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Thirty-seven bulk tank milk (BTM) and individual milk samples of all contributing cows were tested for Coxiella burnetii detection by a real-time PCR assay and used to assess the relationship between the BTM PCR-response and (i) the within-herd prevalence of milk-shedder cows and (ii) the proportion of heavy milk-shedder cows. The within-herd prevalence of milk-shedder cows (i) was found to be significantly higher in herds with a positive BTM and (ii) increased significantly with the estimated titre in Coxiella burnetii obtained in positive BTM. The proportion of heavy milk-shedder cows among the milk-shedder cows increased significantly with an increased estimated titre in Coxiella burnetii in positive BTM. Therefore, a real-time PCR assay applied to BTM samples collected repeatedly over time appears to be a valuable tool to assess on a larger scale the status of herds towards Coxiella shedding, and to evaluate the efficiency of control actions aimed at controlling and/or preventing Coxiella shedding in dairy herds.  相似文献   

The main objective was to investigate the effects of timed-AI protocols versus AI following oestrus detection on circulating progesterone (P4) and embryo survival after first service in Holstein cows. Cycling status was determined by ultrasonography and by plasma P4 concentrations 14 and 26 days after calving, and only cows with a corpus luteum and/or P4 ≥ 1 ng/ml were used. Cows were randomly allocated to one of three types of breeding: DO (n = 80), received GnRH-7d-PGF2α-3d-GnRH and Ovsynch56 was initiated 7 days later; G7G (n = 70), received PGF2α-2d-GnRH and Ovsynch56 (GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-16h-AI) was initiated 7 days later; or AI based on oestrus detection, EDAI (n = 60). Progesterone was also determined at AI and 8, 16, 18 and 20 days after AI; ISG15 and MX2 mRNA abundance were determined 16 days after AI. Mean plasma P4 at AI was greater in the EDAI group compared with DO and G7G groups, while after AI, P4 was greater in DO and G7G groups compared with EDAI group. However, the percentage of cows with a concentration of P4 < 0.8 ng/ml at AI did not differ among groups. Relative mRNA abundance of ISG15 and MX2 was greater in the DO and G7G groups compared to those in EDAI group. Pregnancy per AI 16, 32 and 60 days after AI was greater (p < .05) in cows in the DO group compared with those in EDAI group (47.5%, 38.8% and 36.3% vs. 30.0%, 21.7% and 15.0%). Pregnancy losses between 16 and 60 days after AI were greater (p < .05) in cows in the EDAI (50.0%) group compared to those subjected to DO (23.7%) or G7G (24.1%). In conclusion, the use of timed-AI synchronization protocols resulted in greater circulating P4 concentrations post-AI and greater embryo survival following first service in lactating Holstein cows.  相似文献   

铜在奶牛生产中的应用及存在问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就铜的生物学效应和生理功能,奶牛对铜的需要量、耐受量和中毒量等进行阐述。  相似文献   

We used four pregnant Holstein cows to delineate ruminal adaptations as cows transitioned from one lactation to the next. Cows were fed typical diets through far-off and close-up dry periods and lactation. We measured ruminal characteristics on day 72 (late lactation), 51 (far-off dry), 23 and 9 (close-up dry) prepartum and on days 6, 20, 34, 48, 62, 76 and 90 postpartum (early lactation). Measurements included: ruminal fill (weight of actual contents), ruminal capacity (volume of rumen when fully filled), digestibilities and ruminal passage rates. Ruminal capacity tended to increase linearly during early lactation but was stable during dry and transition periods. Both total and liquid fill decreased linearly during the dry period, increased across parturition, and increased linearly through early lactation. Dry matter fill decreased as cows were fed the close-up diet at day 23 prepartum then increased near parturition and continued to increase across early lactation. Solid passage rate was greatest when cows were fed the close-up diet, and decreased throughout the transition period. In lactation, solid passage rate responded quadratically with peak at day 48 followed by decreases through day 90 postpartum. Liquid passage increased linearly across the transition period. Total tract organic matter digestibilities increased linearly over the dry period with significant increases prior to or immediately after parturition, then they remained relatively stable over early lactation until they increased at day 90. Fibre digestibilities demonstrated quadratic responses over early lactation, being higher on day 6 and day 90 than at other times. Starch digestibilities decreased linearly across both the dry and transition periods with decreases in lactation until day 62 followed by increases until day 90. High producing lactating dairy cows go through a multitude of ruminal adaptations, in terms of digestion, passage, capacity and fill, as they transition from one lactation to the next.  相似文献   

