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During the propagation of tomato plants, which were later stopped at the fifth truss, two levels of nitrogen were applied in factorial combination before and after initiation of the first truss. The high level of nitrogen prior to initiation produced earlier flowering and an increased weight of fruit in the first truss. Flower number and earliness of flowering of certain trusses was increased by the high level of nitrogen applied after initiation.

Initially the plants grew faster and cropped earlier in response to high nitrogen, but there were no differences in either the final amount of growth or the final crop. The constancy of the final crop was explained in terms of the concept of a fixed fruit load.

Under the conditions of light in this experiment the results did not suggest that vigorous early growth was detrimental.  相似文献   

The raspberry moth causes serious damage to cultivated raspberries during certain years, particularly in the Scottish fruit-growing areas where it is a major pest. In the south of England it is less abundant, although in recent years there have been indications that it may become more widespread and plentiful there (Massee, 1939, 1942, 1946).

The female moth lays eggs during June and July in the fleshy tissue at the base of the corolla and androecium. The larva, on hatching from the egg, feeds for a short time on the surface tissue of the developing fruitlet, but within a few days it penetrates into the fruit to feed on the fleshy receptacle. During this period it casts its skin once. From the fruit the second instar larva migrates in search of a place in which to hibernate. Hibernacula appear to be situated mostly in the soil close to the roots of the raspberry plants. Prior to hibernation taking place, the larva moults for the second time, so that it passes the winter as a third instar larva.

With the approach of spring, at the time when the raspberry buds are bursting, the larva leaves its hibernaculum and crawls up a cane until it finds a suitable bud into which it eats a tunnel through the closely packed leaflets. Sometimes a larva, after having consumed the contents of its first bud, leaves it and attacks a second bud which, by this time, may have developed into a young lateral two to three inches long. The larva, which infests a single bud during its spring life, pupates in that bud, but that which infests more than one bud pupates on tie-wires, leaves, canes, supporting posts or similar places. During its spring life the larva passes through another two instars (the fourth and fifth) before pupating.

The full-grown larva prepares for pupation by spinning a white silk cocoon in some suitable place. This takes approximately five days to complete. Within the cocoon the larva pupates and the pupa remains for a period of three weeks.

Adult moths appear in June and are abundant during the second half of the month. Egg- laying then commences and a new generation of the species begins.

The summer larvae, which hatch during July from eggs laid in the flowers by the female moths, do little damage to the fruit because they are very small and their feeding is largely confined to the receptacle tissue.

The most serious damage is perpetrated by the larvae which emerge from hibernation in early spring and bore into the developing buds and laterals. Although their primary buds are killed by the caterpillars these are usually replaced by secondary buds; if these in their turn are largely destroyed by migrating caterpillars the plant’s recovery is prevented because there are no further replacements to overcome the second wave of attack.  相似文献   

Small roots obtained by close spacing or late sowing showed a lower incidence of canker than large roots. March and April sowings always gave the largest marketable weight and a spacing in the row of 5 inches resulted in the production of roots which were not too big for market purposes. Only in one season was there an increase in marketable weight by leaving the roots in the ground until January or February. The incidence of canker was directly correlated with high summer rainfall.  相似文献   

不同定植时期对菊花C029开花特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以切花型菊花‘C029’为试材,通过对不同处理间‘C029’花期和开花性状的观测,研究沈阳地区自然温光条件下不同定植时期对‘C029’开花时间和开花性状的影响。结果表明:不同定植时期对‘C029’开花时间和开花性状有显著影响,定植时期早有助于提前开花,4月15日定植的‘C029’开花最早,初花期9月14日比5月15日定植期提前5 d,比6月15日定植期提前9 d;同时4月15日定植的植株,其定植至开花所需的绝对时间最长。系统的调查了不同定植时期‘C029’的开花性状,随定植时期的推迟,株高明显降低,茎粗和可见叶数减少,盛花期花径明显减小。由此可见‘C029’在沈阳地区的最佳定植时期为4月15日,可以通过栽培时间来调控‘C029’在沈阳地区不同用途的切花生产。  相似文献   

When seedlings of the Potentate variety of glasshouse tomato began growth at a time of year when the day-length was less than twelve hours and decreasing, development of the first inflorescence ceased at an early stage. When growth began at a time of year when the day-length was more than twelve hours, or less than twelve hours and increasing, normal development of the first inflorescence from initiation to ovary swelling occurred.

