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A dynamic whole-stand growth model for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stands in north-western Spain is presented. In this model, the initial stand conditions at any point in time are defined by three state variables (number of trees per hectare, stand basal area and dominant height), and are used to estimate total or merchantable stand volume for a given projection age. The model uses three transition functions derived with the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) to project the corresponding stand state variables at any particular time. These equations were fitted using the base-age-invariant dummy variables method. In addition, the model incorporates a function for predicting initial stand basal area, which can be used to establish the starting point for the simulation. Once the state variables are known for a specific moment, a distribution function is used to estimate the number of trees in each diameter class by recovering the parameters of the Weibull function, using the moments of first and second order of the distribution. By using a generalized height-diameter function to estimate the height of the average tree in each diameter class, combined with a taper function that uses the above predicted diameter and height, it is then possible to estimate total or merchantable stand volume.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and canopy position on the allocation of N to Rubisco and chlorophyll as well as the distribution of absorbed light among thermal energy dissipation, photochemistry, net CO2 assimilation and alternative electron sinks such as the Mehler reaction and photorespiration. The relative reduction state of the primary quinone receptor of photosystem II (QA) was used as a surrogate for photosystem II (PSII) vulnerability to photoinactivation. Measurements were made on needles from the lower, mid and upper canopy of 21-year-old Pinus radiata D. Don trees grown with (N+) and without (N0) added N fertilizer. Rubisco was 45 to 60% higher in needles of N+ trees than in needles of N0 trees at all canopy positions. Chlorophyll was approximately 80% higher in lower- and mid-canopy needles of N+ trees than of N0 trees, but only approximately 20% higher in upper-canopy needles. Physiological differences between N+ and N0 trees were found only in the lower- and mid- canopy positions. Needles of N+ trees dissipated up to 30% less light energy as heat than needles of N0 trees and had correspondingly more reduced QA. Net CO2 assimilation and the proportions of electrons used by alternative electron sinks such as the Mehler reaction and photorespiration were unaffected by N treatment regardless of canopy position. We conclude that the application of N fertilizer mainly affected the biochemistry and light-use physiology in lower- and mid-canopy needles by increasing the amount of chlorophyll and hence the amount of light harvested. This, however, did not improve photochemistry or safe dissipation, but increased PSII vulnerability to photoinactivation, an effect with likely significant consequences during sunflecks or sudden gap formation.  相似文献   

A new model for predicting the total tree height for harvested stems from cut-to-length(CTL) harvester data was constructed for Pinus radiata(D.Don) following a con?ceptual analysis of relative stem profiles,comparisons of candidate models forms and extensive selections of predictor variables.Stem profiles of more than 3000 trees in a taper data set were each processed 6 times through simulated log cutting to generate the data required for this purpose.The CTL simulations not only mimicked but also covered the full range of cutting patterns of nearly 0.45 × 10~6 stems harvested during both thinning and harvesting operations.The single-equation model was estimated through the multipleequation generalized method of moments estimator to obtain efficient and consistent parameter estimates in the presence of error correlation and heteroscedasticity that were inherent to the systematic structure of the data.The predictive performances of our new model in its linear and nonlinear form were evaluated through a leave-one-tree-out cross validation process and compared against that of the only such existing model.The evaluations and comparisons were made through benchmarking statistics both globally over the entire data space and locally within specific subdivisions of the data space.These statistics indicated that the nonlinear form of our model was the best and its linear form ranked second.The prediction accuracy of our nonlinear model improved when the total log length represented more than 20% of the total tree height.The poorer performance of the existing model was partly attributed to the high degree of multicollinearity among its predictor variables,which led to highly variable and unstable parameter estimates.Our new model will facilitate and widen the utilization of harvester data far beyond the current limited use for monitoring and reporting log productions in P.radiata plantations.It will also facilitate the estimation of bark thickness and help make harvester data a potential source of taper data to reduce the intensity and cost of the conventional destructive taper sampling in the field.Although developed for P.radiata,the mathematical form of our new model will be applicable to other tree species for which CTL harvester data are routinely captured during thinning and harvesting operations.  相似文献   

本文研究了四川省引种栽培的辐射松的抗逆性。研究结果表明:辐射松幼林在四川岷江上游干旱河谷表现出较强的抗旱性和较强的抗病、抗虫能力;根据造林地海拔与林木受冻害的关系,提出在岷江上游河谷区适宜栽培的海拔上限为2100m。辐射松在气温较高、湿度较大的区域造林保存率极低,而且易感病虫害,不宜引种栽培。  相似文献   

