsivos indicaban una gran variedad de comidas caseras y dietas comerciales para perros y gatos, en los que se sospecharon reacciones adversas a los alimentos. Dietas caseras se recomendaron mas frecuentamente como test inicial para ambos, perros y gatos sospechosos de algeria alimentaria. Los ingredientes más comunmente recomendados fueron cordero, alimento para bebé basado en cordero, arroz, patatas, conejo, pescado, venado y tofu. Ingredientes inaceptables en dietas comerciales mencionados en multiples ocasiones incluyeron preservativos y tintes, trigo, vacuno, pescado o harina de pescado, pollo/aves de corral, soja y productos lácticos. Las dietas caseras recomendadas de los casos responsivos se evaluaron por su eficacia nutricional. La mayoría de las dietas caseras de tests de eliminación, el 90%, no eran adecuadas desde el púnto de vista nutritivo papa la manutención de animales adultos, comparada con las corrientes recommendaciones.  相似文献   

Abstract— A commercial canned lamb and rice diet was fed to 20 dogs with previously diagnosed determatologic problems due to adverse reactions to food. Fifteen of the 20 dogs had concurrent atopy and flea allergy which were being treated with hyposensitization and agressive flea control. Palatability and acceptability were good in most of the dogs. Recurrent of previous dermatologic signs did not occur in 75 per cent (15/20) of the dogs while they were fed the diet. Gastrointestinal side effects, specifically diarrhea, caused the owners to stop feeding the diet in four dogs. Overall, 60 per cent (12/20) experienced some gastrointestinal signs during the diet trail.  相似文献   

Background: Objectives were to examine the effects of selenium (Se) supply and maternal nutritional plane during gestation on mammary gland growth, cellular proliferation, and vascularity at parturition and d 20 of lactation. Rambouillet primiparous ewes (n = 84) were allocated to treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial. Factors were dietary Se (adequate Se [ASe, 11.5 μg/kg BW] or high Se [HSe, 77.0 μg/kg BVV]) and nutritional plane (60% IRES], 100% [CON], or 140% [EXC]). At parturition, lambs were removed and 42 ewes (7/treatment) were necropsied. Remaining ewes were fed a common diet meeting requirements for lactation and mechanically milked twice daily until necropsy on d 20. At both necropsy periods, mammary glands were dissected and tissues harvested. Samples were analyzed for RNA, DNA, and protein content, cell proliferation, and vascularity. Where interactions were present (P 〈 0.05), least squares means from the highest-order interaction are presented. Results: Final body weight of ewes was least (P 〈 0.002) in RES, intermediate for CON, and greatest for EXC, regardless of stage of the ewe at necropsy (parturition or d 20 of lactation). In ewes necropsied at parturition, mammary glands were heavier (P = 0.02) in EXC compared to RES, with CON intermediate. Concentration of RNA (rag/g) was decreased (P= 0.01) in EXC compared to CON at parturition. There was a tendency (P= 0.07) for a Se by nutrition interaction in percentage of cells proliferating where ASe-EXC ewes had greater (P_〈 0.02) number of proliferating cells then all other treatments. Mammary vascular area tended (P = 0.08) to be affected by a Se by nutrition interaction where ASe-CON had less (P= 0.007) vascular area than HSe-CON ewes. In ewes necropsied at d 20 of lactation, the number of alveoli per area was decreased (P 〈- 0.05) in RES compared to CON and EXC-fed ewes. Conclusions: Results of this study indicate that proper maternal nutritional plane during gestation is important for mammary gland development, even out to d 20 of lactation.  相似文献   



Objectives were to examine the effects of selenium (Se) supply and maternal nutritional plane during gestation on mammary gland growth, cellular proliferation, and vascularity at parturition and d 20 of lactation. Rambouillet primiparous ewes (n = 84) were allocated to treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial. Factors were dietary Se (adequate Se [ASe, 11.5 μg/kg BW] or high Se [HSe, 77.0 μg/kg BW]) and nutritional plane (60% [RES], 100% [CON], or 140% [EXC]). At parturition, lambs were removed and 42 ewes (7/treatment) were necropsied. Remaining ewes were fed a common diet meeting requirements for lactation and mechanically milked twice daily until necropsy on d 20. At both necropsy periods, mammary glands were dissected and tissues harvested. Samples were analyzed for RNA, DNA, and protein content, cell proliferation, and vascularity. Where interactions were present (P ≤ 0.05), least squares means from the highest-order interaction are presented.