When these normal inflorescences reached antbesis and the ovaries began to swell at a time of year when the day-length was more than twelve hours, a large constant percentage of the buds reflexed their petals and nearly all such flowers set fruit. When the day-length became less than twelve hours anthesis and ovary swelling rapidly decreased and ceased.  相似文献   

Results from an 8-year-old Jonathan rootstock trial at Havelock North Research Orchard are presented. The following vigorous selections, Merton 779, 789, 793 ; Mailing XXV, 411, and Malling-Merton 109 were compared with Mailing XVI, II, and Northern Spy.

It was found that Merton 793 was the most promising vigorous rootstock and Northern Spy was still the best selection of moderate vigour.

Heavy cropping was found to be associated with a spreading habit of growth.

It is suggested that tree volume may be a more reliable indication of tree size than trunk girth.

The adverse influence of an adjoining poplar hedge was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

Tomato yields and soil analyses from a 32 × 23 factorial nutritional trial are summarized for six seasons of cropping in heated glasshouse borders. The varieties were Potentate for four seasons, and J168 and Moneymaker (split plot) in the last two seasons. The soil was steamed before planting except in the first and third years.

Deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus decreased the yields in five out of six seasons, as also did potassium deficiency in four seasons. Significant positive interactions were found between these three nutrients. The highest level of nitrogen (680–830 lb. N per acre) was favourable when both phosphorus and potassium were at adequate levels in unlimed soil. No yield response was found to potassium in excess of the intermediate level (870 lb. K2O per acre). The main effect of magnesium was not significant, but a positive phosphorus-magnesium interaction was found for variety Moneymaker.

Lime (carbonate) decreased the yield significantly each season. A significant interaction was found between lime and nitrogen level, the adverse effect of lime occurring at the high and intermediate levels of nitrogen. This effect of lime, and the lime-nitrogen interaction, may be due to induced boron deficiency.  相似文献   

李艳  薛占业  常建斌 《蔬菜》2019,(7):56-58
为了确保日光温室越冬番茄定植后幼苗的根、茎、叶健康发育,协调好营养生长与生殖生长的关系,促进植株的花芽分化,为番茄前期产量打下良好的基础,重点探索了番茄定植期到缓苗期的管理措施。通过借鉴山东思远农业设施蔬菜标准化管理模式,结合芮城实际情况,尤其是定植期正值高温酷暑季节,总结出栽前温室高温闷棚、土壤消毒、穴盘蘸根及栽后各阶段标准化环境管理、标准化栽培管理、标准化肥水管理和标准化植保管理等行之有效的配套技术,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。随着标准化技术的应用示范,推广面积已达205 hm^2,带动全县1 690 hm^2设施蔬菜朝标准化方向发展。  相似文献   

The effects of nutrition on the incidence of fruit ripening disorders are described, based on studies of three varieties of tomato (Potentate, Moneymaker and J168) grown with 72 combinations of fertilizers in heated glasshouse borders. The treatments included three levels each of nitrogen and potassium in factorial combination with two levels of phosphorus, magnesium and lime.

Potassium sulphate markedly decreased the overall percentage of unevenly ripened fruit from all three varieties. Magnesium sulphate had a similar but smaller effect; the response to magnesium was greatest at low levels of potassium. The higher level of phosphorus increased the proportion of unevenly ripened fruit, the combination of low potassium and high phosphorus having a particularly adverse effect. The responses to nitrogen were complex and differed between varieties. Lime increased the proportion of unevenly coloured fruit from varieties Moneymaker and J168, significantly in the high nitrogen plots. Numerous other interactions between nutrients were found.

