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近年来,针对国内虹鳟鱼品质退化、性成熟早、生长缓慢等缺点,国内一些鲑鳟鱼类养殖场致力于鲑鳟类新品种的试验开发。2005年,山东省泗水县虹鳟鱼良种场引进了哲罗鲑鱼苗1000尾、太平洋鲑发眼卵50000粒、全雌虹鳟90000粒,进行了孵化养殖,对三种鲑鳟鱼在基本相同养殖条件下的生长速度、发病情况、饵料系数等进行了比较,并对哲罗鲑进行了着色试验,现将有关情况总结如下。  相似文献   

为了解大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)、三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)3种鱼肌肉营养成分和品质特性,利用生化分析、物性分析方法分析3种鱼肌肉的营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成、肉色、系水力和质构特性。结果表明,大西洋鲑、三倍体虹鳟、金鳟肌肉的水分质量分数分别为62.91%、67.15%、73.02%,粗蛋白质量分数分别为22.39%、21.03%、22.11%,粗脂肪质量分数分别为14.64%、17.16%、5.11%。3种鱼肌肉的滴水损失、黄色值(b~*)、羟脯氨酸含量、内聚性均显著不差异(P0.05)。3种鱼肌肉的硬度和咀嚼性由低到高依次为大西洋鲑、三倍体虹鳟、金鳟,而pH值的结果则与之相反(P0.05)。大西洋鲑和三倍体虹鳟肌肉的灰分、解冻损失、蒸煮损失、回复性、弹性和红色值(a~*)差异不显著(P0.05),但灰分、蒸煮损失、回复性均小于金鳟肌肉的对应指标(P0.05),弹性和红色值(a~*)则均大于金鳟肌肉的对应指标(P0.05)。大西洋鲑、三倍体虹鳟、金鳟肌肉中必需氨基酸含量占氨基酸总量分别为42.28%、41.84%、41.63%(质量分数),必需氨基酸/非必需氨基酸(EAA/NEAA)比值分别为73.25%、71.94%、71.32%,均符合联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)对优质蛋白质的评价标准;3种鱼肌肉中均检测到22种脂肪酸,组成丰富,其中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高。综上所述,3种鱼的肌肉都是符合人体营养需求的优质水产品,其中大西洋鲑和三倍体虹鳟肉质接近,且都优于金鳟的肉质。  相似文献   

