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稻赤斑黑沫蝉与刘氏长头沫蝉发生与防治的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻赤斑黑沫蝉是山区水稻常见害虫、近年来呈上升趋势。刘氏长头沫蝉是最近在安徽省发现危害水稻的又一种类,国内报道仅见形态描述。本文根据3年资料对这2种沫蝉的危害特点、形态特征、生活习性进行了初步研究与探讨,并针对其生物学特征,提出了相应的防治策略。  相似文献   

孙艳梅  陈殿元 《植物保护》2014,40(2):184-186
通过定点观察的方法,对榆沫蝉[Cnemidanomia lugubris(Lethierry)]的形态及在吉林市的周年发生规律进行了调查研究。结果表明,榆沫蝉在吉林市1年1代,以卵在枝条皮层下越冬。每年4月下旬至5月下旬严重为害榆,偶尔也为害榆叶梅、山楂等树木。并提出了防治建议。  相似文献   

竹山县水稻发生的稻沫蝉为赤斑稻沫蝉Cal-litettixversicolorFabricius属同翅目蝉亚目沫蝉科。1997年以前就有此虫,但不危害成灾。1997年以后危害水稻逐年加重。2005年全县6500hm2水稻发生稻沫蝉危害666·67hm2。形态特征成虫体长约12mm,全体黑色具有光泽。前翅革质化程度高,黑  相似文献   

不同茶树品种对假眼小绿叶蝉抗性的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在同一生态条件下,茶树品种间假眼小绿叶蝉的虫量存在着明显的差异。发芽迟的品种一般不易感虫,叶背卷、芽叶节间长的品种较易感虫。嫩叶栅状组织及嫩茎皮层厚角细胞厚度是确定是否抗虫的主导因素,假眼小绿叶蝉发生虫量随嫩叶栅状组织和嫩茎皮层厚角细胞厚度加大而减少。  相似文献   

山东广翅蜡蝉在青岛地区的发生规律及产卵习性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确山东广翅蜡蝉Ricania shantungensis Chou et Lu在青岛地区的发生情况,于2017年4月至2018年12月,采用踏查法调查该虫在山东省青岛市的寄主范围,并采用套网袋和定点观察相结合的方法调查其年生活史及成虫产卵习性。结果表明,山东广翅蜡蝉在青岛地区的寄主有27种,其中木本植物25种,草本植物2种。山东广翅蜡蝉在青岛地区1年发生2代,以卵越冬,翌年春天5月初孵化,越冬代成虫发生期为7月1日至8月10日;第1代成虫发生期为9月23日至12月4日。第1、2代卵的高峰期分别出现于7月25日和10月30日。成虫产卵对黄栌Cotinus coggygria Scop.具有明显的嗜好性,且喜将越冬卵产在东向和南向枝条上,不仅可产卵于新生嫩枝,也可以产卵于叶片主脉。本研究结果可以为青岛乃至山东地区山东广翅蜡蝉防治提供依据。  相似文献   

介绍茶假眼小绿叶蝉的形态特征、寄主范围、生活习性、为害特点和防治方法,以减轻茶假眼小绿叶蝉对茶树的为害,减少农药残留。  相似文献   

鄂南茶树新害虫——碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年6月上旬,笔者一行几人到咸宁温泉几个茶场调查茶树病虫害,调查中发现:碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉严重为害茶树。碧蛾蜡蝉主要为害茶树,还可为害柑桔、梨等多种果树,但在鄂南茶树上属第1次发现;柿广翅蜡蝉主要为害果树,特别是柑桔,该害虫以前未见过为害荼树的报道。碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉均以成虫及若虫以吸汁方式为害茶树上部的枝条及嫩梢,初孵若虫lOh后出现白色蜡丝,2龄前群集叶背危害,3龄后稍分散到嫩枝及叶片上危害,还可跳跃到周围其他寄主上,同时也危害茶果。  相似文献   

