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以往从减少病虫害越冬基数出发,果园落叶多清除或销毁。但落叶是有机物,可改清除为树下埋施,以有利于改良土壤。4年的落叶还田结果表明,土壤有机质含量比对照增加10.7%~14.5%,土壤含水量增加8%~12%,苹果着色增加11%~15%,可溶性固形物含量增加0.7%~2.2%,苹果产量增加6.9%~10.5%,收入增加9.2%~16.1%。可见,每年的落叶量虽然不多,但年复一年积累起来,其改土和增产提质效果是明显的。  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators such as α?naphthylacetic acid (NAA) or 6?benzyladenine (BA) are commonly used for thinning apple fruits. NAs exhibits an auxin- and gibberellin-type biological activity, stimulate the uptake and translocation of auxins in plant tissue, as well as IAA synthesis and act as surfactants. It was assumed that NAs applied at the stadium of early fruit growth might cause fruit abscission in apple, similarly to NAA. The goal of the research was to test the presumed thinning effect of naphthenic acids on apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red Delicious’. Three treatments were applied on both apple cultivars including 16.5?μL L?1 NAA, 200?μL L?1?BA and 2.63?mg L?1?potassium salts of NAs. Cortical cell size and the number of cell layers were measured in order to determine the contribution of cell size and cell division in early fruit growth, as affected by chemical thinning treatments. The effects of plant growth regulators NAA, BA and NAs on fruit set, fruit size and the anatomy of the fruit cortex highly depend on varietal differences. In ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit set reduction by chemical thinning increases both the number of cell layers and cell size of apple fruit, while in ‘Red Delicious’ NAA inhibits fruit growth, while BA is ineffective. Cell growth promoting activity of NAA and NAs, accompanied by the decrease in fruit set and reduced competition among fruits within the canopy, results in a significant fruit weight increase at harvest. The research confirms the auxinic properties of NAs, and their assumed thinning activity.  相似文献   

富士系苹果叶片气孔观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用酸解离法对富士系苹果叶片气孔进行了观察,从而对富士芽变品种及不同的变异性状进行了鉴别.结果表明:叶片气孔密度的变化范围在91~173个/mm2,保卫细胞长度变化在25.8~32.4 μm之间;保卫细胞宽度变化在18.4~24.2 μm之间,芽变品种的保卫细胞的宽度有变长的趋势.通过聚类分析表明,短枝型芽变品种的气孔密度显著低于原品种的气孔密度,可利用气孔密度进行短枝型芽变品种的鉴定;着色型、早熟型及大果型变异的品种在3个类群中都有分布,不能用气孔性状来鉴别这类变异.  相似文献   

When apple leaves, either detached or still attached to the tree, were immersed in solutions of copper sulphate, at least four successive phases were distinguishable in the graph relating uptake with time, namely :

Phase I, when copper was taken up at a rapidly declining rate during the first 30 seconds or so of immersion, and adsorbed.

Phases II and III, which were both linear-with-time uptakes, II being faster than III, and of a rate proportional to the applied concentration ; the length of time occupied by phase II increased as the applied concentration was reduced. The length of time occupied by phase III, and the amount of copper taken up in this phase, both varied markedly from experiment to experiment.

Phase IV, in which copper was taken up at a rate comparable with that of phase II whilst material from within the leaf was simultaneously released into the solution in which the leaves were immersed.

An increase in temperature from 0° to 30° C. had little effect on the rates of uptake in phases I and II, but a further increase of 6° C. led to a considerably faster uptake in phase II.

The rate of uptake in phase II was lower for leaves of M.III rootstock than for leaves of Cox’s Orange Pippin.  相似文献   

