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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of two irrigation regimes (control and water stress) and two nitrogen (N) levels (0 and 112.5 kg/ha) on forage yield and silage quality in millet. Bastan (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv) and Pishahang (Panicum miliaceum) were sown at two different dates during 2015 and 2016. Both cultivars exhibited reduced dry-matter (DM) yields (45% and 51% in Bastan and Pishahang respectively) due to drought stress. Proline and phenolic contents increased as a result of drought and were significantly and negatively correlated with DM yield and digestibility. Moreover, Pishahang had a reduced acid detergent fibre (ADF) content but improved leaf/stem ratio, digestible dry matter (DDM), relative feed value (RFV), net energy for lactation (NEL), digestibility and silage quality as a result of drought stress, while no significant effects on these traits were observed in Bastan. Silage quality was greatly cultivar-dependent. Both cultivars had higher levels of DDM, RFV and NEL at early sowing dates. Nitrogen supply had greater positive effects on increasing ash, crude protein (CP) content and DM yield under normal irrigation than under water-stress conditions. In summary, given the importance of the energy received per unit of forage from an animal husbandry viewpoint and the significance of DM yield per unit area from an agricultural viewpoint, the obtained results might help farmers in choosing not only the best sowing dates but also proper irrigation and N management practices to achieve their quantitative and qualitative objectives in forage production.  相似文献   

Recent reviews confirm and extend previous observations that elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations stimulate photosynthesis, leading to increased plant productivity. Elevated CO2 concentrations tend to reduce the sensitivity of grassland ecosystems to low levels of precipitation but induce progressive nitrogen (N) limitations on plant growth which can be alleviated by supplying a significant external input of N in the form of mineral fertilizer or through the increased use of N-fixing legumes. Other nutrients, such as phosphorus, can act as the main limiting factor restricting the growth response in legumes to atmospheric CO2 concentration. The botanical composition of temperate grasslands is affected by the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration, possibly through a decline in the relative abundance of grasses. Elevated CO2 concentration will also alter the feeding value of herbage to grazers both in terms of fine-scale (for example, crude protein concentration and C:N ratio) and coarse-scale (legumes vs. grasses and C3- vs. C4-species) changes. The management guidelines of grasslands will need to be adapted to global atmospheric and climatic changes and to increased variability in climate.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between botanical composition and forage parameters (yield and forage quality variables) in 153 permanent grasslands located in the Massif Central of France. Grasslands were sampled at two vegetation stages in the first growth cycle. Botanical composition, yield, ash, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin, organic matter digestibility (OMD) and voluntary intake (VI) were estimated for each sample. Temporal variability in species–forage parameter relationships were accounted for using innovative multivariate analyses applied mainly in ecological science. Crude protein and OMD were weakly correlated when each harvest time was analysed separately. Species–forage parameter relationships remained stable during the first growth cycle. The stability of these relationships indicates that permanent grasslands dominated by competitive species were associated with high yield and forage quality values whereas permanent grasslands composed of conservative species and/or high proportions of senescent material were associated with high structural carbohydrate values and low yield, OMD and VI values. Based on these relationships, we propose a typology of permanent grasslands along with a set of indicator species enabling non‐specialist botanists to easily classify grasslands for grassland management purposes.  相似文献   

Elevation of mean air temperature related to climate change speeds up plant maturity, which influences mostly forage feed value. The objective of the study was to assess variation in hay quality harvested over 32 years at the same experimental site, and whether feed value is better predicted by combining agro-climatic variables with chemical composition. From 1979 to 2010, the in vivo digestibility (OMd) and voluntary dry matter intake (VDMI) of 271 hays, harvested during the first vegetation cycle on permanent grasslands, were measured in sheep. Over 32 years, the mean air temperature between February and August increased significantly by 1.34°C. Cutting date was advanced by 6 days, but the average sum of temperature at cutting (ST) increased significantly by 13%. Crude protein (CP) content declined (−22%, p < .001), crude fibre content increased (+8%, p < .001), OMd decreased (−3%, p = .012) and VDMI increased (+9%, p = .011). Changes in the chemical composition and OMd were consistent with the increase in ST. Finally, the prediction of OMd from CP and crude fibre contents (R2 = .57, RMSE = 2.99) was slightly improved by the addition of ST and hay drying time (R2 = .60, RMSE = 2.83). Climate change may have a negative indirect effect on hay quality if an earlier cutting date does not compensate for its effect on the faster maturation of the plants. Moreover, agro-climatic criteria could help to monitor and predict hay quality in relation to intra- and inter-annual climatic changes.  相似文献   

