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牛体外牛黄发生器内培植牛黄技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用48头健康黄牛同时施行胆总管结扎术、胆囊插管术、十二指肠插管术和体外安装牛黄发生器,将原胆汁流通径路改建为肝脏→胆管→胆囊→引胆汁管→牛黄发生器→十二指肠,在体外牛黄发生器内和胆囊内同时培植牛黄。结果表明,植黄牛胆汁pH值降低,胆酸含量下降,牛黄发生器内胆汁粘度低于胆囊内胆汁粘度。胆囊内注入新洁尔灭,可减少胆汁中细菌数量,减轻胆囊炎症反应。全棉材料牛黄床的牛黄产量高于锦纶66和涤纶材料牛黄床,以网眼状全腔充盈型牛黄床的牛黄产量高、质量好。在5~7个月的培植期内,每头牛能生产牛黄14.1~19.6g,牛黄胆红素含量为29.05%±7.51%。  相似文献   

采用比较药理学研究方法,观察了中胆红素培植牛黄,低胆红素培植牛黄和天然牛黄对大肠杆菌内毒素及蛋白胨所致大鼠发热体温和正常体温的影响。结果表明,以上3种牛黄均能寺降低大肠杆菌内毒素和蛋白胨所致大鼠的发热体温,其中,低胆红素培植牛黄的解热作用强于天然牛黄和中胆红素培植牛黄。  相似文献   

采用鼠耳肿胀法、毛细血管通透性实验法、棉球植入法观察了胆红素含量不同的培植牛黄的抗炎作用。结果表明,中胆红素培相干株内和低胆素培植牛黄对二甲苯所致小鼠耳肿胀、小鼠皮肤毛细血管通和琢小鼠棉球肉芽肿有显著的抑制作用,其作用强度与天然牛黄无显著性差异。  相似文献   

通过体外试验探讨了温度对胆汁胆红素沉淀和胆汁中主要成分的影响 ,结果表明 :温度升高能明显促进胆红素和黏蛋白的沉淀 ( p<0 .0 1 ) ,温度在 5 5℃时生成的沉淀物最多。温度升高后胆汁中的胆红素和 Ca2 + 的含量明显下降 ( p<0 .0 1 ) ,但胆酸、Mg2 +、黏蛋白的含量变化不明显 ( p>0 .0 5 )。当温度达到 60℃时 ,胆汁沉淀物重量及胆汁成分的变化不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

通过对10例国内外产地不同的天然牛黄和53例内蒙古不同地区生产的培植牛黄中胆红素、胆酸含量测定及含量分析表明,天然牛黄中胆红素的含量为32.55~67.70%,平均含量为48.39%;胆酸含量为0.93~15.16%,平均含量为7.35%。培植牛黄中胆红素的含量为16.8~44.30%,平均含量为11.46%;胆酸含量为4.98%~49.16%,平均为16.76%。天然牛黄中胆红素的含量高于培植牛黄中的含量,而胆酸含量则明显低于培植牛黄。  相似文献   

本文综述了湖南省培植牛黄的研究与生产现状,影响培植牛黄产量与质量的因素,并对湖南省培植牛黄研究的潜力进行了正确的估价。  相似文献   

采用肠管运动实验的在体法和离体法研究证明,天然牛黄、胆红素含量不同的培植牛黄,对家兔在体肠管和离体肠管平滑肌的收缩强度和收缩频率均无明著,中胆红素培植牛黄,低胆红素培植牛黄与天然牛黄三者之间对肠管平滑肌的作用亦无显著性差异。采用大鼠胆管插管法,观察胆红素含量不同的培植牛黄对大鼠胆汁分泌量的影响,结果表明,中、低胆红素培植牛黄与天然牛黄相似,三者均能显著地增加大鼠胆汁的分泌量。从给药后不同时间的胆汁  相似文献   

1 材料与方法 1.1 实验动物 仪器、胆汁获得与处理等均同前文(见本刊2006年7期)。 1.2 Ca^2+、Mg^2+对体外牛黄及胆汁主要成分的影响向2000ml胆汁中加入20ml E.coil营养肉汤培养液,在开始滴流运动试验前先将以上混合液在磁力搅拌器的作用下搅拌2h,以使它们充分混匀,然后在反应温度为55℃、转速为60r/min;滴速40滴/min将2000ml胆汁依次滴流到放在恒温水浴锅中的5个容积都为350ml的抽滤瓶中,经20h后,测定胆汁物理性状及Ca^2+、Mg^2+的动态变化。  相似文献   

试验模拟牛体内牛黄形成机理设计牛黄发生器,在体外进行培植牛黄并对体外培植牛黄的形成机理加以探讨。结果表明:在大肠杆菌的作用下,正常胆汁在培育10 h后即转化为成黄胆汁,胆汁颜色由草绿色变为墨绿色,继而变为黄绿色和桔黄色;胆汁pH值、胆汁黏度、胆红素、胆酸、糖蛋白和Ca2 的浓度逐渐下降;向胆汁中添加Ca2 ,可促进成黄胆汁的形成;45~55℃是体外植黄的良好条件。  相似文献   

随着我国畜牧业的发展 ,我国的肉牛养殖发展迅速 ,肉牛存栏量大幅度提高 ,怎样提高养肉牛的经济效益 ?本研究是在肉牛身上进行人工培植牛黄的实验 ,研究植黄对肉牛的繁殖 ,生长与育肥有没有影响 ?在肉牛身上牛黄的产量与质量如何 ?怎样给养殖户带来比较大的附加利润 ?通过研究总结出一套养牛植黄与繁殖为一体的提高养牛经济效益的模式 ,具有很好的推广前景。1 材料与方法1 .1 实验动物 西门塔尔改良肉牛 1 8头 ,均为母牛 ,体重 2 5 0~ 40 0 kg,植黄时年龄 1 .5~ 2岁。1 .2 实验材料 速眠新、3%盐酸普鲁卡因 ;0 .8%盐酸普鲁卡因 ;新洁…  相似文献   