The efficiency with which trees use water is a major determinant of growth under water-limited conditions. We investigated whether increased access to water and nutrients alters water-use efficiency in Pinus radiata D. Don. Intrinsic transpiration efficiency, defined here as the ratio of CO(2) assimilated and water transpired at a given vapor pressure deficit, is determined by the difference between ambient atmospheric CO(2) concentration (c(a)) and leaf intercellular CO(2) concentration (c(i)). The mean value of c(i)/c(a) can be inferred from an analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) in wood samples. A total of 117 trees, growing at sites with widely varying soil and climatic conditions in Australia and New Zealand, were cored and distinct annual rings were analyzed for their carbon isotope ratio, and correlated with rainfall during the July-June growing season in the year in which the wood was grown. Where possible, carbon isotope ratios were compared for different years within the same trees. The c(i)/c(a) ratio decreased with decreasing water availability, suggesting that intrinsic transpiration efficiency increased with decreasing water availability. An increase in growing season rainfall of 900 mm resulted in an increase in Delta of about 2.0 per thousand, corresponding to a decrease in intrinsic transpiration efficiency of approximately 24%. A stronger relationship was obtained when carbon isotope discrimination was expressed as a function of the ratio of rainfall to potential transpiration. Carbon isotope discrimination was also negatively correlated with mean annual vapor pressure deficit at different sites. In contrast, nutrient availability had no significant effect on carbon isotope discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary The variation of the longitudinal Young's modulus with mean cellulose microfibril angle of the wood substance of the earlywood of a softwood has been determined from small clear samples.The longitudinal Young's modulus falls steeply as the angle between the longitudinal axis and the mean microfibril direction in the cell walls increases. The variation has been explained in both form and magnitude by applying the elastic theory of a fibre composite material with distributed fibre directions to a model of the experimental material. It confirms the two phase concepts of the plant cell wall, as far as the elastic properties are concerned, of rigid crystalline microfibrils embedded in an isotropic matrix of amorphous and paracrystalline materials.
Zusammenfassung Die Änderung des Young-Moduls in longitudinaler Richtung mit dem mittleren Winkel der Cellulose-Mikrofibrillen in der Frühholzsubstanz von Nadelholz wurde an kleinen, fehlerfreien Proben bestimmt.Der longitudinale Young-Modul fällt mit zunehmendem Winkel zwischen Längsachse und mittlerer Mikrofibrillen-Richtung in der Zellwand steil ab.Die Änderung wurde nach Form und Größe durch Anwendung der Elastizitätstheorie für ein faseriges Material mit wechselnden Faserrichtungen auf ein Modell aus dem Versuchsmaterial erklärt. Das Zwei-Phasen-Modell der Pflanzenzellwand wird damit bestätigt, soweit es sich um die elastischen Eigenschaften von starren, kristallinen Cellulose-Mikrofibrillen handelt, die in einer isotropen Matrix aus amorphem, parakristallinen Material eingebettet sind.

采用盆栽控水法和单因素试验设计,对两种针叶树种辐射松(Pinus radiata D.Don)、油松(Pinus tabulaeform is Carr.)幼苗在连续干旱胁迫下分别测定其植株的叶片相对含水量、质膜相对透性、脯氨酸含量和脱落酸含量等4项抗旱生理指标,以评定两种树种的抗旱性能。研究结果表明,在连续干旱胁迫下,两树种叶片相对含水量均呈下降趋势,但辐射松的降幅较大,两树种的质膜相对透性、脯氨酸含量和脱落酸含量均有所增加,但辐射松的增幅较小,因此,辐射松的抗旱性能次于油松。  相似文献   

通过对澳大利亚辐射松的现场考察参观、学习培训、学术交流与讨论,对澳大利亚在辐射松种源选择、苗木快繁培育、丰产栽培、集约经营、遗传改良、病虫害防治、木材采伐、加工利用等方面进行归纳叙述,了解到澳大利亚的辐射松人工林发展思路和趋势,经营和管理水平,经营理念、技术与方法等,对四川省大规模引种栽培辐射松具有十分重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

