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Power Doppler sonography (PD) can accurately depict tissue perfusion, recognize slow flows, and is relatively angle independent. The monitoring of local blood flow by Doppler ultrasonography is helpful in differentiating prostatic physio‐pathological conditions, but the recognizing of physiological variables that could affect it is crucial to apply this technique in clinical practice. This study aimed to evaluate if ejaculation affects blood flow to the prostate and to state how long this effect lasts. Serial PD examinations of prostate were performed in 18 dogs (1–5 years, 6–40 kg) immediately before (T0) and after (T1) the ejaculation, and repeated 6 (T2), 18 (T3) and 24 (T4) hours later. For each examination, two representative PD images were chosen and ranked by two independent observers according to the following scoring system: 0 = mild subcapsular (S) vascularization without clear evidence of parenchymal (P) vascularization; 1 = moderate P and S vascularization; 2 = severe S and moderate P vascularization; 3 = severe P and moderate S vascularization; 4 = severe P and S vascularization. Interobserver agreement was assessed using Kappa of Cohen. Ranked data, grouped according to time, were compared by ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (p < .05). Variations in the vascular flow pattern at different times were observed for all dogs. The statistical analysis evidenced a significant difference for T0 vs T1 and vs T2 and vs T3 (p < .01), with no significant difference for T0 vs T4 (p > .05). Interobserver agreement was very good (Kappa of Cohen = 0.86). This study demonstrated a definite increase in vascular flow to the prostate after ejaculation. The present results suggest a minimum of 24 hr sexual rest before the PD examination of the gland. This result should be taken into account whenever Doppler sonography is used to evaluate potential hyperaemia in dogs suspected of having prostate abnormalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to derive the growth curves of the inner chorionic cavity and the biparietal distance in miniature dog breeds by ultrasonographic fetometry and present new specific formulas for prediction of parturition date. In this study, foetal biometry parameters were obtained using serial ultrasonographic examinations in 24 pregnant bitches of six different miniature breeds (≤5 kg). The mating time was unknown. Overall, 25 inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICC) and 22 biparietal diameter (BP) measurements were taken. The relationship between ICC or BP growth and days to parturition was analysed by linear regression. The results showed a significant relationship between days before delivery and ICC or BP. The equations derived from the growth curves can be used in practical prediction of parturition date in miniature dog breeds.  相似文献   

Abstract An instrument is described which uses air aspirated via a narrow probe from an animal's hair coat to assess the relative humidity (RH) of air within the coat. This was used to investigate regional differences in coat humidity in a group of 21 Newfoundland dogs maintained in a constant environment of 40%RH. At sites over the rump, mid-lateral thigh and chest wall, the coat RH was about 50%, whilst beneath the tail and on the ventral neck the RH was about 70%. It was observed that at tail and neck sites the RH rose with increasing age of the subject. No differences were observed related to the coat colour or sex of the subjects, but coat type was relevant. The relative humidity of finer coats on exposed sites was about 7% lower than those of normal coats. The physical features affecting these findings, i.e. convection, conduction and the effect of matting, are discussed, together with the implications for microbial colonization. Résumé— Un instrument qui utilise à l'aide d'une sonde étroite l'air aspiréà partir du pleage pour mesurer l'humidité relative (HR) du pelage est décrit. Celui-ci a été employé pour déterminer les différences régionales de l'humidité relative dans un groupe de 21 Terre Neuves maintenus dans un environnement constant à 40% d'humidité relative. L'humidité relative est de 50% sur les membres, les faces internes des cuisses et le thorax, tandis que sous la queue et le cou, elle est de 70%. Il a été observéégalement qu'au niveau de la queue et du cou, l'humidité relative augmente avec l'âge. Aucune différence n'est notée en function de la couleur du pelage et le sexe des animaux. L'humidité relative des pelages plus fins des sites exposés est de 7% plus bas que celle des pelages normaux. Les facteurs physiques influant sur l'humidité relative tels que la convection, la conduction, l'effet du pansage sont discutés notamment avec leurs implications possibles dans la colonisation microbienne. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Cartographie de la peau du chien: étude de l'humidité relative du pelage des Terre Neuve). