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Complex parameters such as the criteria of similarity for the physical adsorption of water by soils can be developed using the methods of the similarity theory. Based on the criterial relationship, a model was developed to calculate the total specific surface area from the experimental data on the soil water content. The model was tested for the plow horizons of some soddy-podzolic soils in the northwestern regions of the Russian Federation. The proposed approach can be used for the design and organization of experiments for the routine analysis of soil samples.  相似文献   

The specific surface of soils determined by water sorption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that the specific surface of soil can be measured by water sorption is tested with data for 62 subsoils of widely differing origins. Ethylene glycol and water sorption at p/p0=0.47 are found to be very closely related measurements and both are highly correlated with CEC. Both methods give a satisfactory measure of total specific surface for soils classed as smectitic and having a large CEC. However, the application of the multilayer theory to the sorption of water on external surfaces of clayey soils with small CEC suggests that both sorbates overestimate the specific surface of such soils. A better estimate of the errors would be obtained from isotherm measurements with water, which is more suitable for this purpose than ethylene glycol.  相似文献   

Soil water content during tillage can have a large impact on soil properties and tillage outcome. Measurement of soil relief in relation to fixed elevation points provides a non-destructive method of monitoring loosening/compacting processes during the year. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil water content during primary tillage on soil physical properties.

The treatments included mouldboard and chisel ploughing of a clay soil on three occasions in the autumn, with gradually increasing water content (0.76, 0.91 and 1.01 × plastic limit). Soil surface height was measured by laser within a 0.64 m2 area from fixed steel plates after each tillage occasion, and before and after seedbed preparation in the following spring. The measurements of surface height were compared with measurements of other soil physical properties, such as bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity and seedbed properties.

Tillage at the lowest water content (0.76 × plastic limit) produced the greatest proportion of small aggregates, and generally the most favourable soil conditions for crop growth. Soil loosening, as measured by increase in soil height during primary tillage, was highest for mouldboard ploughing and for tillage at the lowest water content. Differences between tillage treatments decreased with time, but were still significant after sowing in the spring. Natural consolidation during winter was smaller than the compaction during seedbed preparation in the spring. No significant differences in bulk density were found between treatments, and thus soil surface height was a more sensitive parameter than bulk density determined by core sampling to detect differences between treatments.

Late tillage under wet conditions caused a greater roughness of the soil surface and the seedbed base, which was also found in the traditional seedbed investigation. The effect of tillage time on seedbed properties also resulted in a lower number of emerged plants in later tillage treatments.

The laser measurements were effective for studying changes in soil structure over time. The results emphasize the need to determine changes in soil physical properties for different tillage systems over time in order to model soil processes.  相似文献   

Background, Aims, and Scope  During the last decades, different methods have been developed to determine soil hydraulic properties in the field and laboratory. These methodologies are frequently time-consuming and/or expensive. An indirect method, named Pedotransfer Functions (PTFs), was developed to predict soil hydraulic properties using other easily measurable soil (physical and chemical) parameters. This work evaluates the use of the PTFs included in the Rosetta model (Schaap et al. 2001) and compares them with PTFs obtained specifically for soils under two different vegetation covers. Methods  Rosetta software includes two basic types of pedotransfer functions (Class PTF and Continuous PTF), allowing the estimation of van Genuchten water retention parameters using limited (textural classes only) or more extensive (texture, bulk density and one or two water retention measurements) input data. We obtained water retention curves from undisturbed samples using the ‘sand box’ method for potentials between saturation and 20 kPa, and the pressure membrane method for potentials between 100 and 1500 kPa. Physical properties of sampled soils were used as input variables for the Rosetta model and to determine site-specific PTFs. Results  The Rosetta model accurately predicts water content at field capacity, but clearly underestimates it at saturation. Poor agreement between observed and estimated values in terms of root mean square error were obtained for the Rosetta model in comparison with specific PTFs. Discrepancies between both methods are comparable to results obtained by other authors. Conclusions  Site-specific PTFs predicted the van Genuchten parameters better than Rosetta model. Pedotransfers functions have been a useful tool to solve the water retention capacity for soils located in the southern Pyrenees, where the fine particle size and organic matter content are higher. The Rosetta model showed good predictions for the curve parameters, even though the uncertainty of the data predicted was higher than for the site-specific PTFs. Recommendations and Perspectives  The Rosetta model accurately predicts the retention curve parameters when the use is related with wide soil types; nevertheless, if we want to obtain good predictors using a homogenous soil database, specific PTFs are required. ESS-Submission Editor: Prof. Zhihong Xu, PhD (zhihong.xu@griffith.edu.au)  相似文献   

