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为了探究寒区模袋混凝土梯形衬砌渠道冻胀破坏力学模型,通过总结寒区模袋混凝土梯形衬砌渠道的冻胀破坏形式,对模袋混凝土梯形衬砌渠道发生冻胀破坏的机理进行分析,并结合大量的野外试验,对寒区模袋混凝土衬砌渠道的受力问题进行研究.在此基础上,通过对衬砌渠道合理的假设和简化,提出了模袋混凝土梯形衬砌渠道受冻胀破坏的力学模型,推导出模袋混凝土在空洞处内力表达式,同时总结了模袋混凝土衬砌结构发生冻胀破坏的判断准则.通过有关规范确定了最大法向冻胀力和切向冻结力,即可求出模袋混凝土的内力,并对模袋混凝土的厚度进行验算,为今后的工程设计提供一定的理论依据.在实际工程中,模袋混凝土衬砌结构在空洞处容易发生断裂破坏,应避免模袋混凝土衬砌结构出现空洞现象.  相似文献   

Summary Water application pattern, WAP, is one of the most important factors that determine the instantaneous and the cumulative application rates of moving irrigation machines. The mathematical background of a procedure to predict and design the WAP of moving irrigation machines is introduced. It includes a mathematical analysis of the effect of pressure head, height and spacing between emitters on the WAP, and a nomograph that presents this analysis graphically and illustrates the design procedure of the application pattern of irrigation machines.Abbreviations P()a water application rate at a normalized radial distance from the emitter [m/s] - ka number of linear segments needed to represent the pattern - s/Ra normalized radial distance from the emitter - Ra wetted radius [m] - sa radial distance from the emitter [m] - n j n i/ha normalized water application rate at point - j, ha maximum water application rate [m/s] n j water application rate at point j [m/s] - j =m j/Ra normalized radial distance of point j from emitter - m ja radial distance of point - ja from emitter [m], CWAP - (x)a Cumulative Water Application Pattern: amount of water per unit area applied at a distance - xa from the travel path of the emitter [m3/m2] - xa distance from the travel path of the emitter [m] - T xa time of application at a distance - xa from the travel path of the emitter [s] - va velocity of propagation of the machine [m/s] - k 1a the outmost linear segment that its radial distance from the emitter - m k1a is smaller than the distance of the travel path from the emitter - x, T ja time at which the - j tha linear segment (ring) stops influencing the point located at a distance - xa from the emitter - 1, 2, 3a dimensionless numbers derived by dimensional analysis - ua water jet velocity [m/s] - ga gravity acceleration [m/s2] - da nozzle diameter [m], v kinematic viscosity [m2/s] - Ha emitters height [m] - , a regression analysis coefficients - Paa Pattern fit coefficient for water application - F(r)a normalized desired water application pattern [1/m] - f(r)a normalized actual water application pattern [1/m] - La common distance on which - F(r) and f(r)a are defined [m], SP spacing interval between emitters [m] - DSa dimensionless spacing interval between emitters - DSa variation of dimensionless spacing interval - Paa variation of Pa coefficient - Pa pressure head [kPa]  相似文献   

土壤水热分布状况是作物优质高产的关键环境条件之一,基于土壤水、热运动基本方程,结合地表滴灌水分运动特点,建立了地表滴灌水、热运移数学模型,利用HYDRUS-2D软件对构建的数学模型进行了数值求解,并对数值模拟得到的土壤水热值与田间实测数值进行了对比验证。结果表明, 所构建的数学模型对地表滴灌条件下的土壤水分运动和土壤温度变化及分布的动态变化具有较好的模拟效果;当土壤、气象以及灌水资料等可知时,利用该数学模型可以较准确地预测地表滴灌条件下水热耦合迁移与分布规律,模型可用来适时监测和调控地表滴灌条件下作物生长所需的土壤水、热环境条件。此外,数值模拟值和实测结果都显示,地表滴灌条件下上层土壤的水分和温度值较下层土壤易受到土壤蒸发和大气温度剧烈波动的影响。  相似文献   