We compared the performance of mycorrhiza-inoculated and non-inoculated radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) seedlings in two field studies. In the first study, above ground growth of 2-year-old container-grown trees was compared after planting in two areas that differed in water availability. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly improved above ground growth in the 2 years after planting in both areas, especially at the drier site. In the second study, the influence of Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda ex Sturm) Th. Fries and Scleroderma citrinum Pers. on xylem water potential and hydraulic conductance at the soil-root interface of trees established at the same sites was assessed. Nursery inoculations with R. roseolus and S. citrinum improved tree growth during the first 2 years after field outplanting, particularly at the drier site.  相似文献   

Responses of photosynthesis (A) to intercellular CO(2) concentration (C(i)) were measured in a fast- and a slow-growing clone of Pinus radiata D. Don cultivated in a greenhouse with a factorial combination of nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Stomatal limitations scaled with nitrogen and phosphorus supply as a fixed proportion of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (18.5%) independent of clone. Photosynthetic rates at ambient CO(2) concentration were mainly in the V(cmax)-limited portion of the CO(2) response curve at low-nitrogen supply and at the transition between V(cmax) and J(max) at high-nitrogen supply. Nutrient limitations to photosynthesis were partitioned based on the ratio of foliage nitrogen to phosphorus expressed on a leaf area basis (N(a)/P(a)), by minimizing the mean square error of segmented linear models relating photosynthetic parameters (V(cmax), J(max), T(p)) to foliar nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. A value of N(a)/P(a) equal to 23 (mole basis) was identified as the threshold separating nitrogen (N(a)/P(a) < or = 23) from phosphorus (N(a)/P(a) > 23) limitations independent of clones. On an area basis, there were significant positive linear relationships between the parameters, V(cmax), J(max), T(p) and N(a) and P(a), but only the relationships between T(p) and N(a) and P(a) differed significantly between clones. These findings suggest that, in genotypes with contrasting growth, the responses of V(cmax) and J(max) to nutrient limitation are equivalent. The relationships between the parameters V(cmax), J(max), T(p) and foliage nutrient concentration on a mass basis were unaffected by clone, because the slow-growing clone had a significantly greater leaf area to mass ratio than the fast-growing clone. These results may be useful in discriminating nitrogen-limited photosynthesis from phosphorus-limited photosynthesis.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):101-108
Harvesters estimate bark thickness primarily from diameter over bark (DOB) and use it to estimate log volume and value. Harvester bark thickness estimation errors can reduce returns through poor bucking optimisation and out-of-specification logs. Radiata pine bark thickness data from harvested logs and permanent sample plots (PSP) were analysed to determine best-fit coefficients for current and potential future harvester bark thickness models. The most suitable current harvester bark thickness model for radiata pine is: double bark thickness = b 0 + b 1*DOB (the ‘DOB model’). This describes a straight line, whereas radiata pine bark relative to DOB is thicker near the stem base and consistent over the remainder. PSP data set coefficients for this model overestimated upper stem bark thickness and underestimated lower stem values. The harvester model for Scots pine bark fitted better than the DOB model for diameters <400 mm but performed poorly for larger logs, as it is restricted to trees with a diameter at breast height <590 mm. Two better models were identified: (1) a model using relative height to account for bark thickness changes with height, and (2) implementing separate DOB models for the bottom 10% and top 90% of the stem split by relative height. These approaches require approval by the StanForD committee to be implemented. Prior to approval, the upper 90% model coefficients could be applied to the entire stem to improve upper 90% stem volume and value predictions at the expense of the lower 10%. Further research will determine if this approach produces acceptable results when optimising bucking. Increasing variability of bark thickness estimates with increasing DOB in the PSP data set may reflect manual measurement errors with thicker bark or may show that additional explanatory variables are needed. Efforts to identify new variables would need to be weighed against additional returns and probable reductions in numbers of larger trees by as the clearfell age is reduced.  相似文献   