The specific surface area (SSA) of a soil is crucial for the interface of ions and water molecules with the soil particles. Therefore, many physical and chemical properties of a soil are determined using its total SSA. Measurement of SSA is time-consuming and laborious, and its estimation using pedotransfer functions is therefore preferred. The objectives of this study were to: (1) analyze the pore–solid interface fractal dimension (D) in soils with different textures from thesouthern part of Iran using estimated improved particle-size distribution (PSD) from the soil primary particles, i.e. clay, silt and sand; (2) develop a multivariate pedotransfer function to estimate D based on PSD; and (3) develop a multivariate pedotransfer function to link the values of D to the SSA. As a result, two pedotransfer functions are presented for estimation of D and SSA. To estimate SSA, the value of D is first obtained using the presented pedotransfer function and these estimated D values are then used in another pedotransfer function to estimate SSA. The pedotransfer functions were validated and it is concluded that they are able to predict the values of D and SSA accurately.  相似文献   

A model of phosphate reaction is constructed and its output compared with observations for the sorption and desorption of phosphate by soil. The model has three components: first, the reaction between divalent phosphate ions and a variable-charge surface; second, the assumption that there is a range of values of surface properties and that these are normally distributed; third, the assumption that the initial adsorption induces a diffusion gradient towards the interior of the particle which begins a solid-state diffusion process. The model closely describes the effects on sorption of phosphate of: concentration of phosphate, pH, temperature, and time of contact. It also reproduces the effects on desorption of phosphate of: period of prior contact, period and temperature of desorption, and soil: solution ratio. The model is general and should apply to other specifically adsorbed anions and cations. It suggests that phosphate that has reacted with soil for a long period is not ‘fixed’ but has mostly penetrated into the soil particles. The phosphorus can be recovered slowly if a low enough surface activity is induced.  相似文献   

A one-parameter model for the soil water characteristic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The two-parameter model In φ= a+b ln θis widely accepted in the literature as providing a good fit to the soil moisture characteristic for a wide variety of soil types. This model is examined and it is shown that the parameters a and b are not independent, and hence that the SMC may be represented by a one-parameter model with little loss of accuracy. Thus it is possible to define the SMC from one paired measurement of soil water content against potential. Because this single paired measurement is all that is required it also avoids the necessity of classification of the soil type–indeed it may provide an additional means of soil identification.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Agricultural Catchments Research Unit model (ACRU) includes a decision support system (DSS) for estimating the water content of soil at field capacity (θ fc ) and wilting point (θ wp ) when these characteristics are not directly measurable. Three methods of estimation are proposed: (a) based on silt and clay content and bulk density, (b) based on clay content only, and (c) based on soil series. These three pedotransfer functions are compared with respect to both the estimation of θ fc and θ wp and the propagation of errors when the actual evapotranspiration of a wheat crop (E) is predicted over the growing season by the ACRU model.
The standard error of estimation was between 0.066 and 0.082 m3/m3 for θ fc , between 0.056 and 0.069 m3/m3 for θ wp and between 29.9 and 34.8 mm of water for E. The method based on silt and clay contents and bulk density predicted θ fc and θ wp for non-swelling soils most precisely. The method based on soil series was better than other methods for swelling soils. It also performed better for estimating available water capacity and consequently for predicting E from a conceptual soil water model. The propagated error of estimating θ fc and θ wp using the DSS reached 15–18% of the simulated E. The error in the prediction of E can reach 26–30% when spatial variation in soil properties is also estimated.  相似文献   

Soil data form the basis of soil information systems across the globe. Soil information needs, and the questions posed by users, are likely to evolve in response to advances in technology in this era of Big Data. This poses a challenge to the pedological community which is already experiencing a decline in soil knowledge and expertise. With a decrease in soil data collection by governments, it is timely to reconsider how and what soil information should be provided to future users. A public–private partnership is advocated to deliver timely and accessible soil information to users. Two public–private provisioning programs are presented, and advantages and considerations for sharing soil data and information amongst industry, government, research organizations, service providers and land managers for these are discussed. Interoperable, open‐source and agreed soil community standards are used to present soil data and information through spatial web portals with tools for interpretation of soil data for public and private beneficiaries.  相似文献   

Evaluation of computer models with field data is required before they can be effectively used for predicting agricultural management systems. A study was conducted to evaluate tillage effects on the movement of water and nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) in the root zone under continuous corn (Zea mays L.) production. Four tillage treatments considered were: chisel plow (CP), moldboard plow (MP), no-tillage (NT), and ridge-tillage (RT). The root zone water quality model (RZWQM: V.3.25) was used to conduct these simulations. Three years (1990–1992) of field observed data on soil water contents and NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile were used to evaluate the performance of the model. The RZWQM usually predicted higher soil water contents compared with the observed soil water contents. The model predicted higher NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile for MP and NT treatments in comparison with CP and RT treatments, but the magnitude of simulated NO3–N peak concentrations in the soil profile were substantially different from those of the observed peaks. The average NO3–N concentrations for the entire soil profile predicted by the model were close to the observed concentrations except for ridge tillage (percent difference for CP=+5.1%, MP=+12.8%, NT=+18.4%, RT=−44.8%). Discrepancies between the simulated and observed water contents and NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile indicated a need for the calibration of plant growth component of the model further for different soil and climatic conditions to improve the N-uptake predictions of the RZWQM.  相似文献   