Summary The unsaturated flow and unsaturated chemistry submodels of a conceptual computer simulation model, developed at the United States Bureau of Reclamation to predict water and salt behaviour in soils, were tested under field conditions. The comparison of results was done with data obtained from an irrigation trial with alfalfa over a period of four years. The model simulated the actual physical and chemical processes taking place in the soil to a fair degree of accuracy. The predicted moisture contents compared reasonably well with ob served data, especially in the soil layers between 480 and 1200 mm (Figs. 1 and 2, Tables 3 and 4). The simulation of moisture distribution was more accurate for plots receiving a high irrigation frequency than for plots given a low irrigation frequency. On a depth-weighted-mean scale, the predicted salt concentration of the soil layers shallower than 1200 mm was within 11% of the observed data. However when the salt content of the soil layers between 1200 and 1920 mm was taken into account, the percentage error increased to about 40% (Table 6). The results indicate that this simulation model can be extremely useful in predicting the long and short term effect of irrigation water on the root zone of a soil. Field data are however at all times needed to calibrate the unsaturated flow model for specific soil types.  相似文献   

SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) represents a dynamic catchment modelling application that can be applied to any river basin and used to quantify the impact of land management practices on water quality over a continuous period. The objective of this study is to apply the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model pathogen transport, simulate management practices affecting water quality and predict pathogen loads in Irish catchments. Based on input data regarding agricultural practice, demographics and hydrological parameters for the river Fergus catchment, SWAT was run to predict concentrations of Escherichia coli. Hydrometric validation results display a very good linear relationship between observed and predicted data (Coefficient of determination R2 = 0.83, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency E = 0.78) and indicate satisfactory simulation of hydrologic processes within the catchment. To date, pathogen predictions have proved variable between observed and simulated figures. Based on recommended values for the quantification of catchment modelling accuracy, predictions for E. coli can be described as acceptable and satisfactory with R2 = 0.68 and E = 0.59. Extensive monitoring is required for such simulations and the current study represents partial validation. Results suggest that although the capabilities exist to simulate pathogen transport in catchments, the capacity to accurately account for all factors that can contribute to water degradation is uncertain. The sensitivity analysis identified the bacteria partition coefficient (BACTKDDB) as the most important input parameter. In addition it reveals areas where further research is required, particularly in assessing the initial concentration of E. coli in human/animal waste. The developed model provides a tool capable of protecting water sources and human health from waterborne pathogens.  相似文献   

模拟撒施肥料下的一维畦灌地表水流与溶质运移过程可为采用先进的畦灌液体施肥方式提供对比依据。该文基于湍流理论垂向流速线性与对数分布规律及不可压缩流体力学连续方程,构造沿畦长及任意垂向断面的非均布流速场和溶质浓度场,建立起撒施肥料下的一维畦灌地表水流与溶质运移模型,并利用典型畦灌施肥试验结果,检验该模型的模拟效果。结果表明,建立的模型不仅具有在撒施肥料状况下较好模拟地表水流运动和溶质浓度时间变化过程的能力,还具备较佳的水量和溶质质量守恒性,从而为评价撒施肥料下的畦灌施肥系统性能及与其它施肥方式下的畦灌施肥系统性能对比,提供了实用的数值模拟工具。  相似文献   

Micro-irrigation has become an optimal means for providing water and nutrients to crops. There is an ample space for improving fertilizer use efficiency with micro-irrigation, if the movement and reactions of fertilizers in the soil are well understood. However, the rhizosphere dynamics of nutrients is very complex, depending on many factors such as soil temperature, pH, water content, and soil and plant characteristics. Many factors cannot be easily accurately quantified. However, using state-of-the-art modelling techniques, useful and reliable information can be derived.An attempt was made to evaluate the reactive transport of urea in the root zone of a sugarcane crop under drip irrigation, and to quantify the fluxes of urea, ammonium, and nitrate into the crop roots, volatilization fluxes, and deep drainage using a numerical model. This quantification helped in designing an optimal fertigation schedule. Various parameters used in the model were taken from either the literature or the field study. A typical scenario, based on the recommended total quantity of urea for sugar cane crop under drip irrigation in India, was tested using HYDRUS-2D. The total amount of urea was divided into fortnightly doses, depending on the stage of crop growth. For this scenario, the modelled crop uptake was found to be 30% higher than the crop demand. Consequently, an optimal fertigation schedule was developed that reduced the use of urea by 30% while at the same time providing enough N for its assimilation at all stages of crop growth. This type of modelling study should be used before planning field experiments for designing optimal fertigation schedules.  相似文献   