为了解钙结合蛋白(CaBP)在牛黄形成中的作用,将正常牛胆汁分为6组,Ⅰ组为对照组,不加入CaBP,其余5组为试验组,均加入CaBP(CaBP提自健康牛胆汁);试验组额外加入CaBP的浓度分别为5%、10%、15%、20%、25%.然后,进行成黄试验,观察不同浓度的CaBP对牛黄核形成时间、形成数量及其可视表面积的变化.与此同时,检测胆汁中主要成黄物质的含量变化.结果表明,CaBP对牛黄成核时间有较明显的促进作用,而对牛黄核的数量和可视表面积无明显影响;当添加CaBP浓度大于10%时,使胆汁中总蛋白和Ca~(2+)浓度降低,但对总胆红素含量无明显影响.  相似文献   

人工培植天然牛黄技术至今已有 2 0多年的历史 [1~ 3]。“牛体外牛黄发生器培植牛黄技术”[4] ,是继“牛腹腔内模拟胆囊胆汁引流和快速培植牛黄的研究”[5] ,“模拟动物胆囊研制与利用技术”[6] ,“牛双胆囊培植牛黄配套技术的研究”[7] 和“培植牛黄成因研究”[8] 最新发展的一项在国内外居领先水平的培植牛黄技术 ,该研究与国内外以前的研究相比 ,首次截断胆总管 ,改建体外胆汁流通径路 ,将牛黄发生器 (AG)由腹内移到体外 ,简化了腹腔内植入模拟胆囊的复杂操作 ,并可随时调节成黄内环境 ,有利于牛黄的形成 ,使牛黄产量在 5~ 7个月的培…  相似文献   

体外植黄牛胆汁分泌和排空规律观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工培植天然牛黄技术至今已有20多年的历史。“牛体外牛黄发生器培植牛黄技术”,是继“牛腹腔内模拟胆囊胆汁引流和快速培植牛黄的研究”,“模拟动物胆囊研制与利用技术”,“牛双胆囊培植牛黄配套技术的研究”和“培植牛黄成因研究”之后最新发展的一项培植牛黄技术。该研究与国内外以前的研究相比,首次截断胆总管,改建体外胆汁流通径路,  相似文献   

The effects of Moraxella bovis on the morphologic features of purified bovine neutrophils and bovine corneal epithelial cells were examined, using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Within 2 minutes after incubation of bovine neutrophils with living M bovis, electron microscopic cellular changes included vacuolation, swelling, and loss of microplicae. Most of the neutrophils were lysed by 10 minutes of incubation. Human neutrophils phagocytosed the M bovis and remained intact, even after 30 minutes of incubation with the bacteria. Living M bovis killed bovine corneal epithelial cells in vitro. Sterile filtrates prepared from 6-hour shaker cultures of M bovis also killed bovine corneal epithelial cells, but the cytotoxic activity was less than that produced by the living bacteria. Cellular changes were first observed in specimens collected 1 hour after corneal cell monolayers were inoculated with sterile culture filtrates. The changes in these cells included pit-like lesions on the cellular surface, cellular separation, and vacuolation.  相似文献   

Four strains of the ruminal bacterium Streptococcus bovis were surveyed for phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and ATP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose and the nonmetabolizable glucose analog 2-deoxyglucose. All four strains had high rates of glucose phosphorylation with either phosphoryl donor, but 2-deoxyglucose activity was much higher in the presence of PEP. These results provide evidence for a PEP-dependent glucose phosphotransferase system in these bacteria. Mannose and 2-deoxyglucose inhibited PEP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose by S. bovis JB1 by 50 and 38%, respectively, whereas alpha-methylglucoside had little effect. Mannose was a competitive inhibitor of PEP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose with an inhibition constant of 2.8 mM, and PEP-dependent activity in cells grown in batch culture was optimal at pH 7.2. When S. bovis JB1 was grown in continuous culture, PEP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose and 2-deoxyglucose was highest in cells grown at a dilution rate of .10/h and at low glucose concentrations. Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent activity was optimum at a growth pH of 5.0 for cells grown in medium that contained less than 6.0 g/liter of glucose. These data indicate that PEP-dependent glucose phosphotransferase system activity can be influenced depending on the growth conditions used to culture S. bovis. Furthermore, these results suggest that environmental conditions within the rumen will affect how glucose is transported by S. bovis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis ATCC No. 19210 was grown on Middlebrook 7H-10 medium with pyruvate. Cells were harvested, and extracts were prepared, using 2% sodium deoxycholate (DOC) and 0.003M EDTA (in 0.1M Tris-HCl, 0.15M NaCl with 0.02% sodium azide [pH 8.4]). Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride was added, and the cells were extracted for 48 hours at 4 C. Cells were removed by centrifugation at 10,000 X g for 30 minutes. The supernatant was filter sterilized and separated into 2 fractions (peak A and peak B) by size-exclusion chromatography. The nonfractionated DOC extract and DOC peak A elicited delayed-type hypersensitivity responses at each of the protein concentrations tested (0.5, 1.5, and 4.5 micrograms) in M bovis-sensitized guinea pigs; responses were not detected, using DOC peak B. Significant differences were detected for each of the antigens when enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay values were compared, using sera from cattle before and 10 months after they were exposed to M bovis (P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

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