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以大聚藻(Myriophyllum aquaticum)、空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、蕹菜(Ipomoea aquatica)3种可扦插繁殖的草本克隆植物为试验材料,探索其在不同扦插方式下的生长繁殖特性,以期为植物扦插育苗技术和克隆植物生长繁殖相关研究的进一步发展提供参考。结果表明:倒插繁殖可促进其克隆分株提前生成,不会对其生长、繁殖产生不利影响,甚至倒插繁殖还会赋予其优于正插繁殖的特性;一些草本花卉若采用倒插繁殖,可能培育出省时、别具一格的植株,具有很高的观赏价值;初步认为,能用茎扦插繁殖的草本植物多数也能倒插繁殖,尤其是匍匐茎克隆植物。  相似文献   


Stubbed rhizomes of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep. were kept at room temperature with good ventilation during their dormant period and then were randomly sampled at different stages of dormancy, i.e. stage 1 (beginning of dormancy), stage 2 (middle of dormancy) and stage 3 (late in dormancy with the buds sprouting). Fresh and dry weights, water content, nitrogencontent and starch and total soluble sugar content decreased in the stubbed rhizome and storage roots during dormancy. Therhizome was the principal organ for N storage and the storage roots were the major organ for carbohydrate storage. Argin ne and glutamic acid were the predominant free amino acids in the rhizome and storage roots, respectively. Free abscisic acid in the rhizome increased from stage 1 to 2 and then decreased by stage 3, while the concentration in storage roots decreased continuously until buds sprouted.  相似文献   

以普那菊苣叶柄为外植体进行组织培养试验,结果表明:菊苣叶柄在5种培养基上均可诱导出愈伤组织,总出愈率在90%以上,但分化效果因培养基的不同而有较大的差异.诱导愈伤组织及分化的最佳培养基为:MS KT 1.0 mg/L十NAA 0.2 mg/L;生根培养基为:MS IBA 0.2 mg/L.  相似文献   

谢学强 《北方园艺》2012,(13):188-190
甘孜州是中藏药用植物的道地产地,拥有丰富的野生药用植物资源,进行中藏药用植物生产,可避免野生资源枯竭和生态环境进一步恶化,并能为当地农牧民带来财富。该文在总结甘孜州中藏药用植物资源的基础上,提出了应积极探索中藏药用植物生产经营的新机制;在保护生物多样性资源的基础上,合理开发利用野生中藏药用植物;积极开展中藏药用植物基础性研究;建好、用好中藏药用植物规范化种植科技示范区等应对措施。  相似文献   

软化菊苣为菊科二年至多年生植物。笔者从2000年开始进行了为期3年的栽培及软化技术研究,现将有关试验结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1供试材料供试品种为北京蔬菜研究中心提供的软化菊苣。1.2试验方法①播期及方式直播:8月5日播种,密度每667m2栽8000株,即行距33cm,株距25cm;育苗移栽:7月25日、8月5日、8月15日、8月25日播种,每667m2栽8000株。②密度(667m2株数)A.行距50cm,株距15cm,栽8900株;B.行距50cm,株距20cm,栽6667株;C.行距33cm,株距25cm,栽8000株;D.行距33cm,株距30cm,栽6000株。8月5日播种,育苗移栽。以上各栽培试验小区面积为2m2(…  相似文献   


Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) form symbiotic relationships with roots of blueberry plants providing increased access to nutrients from fertilizers and soil. In August of 2001, we sampled 55 fields in Oregon to assess the mycorrhizal status of blueberry plants under production conditions and to determine whether any relationships exist between field characteristics, root distribution, soil characteristics and level of colonization by mycorrhizal fungi. Variation in measured soil characteristics, root type, root distribution and mycorrhizal colonization occurred with cultivar, field age, bed type, rate of nitrogen fertilization, irrigation type, and mulch. Root biomass was lower in the upper 15 cm of soil compared to 15-30 cm depth. Distribution of roots between the two sampled depths varied significantly with field age, nitrogen fertilization rate, and the time of 50% harvest for the different cultivars sampled. Root length was generally greatest in the upper 15 cm of the soil than at the 15-30 cm depth. Root colonization by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) ranged from 0.5 to 44% of total root length with higher colonization generally occurring in the upper 15 cm of the soil where the majority of smaller, finer roots were found. Colonization generally increased with increasing plant age. In young plants the highest levels of colonization were found in roots from the upper 15 cm of soil while in older plants the highest levels of colonization were found in roots at the 15-30 cm depth. Colonization of roots by EMF in the upper 15 cm of the soil tended to decrease with increasing N fertilization rate, while root colonization at the 15-30 cm depth was unaffected by rate of N fertilization. Roots on cultivars that fruited early in the season tended to have higher levels of colonization than cultivars that fruited later in the growing season. Root biomass and root length were negatively correlated with soil pH and available Ca in soil, while root colonization by EMF was negatively correlated with ammonium levels in the soil. Differences in soil characteristics, root type and distribution, and mycorrhizal colonization found in this study need to be investigated in terms of production efficiency of blueberry in Oregon.  相似文献   

