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孙礼兵  柳峰  刘限  吴青君 《北方园艺》2011,(16):205-207
小菜蛾是在世界范围内最难防治的害虫之一,小菜蛾对阿维菌素的抗性是目前十字花科蔬菜生产中的突出问题.现主要综述了小菜蛾对阿维菌素抗性现状、交互抗性、抗性机理方面的研究进展,以期对其抗性治理提供参考.  相似文献   

性诱剂对小菜蛾种群的迷向效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用迷向指标,评价了不同成虫密度、不同诱捕器数量对小菜蛾种群的迷向作用。结果表明,自设置性诱剂后的前6d,对小菜蛾成虫的迷向不断增强,10~18d后形成迷向高峰,18d后显著下降。在小菜蛾不同成虫密度下,随着田间菜蛾密度的增加,迷向率呈下降趋势,其中以田间蛾密度为4515~6000头/hm2时,迷向作用最强;同时性诱剂可有效地减少小菜蛾的田间落卵量,对小菜蛾种群的迷向作用105个/hm2效果较好。  相似文献   

茄子果实冷害生理的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
余挺 《园艺学报》1998,25(3):303-305
‘杭州红茄’果实在(2±1)℃低温下贮藏6d即出现冷害症状。冷害发生前乙烯释放量较高,而后急剧降至较低水平;SOD活性在此温度下前8d一直呈上升趋势,但显著低于(13±1)℃条件下的活性;CAT活性在4d后即迅速降至较低水平;膜透性和POD活性则在冷害发生(第6天)后急剧上升。表明果实冷害的发生是冷害低温抑制SOD和CAT活性、强化膜脂过氧化作用的结果,而POD活性的上升则促进了冷害的发展。  相似文献   

In Malawi, over 80 % of the tea yield is harvested during the five months of the hot, wet, tropical summer. Characteristics of shoot growth were examined to define the nature of the fall in yield during the subsequent winter months of May to August. Slower shoot extension and more apical bud dormancy reduced the rate at which shoots reached harvestable size in winter. No changes were observed in other characteristics of shoot growth such as individual shoot weight, shoot death or dormancy of the axillary buds in their initial state. During the winter there was a stimulation of root growth and the low yield was possibly related in part to a redistribution of assimilate. Altering the photoperiod had little effect on yield but maintenance of warm night temperatures (20°C) during parts of the cold season accelerated the rate of shoot growth to a level as high as that of the hot, wet season.  相似文献   

采用迷向指标,评价了不同成虫密度、不同诱捕器数量对小菜蛾种群的迷向作用.结果表明,自设置性诱剂后的前6 d,对小菜蛾成虫的迷向不断增强,10~18 d后形成迷向高峰,18 d后显著下降.在小菜蛾不同成虫密度下,随着田间菜蛾密度的增加,迷向率呈下降趋势,其中以田间蛾密度为4 515~6 000头/hm2时,迷向作用最强;同时性诱剂可有效地减少小菜蛾的田间落卵量,对小菜蛾种群的迷向作用105个/hm2效果较好.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted at three locations across the North Carolina coastal plain region to determine sexual reproductive potential, seedbank density, frequency of seed dormancy, and effect of temperature on Maryland meadowbeauty seed germination. Seed capsule density ranged from 500 per m2 to 1124 per m2 across locations. Each capsule contained an average of 74 seeds. Seeds germinated only in the 35/20 °C temperature regime, which represents the hottest month (August) of the growing season in southeastern North Carolina. Total number of germinated seeds differed across locations and ranged from 30% to 57%. The percent (average) of viable (66) and nonviable (26) meadowbeauty seeds was not different across locations. Relative germination and seed dormancy percentages were calculated based on the number of viable seeds. The percent relative germination and seed dormancy were different across locations and ranged from 47% to 86% and 14% to 55%, respectively. The highest number of germination resulted from 90 days of stratification. On average, 27 seeds germinated among soil samples, which is equivalent to 989 seeds per m2. The data indicate that the populations of meadowbeauty in blueberry fields have the potential to sexually reproduce and contribute 5 × 106 to 1.1 × 107 seed capsules/ha and 3.7 × 108 to 8.3 × 108 seeds/ha of infestation. Freshly mature seeds can germinate and contribute 1.79 × 108 to 7.14 × 108 seedlings/ha in the year the seeds are produced and 5.18 × 107 to 4.4 × 108 seeds/ha can be dormant and incorporated into the seed bank on an annual basis. Approximately 9.89 × 106 seeds/ha are dormant and viable in the soil and have the potential to germinate following adequate stratification.  相似文献   