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.] Resumen Se describe un instrumento que utiliza aire aspirado del pelo de un animal a través de una sonda para evaluar la humedad relativa (HR) del aire en el pelo. Ello se utilizó para investigar las diferencias regionales en humedad del pelo en un grupo de 21 perros Terranova mantenidos en un medio ambiente constante al 40% HR. En las zonas de grupa, muslo medial-lateral y pared torácica, la HR del pelo fue del 50%, mientras que bajo la cola y en cuello ventral fue del 70%. Se observó que la HR en la cola y cuello aumentaba con la edad del individuo. No se observaron diferencias por color del pelo o sexo, pero el tipo de pelo sí tenía importancia. La HR en pelo más fino en las zonas expuestas era un 7% menor que el de pelo normal. Se discuten los factores fisicos que afectan estas zonas, p.ej. convección, conducción y el efecto del enmarañamiento, junto con las implicaciones que ello tiene en la colonización bacteriana. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Mapeo de la piel canina: estudio de la humedad relativa del pelo en perros Terranova). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird ein Gerät beschrieben, welches Luft verwendet, die mit einer schmalen Sonde aus dem Haarkleid des Tieres gewonnen wurde, um die relative Feuchtigkeit (RH) der Luft innerhalb des Fells auszuwerten. Dies wurde benützt, um regipnale Unterschiede in der Fellfeuchtigkeit bei einer Gruppe von 21 Neufundländern, die unter konstanten Umgebungsbedingungen von 40% RH gehalten wurden. An Stellen über dem Rumpf, mittel-lateralen Schenkel und der Brustwand betrug die Fell-RH um 50%, während sie unter dem Schwanz und am ventralen Hals 70% aufwies. Es wurde beobachtet, daß an der Schwanz- und Halsregion die RH mit zunehmendem Alter des Tieres zunahm. Es konnten keine Unterschiede bezüglich Fellfarbe oder Geschlecht der Tiere festgestellt werden, der Felltyp war jedoch relevant. Die relative Feuchtigkeit über feinerem Fell an exponierten Regionen war 7% niedriger als die über normalem Fell. Die physikalischen Vorgänge, die diese Befunde beeinflussen, z.B. Konvektion, Konduktion und die Wirkung des ‘Matting’ werden diskutiert zusammen mit den Beziehungen zur mikrobiellen Besiedelung. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Landkarte der Hundehaut: Studie über die Feuchtigkeit im zusammenhang mit dem Haarkleid beim Neufundländer). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.]  相似文献   

Studies about prevalence of uterine pathologies in bitches are scarce. Although correlation between age and uterine disorders was documented, the most suitable age for a preventive sonographic screening has not been proposed yet. Present study aimed to estimate the eligible age for an ultrasonographic screening of uterine abnormalities in dogs. Data regarding ultrasound examination and clinical records of non‐pregnant intact females were retrospectively analysed. The age of each bitch was expressed as age ratio (actual/maximum age expected for the respective breed). The cut‐off age ratio was determined by a ROC curve for overall uterine abnormalities. Frequencies of different abnormalities below and over the cut‐off derived from the ROC curve were calculated and statistically analysed by chi‐Square and OR. Prevalence of three categories of ultrasonographic findings was as follows: cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) 18%; uterine collections (UC) 10.5%; masses (M) 1.3%. By the cut‐off age ratio (0.325), derived by ROC curve (AUC = 0.91; SP 84.23%; SE 79.2%; PPV 83.4%; NPV 80%), 228 cases were divided into two subgroups: bitches over (exposed group: n.83) and below cut‐off (control group: n.145). All abnormalities resulted more frequent in exposed group: OR was 24.96 (p < 0.0001: 71.1% over vs. 9% below cut‐off) for overall abnormalities; 13.68 (p < 0.0001: 40.9% vs. 4.8%) for CEH; 6.13 (p < 0.002: 21.7% vs. 4.1%) for UC; 12.65 (p = 0.09: 3.6% vs. 0%) for M. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia represents the most common finding in adult bitches, followed by UC. A preventive sonographic screening for uterine abnormalities should start from 33% of expected longevity to preventively select animals requiring further evaluations.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective, cross‐sectional, study was to evaluate clinical findings and outcomes for different ultrasonographic patterns of hepatic emphysema in dogs and cats. Dogs and cats with an ultrasonographic diagnosis of hepatic emphysema and a known outcome, from January 2010 to January 2018, were enrolled. The following data were recorded from medical and ultrasonographic records: ultrasonographic patterns of hepatic emphysema (parenchymal, portal venous, biliary), clinical signs, laboratory findings, and outcomes (favorable, poor). A total of 33 dogs and four cats met the inclusion criteria. Among these, 23 cases were classified as hepatic portal venous gas, 10 as parenchymal emphysema, and four as biliary emphysema. Clinical diagnosis categories were as follows: infection/sepsis (9), gastro‐intestinal disease (9), iatrogenic (9), trauma (5), and liver neoplasia (5). An increase in serum liver enzymes was significantly associated with parenchymal emphysema (P = .03). Other clinical and laboratory findings were not associated with the type of hepatic emphysema. Hepatic portal venous gas was mostly transient in patients with ultrasonographic follow‐up. The overall mortality was 40.5%. A significant difference was found between mortality by portal venous gas (21.7%) and mortality by parenchymal emphysema (90%) (P = .003). In conclusion, the ultrasonographic differentiation of hepatic emphysema between hepatic portal venous gas and parenchymal emphysema may be important for the prognosis of hepatic emphysema. The presence of parenchymal emphysema may be a poor prognostic indicator, while hepatic portal venous gas may be more benign. However, ultrasound findings should be carefully evaluated in the context of clinical findings.  相似文献   

