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钙化合物对苹果疏花疏果的效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选用蚁酸钙制剂(CFA)、氯化钙制剂(CCOA)、硝酸钙制剂(CNOA)、丙酸钙制剂(CPA)、氯化钙(CaCl2)、硝酸钙犤Ca(NO3)2犦六种钙化合物对红富士苹果进行了疏花疏果试验。结果表明,以浓度为5~10g/L的蚁酸钙制剂效果最好;喷布两次比一次效果好,第一次在顶芽中心花盛开3d后喷布,第二次在顶芽中心花盛开5d后喷布,这样可确保顶芽中心花不受影响,而使顶芽侧花和腋芽花的结果率同时降低。CFA加用1mL/L的界面活性剂KP-4714,可显著提高疏花效果。所用钙化合物的疏花喷布对幼果生长和成熟果的大小、着色程度、果实品质均无不利影响。浓度为10g/L的氯化钙和硝酸钙处理对新梢生长点和幼叶有药害发生。  相似文献   

无公害疏花剂对不同苹果品种的疏花效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验以宫崎短富、青富、丹霞、嘎拉、乔纳金、花冠等6个苹果品种为试材,研究了无公害化学疏花剂对它们的疏花效果。结果表明在各苹果品种的中心花盛开后第3天和第5天分别喷布1次,可以起到保留顶芽中心花,疏除大部分的顶芽侧花和腋花的目的。浓度在5g/L~20g/L之间均能达到疏花的效果,随着浓度增高,疏除率呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

外源多胺对富士苹果花和幼果内源多胺与激素的影响   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
 红富士苹果花和幼果内均含有腐胺(Put) 、亚精胺(Spd) 和精胺(Spm) , 其中以Spd 含量最高。盛花期喷施1 ×10-5mol·L-1的Spd , 可提高花和幼果内GA3 、ZR 的含量, 但IAA、ABA 含量下降; 喷施多胺合成抑制剂MGBG降低了喷后10 d 幼果内GA3 含量, 却提高了花和幼果内IAA 含量; 对内源多胺的测定结果表明, 盛花期喷施Spd 提高了喷后20 d 幼果内源Put 、Spd 及Spm含量, 降低了花内的含量; 喷施MGBG提高花和幼果内Put 含量, 降低Spd及Spm含量。田间试验结果表明, 盛花期喷施1 ×10-5mol ·L-1的Spd , 坐果率为对照的144. 1 % , 而喷施1 ×10-5mol ·L-1的MGBG, 坐果率为对照的86. 2 %。  相似文献   


This research was conducted to determine the king versus lateral fruit thinning effects on yield and fruit quality of ‘Elstar’, ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Starkrimson Delicious’, ‘Ultra Red’, ‘Topred’, and ‘Jonagold’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars grafted on MM106 rootstock in 2002-2003. Removal of the king fruit (KFR) treatment partially increased the yield in ‘Jonagold’, ‘Elstar’, and ‘Granny Smith’ cultivars while the effects were different by years in “Starkrimson Delicious”. Leaving of the king fruit (KFL) treatment gave better results in the ‘Topred’ cultivar, and similar effects were obtained from both treatments in ‘Ultra Red’ cultivar. Non-significant differences were obtained from both treatments with respect to fruit weight in the ‘Topred’, ‘Starkrimson Delicious’, ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Granny Smith’ cultivars. Leaving of the king fruit treatment increased the fruit weight significantly in ‘Elstar’ and ‘Ultra Red’ cultivars in 2002. The values of fruit flesh firmness (lb), total soluble solids content (%), pH, titratable acidity (%), total and invert sugar quantity (g/100 g?1) were not found to be significantly different between the treatments with a few exceptions. The ‘KFR’ treatment that removed the dominant effect of the king fruit can be recommended for the ‘Elstar’ and ‘Jonagold’ cultivars because this treatment increased the yield and did not decreased the fruit weight significantly in these cultivars except for ‘Elstar’ in 2002. On the other hand ‘KFL’ treatment can be recommended for the ‘Granny Smith’, Topred’ and ‘Ultra Red’ cultivars. Although this treatment decreased the yield of ‘Granny Smith’ it increased the mean fruit weight 45.6-62.7 g in the two experiment years. ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ did not show clear response to the treatments.  相似文献   