以苹果感病品种‘红星’和抗病品种‘红玉’为材料,研究了苹果与斑点落叶病菌(Alternaria alternata apple pathotype)互作过程中超微结构,细胞Ca2+分布,以及在钙信号转导途径中具有重要作用的钙依赖蛋白激酶基因(CDPK)的表达,探讨钙信号在苹果防御斑点落叶病菌侵染中的作用。结果表明,在未接种状态下,叶肉细胞结构完好,叶绿体呈卵圆形沿细胞边缘排列,Ca2+主要分布在细胞间隙和液泡中,‘红玉’细胞间隙Ca2+密度比‘红星’大。接种斑点落叶病菌8 h,‘红星’叶肉细胞中的Ca2+沉淀主要分布在胞质中,而液泡等细胞器中减少;‘红玉’的Ca2+沉淀主要集中在胞质和筛管分子中,液泡和细胞间隙中减少,且趋向于在细胞壁外围和液泡膜上沉积。接种18 h,‘红星’叶肉细胞间隙Ca2+沉淀密度增加,而‘红玉’中的Ca2+沉淀主要集中在叶肉细胞的胞质和液泡,以及筛管分子中。接种24 h,‘红星’叶肉细胞结构已发生形变,质膜发生裂解,筛管壁木质化加厚,Ca2+沉淀主要分布在液泡中;‘红玉’叶片细胞结构完好,Ca2+沉淀主要分布在液泡和胞质中。接种36 h,‘红星’叶肉细胞受到菌丝入侵,结构和形态遭到破坏,在未受损叶肉细胞中Ca2+沉淀主要集中在液泡中,在受损的细胞中Ca2+沉淀无序地散布在受损细胞周围及细胞间隙;此时‘红玉’叶肉细胞中Ca2+沉淀主要集中在胞质和液泡中,并且能够保持Ca2+动态平衡。在接种后不同阶段,‘红星’和‘红玉’叶片中MdCPKs基因呈现不同的表达特点:大多MdCPKs在‘红玉’中的表达量在24 h达到最高值;‘红星’中在36 h达到表达峰值,且表达量也比‘红玉’中低得多。上述结果表明,钙信号响应斑点落叶病菌侵染,在抗病苹果品种‘红玉’中,Ca2+内流是细胞质Ca2+上升的主要来源;在感病品种‘红星’中,细胞器Ca2+释放是细胞质Ca2+的主要来源。‘红玉’苹果MdCPKs基因响应病菌侵染比‘红星’苹果早而且强烈。  相似文献   

水杨酸对苹果叶片中过氧化氢水平的调节及其机制   总被引:46,自引:3,他引:43  
原永兵  李兆亮 《园艺学报》1997,24(3):220-224
以两年生‘王林’苹果为试材,研究了水杨酸(SA)对苹果叶片中过氧化氢(H2O2)水平的调节及其机制。结果表明,0.25~10.0mmol·L-1SA能明显提高叶片中H2O2水平,其机制不仅在于SA抑制了过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,从而抑制了H2O2的降解使其积累,而且还由于SA提高了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,促进了超氧阴离子(O-2)向H2O2的歧化反应,因而增加了H2O2的生成量。SA还诱导了特异的过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶,这可能也与H2O2的积累有关  相似文献   

叶面喷施麦根酸铁对矫正山定子缺铁黄叶病的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验,以山定于(苹果实生苗)为供试材料,用水(CK). 乙二胺四乙酸铁(FeEDTA)、BASF多元微 肥(BASF)、柠檬酸复合铁(FCU)为对比,探讨了叶面喷施麦根酸铁(FePS)矫正山定子缺铁黄叶病的效果。结果表明, 叶面喷施 FePS后,山定子新叶叶绿素的变化虽明显好于 CK,但前期不如 FeEDTA、BASF、FCU喷施效果明显,后期 喷施FePSP和FeEDTA、FCU、BASF叶绿素含量相近。叶面喷施FePS后山定子新叶和老叶全铁含量分别比CK增加 225.62%和 202.33%,明显高于喷施 FeEDTA、BASF和 FCU。叶面喷施 FePS后山定子新叶和老叶活性铁含量分别比 CK增加126.11%和159.41%,略低于FeEDTA喷施,但明显高于BASF和 FCU喷施。叶面喷施FePS,山定子新叶过 氧化氢酶活性比CK增加115.44%,远高于FeEDTA、BASF、FCU喷施,但老叶仅比CK提高50.22%,好于BASF,略 低于 FeEDTA 和 FCU处理。初步证明双子叶植物可以吸收麦根酸铁。  相似文献   

Trials carried out between 1959 and 1963 showed that 0·04% demeton- methyl, 0·04% dimethoate, 0·04% ethion, 0·04% oxy-demeton-methyl and 0·05% trithion proved to be the best of 18 materials tested for control of red spider mite on strawberries; 0·05% vamidothion also gave good control in the only trial where tested. Of the other materials tested 0·04% azinphos- methyl, 0·025% chlorbenside, 0·03% tetradifon and 0·07% schradan gave moderate control.  相似文献   

