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2016年从欧洲引进阿珍富士,经栽培观察发现,阿珍富士不套袋果和套袋果均较易着色,不套袋果平均着色面积80%以上,颜色较烟富3号不套袋果更鲜亮;套袋果果面为浓红型片红,着色面积90%以上;果面光滑,果点小,果形高桩,果形指数0.87;果肉硬度7.0kg/cm^2,多汁、甜脆适口,可溶性固形物含量14.5%,果实耐贮性好。  相似文献   


The organization of most high-density orchards of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) into single-cultivar rows is often viewed as an impediment to effective pollen dispersal and pollination; however, few direct estimates of pollen dispersal are available to assess the extent of this problem. We estimated the magnitude of pollen dispersal across rows (pollinator cultivars: Idared, Vista Bella, Granny Smith), and along rows, (pollinator cultivars Fuji, Paulared, Golden Russet), in two high-density orchards in Ontario, Canada. Fruit were sampled from trees at regular intervals along transects that extended beyond (either across or along row) each pollinator cultivar and the percentage of seeds that were sired by the pollen donor was estimated using allozyme markers. Seeds sired by the pollinator cultivar were found from seven (‘Granny Smith’) to 18 rows (‘Idared’) from the nearest pollinator tree and from seven (‘Fuji’, ‘Paulared’) to five trees (‘Granny Smith’) down the same row. Measured in metres, the maximum pollen dispersal distance was greater across rows (62.4.m) than along rows (13.7.m). However, the average dispersal distance across rows, expressed in metres or trees, (17.4.±m.3.6, 3.6.±0.7 trees) did not differ from that along rows (5.8.m.±4.1, 2.7.±0.8 trees). These results are at odds with previous studies that indicate that honeybees move farther along rows than across, and have important implications for the design of commercial apple orchards.  相似文献   

The numbers of flowers, and the amount and viability of pollen they released, were recorded on six dessert apple and five ornamental Malus cultivars over several years. M. χ purpurea cv Aldenhamensis produced as much, and M. cv Hillieri, M. cv Golden Hornet and M. cv Winter Gold far more, live pollen per length of branch, per tree or per canopy volume than most of the dessert cultivars studied.  相似文献   


Root distribution was determined for apple trees [Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. var. domestica (Borkh.) Mansf. ‘Fuji’/’M.26’ (syn. M. domestica Borkh. non Poir.)] 1, 2 and 3 years after planting in trellised orchards in central Texas. Using a soil-coring method, measurable differences were detected in root-length density (RLD; root length per unit volume of soil) by tree age, soil depth, radial distance from the tree, and spatial bearing within and across rows (P ≤ 0.05). For fine roots (root diameters < 1 mm), mean RLD values were 0.1028, 0.1139 and 0.2911 cm cm–3 for 1, 2 and 3 year-old plantings, respectively. For coarse roots (root diameters 1–5 mm), mean RLD values were 0.0006, 0.0009 and 0.0015 cm cm–3 for 1, 2 and 3 year-old plantings, respectively. Mean RLD values declined for both fine and coarse roots of all ages with increasing soil depth and radial distance from the trunk (P ≤ 0.05). Similar patterns were observed for the number of soil cores containing measurable roots. The percentage of samples with no roots increased with increasing soil depth and distance from the trunk (P ≤ 0.05). When examining fine roots by spatial bearing from the tree, the greatest RLD was found along the drip irrigation lines for the two youngest plantings and along drip irrigation lines and beneath shaded trellises for the oldest planting (P ≤ 0.05). For coarse roots, the greatest RLD was found along the drip irrigation lines for all plantings (P ≤ 0.05). This information is important for predicting the rates and locations of new root growth in orchards after transplanting, so that management techniques (e.g., fertilisation, irrigation, control of soilborne diseases) can be properly targeted and effectively implemented.  相似文献   

刘凤斌 《落叶果树》2002,34(1):52-52
我站于1995~2000年在诸城市朱解镇南朱解村1~6年生短枝红富士苹果园中进行了大姜套作试验,大姜长势良好、病虫害轻、产量高,每蔸姜平均重0.6kg,每666.7m2产780~2520kg.苹果树生长健壮,4年生树每666.7m2产1500kg,果品质量好.套作大姜的具体技术要点如下.  相似文献   