Final body weight of ewes was least (P ≤ 0.002) in RES, intermediate for CON, and greatest for EXC, regardless of stage of the ewe at necropsy (parturition or d 20 of lactation). In ewes necropsied at parturition, mammary glands were heavier (P = 0.02) in EXC compared to RES, with CON intermediate. Concentration of RNA (mg/g) was decreased (P = 0.01) in EXC compared to CON at parturition. There was a tendency (P = 0.07) for a Se by nutrition interaction in percentage of cells proliferating where ASe-EXC ewes had greater (P ≤ 0.02) number of proliferating cells then all other treatments. Mammary vascular area tended (P = 0.08) to be affected by a Se by nutrition interaction where ASe-CON had less (P = 0.007) vascular area than HSe-CON ewes. In ewes necropsied at d 20 of lactation, the number of alveoli per area was decreased (P ≤ 0.05) in RES compared to CON and EXC-fed ewes.


Results of this study indicate that proper maternal nutritional plane during gestation is important for mammary gland development, even out to d 20 of lactation.  相似文献   

有关酪氨酸磷酸酶基因(Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosometen,PTEN)在乳腺肿瘤中的检测在人医早有报道。为了研究PTEN基因在犬乳腺肿瘤组织中的表达情况,笔者运用实时荧光PCR定量检测了38例不同的犬乳腺肿瘤组织(包括15例良性乳腺肿瘤和23例恶性乳腺肿瘤)、4例正常犬乳腺组织。结果发现:PTEN基因在犬恶性乳腺肿瘤组织中表达量明显低于其在良性乳腺肿瘤和正常乳腺组织中的表达量,两者差异极显著(P〈0.001);PTEN在良性乳腺肿瘤组织中的表达与正常犬乳腺组织相比,差异不显著(P〉0.05);发生了淋巴结转移的乳腺癌PTEN基因的表达量与未发生转移的乳腺癌组织的表达量间差异亦不显著(P〉0.05),且PTEN的表达量与肿瘤组织的大小和发病动物年龄无关。结论:PTEN蛋白表达异常可能与乳腺肿瘤发生、发展相关,可考虑作为判断犬乳腺肿瘤生物学行为和预测的指标。  相似文献   

本研究旨在明确NLRP3炎症小体及下游炎症因子在犬乳腺肿瘤中的表达及临床意义.采用RT-qPCR方法检测45例犬乳腺肿瘤组织(15例良性肿瘤和30例恶性肿瘤)以及16例肿瘤旁正常乳腺组织中的NLRP3、Caspase-1、IL-1β和IL-18 mRNA的表达水平,并分析NLRP3与肿瘤临床病理学特征的关系(肿瘤大小、...  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess whether feeding level in the period from weaning to puberty can affect the amount of mammary tissue at puberty. Four female pigs from eight (exp. 1) to ten (exp. 2) litters were allocated to four treatment groups within litter. From day 28 to 90 of age (period 1) and from day 90 to slaughter, at approximately 5 1/2 months of age (period 2), the gilts were given either ad libitum or restrictive access to feed in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Neither the amount of dissected mammary tissue nor the amounts of DNA or RNA were affected by feeding regime in period 1. However, ad libitum feeding in period 2 gave rise to more dissected mammary tissue (52%, P < 0.0001), RNA (37%, P = 0.006) and DNA (28%, P = 0.005) compared to restricted feeding. Cyclicity gave rise to increases in mammary DNA (P = 0.05) and RNA (P = 0.02). There were no clear correlations between mammary measures and plasma IGF-I or IGF-binding proteins. It is concluded that a high feeding level from three months of age to puberty has a stimulatory effect on mammary development in prepubertal gilts.  相似文献   