苹果离体叶片培养直接体细胞胚胎发生研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
达克东  张松 《园艺学报》1996,23(3):241-245
在MS+BA10mg/L+NAA50mg/L+2,4_D0\^5mg/L+蔗糖20g/L的固体培养基上,苹果品种嗄拉试管苗叶片经7天暗培养产生胚性细胞。将具有胚性细胞的叶片转入MS+BA10mg/L+蔗糖20g/L的培养基上暗培养40天,65%的叶片直接发生体细胞胚,体细胞胚在同种培养基上萌发,长成小植株。  相似文献   

健康的叶片是苹果树正常生长和丰产丰收的保障,正常生长情况下,落叶期应在气温降低到不适合苹果树生长的时候,一般应在11月上旬。但由于种种原因,常造成叶片提前脱落,严重影响树体的正常生长发育,抑制花芽形成,造成大小年现象的发生。同时由于后期叶片不足,有机营养制造不足,果品含糖量降低,耐贮性降低,果品质量下降,严重影响当年的经济效益。  相似文献   

苹果叶营养元素含量的影响因素分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
 通过采样分析及肥料定位试验, 研究了采样时期、品种、砧木、产量、施肥等因素对苹果叶营养元素含量的影响。结果表明: 苹果叶营养元素含量的季节性变化明显; 富士、秦冠、红星、金冠、嘎拉等5个苹果品种间的叶N、P、Ca、B、Mn、Zn含量存在显著差异; M9、M26、M7、MM106矮化中间砧(新疆野苹果基砧) 和新疆野苹果乔化砧上, 苹果品种间叶营养元素含量存在差异, M9的K、Fe高而其余元素含量偏低, M26的Mg、Mn、Zn高而K、Fe低, M7的N、P、Cu、Fe、Zn较高, MM106的N、Mn高而K低, 乔化砧的Fe高而Cu、Zn低; 不同产量水平果园间叶营养元素含量不同, 高产果园较低产园N、Mg、Zn元素含量高而P、K含量低; 施肥提高叶K含量效果明显, N次之, P效果缓慢。  相似文献   

Concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and manganese found in the laminae of five species of vegetable plants grown in a field experiment with added FYM or potash fertilizers are reported.

Manganese concentrations were depressed by FYM additions and this was associated with increased soil pH. Generally, the other micronutrient concentrations were little affected by the presence or absence of FYM, and no differences were detected which could be attributed to the effects of potassium nitrate as against potassium sulphate, although plant growth was stimulated markedly on the plots receiving FYM.

It is concluded that the effects of FYM on growth and yield are unlikely to be the result of increased availability of the micronutrients measured.  相似文献   

苹果杂种树叶片在预选中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者研究了苹果杂种实生树果实与成年期叶片、成年期叶片与童年期叶片部分性状相关性,以解决早期选择问题.结果表明,苹果杂种实生树成年期叶片叶柄短与大果型、叶片面积大小与果实大小、叶形指数与果形指数之间存在着显著的正相关性;成年期叶片与童年期叶片在叶柄长度、叶片面积、叶形指数上又存在着极显著的正相关性.苹果育种工作者可以利用果实与叶片间的这些相关性,进行实生苗的早期选择和预先选择,淘汰不良的类型,减少供选杂种的数量,提高育种效率.  相似文献   

Magnesium-deficient Edward VII apple trees were used to study the effect of pre-blossom sprays of magnesium sulphate and urea, and to compare the efficiency of post-blossom sprays of magnesium sulphate and chloride.

Two pre-blossom sprays of 2% Epsom salt (MgSO4·7H,O) prevented the development of early-season magnesium deficiency symptoms but did not increase fruit set. Similar sprays of 0· 5%urea had no effect on symptoms but increased the set of fruit.

Five post-blossom sprays of 2% Epsom salt largely eliminated both early and late symptoms and produced consistent increases in the magnesium content of the leaves (% dry wt.). There was also a large increase in crop, due mainly to a greater fruit set which could be detected after the second spray application. Growth responses also were associated with this treatment.