In two experiments under controlled conditions, the effect of temperature (16, 20 and 24°C, experiment 1; 16 and 22°C, experiment 2) during a six-week period immediately following bloom on the progress of ripening around the normal picking time was evaluated for fruits of cv. Elstar. After six weeks, the temperature in experiment 1 was kept at 20°C throughout. In experiment 2 the temperature was 22°C from week 6 to 14, and 16 or 22°C from week 14 to 22. Post-bloom temperature clearly affected the rate of fruit ripening as reflected in ethylene production, background colour, starch content, firmness and red blush, but these variates did not respond to the same degree. The effect of temperature late in the season on ripening (just during the maturation period) was almost absent when the post-bloom temperature was 16°C. However, when post-bloom temperature was 22°C, fruits were greener, firmer, contained more starch and showed more red blush at 16 than at 24°C given from week 14 to 22. The acid content at ripening was lower at the higher post-bloom temperatures. Irrespective of the post-bloom temperature, acid content was also reduced at the higher temperature given during the maturation period. The content of soluble solids showed no consistent pattern.  相似文献   

在苹果园配备喷水设施,于冻害晚上提前喷水,花器冻害减少31.4%,皲皮减少27.6%,666.7 m^2产量增加502kg,收入增加1 255元.  相似文献   

RAPD标记在苹果属种间杂交一代的分离方式   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
刘孟军 Shin.  UK 《园艺学报》1998,25(3):214-219
以富士苹果和山定子及二者的种间杂交F1代为试材,对RAPD标记的分离方式进行了研究。结果表明,RAPD标记在F1代的分离方式可归为3类,即呈孟德尔分离、偏离孟德尔分离比例和异常分离。呈孟德尔分离的情况有:不分离(代表了父母本中相应RAPD标记的5种组合:AA×AA、AA×Aa、Aa×AA、AA×a、a×AA)、1∶1分离(代表了父母本中相应RAPD标记的2种组合:Aa×a、aa×Aa)和3∶1分离(代表了父母本中相应RAPD标记的1种组合:Aa×Aa)。异常分离的标记包括:F1代出现双亲均不具备的标记、分子量在不同F1个体间变化的标记,以及隔代遗传的标记。据对200个RAPD标记的统计分析,不分离标记、按1∶1或3∶1比例正常分离的标记、偏离孟德尔分离比例的标记和异常分离标记分别占45.5%、45.0%、8.0%和1.5%;双亲共有标记中74.7%不发生分离,单亲特有标记中57.1%~79.6%发生正常分离;富士特有标记中不分离标记占33.3%,而山定子特有标记中不分离标记只占4.3%,表明富士基因组中纯合基因位点的比例要高于山定子。对异常分离的RAPD标记等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

云南高原特色苹果施肥现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南省昭通市苹果主产区果园经营规模偏小,以基础肥为主,轻施复合肥和有机肥,施肥量过大,氮磷钾比例不合理,重施春夏肥、轻施秋肥,施肥时期与苹果需肥规律不一致,造成果树病害严重,影响了苹果的商品价值。因此,需要对昭通地区苹果园进行测土配方施肥,为云南高原特色苹果提质增效提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to ascertain to what extent “mentor pollen” can influence the performance of self pollen in apple styles. Self-incompatible ‘Starkrimson’ flowers on branches, placed at room temperature or in a growth chamber, were (1) self-pollinated, (2) cross-pollinated with compatible untreated or (3) irradiated (150 krad) ‘Golden Delicious’ pollen, or (4) pollinated with a mixture (2:1 w/w) of irradiated (mentor) pollen and self pollen. After 18 h, nearly the same proportion (> 90%) of the self-incompatible pollen had germinated on the stigma and penetrated the apical part of the style as compatible pollen. However, subsequent growth of the self-pollen tubes was inhibited. After 48 h, less than 1% had reached the stylar base as compared with 21–24% of the compatible pollen tubes. Irradiation strongly impaired pollen vitality: only 1% of the tubes had reached the base of the style after 48 h. The mixture of the irradiated mentor pollen and self pollen performed better. In this case, 6.4–9.9% of the tubes was observed in the basal part of the style, inferring that tube growth of the self pollen was significantly promoted by the mentor pollen.  相似文献   

