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池塘主养匙吻鲟商品鱼技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水库坝下0.4hm^2、水深2.5m的池塘中,开展以匙吻鲟为主,配养鲢、草鱼、青鱼、团头鲂的养鱼试验。匙吻鲟饵料系数为2,饵料成本占生产成本48%,匙吻鲟单产超过3000kg/hm^2,投入产出比1:2。  相似文献   

池塘主养团头鲂高产技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

孙长江 《内陆水产》1996,21(6):10-11
池塘主养团头鲂高产技术孙长江(山东省博兴县水利水产局256500)为改革团头鲂以往只作为搭配品种的传统养殖方式,改善水产品结构,大幅度提高水产品产量和效益,博兴县水利水产局承担并完成了滨州地区科委下达的“池塘主养团头鲂高产技术研究”课题。通过二年的努...  相似文献   

团头鲂池塘主养技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘名镇 《科学养鱼》2006,(12):20-21
福建省建瓯市渔政管理站在市鱼种场3.6亩池塘开展了“团头鲂池塘主养技术试验”,取得了亩产鲜鱼622.44千克,其中团头鲂单产460.83千克、成活率达93%的好成绩。根据实践经验,现将亩产600~800千克的团头鲂成鱼池塘主养技术要点简述如下。一、放养前的准备工作1.池塘选择宜选开阔  相似文献   

团头鲂( Megalobrama amblycephala Yih)人工繁殖新技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验通过对团头鲂亲体的选育、催产、产卵方式、孵化设施、孵化用水、水霉控制等几项重要环节工艺进行新技术研究和改进,使团头鲂亲鱼催产率稳定在96%以上,年平均kg产卵、kg产苗分别达21.7万粒、18.1万尾.  相似文献   

三年累计试验面积17.75hm^2,其中池塘主养一龄团头鲂鱼种5.95hm^2,池塘主养二龄团头鲂鱼种9.83hm^2,池塘主养团头鲂成鱼1.37hm^2。一龄团头鲂,二龄团头鲂,鲂成鱼出池规格分别为19.6 ̄34g/尾,45.5 ̄76g/尾,224 ̄350g/尾。养殖成活率分别为96.6% ̄98%,93.5% ̄97.4%,74.5% ̄98%。平均每hm^2产量分别为4260 ̄5640kg,553  相似文献   

本文介绍了池塘主养团头鲂的技术,为养殖全过程制订了详尽的操作规程。  相似文献   

1 池塘条件 池塘面积5-10亩,水深2米左右,长方形,不渗漏,池底平坦,淤泥厚20厘米左右。水源充足无污染。每5-10亩水面配3KW增氧机一台,每口池塘配投饵机一台。注排水设备和生产工具齐全完好。2 放养前的准备 冬季或早春将池水排干,让池底冰冻日晒,使池塘土质疏松,减少病害。然后挖出过多淤泥,修补堤埂,填好漏洞,整平池底。鱼种放养前10-15天用生石灰100-150公斤/亩,进行干法清塘。以杀灭病原体和敌害生物,清塘4天后加水至1米左右,加水6  相似文献   

池塘主养团头鲂技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱龙  艾涛 《淡水渔业》2002,32(1):23-24
完全用颗粒饲料主养团头鲂鱼种、商品鱼在新疆是近几年的事 ,新疆兵团水产技术推广总站 ,连续三年对团头鲂鱼种及商品鱼的养殖进行了研究 ,累计试养面积近三百亩。 2 0 0 0年的一个高产鱼池 ,面积 6 5亩 ,养殖 137天 ,共净产团头鲂 4 10 4公斤 ,亩净产团头鲂 6 31 4公斤 ,鲫、鲤鱼 80 0公斤 ,亩平均单产 12 3 1公斤 ,鲢鱼 30 0公斤 ,平均亩产 4 6 2公斤 ,各种鱼亩总净产 80 0 7公斤。该年秋季以上几种鱼的平均批发价格为 :团头鲂 2 0元 /kg ,鲤、鲫鱼5 0元 /kg ,鲢鱼 2 0元 /kg ,合亩净增值 :13336 0元 ,现将该池的养殖情况总结…  相似文献   

