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Observations failed to show that cross-pollination between different varieties of black currants increases fruit set under field conditions.  相似文献   

Black currant bushes of nine varieties were graft-inoculated with reversion virus and compared with healthy bushes in a field trial of eight years’ duration. Two virulent and one relatively avirulent strain caused similar flower and leaf symptoms of differing severity.

The first symptoms appeared in the year after inoculation, when they were restricted to a few shoots and yields were unaffected. Thereafter yields declined as symptoms spread to all shoots within four or five years. The characteristically glabrous flowers borne by virus-affected shoots usually developed abnormally early in spring and many abscissed prematurely. Ultimately infection with the virulent strains caused bushes to become virtually barren. Fruits that did develop were small with few seeds, many of which were abnormal. One virulent strain had little effect·on bushes previously infected with the avirulent strain, which alone halved yield and caused slight symptoms that spread slowly.

Annually the first-formed leaves subtending the flowers of virus-affected shoots were few, small and pale. Later vegetative growth was abnormally vigorous with many, short axillary shoots. Infection decreased susceptibility to the leaf-spot fungus (Pseudopeziza ribis Kleb.) and delayed leaf abscission.  相似文献   

Some varieties of raspberries can readily be propagated from root cuttings. The method is more rapid than the traditional use of root suckers and might be useful in the initial multiplication of raspberry clones. Recommendations are made regarding choice and preparation of parent root material, method of making and planting cuttings, and subsequent management of the plants produced. The behaviour of raspberry root cuttings at various seasons and in different environments is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Many investigations at the West African Cacao Research Institute require the production of uniform clones of cacao. Although Amelonado, which is the name adopted for the most predominant variety of cacao in West Africa, appears to be genetically uniform, it has been considered advisable to use self-rooted clones for such detailed work as the definition of virus symptomatology. Also many of the Institute’s disease and pest resistant selections are known to be heterozygous types of cacao, and investigations on these must of necessity be carried out on clonal material. Cacao can be rapidly propagated by budding, but this method introduces the variability associated with seedling rootstocks.  相似文献   

菠萝蜜“一叶一芽”绿枝扦插技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将菠萝蜜1年生嫩枝剪成段,每段插穗带1片完整叶片,生根处理后扦插,喷施叶面肥管理,测定其生根成活情况,并试验插穗不同部位扦插的效果。结果表明,插穗经200 mg/L IBA+NAA+动物骨灰浸出液生根处理后扦插,加上叶面喷施有机营养液可有效提高插穗发根率和成活率,并增加根量。同一枝梢,中部生根成苗效果最好。  相似文献   

Some species regenerate readily from root cuttings at any time of year, whereas cuttings of other species show a well-marked seasonal fluctuation in capacity to grow. In the latter a high proportion of successes is possible only if cuttings are taken in the “ on ” season. In the “ off ” season for raspberry, not only do root cuttings fail but whole root systems, severed and left undisturbed in situ, also die. The regenerative capacity of (a) root cuttings, and (b) severed roots left in situ, has a bearing on the degree of control, which can be obtained by tillage, of weed species which are able to regenerate from roots left in the ground.  相似文献   

殷福姣 《北方园艺》2008,(3):175-176
用ABT和IBA,NAA,B1不同的配比对康乃馨插穗进行5种不同的扦插生根处理,结果表明:6 g/kg IBA 2g/ kg NAA 0.5 g/kg B1配比的生根粉的效果最为理想,生根率达97%以上,成苗率达85%.  相似文献   

以月季品种‘中国红’为试材,研究了插穗在花朵不同开放时期及枝条不同部位扦插生根情况,并对插穗内源激素赤霉素(GA)、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)含量进行了测定。结果表明:不同处理间扦插成活率存在较大差异,花朵开放前期与中期的枝条上部和中部扦插成活率能够达到60%以上。内源激素GA、IAA含量均表现为随着花朵开放进度及枝条由上而下呈递减趋势,这与扦插成活率结果一致,内源激素GA、IAA的含量越高,扦插成活率越好。综合以上结果,在实际生产中,可以利用花朵开放前中期的上中部枝条作为插穗。  相似文献   