李师昌 《落叶果树》2000,32(6):49-50
二斑叶螨每年发生11-13代,3月下旬气温平均达到10℃以上时,成螨开始出蜇。6月上旬,陆续上树,先在内膛下部危害,逐渐向树冠扩展。6月下旬至7月上旬,温度达到25℃以上时,繁殖迅速。喷药防治必须抓好5月中下旬至6月上旬,6月下旬至7月上旬两个阶段;效果好的农药有:20%三唑螨、1%海正灭虫灵、1.8%阿巴丁、1%阿维虫清。  相似文献   

大批量制取苹果花粉的技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了大批量制取苹果花粉的技术要点,指出采摘将要开放的大铃铛花,并及时脱药,摊晾厚度适中,温度控制在20-26℃的范围内,是生产优质花粉的关键。  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation as an economic indicator   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Despite concern over the ecological consequences of conversion of land from natural cover to anthropogenic uses, there are few studies that show a quantitative relationship between fragmentation and economic factors. For the southside economic region of Virginia, we generated a surface (map) of urbanization pressure by interpolation of population from a ring of cities surrounding the region. The interpolated map showed a geographic gradient of urbanization pressure or demand for land that increased from northwest to southeast. Estimates of forest fragmentation were moderately correlated with the geographic gradient of urbanization pressure. The fragmentation-urbanization relationship was corroborated by examining land-cover change against the urbanization map. The geographic gradient in land-cover change was strongly correlated with the urbanization pressure gradient. The correspondence between geographic gradients in land-cover change and urbanization pressure suggests that forest fragmentation will occur at a greater rate in the eastern portion of the southside economic region in the future.  相似文献   

甘肃天水苹果施肥现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对天水苹果园施肥现状进行了调查和分析。结果表明,天水苹果园施用肥料主要有有机肥、化肥和生物菌肥3大类。其中施有机肥的果园占调查果园的44.1%,化肥中复合肥为100.0%、尿素为62.7%。基肥中,平均每667 m~2施用N肥量为38.35 kg,P_2O_5为19.10 kg,K_2O为17.72 kg;追肥中,平均每667 m~2施用N肥为29.93kg,P_2O_5为20.67 kg,K_2O为9.78 kg。以平均施用量为标准对调查果园施肥量进行了"很低、偏低、合理、偏高、很高"5级分类,基肥中处于合理区间的果园N为42.4%,P_2O_5为30.5%,K_2O为23.7%,总体表现为N合理偏低、P_2O_5合理偏高、K_2O偏高;追肥中处于合理区间的果园N为20.3%,P_2O_5为35.6%,K_2O为23.7%,总体表现为N不平衡、P_2O_5和K_2O偏高。因此,增施有机肥,合理施氮肥,降低磷、钾肥是今后天水苹果园施肥的重点。  相似文献   



The positive correlation between landscape area of semi-natural habitat and wild pollinator richness and abundance in agroecosystems has been well studied. However, we lack a deep understanding of local scale floral resource and nest provisioning for wild bees necessary to optimize implementation of pollinator conservation practices.


The primary objective of this study was to use a spatially interactive landscape pollination model (hereafter, the Lonsdorf model) to represent field scale spatial patterns of wild bee abundance and richness within a heterogeneous landscape in the mid-Atlantic USA.


We parameterized the Lonsdorf model with high resolution aerial imagery and insight from a previously published floristic study. To test the Lonsdorf model predictions, field studies were conducted to measure wild bee abundance and species richness in apple orchards as a function of distance from a forest edge.


Field measurements indicated apple pollinator abundance and species richness significantly decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge. The Lonsdorf model pollination service score was highly sensitive to changes in resource provisioning in orchard and non-crop areas, and including resource rich forest and forest edge habitats in the model significantly improved pollination service estimates.


We demonstrated a novel application of the Lonsdorf model at a field scale to predict trends in pollination service provisioning as a factor of local habitat features. With sufficiently detailed inputs, the Lonsdorf model is a promising tool to quantify field scale pollination service deficits, guiding more cost effective habitat supplementation and other conservation efforts.

