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Sulphate of ammonia, calcium nitrate or Nitrochalk was applied as a single annual dressing in October, December, February, April, June or August to Cox’s Orange Pippin apple trees on M.2 rootstock over a 14-year period, whilst control trees received no supplementary nitrogen.

The treatments affected the soil physical and chemical conditions, sward composition, and leaf and fruit mineral composition but, despite these effects, there were no long-term differences in tree growth or cropping between the kinds of fertilizer used or their times of application.

Nitrogen effects were progressive ; in the first four years there was a time X kind interaction on cropping; in the next five years only the time of application affected cropping and in the final five years neither time nor kind had differential effects on cropping, although N increased yield compared with the control. Growth was also increased by the N treatments but, again, only in the latter years of the experiment.

Leaf N was highly correlated with rainfall during March to August. In all but the first two and the last of the 14 years, rainfall was above the long-term average for the site.

February appeared to be the best month in which to apply sulphate of ammonia and calcium nitrate, and December for Nitrochalk application.  相似文献   

连续两年对4个苹果品种进行了不同时期土壤施用多效唑的试验。结果表明,苹果土施情况下,其“滞后期”只需2—2.5个月。为了让明显的抑制效果从旺盛生长一开始就发生,就需要把施用的时间向前推移。合适的施用时间应在9月上半个月(大体相当于金冠采收期)及8月。  相似文献   

以4、7、10 a生“红富士”苹果为试材,研究不同覆沙年限对土壤含水量、土壤温度及苹果产量的影响.结果表明:果园覆沙主要在苹果开花期之前有增温效应,可明显提高0~20 cm土壤地温2℃左右;覆沙4~7 a保墒效应明显,10 a后逐渐减弱,需要换沙.  相似文献   

Fruit set was increased by removing all shoots 5 days after full bloom and at weekly intervals thereafter from trees of Sunset and Laxton’s Fortune, but removing shoots from Fortune trees 25 days after full bloom produced no beneficial effect on fruit retention. All treatments resulted in a heavier rate of fruit shedding during the ‘June drop’ period than occurred from control trees, and at harvest the trees without shoots had fewer fruits, and lower yields, than the controls. In a comparison of shoot removal and shoot tip removal starting 15 days after full bloom on Fortune trees, both treatments improved set, but whereas shoot removal caused a heavier ‘June drop’ compared with untreated trees, shoot tip removal increased the number of fruits retained to harvest and produced a yield increase. The difference between the two treatments in their influence on fruit retention, during and after the ‘June drop’, is accounted for by the beneficial effect of a relatively small number of leaves on each tipped shoot. Studies on the pattern of distribution of photosynthates, using 14CO2 and autoradiography, produced results supporting the concept of competition between fruits and shoots and also showed changes in the pattern of assimilate movement brought about by shoot tip removal. It is concluded that competition between fruits and shoots, occurring during blossoming and the following 2–3 weeks, may limit fruit set, but the presence of shoot leaves is beneficial to fruit retention in the later part of the season, particularly during the ‘June drop’ period.  相似文献   

红星、红富士苹果幼树施用多效唑后,对抑制新梢生长、调节枝条组成、促进花芽形成、提高坐果率、增加幼树产量、控制树冠增长均有明显效果,效果大小与施用方法、时期、药剂浓度和剂量、品种有关,土施比叶喷效果好。土施以3月或9月施入为宜,叶喷的最佳时期为5月上旬。土施的适宜剂量为0.5一1.0g·m~(-2),叶喷最适浓度为1500一2000mg·1~(-1)。红星比红富士对药剂反应敏感。多效唑施后的持效期土施比叶喷的长,并随着剂量和浓度的增加而延长。土施0.5一1.0g·m~(-2)持效期为2一3年,叶喷1500一2000mg·1~(-1)的持效期仅为1年。  相似文献   

蓝得土壤调理剂在苹果树上的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在苹果树上进行了蓝得土壤调理剂使用效果试验。结果表明:果园土壤施用蓝得土壤调理剂能显著提高叶片质量,但单一使用蓝得调理剂效果没有配合有机肥或复合肥使用效果好。每树以蓝得土壤调理剂与N、P、K复合肥和有机肥按1kg+1kg+5kg,或1.5kg+1kg+5kg配合使用效果为好;在肥源不足的情况下,还可以利用调理剂1.5kg与有机肥5.0kg或N、P、K复合肥1.0kg组合应用。  相似文献   