Due to the increased attention that pet‐owners devote to their animals and to the improved veterinary care, investigations regarding methods to early detect prostatic disorders that might affect canine life quality have been performed. Canine prostate specific esterase (CPSE) concentration was reported to be higher in dogs suffering from prostatic diseases. This study aimed to estimate the CPSE threshold as a biomarker to early identify prostatic diseases in asymptomatic dogs. The ultrasonographic examination of the prostate was performed in 19 dogs (6–40 kg; 1–5 years) with no symptoms of prostatic diseases. Dogs were grouped according to the presence (Group A) or absence (Group B) of prostatic disorders at the ultrasound (altered appearance, the presence of cysts or irregular borders). For each dog, a venous blood sample was collected to measure serum CPSE and the ratio between calculated and normal expected prostatic volume was assessed for each dog. The CPSE data were statistically analysed (t test, p < .05), and the CPSE threshold in blood serum between groups was calculated by ROC. In 11 dogs, ultrasonography showed signs of prostatic abnormalities (Group A, 2–5 years), while no signs were detected in eight dogs (Group B, 1–3 years). The calculated/estimated volume ratio resulted greater than 1.5 in Group A dogs. The CPSE was statistically different between groups (p < .0001): higher in Group A (mean = 184.9, SD = 126 ng/ml) than in Group B (38.9 ± 22.1 ng/ml). The cut‐off CPSE threshold was 52.3 ng/ml (ROC, AUC = 0.974, SE 95.6%, SP 89.2%). This study suggests that CPSE serum concentration higher than 50 ng/ml in asymptomatic dogs is associated with ultrasonographic alterations and increased the prostatic size (volume by 1.5 times greater than the normal size). As the onset of prostatic disorders often remains asymptomatic, the rapid assessment of CPSE could be suitable for selecting preventively those animals that would require further accurate evaluation.  相似文献   

Ki67 is a nuclear antigen significantly correlated with degree of malignancy in human non‐Hodgkin lymphomas. We wanted to assess the ability of flow cytometric evaluation of Ki67 index (Ki67I) in differentiating the grade of malignancy in canine lymphomas. Ki67I was determined on lymph node aspirates of 90 immunophenotyped lymphomas classified according to the updated Kiel classification: 80 high grade (HG, 62 B cell and 18 T cell) and 10 low grade (LG, 3 B cell and 7 T cell) lymphomas. HG lymphomas showed significantly higher Ki67I compared with LG lymphomas (P < 0.0001). A significant difference in HG lymphomas was detected between B‐ and T‐immunophenotypes. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve highlighted a high accuracy of Ki67I in recognizing HG lymphomas [area under the curve (AUC) = 99.4] and a cut‐off value of 12.2% was established (sensitivity = 96.3% and specificity = 100%). Thus, we suggest the combination of Ki67I flow cytometric determination and immunophenotype as a reliable tool to classify canine lymphomas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increased sophistication of imaging techniques in veterinary medicine allows the detection of a wide variety of intracranial and intraspinal lesions; however, imaging often does not provide a definitive diagnosis for nervous system (NS) lesions. Cytology is emerging as a useful diagnostic tool for obtaining a fast and accurate assessment of NS lesions, but little information is available for dogs and cats. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of cytologic evaluation of squash samples from NS lesions in dogs and cats and to consider cytology-based diagnostic guidelines and sources of misdiagnosis. METHODS: Cytologic specimens from masses localized in the central and peripheral NS taken during surgery or postmortem examination were classified into 3 groups according to the final histopathologic diagnosis: Group 1 = completely correct diagnosis, when the cytologic diagnosis and final histologic diagnosis were exactly correlated; Group 2 = partial correlation, when the cytologic diagnosis only partially correlated with the final histologic diagnosis, and Group 3 = no correlation, when the cytologic diagnosis was incorrect and there was no correlation with the general histologic type of lesion. The diagnostic accuracy of cytopathology was calculated by considering the histopathologic diagnosis as the "gold standard," and calculating a 95% confidence interval (CI). RESULTS: A total of 42 animals (33 dogs and 9 cats) were included in the study. The cytologic diagnoses were classified in Group 1 for 32 cases (76%; 95% CI 0.63-0.89), in Group 2 for 6 cases (14%; 95% CI 0.04-0.25), and in Group 3 for 4 cases (10%; 95% CI 0.006-0.18). Considering both complete and partial correlation as an adequate result, cytologic diagnosis was satisfactory in 90% of biopsies. CONCLUSIONS: Although the current series of cases is relatively small, cytologic evaluation of squash preparations can be considered a fairly accurate and reliable tool in the diagnosis of NS lesions.  相似文献   

