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为制定牛奶中多西环素最大残留限量标准,首先开展盐酸多西环素子宫注入剂在牛奶中的残留消除试验,盐酸多西环素子宫注入剂经子宫给药1次,给药前及停药后6,12,24,48,72,96,120,144和168 h共10个时间点采集牛奶,采用液相色谱-串联质谱测定多西环素残留量。然后在查阅国际食品法典委员会、欧洲药品管理局和我国制定动物性食品中多西环素最大残留限量研究报道基础上,制定牛奶中多西环素最大残留限量标准。结果表明,停药后168 h,牛奶中多西环素的残留量均低于10μg/kg。多西环素每日允许摄入量为0~3μg/kg,建议参照欧盟动物性食品中多西环素最大残留限量制定方法,将每日允许摄入量按比例分配到全部组织+奶,推荐牛奶中多西环素的最大残留限量为10μg/kg,盐酸多西环素子宫注入剂在牛奶中弃奶期为9 d。  相似文献   

2022年发布的《食品安全国家标准食品中41个兽药最大残留限量》作为对《GB31650-2019食品安全国家标准食品中兽药最大残留限量》的增补,主要规定了部分公告停止使用药物、产蛋期不得使用药物、部分CAC新增药物及部分试行限量标准转化的兽药残留限量国家标准。本文主要对GB31650.1-2022进行解读,通过分析介绍标准制定意义、背景及41个兽药限量制定的科学依据,以期能促进相关单位对该标准的正确使用。  相似文献   

安乃近是一种吡唑酮类非甾体解热抗炎药,在我国和欧洲许多国家普遍应用于兽医临床治疗动物发热性疾病。本研究依据安乃近在羊组织中代谢和消除实验数据,比较讨论了国际食品法典、美国、欧盟关于兽药残留限量标准的制定程序和结果的差异,建议采纳欧盟方法计算并设定安乃近在羊组织中的最大残留限量为100 μg/kg(以残留标示物MAA计算)。  相似文献   

农业部与卫生部近日联合发布了食品安全国家标准《食品中农药最大残留限量》。作为我国监管食品中农药残留的唯一强制性国家标准,新标准制定了322种农药在10大类农产品和食品中的2293个残留限量,基本涵盖了我国居民日常消费的主要农产品。新标准中蔬菜等鲜食农产品的农药最大残留限量数量最多,并首次制定了同类农产品的组限量标准(如谷物、叶菜类蔬菜、柑橘类水果等28种  相似文献   

总结目前我国香蕉中农药最大残留限量标准的概况,对新发布的《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药最大残留限量》(GB 2763-2021)中涉及香蕉的农药最大残留限量标准进行了归纳分析。同时,总结分析了我国香蕉农药残留限量标准存在的不足,并提出了香蕉农药最大残留限量标准研究与制定合理化建议与对策,对于制定和修订我国香蕉中农药最大残留限量标准、提高香蕉质量安全水平、促进香蕉产业健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究建立了超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)检测鸡蛋中地克珠利含量的方法,并研究了地克珠利在鸡蛋中的残留消除规律。健康高产蛋鸡给予1mg/L 0.5%地克珠利溶液,集中饮水给药,连续给药12d,采用UPLC-MS/MS测定给药期间和停药后不同时间鸡蛋中地克珠利的残留量,用WT1.4软件计算地克珠利的弃蛋期。结果表明,在给药期间,蛋清、蛋黄和全蛋中地克珠利残留浓度呈上升趋势,在第12d时浓度达到峰值,且在蛋黄中残留量高于蛋清。停药后,地克珠利在蛋清、蛋黄和全蛋中的消除半衰期分别为6.93d、2.57d和1.78d,地克珠利在蛋清中消除最缓慢。本试验通过研究地克珠利在鸡蛋中的残留消除规律,首次确定地克珠利在鸡蛋中的最大残留限量为240 μg/kg,弃蛋期从给药第5d至停药第8d,共16d,为蛋鸡安全用药和保障食品安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