In order to offer a scientific basis for cultivation and management of forests, effects of light radiation intensity on photosynthetic characteristics and water use efficiency of Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis were studied under different soil moisture contents. By adopting artificial control methods to soil moisture, and under simulated photosynthetic radiation (SPR), the net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (T r), water use efficiency (WUE) and intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) of Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis in the semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau, were studied. Results are as follows: within the photon range of 0–2,200 μmol/(m2·s), P N, T r and WUE were enhanced with an increase in SPR in both species. P N and WUE of Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis, however, declined with continued increase in SPR. P N, T r, WUE and light saturation point (LSP) of Platycladus orientalis were higher than those of Pinus tabulaeformis, while light compensation point (LCP) of Platycladus orientalis was lower than that of Pinus tabulaeformis at the same soil moisture content. The efficiency of light energy utilization of Platycladus orientalis was higher than that of Pinus tabulaeformis; P N, T r and C i of Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis were enhanced by increasing soil moisture content, whereas WUE declined. At soil moistures of 7.90%, 13.00% and 19.99%, LSP of Platycladus orientalis was 1,275, 1,450 and 1,675 μmol/(m2·s) respectively, and LCP was 42, 25 and 13 μmol/(m2·s) respectively, with corresponding maximal net CO2 photosynthetic rates (P max) of 3.04, 4.06 and 5.53 μmol/(m2·s). At soil moistures of 7.83%, 13.04% and 20.15%, the LSP of Pinus tabulaeformis was 1,100, 1,325 and 1,500 μmol/(m2·s) respectively, and LCP was 60, 30 and 23 μmol/(m2·s), with P max of 1.08, 3.35 and 4.36 μmol/(m2·s) respectively. __________ Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 4(3): 108–113 [译自: 中国水土保持科学]  相似文献   

辐射松人工幼林生物量和生产力研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对岷江上游干旱河谷区引种栽培的5 a生辐射松幼林生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究,用"平均标准木法"和"样方收获法"分别调查了乔木层、灌木层、草本层、苔鲜层和凋落物层的生物量.据调查数据,用"相对生长法则"建立了乔木层单株立木及其各器官干重的回归方程,方程的精度均在97%以上.同时还研究了林分平均净生产量和产量结构.结果表明岷江上游干旱河谷区5 a生辐射松人工林分生物量平均为19.507 t/hm2,净生产量为3 902.40kg/(hm2·a).其中,乔木层生物量为8.510 t/hm2,占林分总量的43.62%;净生产量1.702 t/(hm2·a),占林分净生产量的43.63%.灌木的生物量和净生产量分别为2.171 t/hm2、434.20 kg/(hm2·a);草本的生物量和净生产量分别为8.091 t/hm2、1 618.20 kg/(hm2·a);苔鲜层的生物量和净生产量分别为0.464 t/hm2、92.80kg/(hm2·a);凋落物的生物量和净生产量分别为0.271 t/hm2、54.20 kg/(hm2·a).辐射松人工林与同区域同龄油松和岷江柏相比,其生物量和生产力都远高于它们.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to construct a model for the architecture of branches in Pinus radiata D. Don and to use it as a part of a modelling effort to relate timber quality as a function of growth and development. Diameter of branches at the insertion point and their length were measured from two types of branches on 2127 normal, healthy and growing branches of different ages, on 15-year-old radiata pine growing in a good and medium productive site in Chile, in stands that either were left without management or had been thinned and pruned. Statistical analysis showed a simple linear relationship between length and diameter with a common proportionality coefficient (slope) in both types of branches, different sites and management regimens. The equation for order 2 branches differed from that of order 3 branches only in the intercept. The results suggest that the uniform linear relationship between branch length and branch diameter could be applied to radiata pine stands of different site fertility and management regimens.  相似文献   

This work examines the applicability of mathematical models for correlating the visco-elastic strains during kiln drying of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) sapwood at various temperatures and moisture contents. The eventual aim is to use a mathematical model incorporating these strains to optimise the drying schedules and minimise the degradation. Data sets from previous experiments (Keep 1998) obtained at temperatures from 20 to 140 °C for sapwood at 5, 15 and 20% moisture contents (dry basis) were analysed. The data were fitted for various theoretical models, namely the Maxwell, Kelvin and Burgers models, and the Bailey-Norton equation. The parameter values and standard errors for the above models over the range of experimental data have been determined. The results indicate that the Maxwell model did not fit the experimental data well, having only one parameter. In most cases, the Bailey-Norton equation was inadequate, as it is a power-law model with a predicted continuous increase in creep with time and does not predict a plateau in the creep strain, as has been observed for most of Keep's (1998) data. The Kelvin model gave a better fit than the Bailey-Norton equation for most of the data sets. From visual inspection of the plots for the experimental data and the model predictions with time, it was found that both the Kelvin and Burgers models fitted the data satisfactorily. However, the three-parameter Burgers model was not a significant improvement over the two-parameter Kelvin model at the 0.01 level of significance, as shown by an analysis of variance. Received 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Turner  John  Lambert  Marcia J.  Hopmans  Peter  McGrath  John 《New Forests》2001,21(3):249-282
685,000 ha of Pinus radiata(D. Don) plantations in Australia werecategorized using a matrix of mean annualrainfall, rainfall regime and Parent Rock Codefrom a Technical Soil Classification. Datawere obtained from a number of differentorganizations which in total managed nearly allthe Australian P. radiata plantations. The selected characteristics were those whichcould be obtained at an acceptable level ofconfidence from all sources. Such acharacterization of plantation sites provided asystem for utilization of technical informationand extrapolation of research results and alsoa basis for the development of Site SpecificManagement systems. Analysis of theinformation indicated the high degree ofvariability of environments in whichplantations have been established withinAustralia and also the distinctive nature ofindividual regions. Such differences betweenareas make extension of silvicultural andrelated information difficult from one area toanother without appropriate validation. Abroad comparison with 1.26 million hectares ofP. radiata plantations in New Zealandindicated only a small overlap of areas of sitetypes between Australia and New Zealand. Assumptions derived in one location on thesites, characteristics, models and/or genotypeswould require significant testing beforeconfident application could be undertaken toanother area. The value of a Site SpecificManagement system for research planning andapplication of research and operational resultswas demonstrated from analysis of a series ofexperimental trials assessing application offertilizer after thinning and from evaluationof soil carbon in P. radiataplantations.  相似文献   

