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In May 2018,a new shoot dieback disease was found in several walnut orchards in Rizhao,Shandong Province.The fungal pathogen was obtained on PDA plate from diseased walnut shoots using a tissue isolation method.The purified fungal isolates formed white to grey colonies on PDA plate and three single spore isolates SDWa1-SDWa3 were obtained.Based on morphological characteristics and analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS),calmodulin (CAL),translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) and β-tubulin (TUB) sequences,the fungal isolates were identified as Diaporthe nobilis,a new pathogen on walnut.The test of Koch's rule confirmed that D.nobilis was the pathogen of walnut shoot dieback.To determine optimal growing conditions for the pathogen,its biological characteristics test was conducted.The results showed that the optimal growth temperature and pH value were at 25℃ and pH 5-9,respectively.The optimum carbon source was glucose,and favourable nitrogen source was peptone.  相似文献   

辣木枝枯病病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确海南省辣木枝枯病病原菌及其生物学特性,采用组织分离法获得菌株MO157,通过柯赫氏法则、形态学特征及分子生物学技术对该菌株进行鉴定,并测定了其菌丝生长的最佳条件。结果表明,菌株MO157回接10 d后,辣木茎干表面周围呈黄褐色,随后发病部位表现出水渍状病斑,与自然发病辣木的病状相符;菌落近圆形,菌丝初期呈白色绒毛状,后期呈浅黄色,分生孢子顶胞钩状,3~5个隔膜,厚垣孢子呈球形,在菌丝间串生;菌株MO157的ITS序列与Gen Bank中木贼镰刀菌Fusarium equiseti的相似性为100%,结合形态特征与分子鉴定最终将其确定为木贼镰刀菌(Gen Bank登陆号:KX197955)。该菌菌丝生长适宜温度25~30℃,最适温度28℃;pH 6~8时菌丝生长速率增快,pH 7时最适菌丝生长;PDA培养基和PSA培养基最适合该菌生长,以蔗糖为碳源时利用率最高;以牛肉浸膏为氮源时利用率最高;该菌致死温度为65℃,10 min;光照对菌丝生长影响较小,不同处理间菌落直径无显著差异。  相似文献   

苹果枝枯病病原菌鉴定及生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In July 2017, a new shoot dieback disease, caused brown necrotic spots with black granules on the shoots in the late stage, was found in several apple orchards in Yantai, Shandong Province. The fungal pathogen was isolated on PDA plate from the infected shoots using the tissue isolation, which formed white to grey colonies bearing abundant fruiting bodies on Czapek solid media with lactose as carbon source. The purified fungal isolates La1-La3 were obtained from single spore isolation after spore tendrils exuding from pycnidia generated on the plates. This study was to identify and characterize the causal agent . Based on morphological characteristics and analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), β-tubulin (TUB) and translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) nucleotide sequences, the fungal isolates were identified as Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, a new pathogen on apple tree. The test of Koch's rule confirmed that L. pseudotheobromae was the pathogen of this disease. Effects of different temperature, pH value, carbon and nitrogen sources were tested against the growth of isolated fungus in vitro. The results showed that the optimal growth temperature and pH value were at 30℃ and pH 6-9, respectively, while the optimum carbon source was sucrose, and favourable nitrogen sources were sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and peptone.  相似文献   

苹果枝枯病病原菌鉴定及生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)是世界上栽培最为广泛的水果之一,由于其生态适应性强、营养价值高、耐贮性好及供应周期长,相当多的国家都将其列为主要消费果品[1],而我国是世界上苹果种植面积最大、产量最高的国家[2]。我国苹果枝干病害以苹果轮纹病和腐烂病为主,近年来随着气候环境的改变,一些新的病害也逐渐产生。2017年7月对烟台市几个苹果果园调查时,发现一种新病害。该病害主要危害苹果枝条,产生褐色坏死病斑,严重时导致枝条枯死,发  相似文献   