5个矮生牡丹品种黄化嫩枝扦插技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 研究了牡丹矮生品种‘银粉金鳞’、‘蓝田玉’、‘金玉交章’、‘小胡红’和‘石原白’黄化嫩枝扦插繁殖的关键环节和影响因素。结果表明, 该5 个品种黄化嫩枝生根率依次为91.0%、80.9%、78.6%、40.6%、20.0%; 于10月中旬截取长4~6 cm、基部直径0.5 cm以上的黄化嫩枝, 将形态学下端浸泡在20~25℃的IBA 100 mg/L或‘ABT 2号’150 mg/L中16 h, 扦插于粒径3~4 mm的蛭石基质里,‘银粉金鳞’插穗的生根率最高, 达93% , 且不定根健壮、上盆栽培生长良好。  相似文献   

黑果枸杞苗木快速繁育及建园技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍黑果枸杞植物学特征、医药价值的基础上,从采穗园的建立、嫩枝扦插育苗、种子繁殖育苗等方面介绍了黑果枸杞苗木繁育技术;并从园区规划整治、苗木定植、肥水管理、整形修剪、果实采摘晾晒等方面介绍了黑果枸杞大田建园和管理技术,以期为黑果枸杞育苗、建园提供理论依据和技术指导.  相似文献   

激素处理和取穗枝条部位对长春花扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以盆栽红色长春花为试材,研究了激素处理和取穗枝条部位对长春花扦插生根的影响.结果表明:用单一激素NAA、IBA、ABT-6进行处理时,以50 m/L ABT-6处理的扦插生根效果较好,生根率达63.70%,平均生根数4.31条,平均根长1.27 cm;50 mg/L ABT-6溶液浸泡9h效果优于其它时间处理,生根率达82.96%,平均生根数6.61条,平均根长2.40 cm;2种激素组合以ABT-6 50 mg/L+NAA 15 mg/L最好,生根率达100%,平均生根数11.76条,平均根长4.68 cm;不同取穗部位插穗的扦插效果,中部>下部>上部,中部生根率达100%,平均生根数12.51条,平均根长5.01 cm.  相似文献   

黑米色素的提取方法及稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了黑米色素的结构,以及黑米在国内的分布及利用情况.对黑色素提取条件进行了摸索研究,获得提取黑色素的最佳条件,并对色素的性质进行了研究.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate resources of softwood hop cuttings were modified by supplying sugars, in solution, during a 5-day pre-rooting dark period. At low light intensity, where cuttings were maintained at about compensation point, the effect of such sugar pre-treatment was to cause large increases in rooting, compared with cuttings of low initial carbohydrate status. At higher light intensity, however, where considerable accumulation of carbohydrate took place during the rooting period, the only effect of initial differences in carbohydrate status was in the time at which roots were first observed ; the subsequent rate of rooting and final number of roots were determined by the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Successful propagation of softwood cuttings taken from mature trees (over 6 years old) of Pistacia vera was achieved after treatments which included very high concentrations (up to 45 000 ppm) of IBA.  相似文献   

番茄侧枝扦插研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了番茄侧枝扦插的几种类型及其优缺点,扦插方法、扦插后的调控管理、插条的生理生化等研究进展,进而探讨了番茄侧枝扦插的应用前景。  相似文献   

It has become the practice in north-east India to propagate tea vegetatively by means of intemodal cuttings carrying only one leaf. These are prepared by the dissection of leading stems. Extensive experience shows that most of the cuttings will fail if the stems are stored for more than a few hours after being severed from the plant, even if kept moist. If the stems are dissected into cuttings their viability is further reduced. It is usual to set the cuttings in the beds immediately the stems are severed from the plant, and no practicable method has been found by which fresh material can be stored or transported for periods of more than a few hours. Leafless cuttings are of no value.  相似文献   

 美丽翠雀( Delphinium‘Schloss Wilhelmschohe’) 可在春、夏季用茎枝进行扦插繁殖。切取新生茎枝顶端12~15 cm枝条为插穗, 用IBA 5~10 mg·L-1浸泡基部1 h 后在珍珠岩∶腐叶土∶粗砂= 1∶1∶2 (体积比) 的基质上扦插效果较为理想。  相似文献   

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