Abstract— A randomized single-blind parallel study was devised to compare the efficacy of a commercially available evening primrose oil and fish oil supplement (EfaVet Regular, Efamol Vet, Guildford, U.K.) with a concentrated preparation (HGF capsules; Efamol Vet) containing gammalinolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Thirty-seven perennially affected atopic dogs whose clinical signs were well-controlled by EfaVet Regular either continued to receive EfaVet Regular at the previous dose, or were switched to HGF capsules. Twenty-eight dogs completed the 16 week study and nine were withdrawn. Nine dogs continuing to receive EfaVet Regular were unchanged, and five deteriorated. Three dogs switched to HGF improved, six were unchanged, and five deteriorated. Differences in clinical scores within or between the two treatment groups were not significant. There was a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in the mean plasma phospholipid EPA concentration in both treatment groups at week 16. It was concluded that EfaVet Regular and HGF capsules were of comparable efficacy in controlling the clinical signs in this group of atopic dogs. Résumé— Une étude parallèle en double aveugle a été conduite pour comparer l'efficacité d'une préparation commerciale à base d'huile d'onagre et d'huile de poisson (EfaVet, Efamol Vet, Guilford, U.K.) à une préparation concentrée (HFG capsules, Efamol Vet) contenant de l'acide gammalinolénique et de l'acide éicosapentaénoïque (EPA). Trente sept chiens atopiques présentant des symptômes perannuels controlés par de l'EfaVet Regular, ou continuait à recevoir de l'EfaVet Regular à la même dose, ou prenaient des capsules d'HGF. Vingt huit chiens ont suivi le traitement de 16 semaines et 9 ont étééliminés de l'étude. Pour trois des chiens ayant changé pour l'HGF les signes cliniques ont été améliorés, aucun changement n'a été observé pour six et une aggravation a été notée pour cinq. Les differences entre les scores cliniques des groupes ne sont pas significatives. Une diminution significative (P < 0.05) de la concentration plasmatique de phosphalipides FPA dans les deux groupes a été observée à la semaine 16. En conclusion, l'EfaVet Regular et les capsules d'HGF ont une efficacité comparable dans le contrôle des symptômes dans ce groupe de chiens atopiques. Zusammenfassung— Eine randomisierte Einfach-Blind-Parallelstudie wurde durchgeführt um die Wirksamkeit eines kommerziell erhältlichen Nachtkerzen-und Fischölergänzungspräparates (Efa Vet Regular, Efamol Vet, Guildford, U.K.) mit einer konzentrierten Präparation aus Gamma-Linolensäure und Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) (HGF Kapseln, Efamol Vet) zu vergleichen. 37 Patienten mit einer nichtsaisonalen Atopie, deren klinische Symptome mit Efa Vet Regular gut kontrolliert werden konnten, wurden entweder auf dieser Therapie belassen oder umgestellt auf HGF-Kapsseln 29 Patienten führten die therapie über die die 16 Wochen der Studie bis zum Schluß durch, bei 9 Patienten wurde sie abgebrochen 9 Patienten die weiterhin Efa Vet Regular erhielten, blieben unverändert, 5 verschlechterten sich 3 Hunde, die auf HGF umgestellt wurden, zeigten eine Besserung, 6 blieben gleich, und 5 verschlechterten sich Die Unterschiede in den klimischen Ergebnissen innerhalb oder zwischen den beiden Behandlungsgruppen waren nicht signifikant. Es gab eine signifikante Reduktion (P < 0,05) im Mittelwert der Plasma-Phospholipid-EPA-Konzentration zwischen den beiden Gruppen in der Woche 16. Efa Vet Regular und HGF Kapseln scheinen demnach eine vergleichbare Wirksamkeit in der Kontrolle der klinischen Symptome bei dieser Gruppe atopischer Hunde zu haben. Resumen Con el objetivo de comparar la eficacia de una marca comercial que contenía una combinación de aceite primrosa y pescado, (Efa Vet Regular, Efamol Vet, Guilford, U.K.), con un preparación de tipo concentrado, (HFG cápsules; Efamol Vet), que contenía ácido gammalinoleico y eicosapentanoico (EPA), se llevó a cabo un estudio paralelo al azar de tipo ciego-sencillo. Treinta y siete perros que padecían atopía con síntomas de tipo estacional, cuyo coadro clínico fue controlado con Efa Vet Regular, continuaron recibiendo la misma medicación a la misma dose, o comenzaron a recibir cápsulas HFG. Veintiocho de los perros completaron las dieciséis semanas de estudio y neuve se retiraron del mismo. Neuve perros que continuaron recibiendo EfaVet permaneiceron sin cambios y cinco sufrieron una deterioración. Tres de los que comenzaron a recibir HGF experimentaron una mejoría, en seis no vio cambio alguno y cinco empeoraron. Las diferencias entre las evaluaciones clínicas entre los dos grupos de tratamientos no fueron significativas. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en la reducción del valor medio de la concentración de fosfolípidos EPA en el plasma (P < 0.05) entre los dos tipos de tratamientos, an la semans décimosexta. Finalmente, se consluyó que EfaVet Regular y las cápsulas HGF fueron ambas de eficacia comparable en el prsente grupo de perros atópicos.  相似文献   