为了研究Markov-灰色残差GM(1,1)模型预测水泥固化砒砂岩抗压强度的精准度和适用性,先对抗压强度数据进行了一系列的处理,建立灰色GM(1,1)模型和灰色残差GM(1,1)模型,然后基于马尔克夫过程构建Markov-灰色残差GM(1,1)模型,并以此模型来估算水泥固化砒砂岩的抗压强度.结果表明,灰色残差GM(1,1)模型的检验精度得到了很大的提升且各项检验指标基本上都达到了1级,明显优于灰色GM(1,1)模型.马尔克夫过程便于确定残差修正值的正、负号,采用Markov-灰色残差GM(1,1)模型对不同水泥掺量下90 d龄期的水泥固化砒砂岩的抗压强度进行了预测,相对误差由原来的1.77%~4.01%降低至0.60%~2.36%,平均相对误差由2.63%减小至1.25%,模型的预测精度明显提高.该研究可以为水泥固化砒砂岩以及其他水泥基工程材料抗压强度的预测提供一种简易而可靠的新方法.  相似文献   

设计了一种液压行走履带式排灌车车架结构,建立了该车架的三维模型,并进行模型数据格式转换,利用ANSYA有限元分析软件对其进行静力学与模态分析,以便找出其危险区域或部位,评估了车架在工作过程中是否会发生共振现象,分析结果验证了结构设计满足性能要求。  相似文献   

Designing drip irrigation systems involve selection of an appropriate combination of emitter discharge rate and spacing between emitters for any given set of soil, crop, and climatic conditions, as well as understanding the wetted zone pattern around the emitter. The exact shape of the wetted volume and moisture distribution will depend on many factors, including soil hydraulic characteristics, initial conditions, emitter discharge rate, application frequency, root characteristics, evaporation, and transpiration. Multi-dimensional nature of water flow, plant uptake and high frequency of water application increase the complexity in modelling soil moisture dynamics from trickle irrigation. Researchers used analytical methods, semi-analytical methods and numerical methods to Richards’ equation using certain boundary conditions to model the infiltration from point source irrigation for use in design, install, and manage of drip irrigation systems due to their merits over direct measurements. Others developed models based on Green-Ampt equation, empirical models using regression techniques/dimensional analysis techniques/moment approach techniques/artificial neural networks on this topic to describe infiltration from a point/line sources. A review on these models developed under each category is presented in this study. Other knowledge gaps identified include (a) effect of variations in initial moisture content and packing conditions, (b) precision in observing the wetting front and soil–water content, (c) validity of soil surface boundary conditions, (d) effect of crop root architecture and its withdrawal pattern for different input parameters, (e) effects of gravitational gradients, (f) stratification in the soils, and (g) impact of soil hysteresis. The review promotes better understanding of the soil water dynamics under point source trickle emitters and helps to identify topics for more emphasis in future modelling activity.  相似文献   

A new watershed model, DRAIN-WARMF, was developed to simulate the hydrologic processes and the nitrogen fate and transport that occur in small, predominantly subsurface-drained, agricultural watersheds that experience periodic freezing and thawing conditions. In this modeling approach, surface flow is simulated using a watershed scale model, WARMF, and subsurface flow is estimated using a field-scale model for subsurface-drained shallow water table fields, DRAINMOD 5.1. For subsurface flow calculations, the watershed is subdivided into uniform cells, and DRAINMOD is run on each cell with inputs based on the individual hydrologic characteristics of the cell. The coupling results in a distributed parameter model that calculates the total flow at the outlet of a watershed as well as the nitrogen losses. The model was evaluated for the St. Esprit watershed, located approximately 50 km northeast of Montreal. Simulations were carried out from 1994 to 1996; data from 1994 and 1995 was used for model calibration and data from 1996 was used for model validation. The new model was able to adequately simulate the hydrologic response and nitrate losses at the outlet of the watershed. Comparing the observed daily flow/monthly nitrogen with the model's outputs over the validation period returned an R2 value of 0.74/0.86 and modeling efficiency of 0.72/0.83. This clearly demonstrates the model's ability to simulate hydrology and nitrogen losses occurring in small agricultural watersheds in cold climates.  相似文献   