团头鲂又名武昌鱼,是一种以植物性饵料为主的杂食性优质鱼类,其肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,深受广大消费者青睐,笔者对池塘投喂颗粒饲料主养团头鲂进行了技术探索,现将养殖情况总结如下:一、池塘条件池塘面积5~10亩,水深2米左右,长方形,不渗漏,池底平坦,淤泥厚20厘米左右。水源充足无污染。每5~10亩水面配3千瓦增氧机一台,每口池塘配投饵机一台。注排水设备和生产工具齐全完好。二、放养前的准备冬季或早春将池水排干,让池底冰冻日晒,杀死病原菌。然后挖出过多淤泥,修补堤埂,填好漏洞,整平池底。鱼种放养前10~15…  相似文献   

本文研究了选用适当蛋白质含量的沉性颗粒饲料,投饲技术和提高养成规格等降本增效措施,对不同鱼类的合理搭配混养模式进行了探索,结果表明,以肃静Ⅰ号一龄鱼种为主养鱼,混养上层及中底层鱼类,亩产达到1,107.6和1,138.6kg,其中主养鱼亩产分别为541.4和521.6kg,占各试验池产量的48.88%和45.81%,平均亩效益为1,842.36和2,216.74元。研究证实,团头鲂浦江Ⅰ号生长速度快,抗病能力强,效益显著,可作为池塘主养鱼而推广。  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility of 66 different feedstuffs by the bluntnose black bream Megalobrama amblycephala Yih was determined in digestibility trials in a recirculation aquaculture system. The ingredients consisted of 26 distinct energy feedstuffs, 18 nonanimal protein feedstuffs and 22 animal protein feedstuffs. In each of three trials, a reference diet was mixed with various test ingredients in a 70 : 30 ratio; reference and test diets were fed to the fish, and faecal samples were collected using a hand‐held screen system. Energy availability for the 26 energy feedstuffs varied between ?23.0% (silkworm manure) and 89.5% (millet grain), protein digestibility for the 18 nonanimal protein ingredients varied from 58.0% (pea protein meal) to 98.1% (soybean meal), and protein digestibility for the 22 animal protein feedstuffs varied between ?5.7% (feather meal) and 99.1% (fermented dried blood meal). The average protein digestibility of 85.9% for the nonanimal protein feedstuffs was significantly higher than that for the animal feedstuffs (P < 0.05), partly validating the assumption that herbivorous bluntnose black bream would digest proteinic nutrients in nonanimal feedstuffs better than in animal ingredients under intensive aquaculture. Finally, the energy availability of nonanimal protein feedstuffs was significantly lower than that of animal feedstuffs (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

团头鲂消化道发育的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
团头鲂是一种优良的淡水鱼类,为提高鱼苗饲养成活率,对其早期消化顺官的发育进行了观察。鱼苗孵出后第1天至第3天,消化道呈直管形,管壁由单列细胞组成,口裂未形成,肛管不与外界相通,营养靠自身的卵黄囊。从孵出后第3天起,口腔开始形成,消化道呈现弯曲,细胞层次增加,前肠中肠后肠三段组织学结构区分逐渐明显,卵黄囊缩小,肛门形成,可以摄取外界细小的食物。此时将鱼苗由孵化容器中移入池塘饲养比较适时,过早过晚不利  相似文献   

饥饿再投喂对团头鲂生长、体组成及肠道消化酶的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用饥饿后再投喂的投喂方式在室外网箱中用含粗蛋白32%、粗脂肪4%的商品饲料饲喂(4.5±0.2)g团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala Yih)48 d,试验鱼分5组:对照组(每日投喂)、S1F1组(隔日投喂)、S2F2组(隔2 d投喂2 d)、S4F4组(隔4 d投喂4 d)和S8F8组(隔8 ...  相似文献   