Twenty-three Pinus radiata seed orchard clones of the New Zealand 850 series were each control-pollinated with a mix of 10 pollens to produce polycross families. The seed was sown in open nursery beds. Seedlings were potted up at six times of the year and subjected to white advective frosts in controlled-environment rooms, with up to seven frosting runs of variable severities at each time. There were significant differences (p< <0.001) between families in frost injury, such that, although there was statistically significant family × time interaction, some families were consistently more frost resistant (tolerant) than others. No association between frost resistance and growth rate was evident.Individual-tree heritability estimates for frost damage scores were around 0.3 at given times, and 0.20 over all times. Prospective gain in resistance from progeny testing over several seasons of the year, with 2:23 selection, is about 1°C. An additional gain of 0.4°C resistance appears obtainable from 1:90 selection of individuals within pair-crosses in a single frosting run. This additional (within-cross) gain might be increased to around 0.75°C, with the same culling rate but testing one ramet per seedling at each of four times of the year.  相似文献   

Glycerol stearate was synthesized by esterification with non-toxic,inexpensive glycerol and stearic acid.The composite of glycerol stearate and Pinus radiata wood was prepared by vacuum impregnation.By Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)analysis,there was the generation of new C=O stretching vibration band of glycerol stearate in comparison with stearic acid.This confirms that glycerol stearate was successfully synthesized.The weight gain,FTIR spectrum and morphological analyses of the composite indicate that glycerol stearate was impregnated into the interior lumina of the cells.Thermal analysis showed that the maximal degradation temperature of the composite was 42℃higher than untreated wood.Contact angle images indicated that the value of the composite was134.2°.Hydrophobicity(the repulsion of water)of the composite was stronger than glycerol stearate,which a large number of hydroxyl of wood reacted with the oxygen-containing groups of glycerol stearate,improved hydrophobicity and thermal stability,thereby enhancing the potential application of P.radiata wood.  相似文献   

In animals, DNA methylation is related to gene silencing during ontogenic development. Little is known about DNA methylation in plants, although occasional changes in the DNA methylation state of specific gene promoters have been reported in angiosperms during some developmental processes. We found large differences in the extent of DNA methylation between meristematic areas of juvenile and mature Pinus radiata D. Don. trees, whereas differences in the extent of DNA methylation between differentiated tissues of juvenile and mature trees were small. In meristematic areas, there was a gradual decrease in extent of DNA methylation as the degree of reinvigoration increased. The observed changes in extent of DNA methylation during aging and reinvigoration indicate that reinvigoration could be a consequence of epigenetic modifications opposite in direction to those that occur during aging.  相似文献   

Fifty-two clones in twenty-two full-sib families were represented in a field trial. All cuttings were taken from hedged ortets which were four years from seed, but had been cut back periodically to one metre high since age two. One-year-old seedlings, from a seed orchard, where most of the parents of the clones were represented, were used as controls. The trial was assessed for Dothistroma needle blight infection six years after planting. The mean infection level of all the cuttings was 21.1%, compared to 29.8% for the seedlings. This difference was attributed to the greater maturation age of the cuttings. It was calculated that if the best 10% of the clones were selected, infection could have been further reduced to 12%, a level where other disease control measures would be considered unnecessary.  相似文献   

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