蓝莓枝枯病病原菌鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 蓝莓 (Vaccinium spp.),是一类属于杜鹃花科 (Ericaceae) 越橘属 (Vaccinium) 的多年生小浆果类果树,广泛地应用于医药、保健、化妆品和环境保护等各方面,联合国粮农组织将其果实列为人类世界五大健康食品之一,也是我国南方酸性土丘陵地区值得发展的经济作物。全国已超过 10 个省份开始大面积的蓝莓商业化栽培,预计未来 10 年将超过 10 万 hm2 [1]。但是,随着生产面积的不断扩大,蓝莓病害也日趋严重,严重影响和制约蓝莓产业的发展。2010年至今,在云南省昆明市周边及丽江市蓝莓种植区发生一种病害,主要为害嫩枝、枝条和主干,发病初期,感病枝条上产生红褐色圆或椭圆形坏死斑,随后逐渐扩大,造成枝条干枯死亡,并可扩展造成主干枯萎。调查发现,该病发病率通常在 10%~20%,重者可达 25% 以上,可引起蓝莓整株枯萎死亡。本文通过病原菌分离、致病性测定及传统、分子鉴定,明确了该病的病原,以期为病害防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>楠木为我国传统名贵树种,其木质紧密、耐腐蚀性强,能够驱虫美化环境,是建筑、家具、雕刻的首选木料;同时具有净化空气、吸烟滞尘、涵养水源、固土防沙等功能,有着巨大的经济及生态价值。楠木主要包括润楠属(Machilus Nees)以及楠属(Phoebe Nees)植株,均属于濒危树种,在我国境内  相似文献   

Phoebe is a traditional precious tree species in China, which has great economic and ecological value. A new disease twig blight was found in the Phoebe planting area of Zhejiang province. Symptoms usually appear on the base or fork of branches with black swollen epidermis and gradually get worse resulting branch wilting or whole plant death when longitudinal epidermis cracking. The diseased samples were collected in 2017-2018 and the fungal isolate was identified as Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae based on morphological characteristics of colony and spore and sequence analysis of ITS region and EF1-α gene. The pathogenicity tests on Phoebe showed that L. pseudotheobromae caused the typical symptoms of twig blight. Koch′s postulates were satisfied following reisolation and identification of the isolate from the infected tissues using the methods described above. This is the first report of Phoebe twig blight caused by L. pseudotheobromae in China.  相似文献   

楼晓明  沈杰  楼兵干  李柱 《植物保护》2008,34(6):109-112
于2002-2005年连续3年观察了杭州龟甲冬青枝枯病的症状,该病害先在嫩枝枝条发病,病斑初为水渍状斑点,后扩大成暗褐色的不规则形病斑。从发病部位分离培养出病原菌,根据其分生孢子的形态、大小和核糖体DNA内转录间隔区的序列,鉴定为褐纹拟茎点霉[Phomopsis vexans (Sacc.et Syd.) Harter]。本文对该病害症状和病原形态特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith has been wildly cultivated in Southeast of Guizhou province, bearing fruit as an excellent nutrition source being rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and a variety of trace elements. In 2017-2018, we found twig blight on Kadsura coccinea with small black dot-like structure in the late stage on lesion, a very common disease causing significant economic losses. The fungal isolates were recovered from the symptomatic stem tissues and small black dot (pycnidium) which contained transparent, unicellular and spindle-shaped conidia of (17.4±1.2) μm×(6.5±0.7) μm. The purified culture with the grayish white to dark grayish-green as well as partial straight hyphae on PDA plate was consistent with Neofusicoccum parvum, supported by the aliment and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, Ef1 α and Tub2 gene sequences (GenBank no: MK563984、MK563986 and MK563987).The pathogenicity test on leaves and stems with needle-punching method matched the symptoms described above and re-isolated the fungus confirming the Koch’s postulate. The lethal temperature for mycelial growth was 54℃ for 10 min; The strain could grow normally in most carbon and nitrogen sources except ammonium carbonate. This is the first report of Neofusicoccum parvum causing twig blight on Kadsura coccinea in China.  相似文献   

黑老虎枝枯病病原鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>黑老虎[Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith]又名冷饭团、布福娜,果实含丰富的Vc、Ve及多种微量元素,是山区野果珍品[1]。上世纪末,人们从野外引种试栽,目前在黔东南地区实现了规模化栽培。笔者于2017和2018年调查发现,黑老虎枝枯病在黔东南州各种植基地普遍发生,造成严重损失,但关于黑老虎病害的报道甚少[2,3]。本研究对黑老虎枝枯病的病原菌进行了分离培养、柯赫氏法则验证、形态学特征观察及多基因序列  相似文献   

