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鳞状细胞癌是犬皮肤多发的一种棘细胞来源的恶性肿瘤,高居犬所发生恶性肿瘤的第二位,机体许多部位都可能出现。本试验对临床中遇到的一例造成严重损伤的犬后肢鳞状细胞癌进行了研究,并从组织病理学的角度加以了确诊。  相似文献   

采用X光射线检查及病理学方法,诊断了一例犬病.X光射线检查显示膀胱内结石,病理组织学检查显示膀胱黏膜转变为鳞状细胞癌.  相似文献   

我们在多年的临床治疗实践中,诊治犬的各种肿瘤病例13例。现将l例犬阴道鳞状细胞癌的诊治情况报告如下,供同仁参考。  相似文献   

1 发病情况及临床症状一花丹犬 ,雌性 ,3岁 ,体重 47kg,体温 39.5℃ ,心跳 98次 / min,呼吸 2 3次 / min,被毛粗干失去光泽 ,曾怀过两胎。主诉 :该犬阴道有肿物 ,发病半年有余 ,常见阴门滴血 ,不影响饮食欲 ,排尿不困难 ,也不舔后部。检查患部 :在阴门背侧有一 3.2 cm× 1 .5cm× 0 .8cm肿物 ,阴道前庭腹部联合处中部有一2 .8cm× 1 .4cm× 0 .4cm肿物 ,两肿物均呈结节状 ,浅粉红色、质软、没有包膜 ,与周围组织无明显分界 ,表面光滑 ,切面呈粗颗粒状。子宫颈闭锁无明显变化 ,触诊双侧腹股沟淋巴结不肿大。2 手术操作皮下注射复合 846麻醉…  相似文献   

犬恶性口腔肿瘤在所有犬恶性肿瘤占比较高,口腔鳞状细胞癌是第二常见口腔肿瘤,会对犬生活质量,生存周期有较大影响。本文针对中早期口腔鳞状细胞癌,进行放大手术切除,采用特殊处理颌骨技术,术后训练犬进食,收获较好治疗效果,为以后类似病例提供诊疗经验。  相似文献   

笔者在临床中接诊了1例病例,英国斗牛犬(6.5岁),雄性,体重35 kg,左后肢第5脚趾甲下肿大、疼痛,指甲缺失,脚趾尖表面溃烂有结痂。通过病史、临床检查、实验室检验、影像学检查、细胞学检查和病理组织学检查,确诊该犬患有鳞状上皮细胞癌,通过手术治疗将患病部位彻底切除,术后回访该犬恢复健康。该病例表明确诊犬磷状上皮细胞癌的最佳方法是病理组织学检查,最佳治疗手段是手术治疗。  相似文献   

对门诊接诊的1条10岁雌性金毛猎犬进行了一般检查和B超检查,保守治疗无效,手术切除肿物。用10%福尔马林固定病变组织,制作石蜡切片,进行病理分析,确诊为犬膀胱移行细胞癌,并对此病的病因、发病机理等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Résumé— Un épithélioma spinocellulaire s'est développé sur des lésions chroniques incontrôlées de lupus erythémateux discoïde chez deux chiens bergers allemands. Les chiens n'avaient reçu ni traitement ni photoprotection pour leurs lésions de lupus discoïde durant les 4 à 6 ans précédant l'apparition clinique d'épithéliomas spinocellulaires. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Un épithélioma spinocellulaire suivenant sur des lesions de lupus erythémateux discoïde chroniques chez deux bergers allemands).
Resumen— Dos perros de raza Pastor Alemán desarrollaron carcinomas de células escamosas en lesiones crónicas del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide. Estos animales no habian recibido tratamiento ni protección solar del cuadro de lupus eritematoso discoide en los 4 a 6 años previos al desarrollo del carcinoma escamoso. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Carcinoma de células escamosas a partir de lesiones crónicas nasales del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide en dos perros Pastor Alemán).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinoma developed in the chronic, uncontrolled nasal lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus in two German Shepherd Dogs. The dogs had received no treatment nor photoprotection for their discoid lupus erythematosus for 4–6 years prior to the clinical onset of squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in cats and dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to review the therapeutic options available for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in cats and dogs. The techniques of complete and partial nasal planum resection in the cat are described in detail. Surgical treatment offers the greatest chance of cure, although several options are available for early, less invasive lesions.  相似文献   