So far, rumination has been used as a proxy for monitoring dairy cow health at farm level. However, investigating its genetic aspects as well as its correlation with other important productive traits may turn this management tool into a new informative selection criterion. However, scientific evidences on genetic correlation among rumination time (RT) and milk production and milk composition are still scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to estimate the heritability of RT across three lactation phases and its genetic correlation with milk production, milk composition and somatic cell count (SCC). Results of our study showed that heritability for RT was 0.34 and was constant across lactation. The mean genetic correlations between RT and milk production and composition traits were 0.07 (milk production), ?0.07 (protein yield), ?0.31 (fat yield), and ?0.32 (fat/protein ratio). The mean genetic correlation between RT and the SCC was 0.05.  相似文献   

Ceftiofur (CEF), a broad‐spectrum third‐generation cephalosporin, exhibits a good activity against a broad range of gram‐negative and gram‐positive bacteria, including many that produce β‐lactamase. To design a rational dosage regimen for the drug in lactating Holstein dairy cows, the pharmacokinetic properties of ceftiofur hydrochloride injection were investigated in six cows after intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous administration of single dose of 2.2 mg/kg BW (body weight). Plasma concentration–time curves and relevant parameters were best described by noncompartmental analysis through WinNonlin 6.3 software. After subcutaneous administration, the absolute bioavailability was 61.12% and the T1/2λz (elimination half‐life) was 8.67 ± 0.72 hr. The Cmax (maximum plasma concentration) was 0.88 ± 0.21 μg/ml and Tmax (the time after initial injection to when Cmax occurs) was 1.50 ± 0.55 hr. The MRT (mean residence time) was 11.00 ± 0.30 hr. Following intramuscular administration, the Cmax (1.09 ± 0.21 μg/ml) was achieved at Tmax (1.20 ± 0.26 hr) with an absolute availability of 70.52%. In this study, the detailed pharmacokinetic profiles of free and total CEF showed that this drug is widely distributed and rapidly eliminated and may contribute to a better understanding of the usage of ceftiofur hydrochloride injection in Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

The applicability of three behavioral assessments of lactating cows as management traits was verified. Flight responses to an approaching human (flight starting and walking distances, and flight walking speed) at pasture, entrance order into the milking parlour and step‐kick behavior to cup attachment were observed for 713 subject cows in six Australasian dairy farms. On all farms, cows were kept at pasture without any barn housing. Flight responses were measured once, and other assessments were recorded repeatedly for each subject cow. A principal component analysis was performed to verify whether these assessments appear to measure the same trait. A two‐way anova and correlation analyses were then used to test whether obtained principal components were affected by farm, age and milking stage of cows. Australian and some Japanese herd management systems were compared for flight distance using a one‐way anova and a multiple comparison test. Three behavioral assessments clustered in different principal components, indicating that these assessments did not appear to measure the same trait. Factor scores of four principal components were affected by farm (all, P < 0.01), and the scores of principal component 1, interpreted as fear of humans (r = ?0.16, P < 0.01), and component 2, interpreted as aversion to cup attachment (r = ?0.28, P < 0.01), were moderately correlated with age. These results emphasize the necessity of data standardization to reduce the non‐genetic variation resulting from these two affectors. The flight distance at pasture of herds in Australia (6.06 ± 2.85 m) was significantly (P < 0.05) different from the flight distances measured in paddocks (1.50 ± 0.82 m) and free‐stall barns (1.22 ± 1.09 m) in Japan. However, mean distances were not different between the Australian herds at pasture and the Japanese herds at pasture in tie‐stall barns (3.96 ± 2.16 m) or in a free‐stall barn (4.03 ± 1.79 m). This difference could be a result of the fact that only a single measurement was made, so that repeated measurement might improve the usefulness of flight distance as a management trait. In conclusion, it was verified that step‐kick behavior to cup attachment and flight responses to human approach were, although they have some affectors, applicable as objective management traits in lactating cows.  相似文献   

