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A cell line, WE‐cfin11e, with an epithelial‐like morphology was developed from a caudal fin of walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill), characterized as distinct from the established walleye caudal fin fibroblast‐like cell line, WE‐cfin11f, and compared with WE‐cfin11f for susceptibility to VHSV IVb. Immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to localize the intermediate filament protein, vimentin, the tight junction protein, zonula occludens‐1 (ZO‐1), the extracellular matrix protein, collagen I, and the viral protein, G. Although both cell lines contained vimentin, only WE‐cfin11e stained for ZO‐1 and only WE‐cfin11f stained for collagen I. Ascorbic acid increased the accumulation of collagen I and caused the appearance of collagen fibres only in WE‐cfin11f cultures. At 14 °C, both cell lines produced VHSV IVb, but the infection developed more rapidly in WE‐cfin11f. At 4 °C, both cell lines became infected with VHSV IVb as judged by the expression of viral proteins, N and G, but only WE‐cfin11f produced virus. The results suggest that cold temperatures can modulate viral tropism.  相似文献   

A complement‐dependent 50% plaque neutralization test was used to assess the neutralizing antibody response in sera of muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, experimentally infected with viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV, genotype IVb) by immersion. Groups of muskellunge were challenged with varying concentrations of VHSV: Group 1 with 102 plaque‐forming units (pfu) mL?1, Group 2 with 4 × 103 pfu mL?1, Group 3 with 105 pfu mL?1 and Group 4 with 0 pfu mL?1. The fish were held at a temperature of 11 ± 1 °C and were sampled over a 20‐week period. Neutralizing antibodies were not detected in sera of any of the negative control fish throughout the study. Low neutralizing titres were detected in Groups 1–3 by 6 days post‐infection (p.i.). Neutralizing titres of <80 were not detected again until 3, 4 and 7 weeks p.i. for Groups 2, 3 and 1, respectively, with peak titres for those groups occurring 16, 11 and 17 weeks p.i., respectively. VHSV was detected in serum for up to 11 weeks p.i. Results of this study show that survivors can be detected by a serological technique, despite being virus negative. This may benefit the investigation of VHSV IVb distribution in the Great Lakes and the study of host immune responses to this emerging sublineage.  相似文献   

Recovering populations of piscivores can challenge understanding of ecosystem function due to impacts on prey and to potentially altered food webs supporting their production. Stocks of walleye (Percidae, Sander vitreus), an apex predator in the Laurentian Great Lakes, crashed in the mid‐1900s. Management efforts led to recovery by 2009, but recovery coincided with environmental and fish community changes that also had implications for the feeding ecology of walleye. To evaluate potential changes in feeding ecology for this apex predator, we assessed diets in the main basin of Lake Huron and in Saginaw Bay, a large embayment of Lake Huron, during 2009–2011. Walleye switched their diets differently in the main basin and Saginaw Bay, with non‐native round goby (Gobiidae, Neogobius melanostomus) and rainbow smelt (Osmeridae, Osmerus mordax) more prevalent in diets in the main basin, and invertebrates, yellow perch (Percidae, Perca flavescens) and gizzard shad (Clupeidae, Dorosoma cepedianum) more prevalent in diets in the bay. Feeding strategy plots indicated that there was a high degree of individual specialisation by walleye in the bay and the main basin. Bioenergetic simulations indicated that walleye in Saginaw Bay need to consume 10%–18% more food than a walleye that spends part or all of the year in the main basin, respectively, in order to achieve the same growth rate. The differences in diets between the bay and main basin highlight the flexibility of this apex predator in the face of environmental changes, but changes in diet can alter energy pathways supporting piscivore production.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of turbot, Psetta maxima, to infection with two strains of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) obtained from wild Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, and from farmed turbot was examined. A marine VHSV strain known to be highly pathogenic for turbot was also utilized for comparative purposes. Fish were infected by intra-peritoneal (i.p.), immersion or cohabitation, and maintained at two different temperatures (8 and 15 degrees C). Infection trials showed that the three VHSV isolates were pathogenic for turbot fingerlings by i.p. injection at both temperatures, with high levels of mortality. Virus was recovered from most pools of dead fish i.p. challenged, but not from surviving fish. Although clinical signs were not induced following waterborne exposure, viral growth was obtained from some pools of surviving fish challenged by immersion with strain GH40 from Greenland halibut, which indicates that the virus can survive in sea water and infect other fish via horizontal transmission. Furthermore, although low, the clinical signs and mortality observed in fish cohabitating with turbot challenged with strain GH40 confirms horizontal transmission and indicates that the passage through fish increases the virulence of this strain for turbot. These findings indicate that Greenland halibut, as other wild fish, may play an important role in the epizootiology of VHSV and suggest a potential risk for the turbot farming industry.  相似文献   

Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) is an infectious disease of farmed and wild fish and has an extensive host range in both freshwater and marine environments. In December 2012, a wrasse population consisting of ballan, Labrus bergylta (Ascanius), corkwing, Symphodus melops (L.), cuckoo, Labrus mixtus L., goldsinny, Ctenolabrus rupestris (L.), and rock cook, Centrolabrus exoletus (L.), held at a marine hatchery in the Shetland Isles, Scotland, experienced a mortality event. Approximately 10 000 wrasse were being held at the facility on behalf of an Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., aquaculture company prior to being deployed for the biological control of parasites on marine pen Atlantic salmon, aquaculture sites. Fish Health Inspectors from Marine Scotland Science initiated a diagnostic investigation, and subsequent diagnostic testing confirmed the site to be VHSV positive by qRT-PCR and virus isolation followed by ELISA. A VHSV genotype-specific qRT-PCR assay revealed that the isolates belonged to genotype III, the European marine strain of the virus. The virus genotype was further confirmed by nucleic acid sequencing of the partial nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes followed by BLAST nucleotide searches. This study reports for the first time the detection of VHSV within multiple wrasse species and highlights the need for a comprehensive risk-based approach to the use of wrasse and other finfish species as biological controls within the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

Surveillance data on the distribution of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in the North Sea (UK), targeting Atlantic herring in areas with previous virus detection, were obtained from research cruises conducted during 2005. The sensitive molecular approach of real‐time RT‐PCR (qRT‐PCR) was applied alongside a newly developed endogenous positive control assay specific for herring (elongation factor 1α) to ensure integrity of template. Three hundred and five pools from 1937 individual herring were tested, and no evidence of VHSV in association with wild Atlantic herring was detected. Samples were obtained from Scottish waters where marine aquaculture is conducted. The results confirm that previous tissue culture studies have most likely not significantly underestimated the prevalence of carrier herring in this area. The significance of migratory species such as herring as a reservoir species for VHSV, with the potential to translocate virus genotypes between geographical areas, is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract One hundred and forty-eight wild whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), were caught by electrofishing and sampled for virological examination in December 1999 and 2000, during migration from the brackish water feeding grounds to the freshwater spawning grounds, where the whitefish may come into contact with farmed rainbow trout. All samples were examined on cell cultures. No viruses were isolated. Three viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) isolates of different origin were tested in infection trials by immersion and intraperitoneal (IP) injection, using 1.5 g farmed whitefish: an isolate from wild caught marine fish, a farmed rainbow trout isolate with a suspected marine origin and a classical freshwater isolate. The isolates were highly pathogenic by IP injection where 99-100% of the whitefish died. Using an immersion challenge the rainbow trout isolates were moderately pathogenic with approximately 20% mortality, whereas the marine isolate was virtually non-pathogenic. At the end of the experiment it was possible to isolate VHSV from survivors infected with the marine and suspected marine isolates. Because of the low infection rate in wild whitefish in Denmark, the role of whitefish in the spread of VHSV in Denmark is probably not significant. The experimental studies, however, showed that whitefish are potential carriers of VHSV as they suffer only low mortality after infection but continue to carry virus.  相似文献   