开产蛋鸡治疗和预防用药应注意选用对脑垂体、性功能无副作用的药物,及执行农业部制定《食品动物禁用的兽药及其他化合物清单》,关注蛋中(被食用后)有没有药物残留的  相似文献   

开产蛋鸡治疗和预防用药应注意选用对脑垂体、性功能无副作用的药物,及执行农业部制定<食品动物禁用的兽药及其他化合物清单>,关注蛋中(被食用后)有没有药物残留的危害.  相似文献   

欧盟EC470/2009号条例制定了建立动物源性食品中药理活性物质残留限量的共同体程序,替代EEC2377/90号条例成为欧盟管理兽药残留最核心的一部法规,对欧盟所有成员国有约束力。该法规对食用动物的用药进行严格管理,对动物源性食品中药理活性物质残留建立残留限量或行动参考点进行监控。研读该法规可以了解整个欧盟残留限量管理体系的运行,对我国残留监控工作有一定的启发。  相似文献   

<正>2014年3月22日,欧盟发布No 291/2014号法规,修订地可喹酯的休药期和最大残留限量。根据该法规发布情况,欧盟收到1份申请,请求将饲料添加剂地可喹酯批准的休药期从屠宰前3天降至0天,并且增加其最大残留限量值为1.0mg/kg、0.8 mg/kg、0.5mg/kg和1.0 mg/kg。申请者同时提供了相关的科学数据。经欧盟食品安全局评估,将休药期降至0天对  相似文献   

兽药的使用不但要保障靶动物的安全,更要保障人的食品消费安全,因此,兽药新化药研发的临床前安全评价与人用药物相比,有其独特的特点.每日允许摄入量、兽药最高残留限量和休药期的制定是兽药独有的内容.本文比较了兽药和人用药物在临床前安全评价内容的差异,为从事新药研发的毒理学工作者提供参考.  相似文献   

1. We measured the distribution and depletion of residues of flubendazole and its major metabolites in breast muscle, thigh muscle and liver of guinea fowls during and after oral administration of the veterinary medicine Flubenol 5% at two doses. 2. The guinea fowls were treated orally with normal feed, medicated at doses of 56 and 86 mg per kg feed for 7 successive days. Afterwards, depletion was observed for 8 d. Just before slaughter, body weights were measured. Thigh muscle, breast muscle and liver of three female and three male birds were sampled. The concentrations of the flubendazole-derived residues were determined by a liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric method. 3. The highest residue concentrations were obtained for the reduced metabolite. With the therapeutic dose, the maximum mean residue concentrations obtained for this compound in thigh muscle, breast muscle and liver were 312, 288 and 1043 microg/kg, respectively. The values for flubendazole, the parent molecule, were 114, 108 and 108 microg/kg, respectively. The residues of the hydrolysed metabolite were negligible in the sampled muscle tissues. After 24 h of depletion, the sum of the residues of parent and metabolites in muscle tissue still exceeded 50 microg/kg. After 8 d of depletion, flubendazole-derived residues at low concentrations could still be measured in both muscle tissues and liver. Generally, the disposition of residues in breast and thigh muscle was comparable. 4. The European Union has not established a maximum residue limit (MRL) for flubendazole in edible tissues of guinea fowl. In contrast, the existing MRLs for other bird species are expressed as the sum of parent flubendazole and its hydrolysed metabolites. An estimated withdrawal period of three days will assure residue safety in the edible tissues of guinea fowl treated with flubendazole at therapeutic dose. After this withdrawal period following treatment of the guinea fowl, the residues were approximately constant, very low and far below the established safe MRL level for other bird species.  相似文献   

