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The use of grazing-time records for the estimation of grass species consumption was investigated in the context of two small-plot grazing trials. It was found that sampling errors were significantly lower than those involved in the cutting techniques used and that a high level of repeatability of results could be obtained.
The overall correlations between fresh-weight yield estimates from sample cuts and grazing records for individual plots were found to be 0·57*** and 0·72*** in the two trials. The bias that was introduced into some of the estimates of species yield appeared to be corrected through the use of palatability data.
It is concluded that the use of grazing-time records for yield estimation amongst species of broadly similar growth habit may have a definite potential in tropical Africa, but that the method requires further testing before being widely adopted.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the liveweight gains of cattle, grazing different pasture species, were measured when grazing sequences were arranged in the form of a Latin Square. The average coefficient of variation for the 6 "animal" Latin squares used was 28·5%, with a range of 15·1 to 42·6%. Significant improvements in liveweight gain were demonstrated arising from the inclusion of Stylosanthes gracilis in swards of Chloris gayana and Panicum maximum .
The problems of conducting and interpreting trials of this type are discussed in relation to the need for data on the economic value of pasture species in the tropics. Latin square grazing designs offer a useful means of measuring animal production from pasture, with the advantage of requiring relatively small numbers of animals in each trial, but trials should be repeated at different sites.  相似文献   

Two methods of measuring the liveweight gain of cattle on sown pastures are described in a 15 ac grazing trial. During the first 12 months of grazing, stocking rate was varied within and between pasture species. In the remaining 21 months, stocking rate was maintained at the same level between all pastures, but varied with the overall seasonal changes in grass availability. The relative merits of the two methods are discussed, and it is concluded that the trial using the same stocking rate on all species offered the more effective and practicable method of comparing pasture production differences of the order 30–50%.
The results showed significant improvements in liveweight gain in the latter 21 months of the experiment, resulting from the inclusion of a legume, Centrosema pubescens in a Hyparrhenia rufa sward, and from the use of Hyparrhenia rufa rather than Panicum maximum in association with Centrosema pubescens . The ability of unfertilized ley pastures to produce over 300 lb/ac of liveweight gain in favourable years was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

The problems of designing, conducting and interpreting the results of grazing trials to evaluate tropical pasture mixtures are discussed in relation to an experiment wbich measured the effect of three fixed stocking rates upon two grass/legume pastures. A uniformity trial prior to grazing indicated considerable soil variability, which necessitated ground replication. Sequential grazing of three pasture replicates at a fixed stocking rate and a fixed interval of grazing resulted in sites of low fertility being heavily penalized. Such a form of replication was of value for measuring the effect of treatments upon sward composition, and, to a lesser extent, variation in animal production, within the experiment area. Differences in animal production between pasture species were small when compared with the effect of various stocking rates, emphasizing the need for an objective assessment of stocking rate when evaluating pasture species. Fixed-stocking-rate designs have more general application in the tropics because they are easier to conduct, and the results are repeatable and can be extrapolated to farm practice.  相似文献   

A 21-acre grazing trial which ran continuously for three years to evaluate grass and grass/legume pasture with and without inorganic fertilizers is described. Techniques for conducting grazing trials where large treatment differences are expected and the interpretation of results from these trials are discussed. Good practical management of stock and pastures was shown to be necessary in these grazing trials and where it was only possible to establish one true replicate some measure of statistical control was achieved by comparing regression coefficients of cumulative animal production.
The results showed that up to 475 1b liveweight gain/acre per annum (532.48 kg/ha) could be obtained from pastures grazed by small East African Zebu steers. The addition of the legumes Stylosanthes gracilis and Centrosema pubescens to grass mixtures gave significant and economic increases in liveweight gain. Grass/legume swards receiving phosphorus and sulphur produced liveweight gains equivalent to the animai production from grass swards receiving 140 1b N/ac per annum (156.94 kg/ha).  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which liveweight gains were measured from two grass/legume pastures using small East African Zebu animals and also progeny of small East African Zebu cows crossed with Bos taurus bulls. Significantly higher production was obtained from cross-bred stock, which averaged 706 lb liveweight gain at per annum (791 kg/ha per annum), compared with 509 lb liveweight gain/ac per annum (571 kg/ha per annum) from Zebu stock, indicating that pasture management had advanced beyond the genetic potential of the local Zebu stock. The problems of designing, conducting and interpreting the results of such grazing trials are discussed.  相似文献   

