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Abstract  Protection of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), during its pre-spawning migration is a hotly debated issue in the Baltic as fishing regulations to protect these stocks are based on anecdotal information. To improve understanding of pikeperch migration and improve the setting of regulations, fish were sampled with a fyke net and gill nets during the migration period (April to June) at the entrance of a spawning bay, and changes in length, sex ratio and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were analysed. Catches were greatest at the beginning of the period and consisted mainly of mature fish. From the beginning of spawning migration in April to late May, daily mean length of pikeperch decreased and then increased rapidly in early June. Sex ratio was equal at the beginning of migration, but was dominated by males thereafter. Pikeperch caught during June had already spawned.  相似文献   

Through the recent increases in abundance, pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) has not only become a valuable target for recreational and commercial fishing, but also the most important top predator in many lakes. Generally oligotrophic Lake Höytiäinen (283 km2) sustains one of the most economically valuable pikeperch stocks in Finland, and its annual fisheries yield (up to 5.5 kg/ha) is exceptionally high among Finnish lakes. Here, we followed seasonal movements of fish using conventional tagging, and studied short‐term and long‐term diet of pikeperch by stomach content and stable isotope analyses to examine if the movements were motivated by prey availability. A clear seasonal migration pattern was observed: in summer, 80% of the tag recoveries were obtained from the shallow and mesotrophic northern and western areas, whereas in autumn and winter, the deep and oligotrophic southern area dominated in the recaptures. The diet of pikeperch consisted of the most abundant fish species in the lake, perch (Perca fluviatilis) and roach (Rutilus rutilus), as well as insects. Stable isotope analysis indicated a shift from a dominance of pelagic food sources to littoral food sources during the growing season of pikeperch. Our results suggest that the pikeperch migrations facilitate efficient material transfer from the mesotrophic part while the deeper and oligotrophic part offers a favourable overwintering environment.  相似文献   

Photo‐thermal induction of gonadal maturation in completely controlled conditions is still not well explored in pikeperch. Thus, wintering intensively reared breeders in outdoor pond conditions might be rather suitable alternative to use these fish for larvae production. In this study, we compared the propagation success of indoor‐reared [recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)‐reared fish, RRF] and wild (WCF) pikeperch females wintering them in outside earthen ponds. Each group was composed of six females and four males which were artificially propagated following hormonal induction with human chorionic gonadotropin. Beside the main parameters of reproductive success, fatty acid composition of dry eggs and mortality during early larviculture were assessed. The only statistically significant difference among reproductive parameters was found in latency time, which was significantly lower in RRF. Fatty acid profiles of dry eggs were rather similar between the groups; however, significant difference was noticed in phospholipid fraction in EPA/AA (eicosapentaenoic acid; C20:5n‐3/arachidonic acid; C20:4n‐6) ratio which was, on average, five times higher in the RRF (5.1 ± 3.8) than in WCF (0.9 ± 0.3). Significantly lower mortality was seen in the larvae originating from wild breeders (13.4 ± 1.7% and 27.0 ± 4.9% for WCF and RRF respectively). Wintering indoor‐reared females in outdoor pond conditions led to appropriate gonadal maturation, and ovulation occurred in all examined females. The lower quality of larvae was likely caused by suboptimal broodstock nutrition, which should be studied further, with special consideration given to the EPA/AA ratio and the phospholipid content and composition of the diet.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the optimum concentration of MS‐222 for given size groups of pikeperch and water temperatures. The study considered three size groups of pikeperch (body weight [BW] 8.56, 15.72, 52.91 g), an MS‐222 water solution (50, 100, and 150 mg/L), and two temperatures (20 or 23°C). It was revealed that the optimum MS‐222 concentration depended largely on the size of the pikeperch and on water temperature. For fish with a BW <10 g the recommended concentration is 100 mg/L but only at 23°C. For fish with a BW of 10–40 g at an immersion temperature of 20°C the safe MS‐222 concentration ranges from 100 to 150 mg/L. However, at a temperature of 23°C the recommended concentration of the anesthetic is 100 mg/L. Similarly for larger fish, that is, fish with a BW >40 g, the optimum MS‐222 concentration at a water temperature of 20°C is in the range of 100–150 mg/L, but at a temperature of 23°C is it approximately 100 mg/L. Additionally, when exposure to the anesthetic is shorter (several min), a concentration of 150 mg/L is also safe for juvenile pikeperch of this size.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that in both in vitro and in vivo tests, β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate (HMB) increases the nonspecific cellular and humoral immune response and protection against diseases in animals. The present study examines the influence of HMB on nonspecific humoral defense mechanisms and protection against furunculosis in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate was fed in a pelleted ration of 50 mg kg?1 feed day?1 for 4 weeks. Blood was drawn from 12 HMB‐fed and control‐fed pikeperch. The lysozyme and ceruloplasmin activities in the plasma, total immunoglobulin (Ig) levels, and total serum protein were analysed prior to and then after 2 and 4 weeks of HMB ingestion. After 4 weeks of HMB ingestion, a challenge test was performed by injecting the fish with live pathogenic Aeromonas salmonicida bacteria. β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate at a dose of 50 mg kg?1 feed resulted in a statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in the lysozyme activity of the plasma, total Ig, and serum protein levels. Additionally, reduced mortality (40%) after the in vivo challenge with pathogenic A. salmonicida suggested that HMB‐activated nonspecific protection against furunculosis in pikeperch.  相似文献   