选择体重、胎次、泌乳期、乳脂率和产奶量基本一致的健康无病的中国荷斯坦奶牛30头,随机分成3组,分别为试验组Ⅰ,Ⅱ和对照组。试验组Ⅰ,Ⅱ奶牛日粮每日每头分别添加130、150g碳酸氢钠,对照组奶牛日粮每日每头分别添加110g碳酸氢钠,试验期28d。结果表明,试验组Ⅰ干物质采食量、粪便pH比对照组高1.41%、0.20(P0.05),非脂乳固体比对照组低0.4(P0.05);试验组Ⅱ干物质采食量、产奶量、4%标准乳、粪便pH分别比对照组高2.04%、2.01%、2.68%、0.42(P0.05),乳脂率高0.13%(P0.05),乳蛋白、非乳脂固体分别低0.36%、0.51%(P0.05)。另外,碳酸氢钠的增加使得牛乳中体细胞数显著降低,且与乳脂肪呈显著负相关(P0.05),而与乳蛋白质呈显著正相关(P0.05)。由此可知,在每头奶牛日粮中添加150g碳酸氢钠的范围内,随着日粮中碳酸氢钠的增加,能显著改善荷斯坦奶牛的生产性能,有效预防奶牛瘤胃酸中毒。  相似文献   

We used test‐day records and daily records from provincial weather stations in Japan to evaluate heat tolerance (HT) in Holstein cows according to a random regression test‐day model. Data were a total of 1,641,952 test‐day records for heritability estimates and 17,245,694 test‐day records for genetic evaluation of HT by using milk yield and somatic cell score (SCS) in Holstein cows that had calved for the first time in 2000 through 2015. Temperature–humidity index (THI) values were estimated by using average daily temperature and average daily relative humidity records from 60 provincial Japanese weather stations. The model contained herd–test‐day, with lactation curves on days in milk within month–age group as a fixed effect. General additive genetic effect and HT of additive genetic effect were included as random effects. The threshold value of THI was set to 60. For milk yield, estimated mean heritabilities were lower during heat stress (THI = 78; 0.20 and 0.28) than when below the heat stress threshold (THI ≤ 60; 0.26 and 0.31). For SCS, heritability estimates (range 0.08–0.10) were similar under all heat stress conditions. Genetic trends of HT indicated that EBVs of HT are changing in an undesirable direction.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of monensin or virginiamycin, or both on the performance of and some energy balance parameters in Holstein cows. Forty multiparous Holstein cows were used in a randomized complete block design experiment. The basal diet was a total mixed ration based on lucerne hay (38% of DM) and ground maize (34% of DM). The experimental treatments were (1) control diet (C); (2) control diet plus 15 ppm of monensin (M); (3) control diet plus 20 ppm of virginiamycin (V), and control plus M (15 ppm) plus V (20 ppm). Cows received 8 kg/d (as fed) of the experimental diets plus ad libitum Eragrostis curvula hay from 3 weeks prepartum and only the experimental diets from calving until 60 days postpartum. Cows were milked twice daily. Dry matter intake did not differ between treatments, but energy corrected milk production was increased (P < 0.10) by supplementing V + M (43.3 kg/d) when compared to treatments M (36.9 kg/d) and V (37.9 kg/d). Change in body weight tended (P = 0.11) to be lower for cows supplemented with V + M (− 8.1 kg/60 d) when compared to cows receiving the control diet (− 34.2 kg/60 d). Both treatments M and V respectively, decreased blood BHBA and treatment M increased blood glucose when compared to the control diet (P < 0.10). Results suggest a complimentary effect between the two additives monensin and virginiamycin when supplemented to early lactation cows.  相似文献   