Five post-blossom sprays of 0·83% magnesium chloride, i.e. containing only half the amount of magnesium, produced similar responses, except that growth was not affected. Reducing the number of magnesium chloride sprays to three, but applying them over the same time interval, resulted in similar' crop responses even though less magnesium was taken up and symptoms were slightly less effectively controlled.  相似文献   

以苹果离体叶片为材料,发现外源5-ALA处理可以诱导下表皮保卫细胞内黄酮醇含量显著上升。在5-ALA预处理抑制外源ABA诱导气孔关闭的同时,叶片保卫细胞ROS含量下降,而用外源槲皮素及山奈酚等黄酮醇预处理,也抑制了ABA诱导的苹果叶片气孔关闭,并且降低保卫细胞ROS含量。此外,槲皮素和山奈酚可以抑制外源H2O2诱导的苹果叶片气孔关闭。以上结果喻示,5-ALA诱导苹果叶片气孔开放与其上调保卫细胞中黄酮醇含量而后降低活性氧含量有关。  相似文献   

Five experiments carried out over three years are described in which the effects of irrigation at various growth stages on the yield of peas from plants grown at different plant densities were determined. Results showed that, irrespective of the density at which the plants were grown, plants irrigated at the start of flowering and again as the pods were swelling produced significantly higher yields than unirrigated plants. Yield of peas per plant was consistently reduced as density increased but yield per unit area did not show a consistent relationship with plant density from year to year. The results indicated that, even when irrigation is available, plant densities of five to six plants per sq. ft. should not be exceeded.  相似文献   

苹果不同品种叶片再生不定芽能力不同,嘎拉再生能力最强,其次是乔纳金,富士最难再生。用继代培养3 年以上、当代培养30 ~50 d 的试管苗,取顶部第2 ~4 叶位幼嫩叶片,远轴面向下接触培养基,再生效率高。诱导叶片再生不定芽适宜培养基为MS+ TDZ1.0 mg·l- 1( 富士、乔纳金)或BA5 .0 mg·l- 1 + NAA0 .1 ~0.2 mg·l- 1 + 蔗糖35 .0 g·l- 1 + 琼脂6 .2 g·l- 1( 嘎拉) 。  相似文献   

就DNA分子标记在苹果抗性、矮化、果实色泽、酸度几个农艺性状上的研究进展进行了综述,以期为苹果遗传育种提供参考.  相似文献   

The pressure chamber technique has been used for rapid measurement of sap tension in the petioles of apple, raspberry and blackcurrant leaves in the field.

When the soil moisture tension was relatively low, the diurnal trend in sap tension in the petioles of apple leaves followed very closely the relative evaporation rate.  相似文献   

山东省苹果园磷素投入调查及磷环境负荷风险分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以山东省苹果园土壤基础地力调查、农户肥料投入量调查和统计数据为基础,采用磷盈余法从区域角度分析了山东省胶东、鲁中南和鲁西南苹果产区果园生产体系中土壤磷素输入输出特点、磷养分盈余和土壤磷环境负荷风险。结果表明,山东省苹果园磷肥平均投入量(P_2O_5,下同)为676.17kg·hm~(-2),其中无机化肥投入的磷为477.36 kg·hm~(-2),占总投入的比例高达70.60%。不同产区间磷素投入存在显著差异,磷投入量以胶东苹果产区最高,为776.52 kg·hm~(-2),其中无机化肥带入的磷占总投入的69.14%,为3个产区最低;鲁西南苹果产区磷投入量最低,为348.90 kg·hm~(-2),但无机化肥带入的磷占总投入的比例最高(82.95%)。山东省97.82%的苹果园磷素处于盈余状态,平均盈余量为407.45 kg·hm~(-2),其中胶东苹果产区最高(615.62 kg·hm~(-2))、鲁中南苹果产区次之(342.81 kg·hm~(-2)),鲁西南苹果产区最低(263.92 kg·hm~(-2))。胶东、鲁中南和鲁西南苹果产区苹果园土壤Olsen-P含量高于风险阈值(50mg·kg~(-1))的样本比例分别为67.34%、40.51%和19.13%。整体来看,山东苹果园土壤Olsen-P含量超过风险阈值的样本比例高达56.69%,高于临界值的样本土壤Olsen-P平均含量为108.34 mg·kg~(-1),是土壤磷淋失环境风险临界值的2.17倍。  相似文献   

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