蚯蚓对苹果园土壤生物学特性及幼树生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申为宝  杨洪强  乔海涛  申洁 《园艺学报》2009,36(10):1405-1410
 以果园褐土、潮土和棕壤以及2年生红富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh. ) 幼树为试材, 在盆栽条件下, 通过向盆土埋放蚯蚓, 研究蚯蚓对土壤酶、土壤微生物量碳和氮以及苹果根系和新梢生长的影响。结果表明, 引入蚯蚓后, 3类土壤中脲酶、酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性以及微生物量氮均显著提高, 其中棕壤脲酶活性提高78.9% , 潮土碱性磷酸酶活性提高170.0% , 棕壤微生物量氮提高180.4%。蚯蚓处理也显著提高褐土和潮土微生物量碳, 其中潮土微生物量碳提高幅度最大, 达299.2%。3类土壤经蚯蚓处理后, 苹果幼树根系活力、根系和新梢生长量均显著提高, 其中, 棕壤中的幼树根系活力最高, 褐土中的幼树根系生长量最大, 潮土中的幼树新梢生长量最大。  相似文献   

Newly-grafted trees of apple cv Discovery on MM.106 were grown in pots at 25°C before transfer to growth rooms at 20°C; some were then subjected to 5 or 10 d at 10°C. The continuous 5-d cool period stimulated branching without reducing main shoot growth but the 10-d cool period reduced main shoot growth and did not stimulate branching. Subjecting similar plants to a night temperature of 0°C for various periods also stimulated branching but the number of cold nights and the stage of scion shoot growth influenced the magnitude of the response.  相似文献   

秸杆覆盖对苹果园土壤固氮菌数量年变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在整个果树生长期内,秸杆覆盖可明显增加各土层固氮菌的数量,20 cm土层中,年平均固氮菌数量增加123.80%;20- 40 cm土层中增加51.61%;40- 60 cm土层中增加103.85%。在 0-60cm果树的耕作层内固氮菌数量年平均增加95.47%,不同土层固氮菌数年变化曲线,无论覆盖与对照,均呈单峰曲线变化,高峰出现在9月。  相似文献   

1、秋季修剪①拉枝。于立秋至秋分进行拉枝,此时可避免基部劈裂,背上冒条,同时可改善光照,促使所有的芽发育均衡,结果枝组发育一致,促进枝条成熟,翌年结果时果个均匀。拉枝角度一般要求主枝拉成70-80°,临时枝、辅养枝拉成90-100°,中干保持挺直。乔化品种比短枝矮化品种拉枝角  相似文献   

几种砧木对苹果新梢及叶特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对几种苹果砧木嫁接的四年生苹果树新梢及叶的特性进行了研究。结果表明,八棱海棠砧苹果树新梢和叶的总生长量高于用各类矮化砧木嫁接的苹果树。各矮化砧苹果树中短梢及其上叶的总生长量占全树新梢及叶总生长量的比例,高于乔砧树;矮砧树中短枝的单枝鲜重、比枝重、单枝叶数、单枝叶面积、单枝叶鲜重等指标,高于乔砧树。这是矮砧树树冠小、易成花结果的主要原因。以两个矮化砧木双重嫁接的苹果树,各类枝的质量明显好于以其中一个砧木嫁接的苹果树。  相似文献   

比较了在同一立地条件下生长年龄、砧木完全一致的苹果短枝型品种和普通型品种的营养特性。结果表明:(1)短枝型品种地上部的N素营养、碳素营养明显高于普通型品种,地下部根系的营养含量相反;(2)短枝型品种耐肥性较高;(3)两类品种对铵态氮和硝态氮肥的田间反应存在差异。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to determine if established, orchard-grown apple trees that were con®ned in root-restricting membranes received adequate water for growth when irrigated. Previous data had shown positive effects of root restriction on reducing shoot extension growth in apple. Soil matric potential (Ψsm), leaf stomatal conductance (g) and leaf water potentials (Ψl) were measured over daily cycles during the period of maximum tree water use (July and August). Measurements were also made of the Ψsm and fruit size throughout the growing season. Daily and seasonal Ψsm showed that the soil within the root restricting membranes (+R) when irrigated (+I) remained closed to field capacity (<100 HPa), which was not the case for unirrigated soil within the membranes (-I +R). Ψl measured before dawn, showed that similar levels of drought stress were evident between irrigated and restricted (+I +R) and unrestricted (+I -R and -I -R) trees. The Ψsm, and Ψl for trees with roots within restricting membranes were significantly more negative, in the absence of irrigation (-I +R). Measurement of g showed that root restricted trees were transpiring at similar rates in the presence of irrigation (+I +R) as unrestricted trees (+I -R) with or without irrigation. Stomatal closure could not explain the increased Ψl observed for the restricted irrigated (+I +R) treatment compared with unrestricted (-R) trees. A reduced stomatal aperture was the most likely explanation for the reduction in growth previously observed with the restricted unirrigated trees. Fruit size was also affected by root restriction and the effect became greater as the roots became more restricted with tree age. Similarly, there was also a negative effect, in one year, of root restriction on fruit size at harvest, even in the presence of irrigation. Data show that reductions in soil water availability, Ψl and g, for the root-restricted trees (+I +R), were unlikely to be the causes for the previously observed reductions in shoot growth (tree size). These results imply that other factors were in operation, among which root-synthesized chemical regulators of shoot growth are the most likely candidates.  相似文献   