The study investigated the impact of feeding OmniGen‐AF® (OG; Phibro Animal Health, Quincy, IL) from dry‐off to week 4 of lactation at two doses on production performance and metabolic adaptation of multiparous Holstein cows. Forty‐eight cows were blocked and assigned randomly to three treatments: OG was fed at 0 g/head/day (CON), 60 g/head/day (OG60), or 90 g/head/day (OG90). No difference was observed in dry matter intake (DMI) throughout the experiment, whereas feeding OG tended to decrease the percentage body weight change (PWC) on week 2. Although colostrum yield was not affected by treatment, colostrum IgG production of OG90 tended to be higher than that of CON. OG supplementation did not affect overall milking performance but decreased milk SCC during the first 4 weeks of lactation. In prepartum, OG supplementation decreased the concentrations of serum albumin and calcium, and increased serum globulin. OG supplementation tended to increase serum total protein, globulin, and calcium contents postpartum. Furthermore, reduced incidence of mastitis and udder edema were observed. In conclusion, supplementing cows with OG from dry‐off period reduces or modulates the inflammation responses associated with parturition, potentially resulting in improved postpartum health, while feeding OG more than 60 g/head/day did not warrant further benefits.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify cow's sleep behavior on farm and to examine the influence of some environment and management factors on cow's sleep. Total 85 behavior data (summer 41, autumn 44) were corrected from 12 commercial tie‐stall dairy farm in northern Tohoku area. Daily duration, bout frequency, and averaged bout duration of sleep and lying were measured. Even though there was no significant difference in any lying measurements, daily duration, bout frequency, and averaged bout duration of sleep was significantly different among farms (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, and p < 0.05, respectively). However, we could not find that any managements influence on sleep. There was significant seasonal difference in daily sleep duration (p < 0.01) and sleep bout frequency (p < 0.05). On the other hand, daily lying duration and averaged lying bout duration were significantly different between seasons (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Primiparous cows slept longer and more frequent than multiparous (both p < 0.001). Milk solid‐non‐fat content was positively correlated with daily sleep duration (p < 0.05) and bout frequency (p < 0.01). These results might imply the productive importance of sleep related with anabolic hormones release.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dystocia on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in Iranian Holsteins. Data consisted of 1 467 064 lactation records of 581 421 Holstein cows from 3083 herds which were collected by the Animal Breeding Center of Iran from April 1987 to February 2014. Reproduction traits in this study included interval from first to second calving, days open and days from first calving to first service. The generalized linear model was used for the statistical analysis of reproductive traits. Survival analysis was performed using the Weibull proportional hazards models to analyse the impact of dystocia on functional longevity. The incidence of dystocia had an adverse effect on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Therefore, reproductive traits deteriorated along with increase in dystocia score (p < 0.05). The culling risk was increased along with increase in the score of dystocia (p < 0.0001). The greatest culling risk was observed in primiparous cows, small herds and low‐yielding cows (p < 0.0001). Also, the lowest culling risk was found for cows calving at the youngest age (<27 months), and cows with age at first calving >33 months had the greatest risk (p < 0.0001). The results of current study indicated that dystocia had important negative effects on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in dairy cows, and it should be avoided as much as possible to provide a good perspective in the scope of economic and animal welfare issues in dairy herds.  相似文献   

Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) represents one of the most important metabolic disorders in intensive dairy farms that affects rumen fermentations, animal welfare, productivity and farm profitability. The aim of the present study was to study the occurrence of SARA in intensive Italian dairy herds and to determine the relationship between diet composition, ruminal pH and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) concentration. Ten commercial dairy herds were investigated; twelve cows in each herd were selected randomly among animal without clinical signs of disease, with good body condition and between 5 and 60 day-in-milk (DIM), to perform rumenocentesis and obtain rumen fluid. Ruminal pH was determined immediately after sampling and concentration of SCFA in ruminal fluid was determined on samples after storage. An other objective of this research was to study in detail the effects of rumenocentesis on animal health: this study could confirm the extreme validity of this technique as ruminal sampling. Results were subject to anova and correlation analysis using SIGMA STAT 2.03. The results indicated the presence of SARA in three herds (more than 33% cows with rumen pH < 5.5), a critical situation (more than 33% cows with rumen pH < 5.8) in five farms and a normal rumen pH condition in two herds. In particular, dairy herds show on average SCFA concentration of 150, 145, 123 mmol/l for low pH, critical pH and normal pH herds respectively. There were not significant differences among diet composition even if herds with SARA showed a light discordance between initially chemistry composition and residual feed. In the affected herds it was not possible to understand the exact causes of SARA. Animal management seems to be one of the most important factors in developing SARA including total mixed ration preparation.  相似文献   