SX系列矮化砧对苹果生长结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SX系列苹果矮化砧是用富平秋子分别与M26、M9、M7矮化砧杂交育成。1997年以富平秋子作基砧,以SX系列无性砧木、M26砧木(CK)作中间砧嫁接秋富1品种,在陕西渭北建园试验,中间砧基本埋入土中,地面露出3~5cm。经连续7年对各组合的鉴定表明,SX系列的致矮作用相当或高于M26,嫁接品种的累计产量显著高于M26,果实着色指数、可溶性固形物含量、果肉硬度、果形指数均优于或与M26相当,果个普遍大于M26,大部分SX系列的抗旱性和抗偏斜能力优于M26。其中SX126、SX13、SX138和SX140综合性状优良,可在渭北黄土高原苹果产区及条件相同的地区应用。  相似文献   

Pomological records taken on Cox’s Orange Pippin and Worcester Pearmain were converted to new variates by the method of component analysis. The new variates, which were the weighted sums of the old, were expressions of physiological characteristics such as vigour, fruitfulness (or intensity of cropping) and apical dominance. A study of the new variates showed that vigour was correlated from year to year, but the correlation decayed with time ; in particular, nursery vigour was little associated with field vigour. A nursery expression of apical dominance was found to be largely associated with nursery position and did not influence later growth and cropping. Later fruitfulness, which showed a tendency to biennial behaviour, was positively correlated with early vigour and negatively related to early severity of pruning. A further variate was determined chiefly by fruit set ; it was associated with field position and with both fruitfulness and fruit set in the previous year.  相似文献   

柑橘幼果发育期碳水化合物代谢及其与生长发育的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温州蜜柑幼果在盛花后逐渐生长 盛花后6 d开始大量脱落 日本甜夏橙幼果在盛花后12 d内重量未增加,一直处于急剧落果期。甜夏橙幼果中蔗糖含量高出温州蜜柑20多倍,种间还原糖含量变化趋势略有不同。两种柑橘的淀粉含量变化也不同,但它们的淀粉含量与淀粉酶活性、幼果相对脱落率均呈负相关。对幼果碳水化合物代谢与生长、脱落的关系作了讨论。  相似文献   

以1995年建园、2006年嫁接的4个品种苹果树为试材,调查其树体生长特性,为低接换种和高纺锤形培养提供理论依据.结果表明:矮砧苹果低接换种和培养高纺锤形树体条件下,“红夏”、“红富士”、“嘎啦”、“粉红女士”4个品种幼年苹果树中心干生长速度快,低接换种后5a生树高2.8~3.3 m,中心干侧生分枝数量40~57个,且侧生分枝主要集中在2a生和3a生的中心干段上.其中“嘎啦”的总枝量最高为651个,“红富士”和“红夏”次之,分别为563和554个,“粉红女士”总枝量最低为440个.经过低接换种改造以后改变和增加了结果部位,促进花芽形成;改善了树冠的通风透光环境,增加了光合产物的积累,为提高果实品质和产量奠定了基础.  相似文献   

疏花疏果量对黄金梨生长结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在黄金梨盛花期疏除中花,每花序留边花2朵,或谢花后2周每花序留果1个,增强树势,提高产量、品质和次年结实能力的效果十分明显.不疏花疏果,会降低当年产量和品质,树势及次年结实能力明显下降.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators such as α?naphthylacetic acid (NAA) or 6?benzyladenine (BA) are commonly used for thinning apple fruits. NAs exhibits an auxin- and gibberellin-type biological activity, stimulate the uptake and translocation of auxins in plant tissue, as well as IAA synthesis and act as surfactants. It was assumed that NAs applied at the stadium of early fruit growth might cause fruit abscission in apple, similarly to NAA. The goal of the research was to test the presumed thinning effect of naphthenic acids on apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red Delicious’. Three treatments were applied on both apple cultivars including 16.5?μL L?1 NAA, 200?μL L?1?BA and 2.63?mg L?1?potassium salts of NAs. Cortical cell size and the number of cell layers were measured in order to determine the contribution of cell size and cell division in early fruit growth, as affected by chemical thinning treatments. The effects of plant growth regulators NAA, BA and NAs on fruit set, fruit size and the anatomy of the fruit cortex highly depend on varietal differences. In ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit set reduction by chemical thinning increases both the number of cell layers and cell size of apple fruit, while in ‘Red Delicious’ NAA inhibits fruit growth, while BA is ineffective. Cell growth promoting activity of NAA and NAs, accompanied by the decrease in fruit set and reduced competition among fruits within the canopy, results in a significant fruit weight increase at harvest. The research confirms the auxinic properties of NAs, and their assumed thinning activity.  相似文献   