The EU project SAFIR aimed to help farmers solve problems related to the use of low quality water for irrigation in a context of increasing scarcity of conventional freshwater resources. New decentralised water treatment devices (prototypes) were developed to allow a safe direct or indirect reuse of wastewater produced by small communities/industries or the use of polluted surface water. Water treatment technologies were coupled with irrigation strategies and technologies to obtain a flexible, easy to use, integrated management of the system. The challenge is to apply new strategies and technologies which allow using the lowest irrigation water quality without harming food safety or yield and fruit or derivatives quality. This study presents the results of prototype testing of a small-scale compact pressurized membrane bioreactor and of a modular field treatment system including commercial gravel filters and heavy-metal specific adsorption materials. Decentralised compact pressurised membrane biobooster (MBR), was able to remove up to 99.99% of the inlet Escherichia coli and 98.52% of total coliforms. E. coli was completely removed from irrigation water in 53% of the samples by the last MBR prototype version. In 2008, 100% of samples fulfilled WHO standards (1989) and Global Gap requirement for faecal contamination. MBR removed from inlet flow in the average 82% of arsenic, 82% of cadmium, 97% of chromium, 93% of copper and 99% of lead. Boron and manganese were not removed from permeate. The field treatment system (FTS) proved to be effective against faecal contamination when applied with its complete set up including UV treatment. The sole gravel filter and heavy metal removal device (HMR) cannot provide sufficient and steadily treatment for microbial contamination. Nevertheless, gravel filter can remove up to 60% of E. coli but the removal process was not stable nor predictable. FTS removed 76% of arsenic, 80% of cadmium and copper, 88% of chromium and lead, and up to 97% of zinc. Like the MBR, boron and manganese were not removed from the irrigation water. Gravel filter directly fed with secondary treated wastewater was found able to remove 41% of arsenic, 36% of cadmium and lead, 48% of chromium and 46% of copper. The residual heavy metals concentration after the gravel filter was further reduced by the HMR: 35% for arsenic, 22% for cadmium, 25% for chromium, 33% for copper and 53% for lead.  相似文献   

Policy makers in the agricultural sector are confronted with challenges which might drive land use change and ultimately agricultural profitability to a substantial degree. The challenges include questions around climate variability, demographic changes, use of land for bio-fuel production and ensuring an increase in food production. As profitability triggers many agri-business decisions, knowledge about the existing socio-economic landscape and the economic profile of a region as well as potential impacts on profits provides useful contextual information when agricultural policies are designed. Given the upcoming challenges and their associated uncertainties, it is important to ensure that a map of agricultural profit can be reproduced in a scenario and simulation setting which will allow exploring uncertainties around the impacts on agricultural profits as well. There is however currently no flexible system in operation which allows for a consistent update of a map of agricultural profits in Australia or elsewhere. This paper describes a process that has been developed to produce a map of agricultural profit for Australia for the year 2005/2006. The process involves a complex data architecture that accounts for heterogeneous information that is collected by a variety of institutions across different scales. All information can be comfortably queried and query results can be forwarded for immediate processing and subsequent visualisation in a geographic information system (GIS). To facilitate the production of profit maps in the future, the system provides flexibility regarding an update of new economic information but it can also be linked to maps that show an updated distribution of land use. A map of agricultural profit on a large scale and regular updates thereof will help understand profit trends in time and across space. It will help identifying regions that have a lower economic profile and will inform decisions regarding the design of regulatory policies. As these maps are developed using national scale data, we do not recommend using the results at the farm level but we suggest using separate catchment scale profit assessments to calibrate the national scale profit map. The proposed system is well suited to be used in various land use management and economic scenarios and will represent a step forward regarding a scenario impact assessment on agricultural profits. It will also help understand the economic benefit of land use on a large scale.  相似文献   