Calving records from the Animal Breeding Center of Iran collected from January 1983 to December 2007 and comprising 1 163 594 Holstein calving events from 2552 herds were used to evaluate the potential effect of abortion occurrence on 305‐day milk yield, milk fat yield, fat percentage of milk and milk protein yield in Iranian Holsteins. Statistical analyses of production traits were performed using a linear mixed model procedure. Normal‐calved cows had greater 305‐day milk production, fat yield and protein yield of milk than abortive‐calved cows (P < 0.05). However, abortive‐calved cows had the greater milk fat percentage than normal calved cows (P < 0.05). The linear and quadratic effects of age of dam were significant on all of the studied traits (P < 0.05). The results of regression analysis showed that increase in the quadratic effect of age can cause an increase in the fat percentage of milk for all calvings including normal and abortive calvings. Because abortion is one of the most important conditions that limit a cow's ability to produce, maintaining the general health of cattle is important in minimizing the risk of abortion problems.  相似文献   

This study analysed feeding patterns and feed selective consumption by loose-housed lactating dairy cows fed diets based on maize silage (MS) with different particle length (PL) to establish its effects on overall dry matter intake (DMI) and productive performance. Twelve multiparous Holstein cows were offered a total mixed ration (TMR) with three different PL of MS at harvesting (i.e., long, medium, and short). Results demonstrated greater numbers of day-time meals (i.e., 07:30–19:00 h) when PL was decreased from long to medium (P < 0.05). Night-time (i.e., 19:00–06:30 h) changes in the feeding pattern included an increased amount of feed per meal (P < 0.05) and a tendency to increase eating time per meal (P < 0.10) in cows fed the short-PL diet. Lowering the PL of MS also lowered the selective consumption against physically effective fibre larger than 1.18 mm (peNDF> 1.18; P < 0.05) and in favour of fine particles (i.e., particles passing through 1.18 mm screen; P < 0.01). Decreasing PL of MS from long to medium and short increased daily DMI as well as the intake of energy and other nutrients contained in the diet including the amount of peNDF> 1.18 (P < 0.01). The decrease in the PL of the diet also was associated with increased milk protein and lactose yield and milk urea nitrogen (P < 0.05). The actual milk yield and fat-corrected milk were not affected by the diet (P > 0.10). Although lowering of the PL tended to increase daily milk energy output (P < 0.10), the ratio between energy milk output and the energy intake was linearly decreased (P < 0.01), indicating a lower milk efficiency for the lower-PL diets. In conclusion, particle length of MS in a TMR has the potential to modulate circadian feeding patterns, selective consumption of the feed, daily DMI, and milk composition in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) with conventional (CS) or sex‐sorted semen (SS) in dairy cows subjected to one of the three timed AI protocols. Cows (n = 356) were randomly assigned to synchronization with Ovsynch (OVS), Presynch–Ovsynch (PO) or Double‐Ovsynch (DO) and inseminated on Day 77 ± 3 postpartum with either frozen‐thawed SS (n = 182) or CS (n = 184) of the same bull. More cows were cyclic at the beginning of breeding Ovsynch increased (p < 0.01) with presynchronization and it was greater for DO than PO (OVS = 78.5%, PO = 85.1%, DO = 95.6%). Overall, P/AI for SS and CS increased with presynchronization (p < 0.05) on Days 31 (OVS = 35.5%, PO = 47.1%, DO = 48.3%) and 62 (OVS = 30.1%, PO = 43.8%, DO = 43.9%). Regardless of synchronization treatments, insemination with SS reduced P/AI (p < 0.02) on Days 31 (38.1% vs. 50.6%) and 62 (34.5% vs. 45.6%) compared with CS. No interaction was observed between synchronization treatment and type of semen for P/AI, although in cows receiving CS, P/AI was numerically greatest for PO (OVS = 42.0%, PO = 59.3%, DO = 49.0%), and in cows receiving SS, it was numerically greatest for those inseminated following DO (OVS = 27.9%, PO = 35.5%, DO = 47.6%). Thus, presynchronization improved P/AI in cows inseminated with sex‐sorted or conventional semen.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of duration of calving and obstetric assistance on retained placenta incidence of high milk production Holstein cows. Experimental groups were determined according to the duration of the expulsive phase of calving: 2 h (n = 16), 2‐4 h (n = 16) and >4 h (n = 12), and additionally allocated in two sub‐groups: spontaneous calving (n = 22) and intervention calving (n = 22). Diagnosis of retained placenta was considered with a threshold of 8 h after the expulsive phase. Cows without obstetric intervention, with labor duration of 2 h, presented reduced time needed for placental release, in comparison to those with obstetric assistance. In the 2–4 h group and >4 h, there was no statistical difference. The 2 h and 2–4 h groups with intervention and the spontaneous >4 h group were considered retained placenta groups. On the other hand, performing obstetric intervention when calving period was superior to 4 h nulled the occurrence of retention of fetal membranes. As a conclusion, obstetric assistance predisposes placental retention to calving with <2 h of duration in dairy cows. Conversely, when calving is more than 4 h, performing fetal extraction has a beneficial influence on preventing retained placenta.  相似文献   

