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The effects of salt (NaCl) applications of various concentrations (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L) for 6 months on ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Chandler’ strawberry varieties grown in perlite and perlite:zeolite (1:1) media were investigated. In order to determine the salt resistance of varieties, the tolerance index (T.I.) and tolerance ratio (T.R.) were calculated on the basis of total chlorophyll content, and leaf and root dry weight. Also, the ability of keep in balance for potassium:sodium (K:Na) ratio in the aerial part and roots of plants were considered. It was determined that the highest T.I. and T.R. values calculated on the basis of leaf and root dry weight in cv. Camarosa in both media. Concerning the evaluations calculated on the basis of total chlorophyll, the results indicated that ‘Chandler’ is more resistant in perlite medium, ‘Camarosa’ is more resistant in perlite:zeolite (1:1) medium. K:Na ratio decreased with increasing salinity in both varieties. However, it was determined that K:Na ratio is higher in cv. Chandler, i.e., 0.83 than in cv. Camarosa (0.61). As a conclusion, it was determined that ‘Camarosa’ was more resistant to salt than ‘Chandler’. In addition, regarding the salt resistant performance of plants, perlite:zeolite (1:1) medium had more effective results than perlite.  相似文献   

在引种试种、资源评价及杂交育种的工作基础上,历时11年从众多的芍药定向杂交后代中筛选出性状优良的‘粉罗裙’‘千重粉黛’‘笑春风’和‘碧叶粉荷’。‘粉罗裙’‘千重粉黛’属于中国芍药品种群,重瓣花,茎秆粗壮直立,株高80~90 cm,适宜作为切花栽培;‘笑春风’和‘碧叶粉荷’属于杂种芍药品种群,三倍体,花期早,单瓣花,叶形奇特,株型饱满,适宜作庭院观赏栽培。  相似文献   

 ‘大白’秋海棠是由大围山秋海棠和大王秋海棠的白花类型‘白王’秋海棠杂交F1 选育而成,根茎类、无地上茎, 叶大型, 全缘, 常被浅白色或紫红色斑, 花多、鲜红色。‘健绿’秋海棠由厚叶秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠杂交F1 选育而成, 常绿草本, 直立茎粗壮, 长势旺盛, 抗白粉病, 叶大型、绿色、浅裂, 花红色艳丽, 宜室内栽培观赏。‘美女’秋海棠为掌叶秋海棠和愉悦秋海棠的杂交F1 白斑叶个体, 根茎类,直立茎较细, 叶中型、浅裂、被白色斑点, 较抗白粉病。‘中大’秋海棠为中华秋海棠和大王秋海棠杂交F1 培育而成, 根茎类、具直立茎, 叶中型、表面具心形白带斑。  相似文献   

‘燕妮’,月季切花品种,花橙粉色,淡香,单株年产切花量约20枝。‘绿野’和‘哈雷彗星’,庭院绿化月季品种,生长势旺盛,花期长,抗逆性强。‘绿野’花重瓣,浅黄转浅绿色,盘状;‘哈雷彗星’花重瓣,复色,初放时为金黄色,日晒后产生红晕。  相似文献   

管开云  李景秀  李宏哲  马宏 《园艺学报》2006,33(5):1171-1171
 秋海棠新品种‘香皇后’ (厚壁秋海棠×大香秋海棠) 、‘厚角’ (角果秋海棠×厚壁秋海棠) 、‘芳菲’ (厚壁秋海棠×厚叶秋海棠) 、‘苁茎’ (角果秋海棠×红毛香花秋海棠) 均通过有性杂交从其后代群体中选择培育而成。这是国内首次培育出花具香味的秋海棠新品种。新品种株型好, 是一类既可观叶又可观花的室内草本观赏花卉。  相似文献   


The growth and photosynthesis of Oncidium ‘Goldiana’, a popular tropical orchid for cut flower production, were studied. Four main developmental stages were identified: bud stage, plantlet stage, unsheathing stage and pseudobulb stage. Pseudobulb formation occurred during the unsheathing stage which was closely followed by the formation of an inflorescence. The pseudobulb is of the heteroblastic type (arising from a single node) and lacks stomata. It is a G, shade plant based on chlorophyll a/b ratio, C02 compensation point, post-illumination C02 outburst and light response curves. The formation of new sinks such as inflorescence and axillary bud have a significant effect on the rate of photosynthesis of certain leaves. The photosynthetic rates of leaves L2 and L3 increased during the development of the axillary bud and inflorescence respectively. Pseudobulbs have high water content and contain chlorophyll but show no sign of gas exchange in light and dark. However, fixation of C02 is possible in light with partial removal of the underlying cuticle.  相似文献   