本文探讨通过富硒饲料饲养的富硒鸡不同部位中硒含量及脂肪酸组成。分别取富硒饲养鸡不同部位,包括皮、褐色脂肪、白色脂肪、胸肌、腿肌、肌胃、心脏、肾脏、肝脏、蛋;各样本采用微波消解法(MD)消解,然后用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)检测硒含量。以正己烷抽提样本中脂肪,经三氯化硼-甲醇甲酯化后,采用GC-MS进行脂肪酸组成进行分析。各检测部位中,硒含量依次为:肌胃>白色脂肪>皮>蛋>肾脏>肝脏>腿肌>心脏>褐色脂肪>胸肌。肌胃中硒含量最高为2639.19 ng/g,胸肌中硒含量最低为129.76 ng/g。脂肪酸组成分析结果显示,白色脂肪中饱和脂肪酸含量最高为88.07%,胸肌不饱和脂肪酸含量最高为68.44%。本次检测结果显示富硒饲料在母鸡不同部位硒含量不同,不同部位脂肪酸组成也不相同,本实验结果对富硒鸡中营养成分的利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract— Skin lesions occurring in 22 dogs with leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) were studied clinically and histopathologically, so as to better characterize the range of abnormalities encountered in this disease. The main clinical dermatological patterns observed were exfoliative dermatitis (90.9 per cent of dogs), ulcerations (63.6 per cent), onychogryposis (54.5 per cent), sterile pustular dermatitis (13.6 per cent), and paronychia (13.6 per cent). Most of the dogs (86.4 per cent) had more than one type of skin lesion. The most commonly seen histopathological patterns were granulomatous perifolliculitis and sebaceous adenitis (68.2 per cent), superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis (54.5 per cent), and interstitial dermatitis (50.0 per cent). Parasites, mostly within macrophages, were detected in the skin biopsies from 50.0 per cent of the dogs. Résumé— Les lesions cutanés de 22 chiens atteints de leishmaniose ont étéétudiées cliniquement et histopathologiquement, afin de mieux caractériser les anomalies observées lors de cette maladie. La principale manifestation dermatologique observée était une dermatitie exfoliative (90,9% des chiens), des ulcérations (63,6%), une onychogriphose (54,5%) une dermite pustuleuse stérile (13,6%) et une paronychie (13,6%). La plupart des chiens (84,6%) avaient plus d'un type de lésion cutanée. Les lesions histopathologiques les plus communes étaient des périfolliculites granulomateuses et des adénites sébacées (68,2%), une dermite superficielle et profonde périvasculire (54,5%), une dermite intersticielle (50%). Les parasites, généraiement dans les macrophages, ont été isolés dans une biopsie sur deux. Zusammenfassung— Hautveränderungen, die bei 22 Hunden mit Leishmaniose (Kala-azar) auftraten, wurden klinisch und histopathologisch untersucht, um die Spannweite der Veränderungen, die bei dieser Krankheit auftreten, besser charakterisieren zu können. Als hauptsächliche klinische dermatologische Symptome wurden exfoliative Dermatitis (90,9% der Hunde), Ulzerationen (63,6%), Onychogrypose (54,5%)), sterile pustulöse Dermatitis (13,6%) und Paronychie (13,6%) beobachtet. Die meisten Hunde (86,4%) wiesen mehr als einen Typ Hautveränderung auf. Die häufigsten histopathologischen Befunde bestanden in granulomatöser Perifollikulitis und Talgdrüsenadenitis (68,2%), oberflächlicher und tiefer perivaskulärer Dermatitis (54,5%) und interstitieller Dermatitis (50,0%). Die Parasiten, die meistens in den Makrophagen liegen, wurden in den Hautbiopsien bei 50,0% der Hunde entdeckt. Resumen Se estudiarion clínica e histopatológicamente las lesiones cutáneas padecidas por 22 perros con leismaniasis (Kala-azar), con el propósito de caracterizar el rango de abnormalidades producidas por la enfermedad. La sprincipales características patológicias observadas fueron: dermatitis exfoliativa (90.9% de los perros), ulceraciones (63.6%), onicogriposis (54.5%), dermatitis postular esteril (13.6%), y paronquia (13.6%). La mayoría de los perros, (86.4%), presentaban más de un tipo de lesion dérmica. Los modelos histopatológicos reconocidos más frequentemente fueron: perifoliculitis granulomatosa y adenitis sebácea (68.2%)), dermatitis perivascular superficial y profunda (54.5%), y dermatitis intersticial (50%). Las biopsias cutáneas detectaron parásitos, la mayoría en los macrófagos, en 50% de los perros.  相似文献   