The effects of the treatments on specific forms of ripening disorder were recorded, including greenback, yellow and green blotch, and waxy fruit. Potassium decreased the incidence of all forms of ripening disorder. High phosphorus increased the proportion of blotchy and waxy fruit, but significantly decreased the incidence of greenback in variety Potentate.

Although the intermediate level of potassium in this trial (871 lb. K2 0 per acre) had previously been found sufficient for maximum yield, significant improvements in fruit quality were obtained at the highest level (1,742 lb. K2O per acre).  相似文献   

The effects of nutrition on tomato fruit size and shape are summarized, based on the results of a factorial trial in heated glasshouse borders. The varieties grown were Potentate, J168 and Moneymaker.

The average weight per fruit, calculated from total weights and numbers, was decreased by potassium and magnesium sulphates. Both high nitrogen (760–830 lb. N per acre) and low nitrogen (30–150 lb. N) decreased the weight per fruit as compared with the intermediate nitrogen level (300–380 lb. N). The weight per fruit of varieties J168 and Moneymaker, grown for two seasons, was decreased significantly by high phosphorus in one year and increased by lime in both years.

The uniformly coloured and regularly shaped fruits were graded into four commercial-size categories. Expressed as percentages of the sum of these four grades, the proportion of large fruits showed nutritional responses generally similar to those for average weight per fruit, with opposing trends in the smaller size categories.

The proportion of somewhat irregularly shaped fruit in the uniformly coloured categories, studied for six seasons, was appreciably affected by nutrition. Fruit shape was improved by high potassium and magnesium, and also by nitrogen deficiency. High phosphorus affected the shape adversely. Liming improved the shape of fruit of variety Potentate in three out of four seasons, but the opposite effect was found with J168 and Moneymaker in the final season.

The relation of fruit size and shape to soil salinity is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of glass-sided boxes and trenches for observing the growth of the roots of glasshouse tomatoes has been investigated. Marked seasonal trends have been found with two varieties in two years. There was a rise to a peak followed by a rapid fall in total root length, due to death and disappearance of the roots, with a subsequent recovery. This trend occurred in all horizons of soil.

Growth of the stem and leaves was relatively steady from planting-out (March) until mid-May, when there was a slight decrease with subsequent recovery until the main stem and laterals were “stopped” in July.

The number of flowers per truss was high in the bottom five or six trusses, in which fruit set was high, fell in the median trusses which had low set, and rose in the uppermost trusses accompanied by increased set. The resulting production of fruit weight was high in the bottom trusses and low in the top.

The peak of root length development coincided with the swelling of the fruit in the bottom trusses; a trough occurred when the number of flowers per truss and the number set were low, and root length recovered when the first trusses were picked.  相似文献   

刘浩  江解增  王雁 《中国蔬菜》2010,1(2):60-63
以湿栽水芹新品系G06-01为试材,比较了留种栽培中施钾肥及栽培密度对其繁殖材料花茎生长的影响。结果表明:施钾肥可以促进种株短缩茎侧芽的发育,提高萌发率,使抽生的花茎数量增加、侧芽发育良好,以相同方式播种后产量提高;随栽培密度的增加,花茎粗和花茎产量趋于下降。  相似文献   