2009-2012年,以柑橘8个多胚性二倍体品种为母本与近年始花的5个异源四倍体体细胞杂种和1个同源四倍体分别杂交,培育三倍体新种质。连续4年共配置15个杂交组合,授粉4 442朵花,坐果1 484个,平均坐果率33.4%;用于幼胚挽救的果实1 075个,共培养幼嫩种子12 578颗,经生芽、生根诱导获得再生植株2 832个;以流式细胞仪对所有再生植株倍性检测,15个组合共获得三倍体401个,四倍体121个;移栽成活三倍体349个,四倍体98个。对W. 默科特 × NH组合89个株系的三倍体的SSR分子鉴定表明,所有三倍体后代均为双亲的有性杂种。  相似文献   

蝴蝶兰无性快繁生产工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了蝴蝶兰无性快繁规模化生产的操作工艺,包括蝴蝶兰类原球茎继代与扩繁操作工艺和蝴蝶兰类原球茎组培苗生产操作工艺.  相似文献   

A tissue culture method for rapid clonal multiplication of Dioscorea floribunda Mart and Gal. is described. Nodal segments were used as initial explants. Plantlets were obtained on Murashige and Skoog’s basal medium supplemented with 2 ppm kinetin with or without 0·2 ppm a-napthaleneacetic acid.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the assumption that incompatibility and dwarfness of budded citrus trees result from impaired carbohydrate movement through the bud union. During autumn and winter, carbohydrates move from the tree tops to the roots and accumulate there as starch. The starch level can therefore serve as a measure of this movement.

This study included seven rootstock varieties all budded with Shamouti orange scion. Unbudded rootstocks were included for purposes of comparison.

The starch level was determined in the winter at three locations along the trunk, below and above the bud union.

No clear indication was found of impaired carbohydrate movement through the bud union of stock-scion combinations showing very low growth vigour.

The starch level in bark and wood in the rootstock portion of trunks of budded trees was found to be negatively correlated with tree size. This indicates that the level of starch in the trunk results from the growth vigour of the tree and is not a factor which affects it.

No relation was found between starch level in the scion and tree size. Based on these findings the conclusion was reached that incompatibility and low growth vigour in citrus do not seem to result from impaired carbohydrate movement through the trunk and starvation of the roots.  相似文献   

由现象看本质,从事例探讨植物应用方法。强调植物群落形成在园林建设中的重要性和宿根花卉广泛应用的好处,为北方盐碱地绿化方向提供更开阔的思路。  相似文献   

为满足人们观赏栽培的需求,以能越冬的红莲子草嫩茎为材料,进行愈伤组织诱导、低温处理、冷冻处理、复冻处理,愈伤组织分化、试管苗生根与继代增殖培养,以及试管苗移栽和定植的研究,建立起红莲子草耐寒无性系。结果证明:MS+BA0.4mg/L+2,4-D1.0mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+蔗糖30g/L为嫩茎愈伤组织诱导和耐冻愈伤组织继代增殖培养的理想培养基;1/2MS+蔗糖30g/L是复冻后增殖培养的愈伤组织分化的理想培养基;N6+NAA0.1mg/L+IAA0.4mg/L+蔗糖15g/L是生根培养和生根继代增殖培养的理想培养基;移植到水库岸边的试管苗保持了红莲子草的所有生物学性状,且连续3年正常越冬。  相似文献   

以菊苣无菌苗的子叶为外植体,研究其在附加不同浓度NAA和6-BA的培养基上的分化情况.结果表明:在不同培养基上,菊苣子叶均能诱导出淡黄色的愈伤组织和分化形成不定芽,但不同基因型菊苣的出愈率和不定芽诱导存在明显差别.诱导Rossa di Verona tardiva selez prelude和Rossa di treviso菊苣愈伤组织形成和芽分化的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L+6-BA 2 mg/L;而诱导In miscuglio菊苣愈伤组织和芽分化的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L+6-BA 3 mg/L.  相似文献   