大花三色堇‘冰紫'花为淡紫色,侧瓣和唇瓣基部透白晕,嵌深紫条纹;‘猫咪'花为黄色,侧瓣及唇瓣基部有深褐色条纹;‘微笑'花为深紫色,侧瓣及唇瓣基部有白色斑块,嵌深紫色斑纹。播种后95~120 d开花,属早花品种;花量大,单株可同时盛开20余朵花;花期最长可达6个月,末花期延至夏初,耐热性好;适用于花坛及盆栽。  相似文献   

 秋海棠‘紫叶’ (刺毛红孩儿×变色秋海棠) 、‘紫柄’ (厚壁秋海棠×变色秋海棠) 和‘大裂’ (刺毛红孩儿ב白王’秋海棠) 3个新品种均通过有性杂交从其后代中选育而成。3个新品种株型好, 叶片色彩艳丽, 是既可观叶又可观花的室内草本观赏花卉新品种。  相似文献   

Trials in southern Tasmania examined the thinning effects of ethephon on ‘Gala’ and ‘Jonagold’ apples. Untreated controls were compared with ethephon thinning sprays applied at full bloom at 50,100,200,400,800 and 1 600 mg I“1 to both cultivars. Thinning of both cultivars was related to the concentration of the spray and in most cases logistic models were fitted. Thinning effectiveness was largely reflected in increased fruit weight and size. The ‘Gala’ fruit was still not large enough for Australian markets. Ethephon at 200 mg I“1 effectively thinned ‘Jonagold’ and produced the required increases in fruit size and weight. ‘Jonagold’ was overthinned by the high concentrations of ethephon, but this was not reflected in increased fruit weight and size. Ethephon also reduced vegetative growth at the higher concentrations which was considered an advantage. More work is required to establish specific recommendations for either cultivar.  相似文献   

 ‘白王’秋海棠由大王秋海棠的白花类型选育而成, 叶片浅绿色、被白斑, 花白色、较大, 果实绿色。 ‘银珠’秋海棠为掌叶秋海棠的变异类型, 与原种的主要区别在于其叶片被有稳定的银白色串珠状斑点, 花较小, 色略浅。 ‘热带女’秋海棠由野生斜升秋海棠中发现的少数变异类型选育而成, 叶片绿色、被白斑, 花粉红色或白色, 重在观叶。  相似文献   

田代科  李景秀等 《园艺学报》2001,28(2):186-187,I004
‘昆明鸟’秋海棠系由大王秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠杂交F1选育而成,常有多节短茎,叶浅型、被浅白斑,直立性较强,抗倒伏,抗白粉病,具较高的观赏价值。‘康儿’秋海棠由大王秋海棠和长翅秋海棠杂交F1选育而成,常用1-3节花茎,叶大型、浅裂,长势旺盛,抗白粉病极强,适宜栽培观赏。‘白雪’秋海棠为野外发现的自然杂交新品种,通过研究证实其为变色秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠的杂交F1代个体,为根茎类秋海棠,无地上茎或地上茎不明显,叶片中型、被毛、浅裂且密被白色斑点,十分美丽,对白粉病有较强的抗性。  相似文献   

1选育经过2000年在辽宁海城市王石镇小女寨村进行南果梨优系选育中发现1株40余年生‘南果梨’树,其果实几乎全红。2004年起在王石镇小女寨村和什司县村分4处分别进行高接和低接鉴定,  相似文献   

‘舞剑’为南京艺莲苑苑主丁跃生以‘剑舞’为母本、采用自然杂交的方法于2010年育成的荷花品种。因花瓣狭长如同舞动的剑而得名。‘舞剑’为大株型,植于2号盆。中立叶高97 cm~1 09cm,叶径约53cm×53cm,花柄高约146cm。花期较早,6月初始花,群体花期长达68天。着花量密,单株盆栽可开8朵花。花蕾长桃形,黄绿色;重瓣,花瓣100枚~110枚。花径23 cm~34cm,最大瓣径16cm,宽10.5cm;最小瓣长8.5 cm,宽2  相似文献   

