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Current yeast interactome network maps contain several hundred molecular complexes with limited and somewhat controversial representation of direct binary interactions. We carried out a comparative quality assessment of current yeast interactome data sets, demonstrating that high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screening provides high-quality binary interaction information. Because a large fraction of the yeast binary interactome remains to be mapped, we developed an empirically controlled mapping framework to produce a "second-generation" high-quality, high-throughput Y2H data set covering approximately 20% of all yeast binary interactions. Both Y2H and affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (AP/MS) data are of equally high quality but of a fundamentally different and complementary nature, resulting in networks with different topological and biological properties. Compared to co-complex interactome models, this binary map is enriched for transient signaling interactions and intercomplex connections with a highly significant clustering between essential proteins. Rather than correlating with essentiality, protein connectivity correlates with genetic pleiotropy.  相似文献   

【目的】分析全基因组重复后,蛋白质互作网络对重复基因分歧模式的作用机制。【方法】结合高精度的蛋白质互作数据集和具有相同进化年代的重复基因数据集,在全基因组范围关联分析拷贝间进化距离与网络结构的相关性,并通过对拷贝间连接水平的差异程度分类,分析不同阶段网络结构对基因功能的影响。【结果】重复基因两拷贝间的进化距离与其祖先基因在网络中的连接水平呈显著负相关,与重复基因间的连接度差异率呈显著正相关;网络结构完全歧化的重复基因间的非同义替换均值,较未完全歧化的重复基因显著高出30.2%。【结论】网络结构对重复基因的进化起调节作用,网络系统在保持核心稳定的同时,使外围组分发生了更大变化;重复基因在网络结构改变的前期为基因组提供功能冗余,但在网络结构差别较大后,显著增加的突变更有利于基因新功能的产生。  相似文献   

High-throughput screens have begun to reveal the protein interaction network that underpins most cellular functions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. How the organization of this network affects the evolution of the proteins that compose it is a fundamental question in molecular evolution. We show that the connectivity of well-conserved proteins in the network is negatively correlated with their rate of evolution. Proteins with more interactors evolve more slowly not because they are more important to the organism, but because a greater proportion of the protein is directly involved in its function. At sites important for interaction between proteins, evolutionary changes may occur largely by coevolution, in which substitutions in one protein result in selection pressure for reciprocal changes in interacting partners. We confirm one predicted outcome of this process-namely, that interacting proteins evolve at similar rates.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for integrating diverse functional genomics data was developed by reinterpreting experiments to provide numerical likelihoods that genes are functionally linked. This allows direct comparison and integration of different classes of data. The resulting probabilistic gene network estimates the functional coupling between genes. Within this framework, we reconstructed an extensive, high-quality functional gene network for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, consisting of 4681 (approximately 81%) of the known yeast genes linked by approximately 34,000 probabilistic linkages comparable in accuracy to small-scale interaction assays. The integrated linkages distinguish true from false-positive interactions in earlier data sets; new interactions emerge from genes' network contexts, as shown for genes in chromatin modification and ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