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and its receptor KDR are involved in the regulation of angiogenesis and are up-regulated in a number of tumours in humans and in particular, breast cancer. We therefore evaluated the prognostic potential of the angiogenetic process in feline and canine mammary carcinomas by the immunohistochemical assessment of VEGF expression and micro vessel density (MVD) quantification and examined the interplay between VEGF and KDR. These variables were related to some relevant clinicopathological parameters and to overall survival (OS). VEGF and KDR expression were evaluated in epithelial, stromal and endothelial compartments in order to identify autocrine and/or paracrine loops. In dogs an increased VEGF expression did not show any statistical correlation with the clinicopathological parameters examined and was not correlated to a poorer prognosis. MVD was found to be significantly correlated to the histologic type (P=0.04), tumour grading (P=0.02), and to the OS (P=0.01). In cats VEGF expression was significantly correlated to tumor grading (P=0.01) and OS (P=0.03), while no significant associations were found between MVD and the other parameters. VEGF and KDR were found to be detected on the epithelial, and/or endothelial and/or stromal cells of the carcinomas in both species, suggesting indications for some possible autocrine and paracrine loops. Our results encourage further studies on the possible prognostic role of VEGF and MVD in canine and feline mammary tumours and on the role of growth factors and their receptors in promoting tumour proliferation and an "angiogenetic shift". The VEGF/KDR system may play a role in malignant transformation and tumor progression.  相似文献   

饲粮蛋白质水平与鹿茸产量和质量的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选择5岁以上生茸期梅花鹿和马鹿各120只,采用无添加剂和单一能量、蛋白质饲料精料补充料,以及劣质粗饲料饲粮,研究饲粮蛋白质水平对鹿茸产量和质量的影响。结果表明:鹿茸产量和质量随饲粮蛋白质水平或生茸期蛋白质食入量的增加而增加,呈极显著logistic生长曲线型,并提出鹿茸产量和质量预测模型。  相似文献   

舍饲滩羊、小尾寒羊及滩寒F1代羔羊体内氨基酸研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明:滩羊肌肉内的氨基酸(AA)、必需氨基酸(EAA)总量和与风味有关的蛋氨酸(Met)含量均显著高于小尾寒羊、滩寒F1组。这从理论上说明滩羊肉营养价值较高。  相似文献   



Cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) comprises short, double‐stranded circulating DNA sequences released from damaged cells. In people, cfDNA concentrations correlate well with disease severity and tissue damage. No reports are available regarding cfDNA kinetics in dogs.


Cell‐free DNA will have a short biological half‐life and would be able to stratify mild, moderate, and severe tissue injury. Our study aims were to determine the kinetics and biological half‐life of cfDNA and to contrast them with those of creatine kinase (CK).


Three groups of 10 dogs undergoing open ovariohysterectomy, surgery for cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR), or hemilaminectomy.


Plasma for cfDNA and CK analysis was collected at admission, at induction of anesthesia, postsurgery (time 0) and at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 hours after surgery.


The biological half‐life of plasma cfDNA and CK were 5.64 hours (95% confidence interval [CI 95], 4.36–7.98 hours) and 28.7 hours (CI95, 25.3–33.3 hours), respectively. In the hemilaminectomy group, cfDNA concentrations differed significantly from admission at 6–12 hours after surgery. Creatine kinase activity differed among the surgical groups and reached a peak 6 hours after surgery. In the ovariohysterectomy and CCLR groups, plasma CK activity 72 hours after surgery did not differ from admission activity of the ovariohysterectomy group. In contrast, in the hemilaminectomy group, plasma CK activity after 72 hours did not return to the ovariohysterectomy group admission activity.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Plasma CK activity has a longer biological half‐life than previously thought. In contrast to plasma CK activity, cfDNA has a short half‐life and could be a useful marker for peracute severe tissue injury.  相似文献   

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