宝塔区山地苹果发展现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十五“期间,延安市宝塔区把发展苹果产业作为调整优化农业结构、发展区域经济的突破口,按照省委、省政府《关于加快以苹果为主的果业产业建设的决定》精神,以提升苹果生产水平为主攻目标,坚持“发展集约化、品种优良化、栽植规范化、管理目标化、果品优质化、营销市场化“的思路,科学定位,合理布局,不断优化品种结构,努力实施优果工程,大力推广“强拉枝、大改形、巧施肥、无公害“四项关键技术,使全区苹果规模、质量、效益连年递升,带动10万果农脱贫致富.2005年,宝塔区被省政府评为“全省果业先进县(区)“,被省果业局评为“全省果业十强县(区)“.……  相似文献   


In two trials in the Huon Valley of Tasmania, a mixture of GA4+7 and B A (Cytolin®) was applied to one year old spur-bearing and non-spur-bearing apple trees cv. Red Delicious at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm in an effort to increase branching. No effects were evident on the non spur-bearing trees, and therefore Cytolin cannot be recommended. Spur-bearing trees had quantifiable responses to Cytolin, with a higher branching percentage, and reduced branch and leader length. Average branch angle was significantly increased using 100 ppm Cytolin, thereafter decreasing with higher Cytolin concentrations. Present evidence concludes that Cytolin should be used at 100 ppm on spur-bearing ‘Red Delicious’ to promote branches of adequate length, wider angles and sufficiently above the grafting union.  相似文献   

The peroxidase genotypes of 188 apple cultivars, rootstocks and Malus species were recorded. Four loci, PRX-2, PRX-3, PRX-4 and PRX-7 were involved including 15 alleles. Using this information a clear grouping of 83 cultivars, 46 rootstocks and 59 species was achieved through knowledge of the genetic basic of banding patterns, which consequently enabled secondary and inconsistent bands to be recognised and disregarded as relevant factors in identification. The possible selective advantage of the PRX-2e allele recognised in descendants of ‘Jonathan’ (PRX-2ce) is discussed. Triploid cultivars showed three different PRX-2 alleles including ‘Ashmead’s Kernel’ (PRX-2bce), providing further evidence of the triploid nature of this cultivar.  相似文献   

张青林  罗正荣 《果树学报》2006,23(2):293-296
甜柿品种一般仅着生雌花,少数雌雄同株,具有雄花的优良甜柿亲本很少,限制了完全甜柿杂交育种进程。2n花粉在植物多倍体育种中具有重要价值。本研究以12份柿属雄性种质为试材,进行花粉离体和活体萌发率以及巨大花粉比例检测。结果表明:供试雄性种质花粉萌芽率为20.1%-38.5%;除台湾正柿及油柿外,其余试材的花粉均能在罗田甜柿的柱头上萌发;雄株2号、雄株3号、雄株8号不含巨大花粉,其余试材均有不同比例的巨大花粉存在。  相似文献   

To improve the productivity and quality of the apple cultivar ‘Pigeon’ the influence of 5 fertigation levels (14, 42, 70, 112, 224 mg N/l) and 3 widths of herbicide strip (0.2, 0.5, 1.0 m) were investigated on growth, yield and post-harvest quality/colour development of fruit. ‘Pigeon’ apples are picked when ca. 20% of the fruit skin has turned red, the fruit are then exposed to a sunning period on the orchard floor of 2–3 weeks to enhance red colour development (80% red skin); however the internal quality deteriorates during this period. Fruit drop occurs if fruit are left on the tree to develop colour. This study focused on how to reduce the length of the post-harvest sunning period to maximise both colour development and fruit quality. It was demonstrated that 14 mg N/l resulted in a low yield, small fruit, low vegetative growth, and low N content in leaf dry matter, but good fruit colour development. Excessive N fertigation (224 mg N/l) did not produce the significantly highest yield or the largest fruit, but it did enhance vegetative growth and resulted in less fruit colouration. N fertigation influenced optimal picking date; higher N fertigation delayed the time of picking, and increased the incidence of green fruit. Fruit from the high-N treatments required more days of post-harvest sunning to obtain the comparable red skin colour than fruit from the lower N-treatments. However, when all treatments were picked at ca. 20% fruit coloration it was not possible to reduce the length of post-harvest sunning period by N-supply. Most of the post-harvest colour development occurred within the first 6–9 days following harvest; colour developed on both sides but was enhanced on the shade side of the fruit. The shade side of the fruit had a greater potential for better red colour development than the blush side of the fruit.  相似文献   

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