Population pharmacokinetics can be defined as a study of the basic features of drug disposition in a population, accounting for the influence of diverse pathophysiological factors on pharmacokinetics, and explicitly estimating the magnitude of the interindividual and intraindividual variability. It is used to identify subpopulations of individuals that may present with differences in drug kinetics or in kinetic/dynamic responses. Rooted in procedures used in engineering systems, population pharmacokinetics methods were conceived as a means to determine the pharmacokinetic profile in populations in which a sparse number of samples were obtained per individual, such as those in late stage human clinical trials. This is the situation commonly encountered in all aspects of veterinary medicine. The exploratory nature of this technique allows one to probe relationships between clinical factors (such as age, gender, renal function, etc.) and drug disposition and/or effect. Similarly, the utilization of these techniques in the clinical research phases of drug development optimize the determination of efficacy and safety of drugs. Given the observational nature of most studies published so far, statistical methods to validate the population models are necessary. Simulation studies may be conducted to explore data collection designs that maximize information yield with a minimum expenditure of resources. The breadth of this approach has allowed population studies to be more commonly employed in all areas of drug therapy and clinical research. Finally, in veterinary medicine, there is an additional field in which population studies are potentially ideally suited: the application of this methodology to the study of tissue drug depletion and drug residues in production animals, and the establishment of withdrawal times tailored to the clinical or production conditions of populations or individuals. Such application would provide a major step toward assuring a safe food supply under a wide variety of dose and off-label clinical uses. Population pharmacokinetics is an ideal method for generating data in support of the implementation of flexible labelling policies and extralabel drug use recently approved under AMDUCA (Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act. 21 CFR Part 530).  相似文献   

The study was designed to characterize the plasma pharmacokinetics and tissue depletion profiles (including eggs) of cyromazine (CYR) in chickens following oral administration alone or in combination with melamine (MEL). In order to assess the pharmacokinetic profile of CYR, chickens were administered 1 or 10 mg/kg (single oral doses), whereas residue studies were conducted in chickens fed CYR alone (5 or 10 mg/kg) or CYR (5 mg/kg) and MEL (5 mg/kg) for a period of 14 days. Estimates for the apparent volume of distribution (1.66 L/kg), clearance (7.17 mL/kg/min), and elimination half‐life (2.82 h) were derived by noncompartmental analyses. The highest concentration of CYR occurred in liver but fell below detectable limits within 3 days following drug withdrawal from feed. Combined feeding of MEL with CYR did not significantly alter CYR tissue levels. CYR residues were detected only in egg white and were undetectable at the 2nd day postadministration. No MEL was found in eggs unless it had been added to the feed, and when present, it almost exclusively restricted to the egg white. Based upon the results of this initial study of CYR pharmacokinetics and residue depletion, it appears that use of CYR as a feed additive either alone (5 or 10 mg/kg) or in combination with MEL (both agents at 5 mg/kg) does not produce unsafe residue levels in edible products as long as appropriate withdrawal periods are followed for tissues (3 days) and eggs (2 days). However, our results indicate that adoption of a zero‐day withdrawal period should be reconsidered in light of these results.  相似文献   