Triploid hybrids between female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and male brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis, Arctic charr S. alpinus and lake charr S. namaycush, together with diploid and triploid rainbow trout controls from the same dams, were tested in freshwater farming up to their fourth year of life. All hybrids displayed lower survival rates than the controls, the weakest genotype being the Arctic charr hybrid. Mortalities were mostly observed at the embryonic and larval stages and at the adult stage as a consequence of male sexual maturation. Growth of all hybrids was hindered (compared with controls) during the first year, but only moderate differences remained after 3 years. Sexual maturation resulted in a weight inferiority of males in all genotypes. As to carcass traits, female hybrids displayed a slightly higher dressing percentage than female triploid rainbow trout, as a result of lower visceral losses. These results are discussed with reference to hybrid resistance to rhabdoviruses from the viewpoint of fish farming improvement.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss embryos as an expression system for proteins was investigated. For model proteins, we selected two goldfish gonadotropins (GTHs), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). To produce single-chain goldfish FSH (scgfFSH) and LH (scgfLH), cDNAs encoding glycoprotein hormone (GP) α and FSHβ were fused in tandem, and cDNAs encoding GPα and LHβ were fused in tandem. The fused cDNAs were ligated with β-actin promoter, and microinjected into fertilized rainbow trout eggs. After 4-days incubation, the embryos were subjected to western blotting and in vitro bioassays. The recombinant proteins produced by the embryos were immunoreactive to antisera against goldfish GPα, N-glycosylated, and biologically active. We conclude that scgfFSH and scgfLH were successfully produced in transgenic rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Cyp19a1b、Cyp11a1、Cyp11b2、Cyp17a1、Hsd3b1等细胞色素相关基因能够调节硬骨鱼类性类固醇的合成,对性腺发育和性别决定产生影响。本研究以全雌三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)为研究对象,正常雌性二倍体虹鳟为对照,选取31~68 dpf(days post fertilization)时间段的虹鳟仔鱼脑组织,采用q RT-PCR和酶联免疫的方法研究以上几种基因的表达状况和脑芳香化酶的活性变化,以期探明导致三倍体雌性虹鳟性腺发育异常的关键原因。q RTPCR结果显示,二倍体中Cyp19a1b在30~50 dpf时表达量上调并且维持在较稳定水平,但50~56 dpf时表达量逐渐下调,之后56~68 dpf表达量持续上调;三倍体中Cyp19a1b表达量在30~35 dpf开始上调,35~47 dpf逐渐下调,47~55 dpf开始第二次上调,之后维持在较稳定水平直至68 dpf,但三倍体Cyp19a1b的表达量显著(P0.05)低于同期二倍体的。二倍体Cyp11a1表达量在34 dpf出现峰值,三倍体Cyp11a1在38 dpf时出现峰值。二倍体Hsd3b1表达量在33~42 dpf时维持在较高水平,在38 dpf时出现高峰;三倍体Hsd3b1表达量在47~59 dpf时较高,在49 dpf出现高峰。二倍体中Cyp11b2在37 dpf出现峰值,之后开始下调;三倍体在40 dpf出现峰值,之后逐渐下调,但三倍体Cyp11b2表达量显著低于同期二倍体。二倍体Cyp17a1的表达量在35~46 dpf时逐渐上升,在45 dpf时达到高峰之后直至69 dpf逐渐下降,并且维持在较为平稳的水平上;但是在相同的实验条件下未检测到同一时期三倍体Cyp17a1的表达量。酶联免疫结果显示,在40 dpf时二者的脑芳香化酶活性到达高峰,但在40~60 dpf时期,二倍体虹鳟脑芳香化酶活性显著(P0.05)高于三倍体虹鳟,尤其在45~50 dpf时,该酶活性分别较三倍体的高1.15倍和1.12倍。以上结果表明三倍体虹鳟早期性腺发育迟缓的原因之一是Cyp19a1b、Cyp11a1、Cyp11b2、Cyp17a1、Hsd3b1等基因的表达晚于二倍体,且表达量低于二倍体,造成雌二醇不能正常合成,最终导致性腺发育迟缓。  相似文献   

Related sib‐groups of rainbow trout × brown trout and rainbow trout × brook charr triploid hybrids and monospecific diploid and triploid rainbow trout controls were obtained from a common set of rainbow trout dams. On the basis of hybrid juvenile performances, 10 sib‐groups were selected and the corresponding diploid rainbow trouts were raised up to adult stage. Females from each group of rainbow trout were used to produce a second generation of hybrid progeny, the performances of which were analysed for grandmaternal variation and relation with first‐generation relatives. Results showed that hybrid traits (alevin yield and weight, survival and growth of fingerlings) were strongly influenced by maternal origin, and could be correlated to those of rainbow trout controls, but that maternal abilities had a low rate of inheritance. It was concluded that little improvement can be expected through selective breeding within parental populations.  相似文献   

三倍体雌性虹鳟卵巢发育的类雄性化趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以4~35月龄三倍体雌性虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)为实验材料,以同源二倍体为对照,采用组织学和放射免疫方法,从性腺发育和生殖激素变化2个方面对其类雄性化现象进行了研究,并分析了类雄性化的原因.结果表明,三倍体虹鳟的卵原细胞可正常发育至卵黄发育前期卵母细胞(8月龄左右),此后卵母细胞败育,基质细胞包围卵原细胞形成卵原细胞簇,17月龄后卵巢中卵原细胞簇减少,出现与雄性精小囊结构相似的类生精细胞囊结构;26~35月龄类生精细胞囊逐渐成为性腺的主要成分,在类生精细胞囊内出现大量坏死的细胞;13月龄后三倍体雌性虹鳟血清中GtH-Ⅰ、GtH-Ⅱ、17β-E2含量显著低于同期二倍体虹鳟,睾酮(T)在21月龄后持续上升,并显著高于同期二倍体(P<0.05).17月龄后三倍体雌性虹鳟卵巢发育呈现类雄性化趋势,但不能完成精子发生全部过程.由于性腺中生殖细胞与体细胞之间正常的相互作用缺失,合成类固醇的滤泡细胞发育分化受阻,T芳化为17β-E2途径中断,导致血液中T浓度升高,进而使性原细胞的分化受到了诱导,因而卵巢发育呈现类雄性化趋势.  相似文献   