Background: The Sysmex XT‐2000iV is a hematology analyzer that combines laser and impedance technology. Its usefulness for determining cell counts in canine and feline intracavitary effusions has not yet been studied. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the analytical performance of the Sysmex XT‐2000iV for cell counts in effusions from dogs and cats, and to assess correlation with an impedance counter and concordance with diagnoses based on cytologic findings. Methods: Effusions (43 pleural, 23 peritoneal, 6 pericardial) were analyzed from 32 dogs and 34 cats. Total nucleated cell count (TNCC), HCT, and RBC count were determined on the Sysmex and compared with those obtained on an impedance counter (Hemat 8, SEAC). Imprecision, linearity, and limit of detection were determined for the Sysmex. An algorithm was designed using quantitative and qualitative data from the Sysmex to classify the effusions and the results were compared with diagnoses based on cytologic findings. Results: Intra‐assay and interassay coefficients of variation on the Sysmex were variable. Linearity of TNCC was ≥0.993 for dogs and cats, with the exception of effusions from cats with feline infectious peritonitis, which had delta (Δ) TNC values >3.0. In comparison with the Hemat 8, a proportional error was found for TNCC on the Sysmex. Effusion classification based on the algorithm was concordant with that obtained by cytologic examination in 43/72 (60%) samples. Discordant results usually were due to the misclassification of cells with similar morphology (such as mesothelial and carcinoma cells) in Sysmex scattergrams. Conclusion: The Sysmex XT‐2000iV provides a precise and accurate TNCC and has moderate concordance with cytologic findings for classifying canine and feline effusions. Although microscopic examination of effusions is necessary to achieve an accurate diagnosis, the Sysmex can provide preliminary information that may be helpful to cytopathologists.  相似文献   

Diagnostic methods used in the initial and post‐treatment evaluation of canine lymphoma are heterogeneous and can vary within countries and institutions. Accurate reporting of clinical stage and response assessment is crucial in determining the treatment efficacy and predicting prognosis. This study comprises a systematic review of all available canine multicentric lymphoma studies published over 15 years. Data concerning diagnosis, clinical stage evaluation and response assessment procedures were extracted and compared. Sixty‐three studies met the eligibility criteria. Fifty‐five (87.3%) studies were non‐randomized prospective or retrospective studies. The survey results also expose variations in diagnostic criteria and treatment response assessment in canine multicentric lymphoma. Variations in staging procedures performed and recorded led to an unquantifiable heterogeneity among patients in and between studies, making it difficult to compare treatment efficacies. Awareness of this inconsistency of procedure and reporting may help in the design of future clinical trials.  相似文献   

Transrectal real-time ultrasonography (US) has been developed as a research and practical tool in bovine reproduction. Non-invasive US observations have made it possible to provide real-time and serial analyses of ovarian morphological changes and fetal development and have generated new information on reproductive physiology during the bovine oestrous cycle and pregnancy. This has greatly contributed to an understanding of the real-time dynamics of follicular development. US has also allowed for more accurate diagnosis compared with rectal palpation in reproductive management in cattle. Practical applications of US include early diagnosis of pregnancy, identification of twin fetuses, detection of ovarian and uterine pathologies and determination of fetal sex.In recent years, local blood flow has been analysed in individual ovarian follicles and the corpus luteum (CL) in the cow using colour Doppler US. From these observations, it has been found that (1) the blood supply to follicles is closely related to follicular growth, atresia and ovulation, (2) the blood supply to the CL increases in parallel with its growth, and (3) there is an acute increase in blood flow in the mature CL prior to luteal regression. Colour Doppler US may provide an estimate of the physiological status of follicles and corpora lutea. For example, images of blood flow can be used to assess the thickness of the follicular wall and provide a differential diagnosis of follicular and luteal cysts. Assessment of the area