The paper presents a simplified model called PESTDRAIN. It simulates pesticide transport in a subsurface tile-drained field. It computes surface runoff and tile-drainage flow rates, along with the associated pesticide concentrations, with a variable event-driven time step. PESTDRAIN consists of three coupled modules: SIDRA, SIRUP and SILASOL. SIDRA and SIRUP are the water flow simulation modules in the saturated and unsaturated zones, respectively. SIDRA follows a simplified physically based approach while SIRUP follows a conceptual capacitive approach. SILASOL is the solute transport module for both the saturated and unsaturated zones and is based on transfer functions. It includes simple representations of adsorption and degradation of pesticides.PESTDRAIN was tested on field data sets collected for three drainage seasons at the La Jaillière experimental site in north-western France, for the wheat herbicides isoproturon (IPU) and diflufenican (DFF). After model calibration, relative errors for drainage and surface runoff flows over the season were 14% and 4%, respectively, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (Neff) value for drainage discharge was 0.58. A fair reproduction of a high temporal resolution IPU concentration data set in drainage discharge was also obtained (Neff=0.28). For the validation data sets, PESTDRAIN was able to simulate accurately drainage discharge with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients of 0.57 and 0.69. The global Neff was 0.44 for all flow-weighted average weekly concentrations in drainage. Relative errors for the pesticide losses were 2.5% and 35% (IPU), and 60% (DFF). For surface runoff the results were not as accurate, but they remained correct in terms of time location and order of magnitude. Although further validation is necessary with more field data, PESTDRAIN appears as a promising tool for agricultural water management.  相似文献   

The DRAINMOD-N II model (version 6.0) was evaluated for a cold region in south-east Sweden. The model was field-tested using four periods between 2002 and 2004 of climate, soil, hydrology and water quality data from three experimental plots, planted to a winter wheat-sugarbeet-barley-barley crop rotation and managed using conventional and controlled drainage. DRAINMOD-N II was calibrated using data from a conventional drainage plot, while data sets from two controlled drainage plots were used for model validation. The model was statistically evaluated by comparing simulated and measured drain flows and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) losses in subsurface drains. Soil mineral nitrogen (N) content was used to evaluate simulated N dynamics. Observed and predicted NO3-N losses in subsurface drains were in satisfactory agreement. The mean absolute error (MAE) in predicting NO3-N drainage losses was 0.16 kg N ha−1 for the calibration plot and 0.21 and 0.30 kg N ha−1 for the two validation plots. For the simulation period, the modelling efficiency (E) was 0.89 for the calibration plot and 0.49 and 0.55 for the validation plots. The overall index of agreement (d) was 0.98 for the calibration plot and 0.79 and 0.80 for the validation plots. These results show that DRAINMOD-N II is applicable for predicting NO3-N losses from drained soil under cold conditions in south-east Sweden.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to conduct a thorough accounting of energy used to transport liquid pig manure from farm storage to the field and to surface-apply the manure. Energy consumption was determined using both energy data from the literature plus data from field-scale research. Energy consumption was compared between two manure application systems (the drag hose and the slurry wagon systems) and two application timing treatments (single vs. twice-annual manure application). The single annual application of liquid pig manure applied at 81.5 mha−1 and transported 1.8 km from storage to field consumed 2180 MJ ha−1 with the drag hose system and 2185 MJ ha−1 with the slurry wagon system. The twice-annual manure application regime used 2726 and 2209 MJ ha−1 for the drag hose and slurry wagon systems, respectively. When energy use was calculated on the basis of MJ per kg of available N, liquid pig manure applied once annually with the slurry wagon system provided N at 17.76 MJ kg−1 of available N, which was 33% of the energy cost of N from anhydrous ammonia and 23% of the energy cost of N from urea. Manure transport distance could be increased to 8.4 km before the energy cost per kg of available N from pig manure was equivalent to anhydrous ammonia, and up to 12.3 km before the energy cost of manure N was equivalent to urea N. Despite the high energy cost to deliver liquid pig manure from storage to field, the much lower cost per kg of available N compared to inorganic fertilizer N highlights the opportunities that exist for improving the energy efficiency of industrial agriculture by replacing inorganic fertilizers with manure.  相似文献   