We compared the hair cortisol levels of lactating dairy cows in a cold‐ and a warm‐temperate region out of four climatic zones in Japan. We simultaneously investigated the effects of calving number, lactation period and month of hair sampling. Hair of nine Holstein lactating cows chosen from each region (i.e. 18 cows per sampling) was sampled in March, June, September and December. Number of calvings (1, 2, ≥3) and lactation duration (early: <100, middle: 101–200, and late: >201 days) were balanced between regions. Cortisol was extracted from hair by methanol, and its level was determined with a cortisol immunoassay kit. A multi‐way analysis of variance revealed that the effects of month of hair sampling (P < 0.001) and its combination with region (P < 0.05) were significant. In a multiple comparison test, significant differences (P < 0.01) in hair cortisol level (pg/mg of hair) were found between June (13.0 ± 1.0) and the other 3 months, and between September (1.6 ± 0.2) and December (4.5 ± 0.3). The rise in cortisol level from March to June was more intense in the cold‐temperate region. These results demonstrate the necessity of considering seasonal variations in each climatic region when we use hair cortisol level as an indicator of stress.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of mineral salt supplement on enteric methane emissions, ruminal fermentation and methanogen community of dairy cows over a whole lactation period. Ten Holstein cows fed a total mixed ration (TMR) diet were randomly allocated into two groups, one supplied with mineral salts as the treatment group and the other as the control group. The methane measurement showed that the ingestion of mineral salts lowered enteric methane emissions significantly (P < 0.05), with an average of 10.5% reduction over the whole lactation period. Ruminal fermentation analysis showed the mineral salt intake could significantly decrease the acetate : propionate ratio (P < 0.05). Real‐time PCR assay showed that rumen methanogen abundance significantly reduced in the treatment group (P < 0.05) but was not significantly influenced by mineral salt intake over the whole lactation period. Intergroup methanogen community composition was influenced slightly by mineral salt intake; however, significantly different intragroup profiles were apparent throughout the whole lactation period, according to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. In conclusion, these results suggested that the effective mitigation of enteric methane emissions by mineral salt intake could be attributed to decreased density of methanogenic archaea and that fluctuations in methane emission over the lactation period might be related to Methanobrevibacter diversity.  相似文献   

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