As is true with the use of drugs in veterinary medicine in general, there are many controversial issues in the management of peripartum conditions in the cow. For example, the use of PG versus antibacterial drugs in the management of postpartum uterine infections has advocates for the use of either approach. Intrauterine versus systemic administration of antibacterial drugs for the prophylaxis or treatment of postpartum metritis is another area of debate. Clearly, more research is needed in this area. Equally clearly, however, the research results that are available are being disregarded on a daily basis. In considering this discussion of the use of drugs in the peripartum period, one is struck by the frequency that optimum drug therapy of a condition relies on the extralabel use of nonapproved preparations. What guidelines are available to the practitioner in this regard? One example is lack of availability of appropriate dosage regimens or withdrawal times for food derived from treated animals. Unfortunately, pharmacokinetic and residue studies that would aid in establishing guidelines generally are not available and, in most instances, are not forthcoming. Extrapolation of data from other species to the ruminant or extrapolation of information from one drug to a related compound (such as prediction of residue and withdrawal data from an approved aminoglycoside, dihydrostreptomycin, to another unapproved drug, gentamicin) is fraught with difficulties. The need for research in this area is obvious, and lack of such information is one of the major dilemmas in trying to establish rational drug therapy in the food-producing animal. Recent developments in drug therapy have led to innovative approaches for the management of peripartum and other diseases in cattle. The use of PG in the treatment of reproductive disorders, so commonplace and widely accepted in contemporary veterinary practice, is a relatively recent approach that continues to be refined with the development of new, more potent, more specific PG analogs. What will be the role of ceftiofur, a potent, third-generation cephalosporin that currently is approved only for the treatment of respiratory infections in cattle, in the management of reproductive tract infections? The fluoroquinolones, which represent a novel approach to the control of infectious diseases, are being increasingly used in veterinary and human medicine, and one may predict that these powerful antimicrobial drugs will find application in bovine practice, including for the treatment of peripartum infections. Pharmacologic manipulation of immune and defense mechanisms also is an approach with some promise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The harmonization of standards and procedures for establishing tolerances or maximum residue levels (MRLs) for veterinary drug residues in edible animal products is a major goal of the international veterinary drug community. Such harmonization would contribute to easing trade barriers. This paper proposes use of the toxicologically determined acceptable daily intake (ADI) for the drug as the safety standard for reaching conclusions on the acceptability of residues in meat for human consumption. Specifically, the 'equivalence' of different MRLs for the same veterinary drug would be determined by considering whether they are likely to result in dietary residues that exceed another country's ADI for the drug. Two methods of estimating dietary intake are described, and estimates are made for the veterinary drugs albendazole and ivermectin. Based on these estimates, the US and JECFA MRLs for each drug would be considered 'equivalent' for trade purposes.  相似文献   

This review concerns a statistical method for calculating withdrawal period for injection site residues. A recently adopted Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use/European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Product (CVMP/EMEA) guideline recommends to apply the same method for the calculation of withdrawal period for injection site residues as for other edible tissues. For reasons in this study developed below, this approach is deemed to be inappropriate for the injection site residues. The injection site residues often violate regression assumptions with regard to homoscedasticity (same variance in residue concentrations for different slaughter times) and linearity (of the mean depletion curve in log(e)-scale). The currently recommended method cannot adequately handle these aspects. An alternative pragmatic method taking into account the last slaughter time with all data below the reference threshold, combined with a safety span, is proposed for injection site residues. A nonparametric approach for calculating the withdrawal period is also presumed to be a sound alternative. The references commonly used are the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) and the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). Unfortunately these references are not relevant to the acute risk exposure associated with injection site consumption. The use of alternative references, such as the Acceptable Single Dose Intake (ASDI) or the Acute Reference Dose (ARD) are thought to be more appropriate.  相似文献   

食品动物使用兽药后,肉蛋奶等动物性食品中兽药残留对消费者可能产生毒害作用,影响人类健康和消费安全,因此,控制动物性食品中兽药残留问题已成为兽药研发和保障食品安全的重要内容。食品动物兽药残留试验资料主要包括兽药最大残留限量标准、兽药残留检测方法标准和休药期确定三个方面内容。本文结合近年来食品动物兽药残留试验注册资料的评审主要内容及常见问题进行综述,旨在为食品动物用兽药的研发与注册提供参考。  相似文献   

The development of veterinary medicine in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic is evaluated on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the first lectures on veterinary science at Charles University in Prague (1784). Efforts to found a special veterinary school in Prague date back to the beginning of the 19th century; more than 20 petitions and interpellations concerning the establishment of such a school had been presented to the Bohemian Diet and the Imperial Parliament since 1841. The efforts for the establishment of this school were gradually conjoined with the national-revivalist and national-liberation movement. However, the veterinary university was established only in 1918, in Brno, when Czechoslovakia won independence. The development of veterinary medicine in the territory of today's Czechoslovakia is appreciated positively, mainly in the last 100 years. However, it was only after 1948--in the process of the transition from small-scale farming to large-scale socialist agricultural production--that all the needed practical and economic conditions were created for the development of veterinary medicine. The veterinary service was nationalized in 1951 and adequate material and technical backgrounds were built. Another veterinary university schools was introduced, and post-graduate studies and veterinary extension activities were started.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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