The covariation between diploid and triploid progenies from common breeders was investigated in various progeny-testing experiments where either dams or sires were sampled from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), stocks. Triploidiza tion was found to frequently reduce the performance in the traits studied: body length and weight, growth, coefficient of condition and pyloric caeca number. Triploidization also generated significant interactions with the parental breeding value. These interactions were caused in part by the familial variance not being the same in triploids as in diploids, but also by actual ranking differences between diploid and triploid familial performances. However, the effect of these interactions was minor as compared with the amount of variation common to both ploidy levels (genetic correlations averaged 0.7–0.9). Therefore, selection of diploid breeders appeared efficient enough for improving triploid progeny, unless family selection methods including triploid progeny testing were preferred for other reasons. Lastly, it was observed that variances from maternal origin tended to be larger in triploids, whereas variances from paternal origin tended to be smaller, as compared with diploids. This point was discussed referring to the genetic make-up of triploids and in the scope of dams and sires for selective breeding.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout learned quickly to operate a trigger to deliver dry food and showed a peak of feeding at dusk, but also appreciable nocturnal feeding. Food deliveries were aggregated into feeding bouts with a preferred time between trigger presses of 4–8 min; the aggregation of feeds was more marked in groups of trout than with trout held singly. Total daily food intake varied with the reward level per trigger press, and could therefore be controlled at about the manufacturers recommended feeding levels. Territorial and hierarchical behaviour were observed and in groups of up to 20 trout only one member of the group pressed the trigger although all the fish took the food delivered, and there was no evidence that smaller fish in a group were deprived of food to the point at which they lost condition.  相似文献   

虹鳟鱼属冷水性鱼类,生长快,抗病力强,是目前深受养殖户和消费者喜爱的品种之一.2002年,我们利用凌源菩萨庙水库底层水进行虹鳟商品鱼养殖试验,取得较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of dietary l ‐carnitine and ploidy on growth performances and fatty acid content in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish [initial body weight (BW) = 30 g] reared under high density (50 kg biomass m?3) were hand‐fed in triplicate (3 tanks treatment?1, 34 fish tank?1) twice a day, with three nutritionally identical diets containing 15, 200 or 530 mg l ‐carnitine kg?1 of diet. No significant growth differences were observed over a 56‐day grow‐out period, during which BWs increased threefold. Growth performances and survival were not significantly affected by either ploidy or dietary l ‐carnitine content, although daily growth index showed an increasing trend (2.52–2.65% day?1) with increasing dietary l ‐carnitine. Body l ‐carnitine content increased significantly with dietary l ‐carnitine content. Diploid fish had higher plasma ammonia (716–725 μmol L?1) and osmolality (297–303 mOsm) levels than triploid trout (523–649 μmol L?1 and 285–291 mOsm, respectively). l ‐carnitine, ploidy and their interaction showed to affect significantly the concentration of several fatty acids. Palmitoleic (16:1), oleic (18:1) and erucic (22:1) acids showed lower concentrations, while the eicosadienoic (20:2n‐6) and arachidonic (20:4n‐6) acids were elevated in liver of triploid fish. Eicosapentaenoic acid (22:5n‐3) was significantly higher in fish fed 200 mg than in fish fed 15 mg l ‐carnitine.  相似文献   

在虹鳟及金鳟鱼苗的养殖中,鱼苗的成活率是养鳟鱼场取得良好经济效益的关键,也是衡量鱼场技术水平的一个重要指标。根据多年的生产实践经验,总结出以下几点,供广大鳟鱼养殖户参考。  相似文献   

