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Nach peroraler Dauermedikation von MAP (synthetisches Progestagen) in der Dosierung von 0,5 bis 0,6 mg/kg/Kgw an weibliche Kaninchen wurde die äußere Brunst sicher, der Ablauf des ovariellen Zyklus hingegen nicht zuverlässig unterdrückt. Der zytologische Status im Vaginalsmear war ohne Aussagewert für die Brunstkontrolle; der Gehalt an Superfizialzellen betrug bei den im Frühjahr behandelten Tieren (Versuchsgruppe I) im Durchschnitt 17,44 %, bei den im Winter therapierten (Versuchgruppe II) 1,6 %. An der Uterusschleimhaut führte die MAP-Zufuhr zu charakteristischen Veränderungen des Oberflächenepithels in Form synzytialer Zellverbände mit Flirnmerhaarbesatz, die bei den im Frühling behandelten Tieren am überwiegenden Teil des Epithelsaumes, bei den im Winter therapierten Tieren nur vereinzelt zwischen Groβkernzellen nachgewiesen werden konnten.  相似文献   

On the postnatal development of the skeletal muscle cells in the pig Skeletal muscle cells of pigs up to ten years old were examined histologically and histometrically for age-related changes. Also examined was the relationship between the changes of the average muscle cell diameter and the age-related weight changes of the muscles. It was found that, during the entire postnatal period, skeletal muscle cells, despite their high differentiation, continued to develop and developed anew. The two muscle celltypes, red and white, could be differentiated by the end of the first month. The white cells formed the periphery of the muscle cell bundle. They developed from the red muscle cells and can be regarded as more highly differentiated than the latter. The red muscle cells, which retained many postnatal reatures, after the first month formed a group of cells in the center of a muscle cell bundle. Growth of muscle therefore does not only occur by enlargement of the muscle cells (hypertrophy) buy also by their increase in numbre (hyperplasia). The average diameter of the muscle cells in thus related in addition to age, breed, sex, diet and husbandry, also to mitotic intensity and the formation of new muscle cells.  相似文献   

Inhalt Vergleichende Dichtebestimmungen bei 190 Kaninchenejakulaten nit der Zählkammer und dem Coulter-Counter Mod. B ergaben im Durchschnitt 13,5 % hö-here Werte mit dem elektronischen Partikelzählgerät. Zur Auflösung der in Kaninchenejakulaten in groβer Zahl vorhandenen Granula erwies sich Glasol als Zusatz zum Elektrolyt als notwendig. Die Korrelation der Kammerwerte mit der Coulter-Zählung war mit r = 0,92 sehr gut. Die Wiederholbarkeit betrug bei der Kammerzählung 0,96 und bei der Coulter-zählung 0,99. Durchscbnittswerte der Coulterzählungen in Ejakulaten mit geringerer Dichte zeigten höhere Übereinstimmung mit der Kammerzählung als Ejakulate mit höherer Dichte. Contents Compared sperm counts of 190 semen samples from rabbits with the haemocytometer and the Coulter-Counter revealed an average of 13.5 % higher values with the electronic method. To dissolve the granula, the most effective agent was “Glasol”. Haernocytometer and Coulter-counts were highly correlated (r= 0,92). The repeatability of the counts with the Coulter was 0,99 and with the haemocytometer 0,96. Coulter counts with ejaculates of lower concentration showed a higher agreement with the haemocytometer counts than samples with higher concentration.  相似文献   

Contents: From 7 White Vienna male rabbits semen was collected and stored for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days. One-hundred-forty White Vienna does were inseminated with semen stored at 5° C to test the effects on fertilization rate, embryonic mortality and conception rate. Seven does were removed from the experiment at 48 hr. (embryo stage), 6 days (blastocyst stage), 16 days (fetal stage), and the remaining 7 does were allowed to complete the gestation. This was complete for each semen storage time. Results:
  • 1 Conception rate: The embryo stage had 100 percent conception using semen stored for 0 to 6 days. Eight days in storage showed a lower conception rate. The late developmental stages had a lower conception rate resulting from increased embryonic mortality.
  • 2 Fertilizability Semen stored for 4 days or longer had a significantly (P < 0,05) reduced ability to fertilize the ova.
  • 3 Prenatal mortality, The prenatal mortality was ?55, ?41, ?27, +6, ?18 percent for sperm storage times of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days resp. The mortality up to implantation (6 th day) decreased until to the 4 th day and increased thereafter. The post-implantation mortality increased on the 2nd day of storage and decreased afterwards, with the lowest percentage after 6 days of in vitro storage of sperm at 5° C. The total wastage (fertilization losses and prenatal mortality) was ?58, ?51, ?66, ?54, ?94 percent for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days of sperm storage resp.

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