Adsorption of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) in aqueous suspension has been used to measure the specific surface area (SSA) of a silicon dioxide, a goethite, a clay, and a sample of a topsoil, the latter before and after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Surface areas were calculated from each of the plateaus of the isotherms derived from the Langmuir equation fitted to the data, using a value of 0.04268 nm2 for the molecular area of a monomer of PVA. We compared these SSA values with those measured by N2 adsorption. The SSA values of the silicon dioxide, the goethite and the clay are in excellent agreement with the corresponding N2‐BET areas. The removal of organic matter by H2O2 from the topsoil sample led to a marked increase in the SSA measured by the BET‐method. For this sample, the SSA measured by PVA was considerably larger than the one that was obtained by the BET‐method and showed only a little change after removal of SOM.  相似文献   

The mechanism of atmospheric,surface and soil water interactions( water transformation) in hillslope under natural conditions was analyzed,and a dynamic model was developed to simulate infiltration,overland flow and soil water movement during natural rainfall in hillslope,by bringing froward concepts such as rainfall intensity on slope and a correction coefficient of saturated soil water content for soil surface seal.Some factors,including slope angle,slope orientation and raindrop inclination,which affect the rainfall amount on slope, were taken into account while developing the dynamic model.The effect of surface seal on infiltration and water balance under a boundary condition of the second kind was aslo considered. Application of the model in a field experiment showed that the model simulated precisely the infiltration,overland flow and sol water monvement in hillsope under natural rainfall conditions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dye tracers are used to show concentration maps of tracer fronts, plumes and pathways on soil profiles and in monolith cross sections. The physical process of fluorescence from the exposed soil surfaces must be understood in order to retrieve accurately the concentration of such compounds. We found in a laboratory experiment that the fluorescence of quartz sand stained with Acid Yellow depends both on the tracer concentration and the soil water content. In this study, we investigate the dependence of fluorescence on the water content by using a radiative transfer model. The hypothesis of our modelling approach is that fluorescence depends on water content (1) because of the adsorption properties of the tracer and (2) because the microscopic distribution of the water phase changes the positioning and emission of the excited fluorescence molecules in the sample. Our model results show that both factors influence fluorescence to a similar extent, as observed in the Acid Yellow experiment. Because these results explain only part of the overall variation in the experiment, further factors, in addition to the postulated causes, have to be considered for determining concentration maps of fluorescent tracers from real soil profiles.  相似文献   

A physically based model describing the mechanism of surface seal formation of soil from a suspension of soil in flowing water was formulated on the basis of the principle of conservation of mass and Darcy's equation for the flow of water through a layered soil column. The model shows that, for sufficiently large times, the flux density of the filtrate is proportional to the inverse square root of time. The proportionality constant is a function of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and bulk density of the seal, and the concentration of the suspension. The components of the proportionality constant suggest that the constant could be used as an index of structural stability of soil. For the three suspensions used in testing the validity of the model, log-log plots of the flux densities of the filtrates and time showed linear relationships with slopes approximately equal to –0.5, as predicted by theory. However, using calculated components of the model to predict flux densities of the filtrates failed to show agreement for two out of the three suspensions used. This was attributed to some over-simplified assumptions used in the model, such as constant concentration and no sedimentation effects during the filtering process. It is suggested that incorporation of a time-dependent concentration and sedimentation factors could perhaps improve the efficacy of the model.  相似文献   

马腾  韩玲  刘全明 《农业工程学报》2019,35(24):129-135
土壤含水率是农业、环境、气象等领域进行建模的重要参数。该研究将微波遥感与光学遥感相结合,利用Sentinel-1数据交叉极化比及变换土壤调节植被指数对地表粗糙度进行估计,构建了一种改进的水云模型(modifiedwatercloud model, MWCM)。分析将NDVI、NDWI和NDWI1725,2200等植被指数作为植被冠层含水率时,水云模型(water cloud model,WCM)及MWCM农田地表土壤含水率的反演精度。结果表明:从总体精度上来看,MWCM的反演精度优于WCM。在不同植被覆盖度情况下:当植被覆盖度为中、低程度(NDVI0.5),MWCM具有较高的反演精度;在较高的植被覆盖度情况下(NDVI≥0.5),WCM与MWCM的反演精度较为接近。MWCM可有效的建立微波后向散射系数与地表土壤水分的关系,提高土壤含水率反演精度,为各种地表覆盖类型的土壤含水率反演提供研究思路及理论支持。  相似文献   

考虑水迁移率动态变化改进土壤溶质地表流失模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农田土壤溶质的地表径流流失是农业面源污染的重要组成部分,为了更加有效预测和控制农田土壤溶质的流失,该文将水迁移率考虑为随土壤侵蚀变化而变化的函数,并修改Hydrus-1D代码数值求解土壤溶质的地表径流浓度值。利用两组已经发表的试验数据对改进的模型进行校验,研究结果表明该文模拟值与观测数据的相关系数r≥0.81,残差绝对均值和均方根差与原模型的模拟值相比,分别平均减少了35.42和60.77 mg/L,该文改进的模型能更好地模拟土壤溶质的地表径流流失规律。该文的研究成果将为实际预防和控制农业面源污染提供参考。  相似文献   

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