苹果传统的栽培方法为平作,即栽植时果树的根颈与地面持平,后来根颈逐渐下沉,埋深10~20cm。平作果树这种现象比较普遍,导致果树生长发育不良,产量不高,品质低劣。我们在调查研究的基础上进行矮化寒富苹果高畦栽培(即垄作),取得良好的效果。1材料与方法试验在凤城市鸡冠山镇四台子村进行。当地年均气温8.0℃,年无霜期165d,9月15日至10月末,昼夜温差10℃以上,有利于果实着色和成熟;年降水量1022.3m m,平地果园雨季容易积水受害。试验地为山间平地,供试果树为沈阳农业大学园艺学院统一培育的以GM256为中间砧的寒富苹果苗,2002年定植7800株,株…  相似文献   

为揭示根域调控技术促进根系生长的原理,进一步完善根域调控技术体系,以12年生大田盛果期‘红富士/平邑甜茶’苹果树(Malus ´ domestica Borkh.‘Red Fuji’/M. hupehensis Rehd.)为试材,分析了“砖土缓冲系统”和“混合土系统”两种根域调控处理下根域土壤的物理性状、土壤肥力、土壤相关酶活性、根系活力、根系构型等的变化差异情况。结果表明:与正常的施肥管理相比,根域调控处理能够显著降低0 ~ 40 cm根系集中分布层土壤的容重,增加土壤孔隙度,提高土壤田间持水量及干旱时期土壤含水量;提高土壤有机质、碱解氮和速效钾的含量,且在处理后3年期间一直保持较高的土壤肥力;根域调控还可提高果树根系活力,增加根系密度,尤其以0 ~ 1 mm径级的生长根增加最为明显。与混合土系统相比,砖土缓冲系统通过砖的吸水保湿性,改善了周围混合土的环境,对土壤和根系的改良效果进一步提高。  相似文献   

苹果粗皮病研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
苹果粗皮病最早在日本、美国等地发生,日本称粗皮病(Rough Bark Disease of Apple Trees),美国叫内部坏死病(Internal Bark Necrosis,简称IBN)。近年来,这一病害在我国的胶东半岛和辽东半岛等地不断发生,而且面积逐步扩大,严重影响着苹果的产量和品质。由于对苹果粗皮病缺乏了解,很多研究者和果农把这一病害与轮纹病混淆,因而不能有效的防治苹果粗皮病。文中对苹果粗皮病的发生症状、发病规律和诊断指标进行了描述,简要介绍了苹果粗皮病与枝干轮纹病的区别,论述了锰、铁、钙、硼、氮、磷、pH及水分等土壤因素,砧木、品种、树龄、管理等栽培因子与粗皮病的关系,并提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

苹果杂种树叶片在预选中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者研究了苹果杂种实生树果实与成年期叶片、成年期叶片与童年期叶片部分性状相关性,以解决早期选择问题.结果表明,苹果杂种实生树成年期叶片叶柄短与大果型、叶片面积大小与果实大小、叶形指数与果形指数之间存在着显著的正相关性;成年期叶片与童年期叶片在叶柄长度、叶片面积、叶形指数上又存在着极显著的正相关性.苹果育种工作者可以利用果实与叶片间的这些相关性,进行实生苗的早期选择和预先选择,淘汰不良的类型,减少供选杂种的数量,提高育种效率.  相似文献   

钾对苹果幼树水分状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根外施钾可提高苹果幼树叶片的相对含水量,且多次根外施钾对叶片相对含水量的增加具叠加效应,但并不改变其年变化规律;根外施钾可提早蒸腾速率日周期中高峰的出现;在年周期的大部分时间内,根外施钾可促进树体蒸腾速率,保证了光合速率的有效进行。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验显示,土施多效唑后植株生长受到强烈的抑制,抑制效果可在当年维持整个生长季节.第二年更换土壤、除去多效唑后,体内贮存的多效唑可以抑制植株生长约半个生长季.土施情况下,多效唑抑制作用的多年持续效果,主要靠植株从土壤中不断吸收新的多效唑.  相似文献   

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