山地苹果树更新修剪对树体营养及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区以常规修剪为对照,探讨更新修剪对盛果期山地苹果树体营养和生长方面的影响。结果表明:更新修剪提高了叶片、枝条中的氮、磷、钾、钙含量,提高了果实中的氮、钾、钙含量,对果实中的磷和根系中的磷、钾无显著影响;降低了根系中的氮、钙含量;显著增加了长枝、中枝的比例,显著降低了短枝、叶丛枝比例,促进了枝条健壮发育。更新修剪增加了叶面积,提高了叶绿素、单果质量、果实维生素C和有机酸含量,对果实可溶性固形物、总糖、着色面积等无显著影响,提高了果实产量,极显著提高了果园的经济产值。  相似文献   

连作土与灭菌土对平邑甜茶幼苗生长发育的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以平邑甜茶幼苗为试材,探讨了连作土和温度处理的灭菌连作土对其生长发育的影响。结果表明,温度处理的灭 菌连作土能够增加植株细根的表面积、总长度和根尖数;增强白根与褐根的呼吸强度;延长根系寿命;增加植株的生物量、 叶面积;灭菌处理连作土中植株白根的呼吸强度、生物量和叶面积与连作土处理的差异显著。  相似文献   


The potential of six products to act as pollenicides on apple pollen both in vivo and in vitro was evaluated. The six candidate pollenicides used were lime sulphur (LS) (1.15% solution), ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) (0.75% solution), Surround? WP (S) (59.2 g/L), biodiesel (BD) (5% emulsion), sodium chloride (NaCl) (8 g/L) and Horticultural-Vinegar (HV) (2% solution). It was found that ‘Golden Delicious’ blossoms that were treated with ATS, LS, S or NaCl had significantly fewer pollen grains that germinated in vivo than the treatment receiving no spray. The effect of the six candidate pollenicides was also investigated in vitro by spraying ‘McIntosh’ pollen with the candidate pollenicides and examining pollen germination, pollen tube growth length and the proportion of unviable pollen grains. All of the treatment sprays significantly reduced pollen germination compared with the control, with ATS and LS resulting in considerable reduction in pollen tube germination and HV completely hindering germination. Among those treatments that allowed some germination, only LS, ATS and BD effectively reduced the mean length that the pollen tubes grew in vitro. These laboratory results are compared with those generated in a parallel field trial to assess what stage of pollination the candidate pollenicides are targeting. Taken together these results indicate that ATS reduces pollen viability and germination on pollinated stigmas and on germination medium and is an effective blossom thinner in the field. Lime sulphur has a greater effect on pollen tube germination and growth on germination medium and is a good thinner in the field and that NaCl reduces pollen germination on pollinated stigmas and is an effective mild thinner in the field. Finally, this research suggests that while BD was an effective thinner in the field, it has less pollenicidal and greater phytotoxic effects than the Other products tested.  相似文献   

敌百虫对国光、金冠苹果疏果效应的研究结果表明,国光盛花后10d 喷布1125mg·1~(-1)敌百虫或加20mg·1~(-1)NAA;金冠盛花后12d 喷布900mg·1~(-1)敌百虫或加10mg·1~(-1)NAA,疏除幼果效应显著.果实单果重、翌年花量增加;果实品质、经济效益提高;大小年幅度降低.  相似文献   

A summer application of nitrogen was used to induce the production of “ strong ” flowers for comparison with the " normal ” flowers produced on trees of Worcester Pearmain given only a spring application of nitrogen.

The flowers were given various pollination treatments to provide material for an assessment of flower quality. These included the following : auto and alio self-pollination and cross-pollination with diploid apple or pear at anthesis, cross-pollinations and self-pollinations at additional daily intervals subsequent to anthesis.

The stigmas of strong flowers remained receptive for a longer period than those of normal flowers.

After cross-pollination with a diploid apple, fertilization took place in 6-7 days. After self-pollination a typical incompatibility reaction was apparent. Pear pollen tubes showed an intermediate response.

Egg sacs in strong flowers continued to enlarge after those of corresponding normal flowers had ceased to grow. The fertilized ovules and embryo sacs of strong flowers showed a more rapid acceleration in growth rate than those of normal flowers.

Cell division in unfertilized ovules also continued for a longer period in strong flowers and appeared to be correlated with the behaviour of the egg sac.