This study aimed at improving the reproduction effectiveness and synchronization of ovulation in the pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), during induced spawning, which is one of the main bottlenecks in the aquaculture of this species. For this purpose, a new categorization of maturation stages in pre‐ovulatory oocytes was applied. It is generally based on two morphological indicators: germinal vesicle migration or its breakdown (GVBD) and different oil droplet coalescence rates. This categorization covered seven stages (from I to VII) – from the end of vitellogenesis to ovulation. The categorization was verified by controlled reproduction with the use of hormonal stimulation (500 IU of hCG per kg of female body weight) and low spawning temperature (12 °C), which extended the latency time. In addition, some morphological indicators (pseudo‐gonadosomatic index, Fulton's condition coefficient) of females were calculated in order to determine their usability in determining the maturation stage. However, these indicators proved to be ineffective for this purpose, further highlighting the need to determine the maturational stages in pre‐ovulatory oocytes to synchronize ovulation in pikeperch. During the experiment, ovulation seemed to be synchronized among the experimental treatments. Statistical differences were found in terms of latency time between experimental groups at different maturity stages (II – 78–98 h; III – 57–78 h; IV – 48–58 h; V – 32–49 h; VI – 5–30 h) according to the proposed classification. This classification and the results presented in the study significantly improved the synchronization of ovulation, which may positively affect the effectiveness of pikeperch production under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The nutritional requirements of pikeperch larvae have been sparsely examined. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may affect growth and physiological stress response in marine fish larvae, but these mechanisms have not received as much attention in freshwater fish. Pikeperch larvae were reared on Artemia from day 3 until 21 days posthatch. Artemia were enriched with six formulated emulsions, with inclusion of either fish oil, pure olive oil (POO) or olive oil supplemented with various combinations of ARA, EPA and DHA. Larval tissue FA was significantly related to the content in the diets, but larval growth was similar for all treatments. When exposed to stress by confinement in small tanks with culture tank water or saline water (15 g L?1.), mortality in larvae treated with POO was significantly higher than in the remaining treatments while tissue cortisol contents in these fish seemed lower. The findings of a lower stress response in larvae fed POO may be related to the lower tissue content in these larvae of essential fatty acids especially DHA but also EPA and ARA.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of leucine metabolite β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate (HMB), a natural product HMB, on nonspecific cell‐mediated defence mechanisms and protection against enteric redmouth disease (ERM) in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate was fed in a pelletted ration at 50 mg kg?1 of the feed for 8 weeks. The phagocytic ability and potential killing activity of blood and pronephric phagocytes were examined in HMB‐ and control‐fed fish before and after 8 weeks of feeding HMB. Simultaneously, the proliferative response of blood and pronephric lymphocytes stimulated by mitogens concanavaline A and lipopolisaccharide were examined in experimental and control groups. Following 8 weeks of HMB feeding, a challenge test was performed by injecting the fish with live pathogenic bacteria Yersinia ruckeri. β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate applied in the diet for 8 weeks prompted a statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in phagocytic ability and potential killing activity of the blood and pronephric phagocytes and the proliferative response of blood and pronephric lymphocytes. The changes in these mechanisms correlated with protection against Y. ruckeri, the ERM pathogen. The results showed that feeding HMB increased the nonspecific cell‐mediated defence mechanisms and protection against ERM by reducing cumulative mortality (30%) following the challenge with pathogenic bacteria. Future studies will include determination of optimal doses and protocols of oral application of HMB to maximize the immunomodulatory effects and protection against viral diseases in intensive pikeperch culture.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To address the dearth of information on tagging effects and long-term survivorship of tagged fish in native and introduced species, laboratory and field investigations were undertaken on three non-native fish species (pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus ; topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva ; pikeperch Sander lucioperca ) tagged with coded-wire (CW), passive integrated transponder (PIT), radio (RT) telemetry and/or acoustic tags (AT), with survivorship of native brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) examined in the field. Laboratory results revealed high survivorship following tag attachment/insertion and resumption of feeding within 24–48 h of tagging (all mortalities could be attributed to an unrelated outbreak of fungal infection), with retention rates being high in both pumpkinseed and pikeperch but low in topmouth gudgeon (excluded from field studies). In the field, short-term post-operation survival was high in pikeperch, pumpkinseed and brown trout. In pumpkinseed and trout, 100% of RT fish survived a 24–30 day tracking study, with 60% and 80%, respectively, recaptured alive at least 3 months post-tagging. Of PIT tagged pumpkinseed, 44% were recaptured (after 6–18 months), with small-sized, CW-tagged fish (0.38 g weight) captured up to 1 year after tagging. In pikeperch, all AT fish except one (the smallest specimen) survived their full expected tracking period (i.e. tag life) – the single lost specimen survived at least half of its expected tracking period (i.e. 6 month battery life). Overall, the tagging methods used were highly effective in pumpkinseed and pikeperch, showing good retention and survival, but PIT tagging of topmouth gudgeon was plagued by low survivorship and tag rejection.  相似文献   

Burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus), is a regionally popular sportfish in the Wind River drainage of Wyoming, USA, at the southern boundary of the range of the species. Recent declines in burbot abundances were hypothesised to be caused by overexploitation, entrainment in irrigation canals and habitat loss. This study addressed the overexploitation hypothesis using tagging data to generate reliable exploitation, abundance and density estimates from a multistate capture–recapture model that accounted for incomplete angler reporting and tag loss. Exploitation rate μ was variable among the study lakes and inversely correlated with density. Exploitation thresholds μ40 associated with population densities remaining above 40% of carrying capacity were generated to characterise risk of overharvest using exploitation and density estimates from tagging data and a logistic surplus‐production model parameterised with data from other burbot populations. Bull Lake (μ = 0.06, 95% CI: 0.03–0.11; μ40 = 0.18) and Torrey Lake (μ = 0.02, 95% CI: 0.00–0.11; μ40 = 0.18) had a low risk of overfishing, Upper Dinwoody Lake had intermediate risk (μ = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.02–0.32; μ40 = 0.18) and Lower Dinwoody Lake had high risk (μ = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.10–0.67; μ40 = 0.08). These exploitation and density estimates can be used to guide sustainable management of the Wind River drainage recreational burbot fishery and inform management of other burbot fisheries elsewhere.  相似文献   

Abstract Nyumba ya Mungu Reservoir in northern Tanzania has a maximum surface area of 180 km2, an average depth of 6 m, and contains moderately saline, fertile water. The postimpoundment decade, 1965–74, was characterised by a spectacular rise and fall of a tilapiabased fishery. Since then a gill-net fishery catching large numbers of large, periphyton-grazing tilapias has given way to a mainly beach-seine fishery producing large numbers of small, phytoplankton-feeding Oreochromis esculentus (Graham). Yields remain higher than preimpoundment predictions but the size at maturity of all tilapia species has fallen and few larger than 15 cm TL are caught. These changes, and others in the fish community trophic structure, are chiefly explained by changes in the littoral environment and fishing pressures. Nyumba ya Mungu provides a case history of developments in the tilapia fishery of a man-made river lake conducted on an essentially laissez-faire basis.  相似文献   

Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) fingerlings, trained on dry feed, were kept in pond cages and fed with 2, 4 or 6% of their actual body weight in dry feed. The effect of the daily ration and the temperature of the pond water on the growth, survival, condition factor and feed conversion were observed in an 8-week experiment. The appropriate daily ration at 17–18°C was 2%, while at 24–25°C the 4% ration seemed to be advisable for the practice. The two higher rations led to significantly higher final body weights than the lowest feeding ration. There were no significant differences between the final condition factors or the survivals of the groups. The best feed conversion (FCR) was achieved at the 2% daily ration group and the worst at the 6% group in each week of the experiment.  相似文献   