白翅叶蝉Erythroneura subrufa(Motschulsky)成虫与若虫均以刺吸口器刺进水稻叶片组织内吸取叶汁和叶绿素,被害初期,叶片上出现零星小白点,随后出现长短不一的点状白色斑条,受害严重的稻叶上满布白色斑纹,叶绿素丧失,叶片干萎。在稻叶蝉中除一点小叶蝉被害状出现小白点外,其他叶蝉为害水稻时,并不直接破坏叶绿素,亦不呈现白色斑纹,而是直接吸食叶液,使禾苗发黄而死。因而纠正了过去认为黑尾叶蝉、白翅叶蝉为害水稻后,都会造成叶片出现白色或褐色斑纹的报道。白翅叶蝉在湖南一年发生三代,在晚稻收割后以成虫迁向麦田、杂草等场所越冬,因其寿命很长,故长期不同世代交错。白翅叶蝉除为害水稻外,在初冬与早春还为害冬小麦。近年在湖南及我国南方部分稻区有回升趋势。  相似文献   

危荣成 《植物保护》1964,2(6):257-257
白翅叶蝉是邵阳地区水稻的主要害虫。为了系统摸清白翅叶蝉在冬播作物上的活动情况,自1962年起,我们对白翅叶蝉的越冬场所、密度、寄主及环境因子等进行了调查研究。 一、白翅叶蝉在冬播作物上的分布情况:根据观察,白翅叶蝉到10月上、中旬晚稻乳熟以后,成虫开始陆续向小麦和田边杂草迁移。 邵阳地区早熟小麦于9月中、下旬播种,中熟小麦10月上、中旬播种,迟熟小麦系10月下旬以后播种。晚稻还没有收获,早、中小麦已经出苗,为白翅叶蝉提供了冬季饲料。如1963年9月18日播种的小麦,24日出苗,10月14日检查:50平方尺有  相似文献   

广翅蜡蝉优势种对园林植物的为害调查与防控策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查发现为害铜仁地区园林植物的广翅蜡蝉科害虫主要有圆纹广翅蜡蝉、八点广翅蜡蝉、柿广翅蜡蝉、白斑广翅蜡蝉等种类,系统观察了圆纹广翅蜡蝉和八点广翅蜡蝉2个优势种的形态特征、为害特点、生活史和生活习性,并提出了综合防控对策。  相似文献   

The Illinois soybean crop was monitored in 1965, 1966, 1967, 1971, and 1974 for dieldrin residues resulting from aldrin applied to corn in the years before soybean cultivation. Residue levels of dieldrin in soybeans increased between 1965 and 1974. The percent of fields which had soybeans with a dieldrin level above 0.03 ppm increased between 1965 and 1974. Dieldrin residue levels in soybeans grown in Illinois are expected to decline now that the use of aldrin has diminished and will soon cease. No significant correlation was evident between the dieldrin levels in soybeans and the area of the State where they had grown, the date of planting, or the variety.  相似文献   

Summary Heterodera cruciferae is found in the Netherlands in five different locations, living on cabbage, rape and rapeseed, whereas beets are not attacked. ThisHeterodera is distinguished from nearly all otherHeterodera's known in Europe by its small, red brown, roundish lemon-shaped cysts and its short, thick larvae(Fig. 1, 2, 3, 5). The only exception isHeterodera humuli, which has however a thinner cyst wall of a lighter colour with a conspicuous, coarse, irregular punctation and larva stylets with distinctly forward-pointing knobs (Fig. 7, 8). The males are redescribed; they have 5–7 lip annules and three teeth on each spiculum tip (Fig. 4). Population density and type of damage with culture of rape seem to be about the same as with beet sickness caused byH. schachtii (Fig. 6). In the most important cabbage areaH. schachtii plays a more important role thanH. cruciferae. With both eelworms, an advisory service based on soil sample examinations would probably be useful for the culture of cruciferous crops.  相似文献   