为了利用解析模型模拟土壤溶质迁移过程、估计土壤溶质迁移参数,在假定土壤溶质质量浓度分布为n次幂函数的基础上,结合边界层方法,将描述土壤溶质质量浓度分布的低次幂函数进一步推广,得到土壤溶质迁移的n次幂函数近似解析模型.在2个时刻(t=360,720 min)、较大距离(120~450 cm)时,利用不同次幂函数模型对溶质迁移过程进行比较分析,模拟结果表明孔隙水流速度较小(v=0.01 cm/min)时,在短历时(t=360 min)、长距离(x>50 cm)处,六次幂边界层解与其他次幂边界层解相比具有较高精确度;对边界层距离公式受各参数的影响进行模拟计算,分析结果表明:较小的孔隙水流速度(v≤0.01 cm/min)对边界层距离影响甚小;基于较小土壤孔隙水流速(v=0.01 cm/min)及测量仪器的不同灵敏度,利用不同次幂边界层距离公式对土壤溶质迁移参数进行数值计算比较及误差分析,结果表明用较高灵敏度的仪器进行测量,结合六次幂的边界层距离公式可准确地推求土壤溶质迁移参数弥散系数D及延迟因子R.  相似文献   

This paper present a set of solutions for new irrigation transformation in a sub-humid area such as Salvatierra (Alava, Spain). The research is based on the choice of crop rotation (cultivated species and its degree of participation) being able to economically optimise the use of available water for irrigation. Hence, we will be able in helping make decisions to plan, from origin, the transformation of a dry area into an irrigated area. To do this, a model of economic use of water has been used in an area with climatic features very similar to a large part of Europe, representing an interesting scenario compared to the places where the model had not been applied. Crops taking part in this rotation to optimise use of water are mainly vegetables, with high water needs, that coexist together with crops for dryland farming even in conditions of lack of water. Crops for dryland farming allow an interesting diversification of activity as well as an average resource assignment to the farms that make possible to cultivate many farms at a time, which obviously implies socio-economic benefits for the achievements in the zone.  相似文献   

Capillary barriers (CBs) occur at the interface between two soil layers having distinct differences in hydraulic characteristics. In preliminary work without growing crops, it was demonstrated that CBs implemented in sandy soils increased hydrostatic volumetric water content by 20–70%, depending on soil texture and depth of barrier insertion. We hypothesized that the introduction of an artificial CB at the lower root-zone boundary of horticultural crops can increase yields as a result of increased water content and uptake efficiency. The effects of introduced CBs on soil water content, plant growth, and yields of bell peppers (Capsicum annum L), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L), tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculantum L.), and melons (Cucumis melo L.) were studied in a desert environment in southern Israel. Inclusion of a CB increased soil water content by 60% and biomass and fruit yields by 25% for pepper, and increased matric head and biomass yield by 80 and 36%, respectively, for lettuce. Neither tomatoes nor melons reacted significantly to the presence of CBs, in spite of increased soil moisture. Daily soil matric head amplitude was reduced fivefold when lettuce was grown with a CB. Spatial variability was highly reduced when a CB was present. When peppers were grown with a CB, the standard deviations of water content and biomass yield were reduced by 40% relative to control.  相似文献   

The Xitiaoxi catchment is one of the most important catchments in the Taihu Basin in southeastern China. It contributes a significant amount of surface runoff and nutrient to Taihu Lake. Understanding the nutrient cycling and identification of critical non-point source pollution in this catchment are therefore of primary importance. In this paper, the Xinanjiang-Nitrogen (XAJ-N) model, a conceptual model of nutrient mobilization and transport is developed by integration of the Xinanjiang rainfall-runoff model, the Integrated Nitrogen CAtchment (INCA) model and the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). It is implemented with the environmental modelling language PCRaster and estimates the water fluxes and nutrient loadings on a cell-by-cell basis in daily time steps. The model includes the nitrogen cycling processes of mineralization, leaching, fixation, volatilization, nitrification, denitrification and plant uptake. Nitrogen is assumed to be mobilized by surface runoff and groundwater. The model performance was verified by comparing simulated and measured daily discharge and nutrient loadings. The results showed a fairly good relationship between predicted and observed values. Due to the scarce observed data, the simulation results were also validated using an internal mass balance method and values from the literature. It showed that the modelling approach can be used as a tool to estimate the export of nutrient with a daily resolution at a catchment scale.  相似文献   

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