Procedures for a viral replication in excised fin tissue (VREFT) assay were adapted to Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii, and optimized both to reduce processing time and to provide the greatest resolution between naïve herring and those previously exposed to viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV), Genogroup IVa. The optimized procedures included removal of the left pectoral fin from a euthanized fish, inoculation of the fin with >105 plaque‐forming units (PFU) mL?1 VHSV for 1 h, rinsing the fin in fresh medium six times to remove unadsorbed virions, incubation of the fin in fresh medium for 4 days and enumeration of the viral titre in a sample of the incubation medium by plaque assay. The optimized VREFT assay was effective at identifying the prior exposure history of laboratory‐reared Pacific herring to VHSV. The geometric mean VREFT value was significantly greater (P < 0.01) among naïve herring (1.2 × 103 PFU mL?1) than among groups that survived exposure to VHSV (1.0–2.9 × 102 PFU mL?1); additionally, the proportion of cultures with no detectable virus was significantly greater (P = 0.0002) among fish that survived exposure to VHSV (39–47%) than among naïve fish (3.3%). The optimized VREFT assay demonstrates promise for identifying VHSV exposure history and forecasting disease potential in populations of wild Pacific herring.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of cleaner fish for biological control of sea lice has increased considerably. Along with this, a number of infectious diseases have emerged. The aim of this study was to investigate the susceptibility of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) to Betanodavirus since it was detected in asymptomatic wild wrasses in Norway and Sweden. Three betanodaviruses were used to challenge lumpfish: one RGNNV genotype and two BFNNV genotypes. Fish were injected and monitored for 4 weeks. Brain samples from clinically affected specimens, from weekly randomly selected fish and survivors were subjected to molecular testing, viral isolation, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Reduced survival was observed but was attributed to tail‐biting behaviour, since no nervous signs were observed throughout the study. Betanodavirus RNA was detected in all samples, additionally suggesting an active replication of the virus in the brain. Viral isolation confirmed molecular biology results and revealed a high viral titre in BFNNV‐infected groups associated with typical lesions in brains and eyes of survivor fish. We concluded that lumpfish are susceptible to Betanodavirus, as proven by the high viral titre and brain lesions detected, but further studies are necessary to understand if Betanodavirus can cause clinical disease in this species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if deoxynivalenol (DON) exposure alters the susceptibility of rainbow trout to bacterial coldwater disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Rainbow trout were fed a nutritionally complete diet containing corn that was naturally contaminated with DON at a desired concentration of <0.5 (control and pair‐fed treatments), 4 or 6 ppm over 7 weeks to apparent satiation. After 4 weeks, fish were infected by intraperitoneal injection with F. psychrophilum (3.03x106 CFU mL?1) via intraperitoneal injection and monitored for morbidity and mortality. A significant linear reduction in feed intake was associated with increasing dietary levels of DON contamination over the initial 4 weeks. There was a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in cumulative per cent mortality in DON‐fed groups (4.1 ppm, 11%; 5.9 ppm, 7%) in comparison to control (46%) and pair‐fed (25%) groups at 21 days post infection. Mortality of trout pair‐fed the control diet was also significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the control group fed to apparent satiation. A replicate trial using genetically similar fish and the same experimental design produced similar results. These results suggest that DON exposure and restricted feed intake provided a protective effect for rainbow trout infected with F. psychrophilum.  相似文献   