The conventional view of the reproductive ecology of bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis, Thunnus maccoyii) leads to a conceptual paradox. Simple arithmetic yields an expectation for wide variation in annual reproductive success. However, the historical record does not support this prediction. A conclusion would seem to be that a much stronger than usual density dependence must be acting. It is here argued that this strong density dependence may likely occur within small strongly convergent segments of energetically forced ocean eddy structures. Success of the implied ecological scenario requires spawning schools of sufficient size to generate sufficiently copious reproductive product to circumvent resident predator pits, while exerting sufficient predatory loss on resident predators to facilitate this circumvention. This in turn implies existence of a dangerous ‘precipice’ in the form of self‐enhancing feedback loop, lurking unperceived beyond the range of historical experience, and a need for a particular degree of precaution in managing the exploitation of this iconic species.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is the primary spawning ground for western Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). In this work, information reported by previous studies about the preferred environmental conditions for the occurrence of bluefin tuna larvae in the GOM is integrated into a dimensionless index, the BFT_Index. This index is used to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of areas with favorable environmental conditions for larvae within the GOM during 1993–2011. The main findings of this work are that: (i) the proposed index successfully captures the spatial and temporal variability in the in situ occurrence of bluefin tuna larvae; (ii) areas with favorable environmental conditions for larvae in the GOM exhibit year‐to‐year spatial and temporal variability linked with mesoscale ocean features and sea surface temperature; and (iii) comparison of the BFT_Index‐derived variability with recruitment of age‐0 fish estimated from recent stock assessment indicates that changes in environmental conditions may drive a relevant component (~58%) of the recruitment variability. The comparison with the recruitment dataset further revealed the existence of key regions linked with recruitment in the central/northern GOM, and that the Loop Current may function as a trap for larvae, possibly leading to low survival rates. Above (below) average conditions for occurrence of larvae in the GOM during spring were observed in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006–2008, and 2011 (1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2010). Results reported here have potential applications to assessment of bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

A new methodology based in the use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective tools to obtain information about marine recreational fisheries (MRF) is presented. The squid and cuttlefish fishery of the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) was selected because it is managed in a data‐poor environment. In‐depth interviews (57) were conducted with fishers, collecting ecological and socio‐economic information. A cartography of fishing grounds based on their knowledge was obtained, while the intensity of effort and catches was mapped by the monitoring of two vessels with low‐cost GPS data loggers. The 102 shore anglers and 248 recreational boats catch 8 t/year of European squid Loligo vulgaris and 11 t/year of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (11% of total catches on these species in the area). Shore anglers fish from 11 ports, while boat fishers use 14 fishing grounds (covering 30 km2). Most of the catches (86%) are landed by boats, and their CPUE is higher in the outer part of the Ría of Vigo. The use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective monitoring is encouraged to obtain information for the management of MRF. Given the economic contribution of MRF (260,000 €/year in direct expenses), this activity should be considered in the regulations.  相似文献   

Evaluating historical changes in the exploitation of marine organisms is a key challenge in fisheries ecology and marine conservation. In the Eastern Pacific, marine turtles were exploited for millennia before systematic monitoring began <50 years ago. Using ethnographic and historical data, we generated a detailed reconstruction of the East Pacific green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) fishery in Mexico's Baja California peninsula from 1700 to 1990. Sea turtles from the region's important feeding areas were a staple food source from the earliest phases of human occupation, dating back at least 12,000 years. In contrast with regions such as the Caribbean, small human populations and limited market access resulted in apparently sustainable turtle harvests until the second half of the 20th century. We found that the estimated annual catches between 1960 and 1980 exceeded the estimated annual catches of the previous 250 years by an order of magnitude, leading to the collapse of the fishery and the depletion of the green turtle population. A total ban on sea turtle captures in 1990, comprehensive nesting beach protection, and significant conservation efforts resulted in increases in breeding females on nesting beaches and catch rates in scientific monitoring on main feeding grounds since the early 2000s. This provides a positive outlook for this once‐depleted population segment. Although further research is needed to evaluate current conservation status, we have identified a date, between 1950 and 1960, which can serve as a reliable temporal reference for future evaluations of historical baseline abundance in this region.  相似文献   

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