In Poncirus trifoliate, a highly efficient clonal propagation system for the culture of shoot primordia was devised. Shoot primordia were induced at the base of hypocotyl tissue cultured on MS medium supplemented with 44.4 µM BA, 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar. In MS liquid medium (44.4 µM BA, 3% sucrose) on a rotary shaker at two revolutions per minute, shoot primordia of Poncirus grew in size and number. Plant regeneration occurred on MS solid medium. Frequency of regeneration was highest on MS basal medium containing 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar. About 75 shoot buds regenerated from one shoot primordium. Histological observations showed that shoot buds arose from cells in the hypodermal layers of the shoot primordium. The shoot bud developed a vascular system, which became connected to the shoot primordium tissue. Regenerated shoots rooted on 1/2 MS basal medium or 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 0.5 or 5.0 µM IBA. These rooted shoots were acclimatized easily under intermittent mist.  相似文献   

建立巴旦杏试管苗无性系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用莎车1号、莎车2号、莎车24号3个巴旦杏品种的1年生实生苗的幼芽茎段为外植体,经研究筛选获得了其最适的初代、继代、生根培养基分别为1/2MS+6-BA1.0mg/L(下同)+NAA0.05(或0.1)+IAA0.1、1/2MS+6-BA0.2(或0.5)+GA30.2、1/2MS+IAA0.5+青霉素4.0,3个品种的实生苗增殖系数分别为21.42、19.73和18.14;有效生根率依次为75%、65%、60%。  相似文献   

食用百合组织培养快繁技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李谋智 《北方园艺》2006,(1):101-102
百合是单子叶植物亚纲百合科(Liliaceae)百合属(Lilium)的所有种类的总称,全世界约有90多种.百合是多年生草本植物,药用价值、经济价值和观赏价值甚高.根据用途可分为药用百合、食用百合和观赏百合.兰州百合(Liliumdavi dii var.Uni color(Hoog)Cotton)是一种具有悠久栽培历史的优良食用品种,鳞茎瓣厚、丰润、口感甜美,具有很高的营养及经济价值.  相似文献   

苦瓜试管苗的快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用不同激素浓度的MS培养基对苦瓜试管苗进行快速繁殖的研究.结果表明:KT浓度为3.0 mg/L时,苦瓜试管苗丛生芽的增殖效果最佳,增殖倍数达4.9倍;试管苗在MS NAA 0.1 mg/L和大量元素减半的MS 蔗糖1%的培养基中可以生根,生根率都达100%.  相似文献   

国内外盆栽植物生产现状及我国加入WTO后的应对措施   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
花卉产业包括切花、盆栽植物、花坛植物、种苗 (球、籽 )等的栽培与流通。切花因其不带根、有利于运输及检疫 ,早已成为国际畅销商品 ;而盆花带有根与栽培介质 ,存在运输检疫等方面的障碍 ,所以早期的国际贸易以切花为主 ,近年来盆花发展快速 ,已成为国际花卉贸易的重要内容[1,2 ] 。本文将介绍分析当前国内外盆栽植物的生产现状及我国加入WTO后栽培植物生产的应对措施。1 国外盆栽花卉的生产现状2 0世纪 90年代初 ,由于切花生产成本的提高 ,切花利润逐年下降 ,国际上主要花卉生产国荷兰、美国、日本、丹麦、比利时等开始重视和发展优质…  相似文献   


Cold storage has not only been a good method to overwinter strawberry plants safely and to compensate for the lack of natural chilling. Initially cold stored plants were used for early spring cropping only. Meanwhile this technique has become a normal commercial practice among growers in central Europe and has given them the opportunity to extend the strawberry production season from July until January. Cold stored waiting bed plants have been used since the early seventies in The Netherlands and Belgium and currently represent an important part of strawberry production. These sixty-day-plants are planted mainly outdoors in the soil for a production from July until September. More recently waiting bed plants have gained popularity in the UK, Germany and northern Italy to extend the season. Alternatively in France and Germany cold stored runner (A+) plants are traditionally being used for a summer production outdoors followed by a spring crop. During the last decade module or tray plants have gained popularity for autumn cropping on substrate culture in plastic tunnels and greenhouses. During the most recent years the programmed “out of season” production of strawberries has become more important in several European countries. Intensive research has been going on concerning the improvement of the growing techniques and quality of plant material and cold Storage conditions.  相似文献   

火炬树(Rhus typhina)为漆树科(Anacardiaceae)盐肤木属落叶灌木或小乔木;其水平根系发达,根蘖力强,是植被恢复与构建、环境美化和风景林营建的优良树种之一.现以北方民族大学校园内3个火炬树小种群为材料,研究了不同种群的克隆分株能力.结果表明:3个种群克隆分株产生萌条的株高、基径、复叶数和生物量积累量均有很大差异.可能是产生克隆分株的根径较小和克隆分株距离母体植株较远造成的,同时也可能与不同种群斑块环境条件的差异或不同的管理措施有关.  相似文献   

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