一、品种特性:金莲花,叶圆盾形,叶柄细长,夏季开花,花期2月~5月,多野生。花生于叶腋,有黄、红、赭、乳白等色。喜温暖、湿润和阳光充足环境。生长期适温为18℃~24℃,冬季温度下低于10℃,受冻害易整株死亡;夏季开花时,适当遮阴可延长观赏期。喜湿怕涝,生长期茎叶繁  相似文献   

 ‘龙园系列矮牵牛’有红、白、蓝、紫、粉5种颜色, 由进口F1 代矮牵牛分离筛选自交培育出的新品种, 颜色纯, 具大花型特征, 播种至开花73 d, 生长势中, 开花量大, 株高15~20 cm, 适于室内外栽培美化。  相似文献   

正辽宁省是我国葡萄主产省份之一。农业部统计数据表明,辽宁省葡萄栽培面积与产量在新疆、河北、山东之后,居全国第4位;鲜食葡萄的面积和产量一直处于全国第1位。但品种结构较单一,一直以‘巨峰’‘红地球’‘无核白鸡心’等为主。为了改善品种结构,丰富鲜食品种资源,我国葡萄产业技术体系熊岳综合试验站于2010年从国内外引入20余个优良葡萄新品种,每个品种10株,定植于辽宁省果树科学研究所葡萄示  相似文献   

‘金苹果’因花黄绿色,母本为‘金太阳’,外形似苹果故名为此。南京艺莲苑苑主丁跃生以自然杂交的方法于2010年育成的荷花品种。‘金苹果’为大株型,植于2号盆中。立叶高84 cm~95cm,叶径约38cm×45cm,花柄高约119cm~133cm。花期较早,6月初始花,群体花期长达68天;着花量密,单株盆栽可开7朵花。花蕾桃形,黄色;重瓣至重台,花瓣229枚~243枚。花径20 cm~29cm,最大瓣径长14cm,宽10cm;最小瓣长9cm,宽2 cm。花态呈碗状。瓣尖黄色,基部黄色,雄蕊较少,附  相似文献   

田代科  管开云等 《园艺学报》2001,28(3):281-282,I003
‘白玉’秋海棠由大王秋海棠的白花类型选育而成,叶片浅绿色、被白斑,花白色、较大、果实绿色,‘银珠’秋海棠为掌叶秋海棠的变异类型,与原种的主要区别在于其叶片被有稳定的银白色串珠状斑点,花较小,色略浅,‘热带女’秋海棠由野生斜开秋海棠中发现的少数变异类型选育而成,叶片绿色、被白斑,花粉红色或白色,重在观叶。  相似文献   

 ‘昆明鸟’秋海棠系由大王秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠杂交F1 选育而成, 常有多节短茎, 叶浅裂、被浅白斑, 直立性较强, 抗倒伏, 抗白粉病, 具较高的观赏价值。‘康儿’秋海棠由大王秋海棠和长翅秋海棠杂交F1 选育而成, 常有1~3 节花茎, 叶大型、浅裂, 长势旺盛, 抗白粉病极强, 适宜栽培观赏。‘白雪’秋海棠为野外发现的自然杂交新品种, 通过研究证实其为变色秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠的杂交F1 代个体, 为根茎类秋海棠, 无地上茎或地上茎不明显, 叶片中型、被毛、浅裂且密被白色斑点, 十分美丽, 对白粉病有较强的抗性。  相似文献   

杜鹃花新品种‘朝晖’和‘红晕’   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 ‘朝晖’杜鹃花是由大白花杜鹃和马缨花杂交选育而成, 叶面灰绿色, 顶生圆锥伞房花序, 有花10~12 朵, 花冠紫红色。‘红晕’杜鹃花是由露珠杜鹃和马缨花杂交选育而成, 叶浅绿色, 花冠漏斗状钟形, 花冠上部粉红色, 下部乳黄色, 有紫红色斑点。  相似文献   

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