Increasing consumer demands for indigenous, non-sprayed with pesticides and less-known or “forgotten” fruits necessitate knowledge on their breeding, cultivation, biochemical content, harvesting and marketing. Anatolia is rich for wild edible fruit species and barberry is abundant throughout Anatolia. The aim of this study was to determine some important physicochemical characteristics, bioactive content and antioxidant capacity of fruits from nineteen promising barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) genotypes grown in the Coruh valley, Northeastern Anatolia. The results indicated genotype-specific differences for most of the physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and the content of some bioactive compounds. Fruit mass ranged from 0.073 (‘Coruh-7’) to 0.267 g (‘Coruh-11’). Total phenolic content ranged from 2532 (‘Coruh-’) to 3719 mg GAE per liter fruit juice (‘Coruh-11’). The genotype ‘Coruh-12’ had the highest total monomeric anthocyanin content (1004 mg per liter fruit juice) as cyanidin-3-glucoside. The highest total antioxidant capacity was observed in fruits of ‘Coruh-8’ and ‘Coruh-9’ genotypes with all three antioxidant-determining methods. We conclude that the barberry fruits represent a good source of bioactive phytochemicals because of their high phenolic and anthocyanin contents.  相似文献   

蜡梅传粉生物学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 对南京地区引种的蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox) 进行传粉生物学研究。结果显示: 蜡梅同朵花内的雌雄蕊在时间和空间上都有花期不遇的趋势。蜡梅P /O比值为2 847.3 ±1 125.0, OCI值为3, 不同处理下的结实率表明蜡梅的繁育系统为兼性异交型, 虽有一定自交比例, 但需传粉者。传粉昆虫出现的时间一般在晴天, 1天内温度较高的中午前后。访花频率和效率受温度影响大。在南京地区蜡梅的主要访问昆虫是膜翅目的东方蜜蜂中华亚种(Apis cerana cerana) 和双翅目的黑带食蚜蝇( Epistrophe balteata) 、黑边家蝇(Musca hervei) 、巨尾阿丽蝇(Aldrichina grahami) 。蜡梅品种之间的访问昆虫种类和访问频率无明显区别。  相似文献   

以山西省内搜集的5个地区的野生枸杞为试材,对其鲜果品质进行测定。测定指标包括鲜果的纵径、横径、单果质量、果柄长度4项外观指标和总糖、还原糖、维生素C和黄酮含量4种营养物质含量。采用主成分分析法,对5个不同地区的枸杞进行了果实综合品质的评价,以期筛选出鲜果果实品质优良的种质资源。结果表明:不同种源地枸杞果实品质指标存在差异,但变异程度较低。主成分分析结果,将8项品质指标简化成3个主成分,其累计方差贡献率为90.24%,反映了枸杞品质的绝大部分信息,评价结果是5个地区枸杞果实品质优劣顺序为TY、LY、WR、FSH、ZY。  相似文献   

对4种小菜蛾性诱剂诱芯的诱捕效果进行了田间比较试验,结果表明,天然橡胶诱芯T1的诱捕效果最好,其次是天然橡胶诱芯T2;T1和T2诱捕能力明显比2种毛细管诱芯M1和M2强,差异均达极显著水平。  相似文献   