Ovule longevity provided the most striking difference between the two flower types. The ovules of strong flowers remained capable of fertilization for almost twice as long as those of normal flowers.

Abnormalities of several types were seen in ovules. The most common was the production of secondary egg sacs, a feature of strong flowers which had been self-pollinated. Three types of secondary sac, micropylar, lateral and chalazal are described and illustrated.

The effects of rate of pollen tube growth, ovule longevity and the period of stigma receptivity in limiting the effective pollination period, are discussed. It is suggested that some variations in fruit set may be due to differences in flower quality. The use of summer or early autumn nitrogen is advocated as a method of improving blossom quality in certain varieties.  相似文献   

Black currant bushes of nine varieties were graft-inoculated with reversion virus and compared with healthy bushes in a field trial of eight years’ duration. Two virulent and one relatively avirulent strain caused similar flower and leaf symptoms of differing severity.

The first symptoms appeared in the year after inoculation, when they were restricted to a few shoots and yields were unaffected. Thereafter yields declined as symptoms spread to all shoots within four or five years. The characteristically glabrous flowers borne by virus-affected shoots usually developed abnormally early in spring and many abscissed prematurely. Ultimately infection with the virulent strains caused bushes to become virtually barren. Fruits that did develop were small with few seeds, many of which were abnormal. One virulent strain had little effect·on bushes previously infected with the avirulent strain, which alone halved yield and caused slight symptoms that spread slowly.

Annually the first-formed leaves subtending the flowers of virus-affected shoots were few, small and pale. Later vegetative growth was abnormally vigorous with many, short axillary shoots. Infection decreased susceptibility to the leaf-spot fungus (Pseudopeziza ribis Kleb.) and delayed leaf abscission.  相似文献   

经两年试验表明红富士苹果"以果定果"疏果技术能提高果品质量,克服花期大风、晚霜、连阴雨等恶劣天气所造成的授粉率低的现象。5月中下旬果实基本定型时进行,选果形端正、授粉受精良好的幼果,可提高果形指数,减少偏斜果率,是目前生产高档果的有效措施。  相似文献   

以铜基营养保护剂(CBN1)、含铁铜基营养保护剂(CBN2)、含硼锌铜基营养保护剂(CBN3)为试材,与传统波尔多液进行大田对比试验,研究了3种铜基营养保护剂(CBN)对苹果生长和果实品质的影响.结果表明:较之传统波尔多液(CBM),3种铜基营养保护剂的防病效果与其相当且没有造成果实减产及品质降低,但显著降低了铜在叶片和果实中的含量.含铁铜基营养保护剂(CBN2)和含硼锌铜基营养保护剂(CBN3)分别在果树不同生育时期及时供给植株所需的铁和锌,同时增加果实中铁和锌的含量.因此,依据果树生长发育时期不同,配合使用不同的铜基营养保护剂可以有效的替代传统波尔多液.  相似文献   

以"天红2号"/SH40/八棱海棠成品苗和半成品苗为试材,分别于2015年10月31日、11月15日、12月5日和2016年3月12日、3月27日、4月7日进行栽植。调查了新栽幼树的成活率、萌芽时间、株高、干径、新梢数量、新梢生长量及成品苗中心干延长枝长度等生长发育相关指标。结果表明:秋栽各处理苗木成活率均达到98.85%以上,萌芽时间分别早于春栽3个时期2~9d。11月15日栽植半成品苗株高净增长量为184.98cm、品种干径净增长量为17.89mm、新梢总生长量220.65cm,均高于其它时期栽植半成品苗;10月31日栽植成品苗株高净增长量为143.36cm、品种和中间砧干径净增长量为9.89mm和9.26mm、新梢平均数量为13.02个,中心干延长枝长度为140.57cm,均高于其它时期栽植成品苗。因此,秋季适宜时期栽植的苹果苗木成活及生长发育情况优于春季栽植苹果苗木。  相似文献   

微生物肥对连作障碍土壤上芥蓝生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决土壤连作障碍问题,以不施微生物肥作对照,选用沃益多、德根贝2种微生物肥在芥蓝上进行设施栽培肥效对比试验。试验结果表明,施用微生物肥后芥蓝产量和经济效益均较对照有所增加,其中,沃益多处理的芥蓝产量增幅为10.07%,增值22 163元/hm2,德根贝处理的产量增幅为11.46%,增值25 817元/hm2,且达到显著差异,说明微生物肥对连作障碍有很好的缓解作用。  相似文献   

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