Meng  Yuqiong  Han  Buying  Li  Changzhong  Qian  Kangkang  Liu  Xiaohong  Hu  Xuemin  Yang  Xu  Tian  Haining  Ma  Rui 《Fisheries Science》2019,85(6):1001-1010
Fisheries Science - Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of body size and seasonal variation on organ indexes, digestive enzymes and plasma biochemistry parameters of triploid...  相似文献   

虹鳟是典型的冷水性鱼类,2005年北京市对口支援湖北省巴东县虹鳟鱼养殖项目,当年5月引进鱼苗1.5万尾后放入引水水渠中饲养,之后在水渠下方建新鱼池,并将鱼苗转入新池  相似文献   

(革丽)靬金鳟和虹鳟生长对比试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
钱续  李勤慎 《淡水渔业》2003,33(6):44-45
革丽革干金鳟是红鳟的一个变异种 ,由甘肃省永昌金鳟鱼培育繁殖中心于上世纪末培育成功 ,具有良好稳定的遗传性。经 2 0 0 0年 11月 2 2日农业部专家组鉴定 ,取名为“永昌金鳟一号”。与日本金鳟相比 ,其体色更加金黄艳丽 ,眼球血红 ,集食用和观赏价值于一体 ,目前市场售价是虹鳟的 2~ 3倍。作者就其生长性能与虹鳟作了对比试验 ,以期为我省推广养殖该鱼提供参考。1 试验材料1 1 鱼池 试验用鱼池为榆中县虹鳟鱼试验场7#、 8#鱼苗池 ,两池并联 ,为长方形水泥池 ,大小相同 ,长 6m ,宽 1 5m ,深 0 5m ,面积 9m2 。鱼池进水口与最高水位有 …  相似文献   

金鳟作为一种新兴的名贵养殖品种,正逐步受到人们的关注。2006年,笔者改造原有的对虾育苗池,利用地下井水室内工厂化养殖金鳟,经过近8个月的时间,在总面积为480m2的养殖池中共生产成鱼16t,且成鱼平均规格达到体重357.4g/尾,养殖成活率为90%,获得了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

虹鳟养殖技术 之二虹鳟海水网箱养殖技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,北方沿海地区开始发展深水网箱养鱼,但由于适宜的养殖品种较少以及缺乏适宜产业化运做模式等问题,发展受到制约。2007年,笔者以打造定单式"公司 养殖户"模  相似文献   

l-Carnitine plays a key role in the regulation of energy metabolism and growth in fish. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary l-carnitine levels on carnitine homeostasis and energy metabolism in diploid and triploid trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Diploid and triploid trout (29.5 ± 0.6 and 31.8 ± 0.5 g, respectively) were fed with three diets supplemented with 15, 200 or 530 mg l-carnitine/kg, respectively, for 56 days. Compared to 15 mg l-carnitine, total carnitine content increased in the liver by 182% in diploid and by 154% in triploid trout fed 530 mg l-carnitine. In muscle, total carnitine content increased by 60 and 73% in diploid and by 34 and 75% in triploid with the increase in dietary l-carnitine levels. l-Carnitine caused no significant change in the plasma concentrations of metabolites like proteins (ammonia, urea and protein), lipid (triglycerides), carbohydrate (glucose, lactate) and enzyme activities (lipase, lactate, alanine transaminase, lactic acid dehydrogenase). Triploid trout had significantly lower plasma ammonia (P = 0.003), lipase (P = 0.005) and triiodothyronine (T3; P = 0.003) levels than diploid trout. In conclusion, ploidy significantly affected the energy metabolism in rainbow trout, dietary l-carnitine levels altered the l-carnitine homeostasis, but not influence nutritional metabolism.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rainbow trout to sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In some fish farms it is advantageous to transfer rainbow trout from fresh water to sea water at as small a size as possible. It has been shown that a relatively small reduction in salinity at the marine site can give appreciable improvements in survival rates during acclimation by smaller fish, thus rainbow trout of 15 g have routinely been put directly into sea cages at a salinity of 22% with mortality levels of from 1 to 8%.  相似文献   

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