Argulus siamensis is a major pathogen in freshwater aquaculture. The immune responses of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita to experimental infection of A. siamensis was evaluated by quantitation of immune‐relevant gene expression in head kidney and skin, and serum innate immune parameters through the course of infection. In skin of infected fish, antioxidant genes like natural killer cell enhancing factor (NKEF‐B) and superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) were significantly up‐regulated in addition to lysozyme G and β2 microglobulin (β2M). Both tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) and toll‐like receptor 22 (TLR22) genes were significantly down‐regulated in skin during early phases of the infection. Most of the genes exhibited significant down‐regulation in head kidney; immunoglobulin (IgM) and β2M genes being the exceptions which were significantly up‐regulated at 12 h and 3 days post infection. Most of the innate immune parameters like serum complement activity and ceruloplasmin levels showed significant reduction in infected fish. The observed results are indicative of A. siamensis modulating the immune response of rohu by down‐regulation of many immune factors which may explain the susceptibility of rohu to A. siamensis infection. The interaction of this parasite with the host need to be further explored to understand its pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of six 1,3;1,6‐β‐D‐glucooligo‐ and polysaccharides with different structures (ranging from 1 to 10 kDa in molecular mass and containing 10–25% of β‐1,6‐linked glucose residues) from brown algae, Saccharina cichorioides, on development of the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), were evaluated. Exposure of chum salmon eggs to 1,3;1,6‐β‐D‐glucans with a molecular mass of more than 2 kDa increased the survival of embryos and juveniles and their resistance to Saprolegnia infection by up to 2.5‐fold, leading to a weight gain in juveniles of 40–55% compared with The control chum salmons. The 1,3;1,6‐β‐D‐glucans with molecular mass of 6–8 kDa and used at a at concentration of 0.5 mg mL?1 rendered the best stimulative effect.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a synbiotic Lacto Forte on growth performance, haemato‐immunological responses, plasma bactericidal capacity, histological profiles and resistance of Oreochromis niloticus to Pseudomonas fluorescens. The experimental fish were divided into three groups; two of them (T1 and T2) were given Lacto Forte incorporated diets at increasing level (0.7 and 1.5 g/kg, respectively) and an additive‐free basal diet served as the control (T0) for 30 and 45 days. At the end of the feeding trial, a challenge was performed using a virulent strain of P. fluorescens and mortalities were recorded over an additional 14‐days period. The results showed that Lacto Forte has a pronounced effect on haematological and growth performance parameters at 1.5 g/kg rather than 0.5 g/kg (p < 0.05). Plasma lysozyme, proteases, antiproteases and bactericidal capacity were significantly enhanced (p < 0.05) in Lacto Forte‐treated groups, particularly after 45 days of supplementation. Long‐term supplementation with Lacto Forte (1.5 g/kg) induced degenerative changes in the liver, spleen and intestine. Additionally, a significant increase (p < 0.05) in survival rates were found in Lacto Forte‐treated groups compared to the control one 14 days post‐challenge. As a result, Lacto Forte fortifies tilapia immune response and can be used as a surrogate for antibiotics to control P. fluorescens.  相似文献   

Enteric septicaemia of catfish (ESC) caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri is becoming an increasing problem in aquaculture and has been reported worldwide in a variety of fish species. This study reports ESC in hybrid catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Günther) × Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), cultured in southern Thailand. The bacteria were identified as E. ictaluri by conventional and rapid identification systems, as well as by genetic and phylogenetic characterization. Analysis of 16S rRNA indicated 100% homology to the 16S rRNA sequence of several E. ictaluri strains in GenBank. Plasmid profiles demonstrated 4.0‐ and 5.6‐kb plasmids, compared with the 4.8‐ and 5.6‐kb plasmids in the US isolates, and representative genes of three of the four known pathogenicity islands of US isolates were present. Serologically, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purified from the Thai isolates was not recognized by a monoclonal antibody against the LPS of US isolates. Fish experimentally infected with E. ictaluri showed 23–100% mortality within 14 days with a 168‐h LD50 of 6.92 × 107 CFU mL?1 by immersion and a 96‐h LD50 of 1.58 × 106 CFU fish?1 by intraperitoneal injection. Examination of tissue sections obtained from both naturally and experimentally infected fish indicated that infection of hybrid catfish with E. ictaluri produced lesions in several organs including liver, kidney, spleen, heart and brain. Histopathology findings included cellular necrosis, focal haemorrhage, infiltration of lymphocytes and multifocal granulomatous inflammation in the infected organs.  相似文献   

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