A grazing experiment is described in which the liveweight gains of small East African Zebu heifers were measured from Hyparrhenia rufa/Stylosanthes gracilis and H. rufa/Centrosema pubescens swards. The design of this trial enabled animal production to be assessed from variations in liveweight gain since stocking rate was maintained at the same level on both pastures, but the overall stocking rate was varied according to seasonal changes in herbage availability.
Production was measured both by using individual animals within a group as independent units, and by true animal replication. Gains from individual animal blocks were shown to be of value for comparing pasture species, provided that the composition of the grazing group was varied. Problems of conducting and interpreting small–scale grazing trials as means for evaluating pastures are discussed.  相似文献   

Study of the growth of heavily fertilized swards of S23 perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) at a hill and a lowland centre in mid-Wales during 1968–69 demonstrated that lower productivity in the uplands could only be partially attributed to a shorter growing season and poorer summer growth conditions. Comparison of yields with potential transpiration estimates indicated that winter damage had an important bearing on production during the following year. In 1969, the adverse combination of a mild autumn and a severe winter led to a spring tiller density which was less than 25% of normal at the hill centre. With an annual fertilizer input of over 500 kg N/ha (480 lb N/ac) total DM production in 1968 and 1969 was 10.6 and 4.4 t/ha at the upland site compared with 14.8 and 10.1 t/ha in the lowlands (9450, 3920, 13,190 and 9000 lb/ac).  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the climatic, soil and vegetation restraints on grassland production in the hill areas of Britain is an essential preliminary stage in land use planning for those areas. Climatic data, recorded continuously at four centres in mid-Wales, emphasize the extent of altitudinal, topographic, seasonal and diurnal variation in zones with improvement potential. Annual solar energy income is negatively correlated with rainfall and cloud cover. Under wet conditions in the western hills, mean daily solar radiation during 1966–69 decreased by 15% between two centres at 30 and 305 m (103 and 1100 ft) 0.D. from 9.92 MJ/m2 to 7–07 MJ/m2= (204 to 169 cal/cm2). Radiation receipts in the drier eastern uplands at 305 m (1000 ft) were as high between May and August as in the western lowlands, but winter temperatures were considerably lower. Comparisons are made with conditions in other upland areas of Britain.  相似文献   

The DM and N contribution of S184 white clover in mixed ryegrass/clover swards was recorded at Pant-y-dwr Hill Centre (305 m) for 4 years, 1967–70. By direct comparison with fertilized grass swards it was estimated that the clover N contribution on peaty gley soil averaged 100 kg N/ha per year (89 Ib N/ac) under cutting and 98 kg N/ha (87 ib/ac) under grazing with faecal return. On more fertile acid brown earth the corresponding contributions were 81 and 90 kg N/ha (72 and 80 Ib/ac). Full replacement of clover by N fertilizer would require average annual applications of 268, 229, 156 and 128 kg fertilizer N/ha, respectively (239, 204, 139 and 114 Ib N/ac).  相似文献   

Sowing pasture species with wheat caused a reduction in the growth and yield of the pasture species. This reduction was more severe with wheat drilled at 7 inch row spacing than at 14 in., and was least when the two crops were in alternate 7 in. rows. The reduction appeared to be due principally to the shade cast by the wheat. The pasture also reduced the growth and yield of wheat, but the effect of row spacing and position were opposite to and very much less marked than those of wheat on pasture. The yield of the pasture early in the following season was related to the seed yields in the year of establishment; later in the season, however, differences in yield among the various treatments disappeared.  相似文献   