以甘肃陇中地区长期种植的转基因和非转基因番茄的日光温室土壤为对象,在番茄生长的幼苗期、始花坐果期和结果期分别采集温室土壤(0~20cm),比较土壤理化性状和养分。结果表明:在土壤理化性状中,非转基因番茄在整个生育期会导致土壤pH值持续下降,而转基因番茄在幼苗期会导致土壤pH值明显下降,以后会逐渐升高,最终使土壤pH值与对照值接近,结果期转基因番茄土壤pH值的相对变化量极显著低于非转基因番茄;2种番茄都导致土壤水溶性盐总量先增加、后降低,转基因番茄土壤水溶盐的变化量在幼苗期、始花坐果期和结果期均极显著低于非转基因番茄;2种番茄都导致土壤有机质含量持续降低,且两者各生长阶段相对变化值差异不显著。在土壤养分中,2种番茄都导致土壤全磷、速效磷、全氮、水解氮、速效钾的含量持续降低,除了转基因番茄在始花坐果期、结果期土壤全磷含量相对变化量分别显著、极显著小于非转基因番茄外,其它养分在个生长阶段的相对变化量差异均不显著。因此,该地区温室在适当调节土壤盐分含量、科学合理施肥的情况下,可适当年限地连续种植转基因番茄。  相似文献   

为明确不同砧木品种对嫁接樱桃番茄的影响,给优良砧木筛选提供理论依据,以千禧樱桃番茄为接穗,对11个砧木品种的嫁接苗进行了研究。试验结果表明,海茄砧1号、茄子专用、南圣水茄和番茄砧木综合性状表现优异,南圣水茄、茄子专用可作为未来托鲁巴姆类型砧木的更新品种进一步试验并投入生产;海茄砧1号、番茄砧木苗期短,能有效缩减生产时间,节约成本,可成为未来樱桃番茄砧木开发的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

锦绣杜鹃盛花期叶的光合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CI-3404便携式全自动光合测定系统测定锦绣杜鹃盛花期叶片净光合速率,研究其日变化及与环境因子的关系。结果表明:锦绣杜鹃盛花期叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率日变化均呈现"单峰"曲线;净光合速率峰值出现在10:00,为10.99μmol CO2.m-2.s-1。蒸腾速率的峰值出现在12:00,比光合速率滞后2 h;锦绣杜鹃盛花期净光合速率与光合有效辐射、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度呈现正相关,而与气孔导度呈负相关。锦绣杜鹃盛花期对光合特性的影响类似于一种逆境胁迫。  相似文献   

 以菊花‘雨花落英’ב奥运含笑’F1群体为材料,调查了2008—2009两个年度开花持续期的分离表现,并基于菊花SRAP遗传图对其进行QTL定位分析。基于单年数据,运用Win QTL Cartographer v2.5软件及复合区间作图法在2008年共检测到3个控制开花持续期的加性QTL,主要分布在秋菊‘雨花落英’遗传图的Y20和Y42连锁群以及夏菊‘奥运含笑’遗传图的A14连锁群上,LOD值介于2.65 ~ 3.44之间,单个QTL对开花持续期表型变异的贡献率为6.54% ~ 11.58%,而在2009年未检测到QTL的存在。运用QTLNetwork v2.2软件对2008和2009两年的表型数据进行联合分析,共检测到两对上位性QTL,在贡献率和效应值上与加性QTL相当,同时上位性QTL与环境之间具有互作效应。  相似文献   

以"大维番茄根砧"、"坂砧一号"、"久留大佐"、"春树"4种番茄砧木为试材,研究了不同浓度盐胁迫处理对其耐盐性的影响。结果表明:4个砧木品种的耐盐性强弱为"大维番茄根砧">"春树">"坂砧一号">"久留大佐"。  相似文献   

为了探讨镉胁迫对银条开花期生理生态的影响,采用盆栽试验方法,研究了镉胁迫对银条叶片生理特性的影响。结果表明:随着Cd浓度的提高,银条叶片叶绿素含量显著降低,Cd浓度与叶片叶绿素含量呈极显著负相关,相关系数r=-0.9852**(P0.01);细胞质膜透性、SOD活性均随镉处理浓度的增加显著升高、相关系数分别为r=0.9850**(P0.01)r、=0.9923*(P0.05);MDA含量、POD活性则先升高再降低,与镉浓度呈显著正相关,相关系数r分别为0.9845**(P0.01)0、.9018*(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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