部分杧果品种亲缘关系的ISSR分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
ISSR技术分析了38个杧果(Mangifera indica L. ) 品种的亲缘关系。从60条ISSR引物中筛选出10条重复性好、扩增带型清晰的引物, 共扩增出79条可重复性带, 多态性带比例为86.7%。扩增结果可区分38个品种中的37个(含红金龙或贵妃之一) 。各品种间遗传距离在0~0.682之间, 平均为0.393。UPGMA聚类将供试品种分成了5类。对分类结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Some preliminary data on the natural wax coat of citrus fruits are presented. Thin-layer and column chromatography showed that the main differences from apple and grape waxes were the relatively higher percentage of esters, the lower percentage of alcohols and the apparent lack of triterpenoids. During fruit development in the Shamouti orange wax production was approximately balanced by surface growth, sos that the amount of wax per unit surface of rind was approximately constant for most of this period. When fruit growth was slowed down by winter temperatures and incipient senescence, the amount of wax per unit surface increased. Wax production continued (possibly at a greater rate) after the fruit had been severed from the tree. Wax removal was enhanced by successive treatments with chloroform. Weight losses of fruit in storage were proportional to the number of wax removals. Packing-house treatments did not remove natural wax but seemed to check its secretion by rind cells.  相似文献   

In Scotland the raspberry leaf and bud mite (Phyllocoptes (Eriophyes) gracilis ) is widespread on cultivated and wild raspberries. However, feeding damage to leaves and fruits is usually observed only on raspberries grown in sheltered situations, where mites tend to aggregate. Female mites overwinter in the buds, under bud scales or in petiole scars. In the spring they disperse to the emerging foliage of the fructo-canes where they feed and lay eggs. Populations reach a maximum on the fructo-canes in mid-July, when the first fruits are maturing, and on the primo-canes in late September. Migration to the overwintering sites begins in late September. Cultivars differ in the extent to which they support overwintering populations and show symptoms of infestation.  相似文献   

枸杞种质资源若干植物学数量性状描述指标的探讨   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
对60份枸杞种质(品种) 资源的平均新梢日生长量、落果率、花径、叶片长度、叶片宽度、 叶片厚、叶柄长、节间长和第一花序长等9项植物学数量性状指标进行研究和统计分析。结果表明, 9项 指标变异系数均在18%以上, 其次数分布图均为正态分布。根据分布状况, 提出5级分级指标, 其中3级 作为中间级, 是概率分布最高的范围。每个性状的每个等级有1~2个公认或广泛栽培的品种作参照品种。  相似文献   

Trees of ber cv Banarasi Karaka were sprayed with urea solutions of 2, 4 or 6% just before flowering in September. Ripened fruits were analysed for total soluble solids, acid, sugars, vitamin C and pectin contents. The sprays caused significant increases in TSS, sugars, vitamin C and pectin contents but a decrease in the acid content of the fruit.  相似文献   

树莓部分野生种及栽培品种花粉亚显微形态的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用扫描电镜对树莓属有育种潜力的分属于空心莓组和木莓组8个野生种及从国外引进的分属于黑莓种群和树莓种群的17个栽培品种共25份材料的花粉形态进行了系统观察和比较分析。 结果表明:所观察树莓花粉均为长球形或超长球形(P/E为1.67~2.26),大小多为25.52 μm × 15.37 μm ~50.06 μm × 25.65 μm。花粉外壁纹饰在组内和栽培种群内有一定的相似性,但同时变异丰富,在不同种之间、甚至在不同品种之间区别明显。空心莓组的5个种和树莓种群的品种的外壁纹饰以条纹—穿孔状为主,黑莓种群的品种主为条纹状和条纹—穿孔状,与木莓组的3个种的差异较大。聚类分析结果表明,花粉大小和外壁纹饰特征可基本反映树莓属下组及栽培种群的划分,树莓种群品种与空心莓组的插田泡和茅莓的亲缘关系较近;而黑莓种群与木莓组的3个有果用育种潜力的任一种的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

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