Organochlorinated compounds were monitored in oldsquaws (Clangula hyemalis) and their food from Lake Michigan between October and May, 1969-72; in adult oldsquaws, eggs, young, and food from northwest Hudson Bay in 1971; and in oldquaws from five wintering areas other than Lake Michigan in 1971-73. Analyses were conducted on 300 carcasses, 14 wings, 29 gullet samples, and 11 clutches. Average residues in carcasses from Lake Michigan ranged from 4 to 107 ppm PCBs, 2 to 42 ppm DDE, and less than 0.1 to 0.7 ppm endrin. Differences in DDE levels occurred between several sex and age classes during December on Lake Michigan; these differences were not apparent in the spring. Increases in DDE and PCB residues for oldsquaws occurred on Lake Michigan between December and May. DDE residues in the wing and carcass were significantly correlated. Residues were relatively low in oldsquaw foods from Lake Michigan; concentration factors between the food and the ducks varied between 1X and 22X, depending on the date and compound. Organochlorinated residues were lower in Arctic than in Lake Michigan food samples. DDE in paired male and female oldsquaws was highly correlated, as was DDE in females and clutches. Eggshell thickness had declined 4.5% compared with eggs collected before 1947. Residues were higher in oldsquaws wintering on the Great Lakes and lowest in oldsquaws from coastal areas.  相似文献   

2005年彭泽县的棉铃虫在棉田的发生表现出发生时间早、产卵密度前期偏高,后期则明显偏低、各代间蛾、卵的消长关系极不平衡、发生面积小、发生程度轻的特点,其主要受其种群的消长、气候及棉田的管理等因素的综合影响。  相似文献   

Mercury and cadmium were found in fish, water, and sediment of American Falls Reservoir (AFR), Idaho. Mercury and cadmium levels in some fish exceeded human health standards set by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the World Health Organization. Analyses performed on the flesh of rainbow trout showed mercury residues of up to 1.20 mg/kg, which were higher than residues previously reported in trout collected in 1970 and 1971 from AFR. Cadmium residue levels were as high as 0.80 mg/kg. Although arsenic was found in reservoir sediment at levels of 1.36-2.40 mg/kg, it was not detected in fish.  相似文献   

Dianisylneopentane or 1,1-bis(p-methoxyphenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropane was metabolized largely by O-demethylation to form mono- and diphenol derivatives. Only a small percentage was degraded by α-hydroxylation and rearrangement. In the model ecosystem, dianisylneopentane reacted very similarly to methoxychlor, accumulating in fish to about the same extent and yielding a slightly higher ratio of polar to nonpolar metabolites. The neopentyl group proved to be approximately as stable in biological systems as the isosterically equivalent trichloromethyl group.  相似文献   

Cardinal temperatures for mycelial growth ofPhytophthora porri on corn-meal agar were <5 (minimum), 15–20 (optimum) and just above 25 °C (maximum). The number of infections after zoospore inoculation of young leaf plants was relatively low at supra-optimal temperatures, but was not affected by sub-optimal temperatures. Even at 0 °C plants were infected. The incubation periods needed for symptom formation were 36–57 d at 0 °C, 13–18 d at 5 °C, and 4–11 d at > 11 °C, and were fitted to temperature between 0 and 24 °C with a hyperbolical model (1/p=0.00812*T+0.0243). Oospore germination, reported for the first time forP. porri, was strongly reduced after 5 h at 45 °C, and totally absent after 5 h at 55 °C. Soil solarization for six weeks during an exceptionally warm period in May–June 1992 in The Netherlands raised the soil temperature at 5 cm depth for 17 h above 45 °C, but did not reduce the initial level of disease in August significantly.  相似文献   

本文首次报道新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐周围地区的盘星藻属5种,4变种,其中4株,4变种为新疆新记录,这些结果是对1991年7月和1995年4-6月所采集的87号标本鉴定后获得的。  相似文献   

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