为明确引起云南核桃叶枯病的病原及其生物学特性,本文对分离自叶枯病病斑上的一株拟盘多毛孢进行了形态学和分子生物学鉴定,并通过柯赫氏法则验证其致病性;采用生长速率法、悬滴法和载玻片法研究其菌丝生长和孢子萌发的生物学特性。结果表明,该菌株为小孢拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis microspora,是引起云南核桃叶枯病的新病原。该病原菌的最适生长温度为20~25℃,最适光周期L//D=12 h//12 h,最适生长pH为4~8。病原菌的分生孢子萌发受pH和湿度的影响较大,在中性及碱性环境下不萌发,最适萌发pH为4~5;在高于90%的相对湿度下才能萌发。分生孢子在20~25℃下萌发率最高,全光照最适于孢子萌发;核桃叶汁液对分生孢子萌发有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

厚皮香枯梢病病原菌鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厚皮香枯梢病在上海地区发生严重。本研究对上海地区的厚皮香枯梢病进行了病原菌的分离与致病性鉴定,得到其病原菌菌株2017SHTg。根据病原菌的形态特征将其鉴定为小新壳梭孢Neofusicoccum parvum。扩增病原菌2017SHTg的rDNA-ITS序列和翻译延伸因子EF-1α基因序列,进行BLAST序列比对与小新壳梭孢相似性分别为99%和100%;基于rDNA-ITS序列构建系统发育进化树,其在系统发育树上与小新壳梭孢的类群处于同一分支,此结果与形态学鉴定结果一致。  相似文献   

为弄清狭叶十大功劳炭疽病的病原菌,从四川省成都市采集疑似为炭疽病的病叶,采用组织分离法分离病原菌,单孢纯化后通过柯赫氏法则验证为致病菌;根据形态学特征,结合多基因系统学,将病原菌鉴定为果生炭疽菌Colletotrichum fructicola。该菌对温度的适应范围较广,10~35℃之间均能生长和产孢,最适生长和产孢温度均为30℃;光照对菌丝生长和产孢影响不显著;在pH 3~11之间均能生长和产孢,菌丝生长最适pH为7,产孢最适pH为4;葡萄糖、甘露醇、乳糖和麦芽糖是菌丝生长的最适碳源,麦芽糖为产孢的最适碳源;蛋白胨是生长和产孢的最适氮源。  相似文献   

<正>蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum L.),属于杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vaccinium)多年生小浆果类果树,果实蓝色,营养丰富,具有良好的保健作用。随着蓝莓的大面积商业化种植,其病害的发生也愈加频繁。2013年7月对沈阳市蓝莓种植园病害调查时,发现一种新病害。该病主要危害基生枝中上部芽眼,受害芽坏死,芽眼周围出现褐色或红褐色椭圆形病斑,凹陷,后期中部呈灰白色,病斑  相似文献   

为明确山东省蓝莓叶斑病病原菌的种类及其生物学特性,采用组织分离法获得菌株B1,通过形态学特征并结合r DNA-ITS序列分析对该菌株B1进行鉴定,以离体和活体叶片接种法测定菌株B1的致病性,并对其生物学特性进行研究。结果表明,菌株B1菌落呈白色绒毛状,背面淡黄色,分生孢子纺锤形,5个细胞,中间3个细胞为褐色,具有2~4根顶端附属丝;菌株B1的ITS序列与GenBank中棒状拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis clavispora的相似性达99%以上,结合形态特征与rDNAITS序列分析将病原菌鉴定为棒状拟盘多毛孢,GenBank登录号为MG009201。菌株B1接种蓝莓叶片后产生褐色病斑,后期密生黑色分生孢子盘,与蓝莓田间自然发病症状一致。该菌株在5~35℃、pH 5~11范围内均可生长,最适温度范围为25~30℃,最适pH范围为5~9;但仅在25~30℃时产生分生孢子,最适产孢温度为25℃;光照条件对菌丝生长无明显影响,但连续黑暗有利于产孢;以葡萄糖为碳源时利用率最高,对乳糖利用效果最差;最适氮源为硝酸钠、硫酸铵和蛋白胨,几乎不能利用尿素。  相似文献   

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