Resown S23 perennial ryegrass pastures showed considerably greater response to the application of fertilizer N (0·1075 kg N/ha per year = 0–960 Ib N/ac) at 305 m O.D. than the native Festuca ovina/Agrostis tenuis and Molinia caerulea dominant communities on identical brown earth and peaty gley soils. Ryegrass DM production during 1967–70 increased with N application rates up to 538 kg N/ha per year (480 Ib N/ac) on the acid-brown earth, while on the extremely N-deficient gley soil yield responses were recorded up to 1075 kg N/ha (960 Ib N/ac). Percentage N recovery by ryegrass, bowever, although improved by grazing and re circulation, was less than under lowland conditions and the response to N during the growing season was also lower, exceeding 20 kg DM/kg N from applications in May, June and July only. The recovery of N by Festuca/Agrostis and Molinia in 1968–70 ranged from 3% and 2% at 938 kg N/ha to 14% and 9% at 117 kg N/ba per year, respectively. The respective maximum average DM yields recorded were 29 t/ha and 2.2 t/ha from the native communities and 70 t/ha and 62 t/ha from the corresponding resown pastures (2610, 1950, 6250 and 5520 Ib/ac). The results are discussed in relation to the strategy of land improvement in upland areas.  相似文献   

Detailed soil and vegetation analysis at Pant-y-dwr Hill Centre illustrated the main physical, chemical and biological factors involved in low output from rough grazing on 5 soil series, ranging from acid brown earth to undifferentiated peat, which are representative of most of upland mid-Wales. While all the soils, derived from Silurian shale, had low pH and base saturation status and high lime, phosphate and potash requirements, the principal restraint on the productivity of resown grassland, particularly on the wet peaty gleys, was low available N status.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which uneven grazing by sheep introduced a bias in a white clover variety trial. The data were adjusted by covariance, using as the independent variable the position of the plots within the paddocks.
Attention is drawn to the errors that may result from uneven grazing and a comparison is made with errors due to transference of fertility. Means of avoiding similar occurrences are suggested.  相似文献   

Studies were made in S.W. Scotland of the effect of winter grazing (October to March) by sheep on subsequent spring and early summer pasture production from a sward in its first harvest year and from a permanent pasture. Averaged over the two swards, DM yields in April, May and June were reduced by 38%, 8% and 5%, respectively, as a result of various times and frequencies of grazing, compared with no grazing. Reductions were greatest after grazings in the January to March period, especially grazings involving the month of March. In a trial in which fertilizer N was used to compensate for March grazing, 50 kg NJha raised DM yields in April to the level of those from no grazing, while only 15 kg NJha were needed to raise June yields to parity. Controlled winter grazing of sheep and the use of fertilizer N to restore production losses after early spring grazing are justified.  相似文献   

An account is given of the climate, vegetation and native pastures of the beef-cattle regions of Argentina. Though some of these native pastures have a satisfactory carrying capacity, most of them are defective in quality or low in productivity; there is considerable scope for increasing production through the establishment of sown pastures. Trials have been made with a wide range of grasses and legumes, principally of African and European origin. Though the pattern of species to be used in these regions is imperfectly resolved, the authors present a map showing tentative boundaries for temperate, sub-tropical and tropical species. Work to date suggests that pasture development can probably proceed over great areas without the use of fertilizers, and this adds to the attractiveness of pasture programmes. A problem of no less importance than the technical aspects of pasture improvement is that of gaining a greater investment of capital into the development of cattle estancias.  相似文献   

Under arid tropical conditions the natural grazing provides less than maintenance requirements for 8–9 months of the year. Conservation of natural or sown herbage, either as hay or silage, should be discouraged because of the low nutritive value of the product, and the unfavourable weather usually prevailing during conservation. Of the forage crops, cereal/legume mixtures are the most suitable for ensilage.  相似文献   

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