兰科植物俗称兰花,是最重要的观赏花卉,构建遗传图谱,特别是高密度遗传图谱有助于提高育种水平,本研究主要对兰科植物遗传图谱与重要性状的QTL定位进行了综述。结果表明:1)2007年报道出兰科石斛属第一张遗传图谱以来,累计发表了13张兰科植物遗传连锁图谱。2)从图谱类型来看,5张为品种间图谱,8张为种间图谱;从图谱用途来分,7张可以用于QTL定位,3张可用于精细定位或基因克隆,另3张为基础参考图谱。3)从已构建的兰科植物遗传图谱看,总图距越来越高且平均图距越来越小,为图谱的实际应用奠定了基础,但作图群体较小始终是个问题。4)虽然在蝴蝶兰叶片、花色,石斛兰萼片大小及石斛茎及多糖含量等相关性状上进行了QTL定位,但在花朵大小、花朵数、花香、花型、花斑和植株抗性等方面均未涉及。因此,构建遗传图谱,特别是高密度遗传图谱能够为兰花的生物学研究及分子标记辅助育种提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The mating response of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by a prototypical heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (G protein) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. Although signal transmission by such pathways has been modeled in detail, postreceptor down-regulation is less well understood. The pheromone-responsive G protein alpha subunit (Galpha) of yeast down-regulates the mating signal, but its targets are unknown. We have found that Galpha binds directly to the mating-specific MAPK in yeast cells responding to pheromone. This interaction contributes both to modulation of the mating signal and to the chemotropic response, and it demonstrates direct communication between the top and bottom of a Galpha-MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits associated with yield in maize.In this study,a gibberellins(GA)-insensitive dwarf mutant,m34,was screened from inbred line Ye478 by treatment with the chemical mutagen ethylmethanesulfonate(EMS).Compared to Ye478,m34 showed a dwarf phenotype with shorter internodes,and smaller leaf length and width,but with similar leaf number.Furthermore,m34 exhibited smaller guard cells in internodes than Ye478,suggesting that smaller cells might contribute to its dwarf phenotype.Genetic analysis indicated that the m34 dwarf phenotype was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene.An F2 population derived from a cross between m34 and B73 was used for mutational gene cloning and this gene was mapped to a chromosome region between umc2189 and umc1553 in chromosome 1 bin1.10,which harbored a previously identified dwarf gene Zm VP8.Sequencing analysis showed a nucleotide substitution(G1606 to A1606)in the sixth exon of ZmVP8,which resulted in an amino acid change(E531 to K531)from Ye478 to m34.This amino acid change resulted in anα-helix changing to aβ-sheet in the secondary protein structure and the‘SPEC’domain changed to a‘BOT1NT’domain in the tertiary protein structure.Taken together,these results suggested that m34 is a novel allelic mutant originally derived from Ye478 that is useful for further ZmVP8 functional analysis in maize.  相似文献   

通过构造Lyapunov函数,讨论了含有脉冲的Hopfields神经网络解的全局收敛性质及收敛速度,并给出实例说明所得结论的有效性.  相似文献   

Signaling pathways transmit information through protein interaction networks that are dynamically regulated by complex extracellular cues. We developed LUMIER (for luminescence-based mammalian interactome mapping), an automated high-throughput technology, to map protein-protein interaction networks systematically in mammalian cells and applied it to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) pathway. Analysis using self-organizing maps and k-means clustering identified links of the TGFbeta pathway to the p21-activated kinase (PAK) network, to the polarity complex, and to Occludin, a structural component of tight junctions. We show that Occludin regulates TGFbeta type I receptor localization for efficient TGFbeta-dependent dissolution of tight junctions during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions.  相似文献   

师生互动平台是网络教学中必不可少的环节,便于教师与学生之间的信息交流,具有专题讨论、作业系统、资料上传与下载等功能.本文主要介绍了在网络教学中师生互动平台的设计内容.  相似文献   

试验以东农46和L-100杂交构建的包含127个家系F2:10、F2:11、F2:12代重组自交系群体为试验材料,结合三年五点以及4个浸种时间段,调查大豆硬实率和种子吸水量两个表型性状,采用QTL IciMapping 4.1完备区间作图法,作QTL定位和加性效应分析.结果共检测到26个与大豆硬实性相关QTLs,分布于...  相似文献   

Comparisons of recent with historical samples of chromosome inversion frequencies provide opportunities to determine whether genetic change is tracking climate change in natural populations. We determined the magnitude and direction of shifts over time (24 years between samples on average) in chromosome inversion frequencies and in ambient temperature for populations of the fly Drosophila subobscura on three continents. In 22 of 26 populations, climates warmed over the intervals, and genotypes characteristic of low latitudes (warm climates) increased in frequency in 21 of those 22 populations. Thus, genetic change in this fly is tracking climate warming and is doing so globally.  相似文献   

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