Abstract— An aged dog with a chronic, bilateral, bacterial otitis externa developed bilateral squamous cell carcinomas of the pinna. The tumours were located where the pinna would cover the external auditory meatus and probably were induced by the chronic infection.
Résumé— Un chien agé souftrant d'otite externe bactérienne chronique bilatérale présenta un épithelioma spinocellulaire bilatéral des pavilions auriculaires. Les tumeurs étaient situées là où les pavilions auraient recourvert le méat auriculaire et furent sans doute provoqués par l'infection chronique.
Zusammenfassung— Ein alter Hund mit einer chronischen, bilateralen, bakteriell bedingten Otitis externa entwickelte Plattenepithelkarzinome en beiden Ohrmuscheln. Diese Tumore traten an der Pinna exakt an der Mündung des äußeren Gehörgangs auf, und sind möglicherweise durch die chronische Infektion induziert worden.
Resumen  Un perro de edad avanzada que presentaba una otitis externa bilateral bacteriana crónica desarrolló unos carcinomas de células escamosas bilaterales del pabellón auditivo. Los tumores estaban localizados en la entrada del meato auditivo y probablemente fueron inducidos por la infección crónica.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of the BRAF V595E mutation in a variety of canine cancers indicates that mutant BRAF may represent a novel therapeutic target. Presence of RAS mutations is associated with poor tumour response to BRAF inhibition but has not been investigated in BRAF‐mutated canine cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mutational status of three RAS genes (HRAS, KRAS and NRAS) in four types of canine carcinoma with and without the BRAF V595E mutation. Novel HRAS mutations were identified in 18% (3/17) of oral squamous cell carcinoma, whereas 17% (3/18) of pulmonary carcinoma carried KRAS or NRAS mutations. These RAS mutations and BRAF V595E were mutually exclusive, indicating similar functional consequence of these mutations (e.g. MAPK pathway activation). In contrast, RAS mutations were absent in 39 urothelial carcinoma and 19 prostatic carcinoma, adding another rational for BRAF‐targeted therapy for these canine cancers.  相似文献   



Reported response rates of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) in dogs to piroxicam in combination with either mitoxantrone or carboplatin are similar; however, it is unknown whether either drug might provide superior duration of response.


To determine if the progression‐free interval (PFI) of dogs with TCC treated with mitoxantrone and piroxicam was different than that of dogs receiving carboplatin and piroxicam. The hypothesis was that the efficacy of mitoxantrone is no different from carboplatin.


Fifty dogs with TCC without azotemia.


Prospective open‐label phase III randomized study. Either mitoxantrone or carboplatin was administered every 3 weeks concurrently with piroxicam with restaging at 6‐week intervals. Twenty‐four dogs received carboplatin and 26 received mitoxantrone.


Response was not different between groups (= .56). None of the dogs showed complete response. In the mitoxantrone group, there were 2 (8%) partial responses (PR) and 18 (69%) dogs with stable disease (SD). In the carboplatin group, there were 3 PR (13%) and 13 (54%) dogs with SD. The PFI was not significantly different between groups (mitoxantrone = 106 days; carboplatin = 73.5 days; = .62; hazard ratio 0.86; 95% confidence interval 0.47–1.56). Dogs with prostatic involvement experienced a shorter survival (median, 109 days) compared to dogs with urethral, trigonal, or apically located tumors; this difference was significant (median 300, 190, and 645 days, respectively; = .005).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

This study did not detect a different in outcome in dogs with TCC treated with either mitoxantrone or carboplatin in combination with piroxicam.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old palomino Standardbred horse was seen with a persistent penile squamous cell carcinoma. After failure using multiple treatments, surgical removal was successfully carried out under local anesthesia using Mohs micrographically controlled surgery. Subsequent examination of the malignant tissue identified bovine papillomavirus exclusively within the nuclei and cytoplasm of tumor cells. The use of Mohs surgery would appear to be useful as an effective, precisely controlled treatment for managing genital squamous cell carcinoma in equine subjects. The presence of papillomavirus within tumor cells would suggest the possibility of causation by an oncogenic papilloma virus and would indicate that careful monitoring of the surgical site should be performed.  相似文献   

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