家鱼(Major Four Chinese Carps)养殖中池塘水质的调节控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养鱼先养水.鱼类终身生活在水中,能否有一个"肥、活、爽、嫩"的良好水质条件,是决定鱼摄食与生长的关键因素.在家鱼养殖中,可以通过水色、底泥颜色及水体理化指标等的变化来判断池塘水质的好坏,并且根据其变化情况合理进行调节,保持池塘水质良好.本文就家鱼养殖中池塘水质调节控制技术进行了论述.  相似文献   

团头鲂和南美白对虾生态养殖是指在南美白对虾养殖池内混养一定数量的团头鲂,利用鱼类的生活习性,清除南美白对虾的残饵、排泄物及病死虾,改善养殖水环境和对虾养殖池底质条件,维持生态平衡,同时在养殖期间利用非特异性免疫制剂提高鱼虾自身免疫力,减少细菌病的发生和抑制对虾病毒病的暴发和流行。天津市武清区水产养殖模式主要是精养鲤鱼以及鲤和南美白对虾混养,近年天津地区养殖鲤鱼频发病毒性疾病,南美白对虾的急性肝胰腺坏死病也较为严重,再加上鲤鱼市场价格较低,导致养殖鲤和南美白对虾经济效益较差。为了突破养殖困境,我们在天津市武清区开展了团头鲂和南美白对虾生态养殖试验,为解决武清区水产养殖面临的问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

池塘主养“团头鲂浦江一号”高产技术报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 团头鲂是我国重要的养殖经济鱼类,由于亲鱼长期近亲交配,优良经济性状减退。“团头鲂浦江一号”是经上海水产大学首席教授、国家级育种专家李思发先生十几年人工定向选育的优良新品种。该品种以湖北省淤泥湖的团头鲂原种为奠基群体,采用传统的人工定向群体选育。具有遗传性状稳定、个体大、生长速度快、适应性广等优良性状,经全国水产原、良种审定委员会审定通过,确定为国家级水产养殖良种推广新品种。2002年4月1日,我场从上海水产大学浦江一号选育基地引进浦江一号鱼种,经过96d养殖,比对照池增产30%,现将养殖情况报告如下:  相似文献   

A 12‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine dietary choline requirement for juvenile Megalobrama amblycephala. The basal diet was formulated to contain 310 g kg?1 diet from vitamin‐free casein and gelatine. Choline chloride was supplemented to the basal diet to formulate six purified diets containing 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 mg kg?1, respectively. Each diet was randomly fed to quadrupled groups of Megalobrama amblycephala with initial average weight 1.84 ± 0.04 g in a flow‐through system. Results showed weight gain was increased significantly with increasing dietary choline levels (< 0.01). Lipid content of liver decreased significantly as dietary choline concentration increased (< 0.01), whereas lipid content of dressed carcass showed opposite trend (< 0.01), and lipid content of whole‐body was unaffected by dietary choline supplementation. Broken‐ line regression of weight gain, liver and muscle choline concentration showed choline requirements of Megalobrama amblycephala of 1198, 1525 and 1365 mg kg?1, respectively. In addition, dietary choline supplementation significantly improved lipid content of dressed carcass but not the content of whole body of blunt snout bream.  相似文献   

Positive and negative interploid triploids of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) were produced by reciprocal crossing autotetraploids with diploids. Fertilization and hatching rate of negative interploid triploid, 2n♀× 4n♂, at different reproductive ages was similar to that of control, but higher than that of positive interploid triploid, 4n♀× 2n♂. Additionally, the development rate of embryos of the positive interploid triploid, 4n♀× 2n♂, was slower than that of control and the negative interploid triploid, 2n♀× 4n♂. Gonad growth of the positive and negative interploid 3n was significantly (P<0.01) affected by parents, and spawning could not be induced both in females and males at the 2+ age. The negative interploid 3n (2n♀× 4n♂) had a significantly higher survival rate than the positive interploid 3n (4n♀× 2n♂), but close to the level of the control (P<0.05). The daily growth rate of the negative interploid 3n was similar to that of the good breed ‘Pujiang No. 1’ blunt snout bream (2n) during the early life stages.  相似文献   

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