of blood flow in the CL using colour Doppler imaging may offer a useful adjunct in estimating CL function, which could be applied to the diagnosis of non-pregnancy and fetal loss. The number of small follicles which have blood flow at the start of gonadotrophin treatment may be a useful index to predict the superovulatory response.With improvements in portability and cost-effectiveness, the evaluation of ovarian blood flow by colour Doppler US is likely to become widely used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring ovarian function in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Larvae of Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) are ubiquitous parasites of nasal and sinusal cavities of sheep and goats. According to the chronobiology of O. ovis infections in Sardinia and the seasonal pattern of the IgG response, the optimal period to investigate the relationships between O. ovis larval populations and intensity of local and systemic IgG antibody responses was mid-July in the summer season. Sarda x Lacaune ewes (n=186), divided into three ram-families were used in the study. Systemic and local IgG responses were measured by ELISA tests using second stage larval crude extracts (L2CE) and L2 (L2SGC) and L3 (L3SGC) salivary gland contents as coating antigens. The number of larval instars, larval length of L1, L2 and L3 larvae, and larval weight of L2 and L3 larvae were individually recorded after ewe necropsy. Negative correlations among larval establishment and/or larval development on the one hand and intensity of local or systemic IgG responses on the other hand were found in two out of three studied ram-families.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop an improved test to detect the codon 616 gene mutation in the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. We studied 10 control dogs of known genotype at codon 616 of the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene and 80 Cardigan Welsh Corgis of unknown genotype. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing a mismatched primer was designed so that it introduced a HinfI restriction enzyme digestion site into the PCR product only if the normal gene sequence was present, the restriction site was not introduced if the codon 616 mutation was present. An additional HinfI site present in the amplified section from both normal and mutant alleles acted as a positive control for restriction enzyme digestion. The PCR reliably amplified a portion of the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene spanning the codon 616 mutation site. Restriction enzyme digestion with HinfI and analysis on a suitable agarose gel reliably ascertained the genotype of the control dogs and was used to identify the genotype of a further 80 test dogs. An improved DNA-based test for detection of the codon 616 mutation in the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has been designed. This overcomes potential problems that could be associated with allele-specific PCR tests such as that used previously in a diagnostic test for this gene mutation.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine budgets for specific management interventions to control heifer mastitis in Irish dairy herds as an example of evidence synthesis and 1-step Bayesian micro-simulation in a veterinary context. Budgets were determined for different decision makers based on their willingness to pay. Reducing the prevalence of heifers with a high milk somatic cell count (SCC) early in the first lactation could be achieved through herd level management interventions for pre- and peri-partum heifers, however the cost effectiveness of these interventions is unknown. A synthesis of multiple sources of evidence, accounting for variability and uncertainty in the available data is invaluable to inform decision makers around likely economic outcomes of investing in disease control measures. One analytical approach to this is Bayesian micro-simulation, where the trajectory of different individuals undergoing specific interventions is simulated. The classic micro-simulation framework was extended to encompass synthesis of evidence from 2 separate statistical models and previous research, with the outcome for an individual cow or herd assessed in terms of changes in lifetime milk yield, disposal risk, and likely financial returns conditional on the interventions being simultaneously applied. The 3 interventions tested were storage of bedding inside, decreasing transition yard stocking density, and spreading of bedding evenly in the calving area. Budgets for the interventions were determined based on the minimum expected return on investment, and the probability of the desired outcome. Budgets for interventions to control heifer mastitis were highly dependent on the decision maker's willingness to pay, and hence minimum expected return on investment. Understanding the requirements of decision makers and their rational spending limits would be useful for the development of specific interventions for particular farms to control heifer mastitis, and other endemic diseases.  相似文献   

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