The effects of plant harvest stage, autumn harvest dateand cultivars on alfalfa production and quality weredetermined in a 3-year field experiment established in1992. Harvesting stage influenced annual yield andquality. Late bud-first flower harvests increased harvestfrequency and forage quality in comparison with har-vestingat the full bloom stage while decreasing dry-matteryield by 18% (25·5 vs. 21·6 t ha 21 ). Harvestingstage significantly affected autumn forage productionand quality and yield at the first spring cut. Harvests atfull bloom allowed greater autumn and spring regrowththan cutting at the late bud stage, possibly because ofthe accumulation of higher root reserves. Autumn har-vestsand cultivar significantly influenced the yields atthe first spring cut in any growing season. Cuttingbefore the first frost in autumn reduced the vigour ofboth cultivars, and the subsequent yield at the first cutin any year, in comparison with harvests taken after ornear the first autumn frost. It is concluded that theeffects of the stage of harvesting alfalfa on dry-matterproduction and quality are important in theMediterranean environment of the Ebro Valley; theeffects of autumn management were observed mainlyon the yields of the subsequent first cut in spring but noton the total annual production.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, the effects of different management treatments on the botanical development and productivity of a previously species‐poor, intensively managed, lowland permanent grass sward were investigated over a 4‐year period. Fertilizer inputs were stopped and nine main treatments, based on three pre‐sowing and three post‐sowing cutting regimes, were applied. Half of each treatment plot was oversown with a mixture of forb (wildflower) species and half left unsown. The aims were: (1) to investigate the effect of cutting regimes on the establishment of introduced forb species, (2) to assess the development and dry‐matter (DM) yield potential of these introduced species, and (3) to compare the DM yield and forage quality of swards with and without introduced species. Seedling establishment was recorded until the end of the second year. From the third year onwards, a common twice‐yearly cutting regime was imposed on all treatments, and the development of the introduced species was recorded. The DM yield of the nine oversown sub‐treatments was compared with the sub‐treatments not oversown. Frequent cutting after oversowing resulted in the greatest number of established plants and three times greater harvested DM yield of introduced species, compared with infrequent cutting. Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium pratense were the best performing introduced species. By years 3 and 4, there was proportionately 0·15 and 0·23, respectively, additional herbage DM yield harvested from the oversown treatments compared with unsown treatments, and up to 0·60 more in some treatments. The introduction of forbs increased the crude protein concentration, but decreased the digestibility of the forage.  相似文献   

目的 探明不同类型水稻品种产量和氮素吸收利用对FACE(大气CO2浓度增高)响应的差异。方法 以常规粳稻、杂交籼稻、常规籼稻共6个品种为供试材料,研究FACE对不同类型水稻产量、氮素吸收利用的影响。结果 1)FACE处理极显著提高了水稻产量,平均增加24.17%, 常规籼稻增幅最大,FACE和对照均以杂交籼稻最高;2)FACE处理显著增加了单位面积穗数,常规粳稻增幅最大,并显著增加了杂交籼稻和常规籼稻每穗粒数;3)FACE处理显著提高了成熟期吸氮量和氮素籽粒生产效率,成熟期吸氮量平均增加21.23%,杂交籼稻增幅最大, FACE和对照均以常规籼稻最高;氮素籽粒生产效率平均增加7.33%,杂交籼稻增幅最大,FACE和对照均以杂交籼稻最高。成熟期吸氮量对产量促进作用略大于成熟期氮素籽粒生产效率;4)FACE处理降低了植株含氮率,成熟期平均下降0.105个百分点,常规粳稻降幅最大。FACE处理极显著提高植株干物质量,成熟期平均增加23.95%,常规籼稻增幅最大;FACE处理显著提高常规籼稻和杂交籼稻成熟期单穗吸氮量,分别增加10.79%、13.93%,但常规粳稻下降了9.60%;FACE处理显著提高了成熟期群体吸氮强度,平均增加22.29%,杂交籼稻增幅最大。FACE处理对水稻全生育期天数无显著影响;FACE处理显著提高茎鞘、叶片、穗各器官吸氮量,叶片增幅最大,平均增加51.86%,杂交籼稻增幅最大;FACE处理显著提高了不同生育阶段吸氮量,抽穗-成熟阶段增幅最大,平均增加108.90%,杂交籼稻增幅最大;5)植株干物质量、单穗吸氮量、吸氮强度、穗吸氮量、抽穗-成熟阶段吸氮量对成熟期总吸氮量的促进作用分别大于植株含氮率、单位面积穗数、生育天数、茎鞘叶吸氮量、移栽-分蘖和分蘖-抽穗阶段吸氮量;6)FACE处理显著提高了氮肥偏生产力,降低了每百千克籽粒需氮量,前者平均增加24.16%,常规籼稻增加最多;后者平均降低4.7%,常规籼稻降幅最大。结论 FACE处理可显著提高水稻产量和氮素吸收利用效率,但品种间差异较大。  相似文献   

【Objective】Our aim is to investigate the differences in response of grain yield, nitrogen absorption and utilization to FACE (atmospheric CO2 concentration increase) of different rice varieties. 【Method】Six rice varieties, including conventional japonica rice, hybrid indica rice, and conventional indica rice, were used to study the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) (atmospheric CO2 concentration increase) on the nitrogen absorption, utilization, and yield of different types of rice.【Result】 1) FACE treatment dramatically increased rice yield by 24.17% on average and the maximum increment was observed in conventional indica rice. Compared with other types of rice varieties, hybrid indica showed the highest grain yield under both FACE and control (CK) treatments. 2) Panicle number was significantly improved in FACE treatment with conventional japonica rice varieties having the maximum increment. Spikelet number per panicle was significantly improved in hybrid and conventional indica rice varieties in FACE treatment. 3) The nitrogen absorption (NA) and nitrogen use efficiency for grain yield (NUEg) were significantly higher in FACE treatment than those in CK treatment. The average increase of NA was 21.23% with the maximum increment in hybrid indica rice varieties. Compared with other rice varieties, conventional indica rice varieties had the highest NA both in FACE and CK treatments. The average increase of NUEg was 7.33% with hybrid indica rice varieties enjoying the maximum increment. The hybrid indica rice varieties had the highest NUEg in FACE treatment and in CK treatment, respectively. 4) Nitrogen content was decreased in FACE treatment with the average decrease of 0.105%, among which the maximum decrease was observed in conventional japonica rice. Dry matter weight was extremely and significantly increased in FACE treatment. The average increase of dry weight was 23.95% with the maximum increment in conventional indica rice varieties. NA of single panicle was significantly improved in FACE treatment with the average increase of 10.79% in conventional indica rice varieties and 13.93% in hybrid indica rice varieties, but NA of single panicle was decrease by 9.60% in conventional japonica rice. FACE treatment significantly increased rice NA intensity with an average increase of 22.29% and the maximum increment was observed in hybrid indica rice varieties. The growth duration was not influenced by FACE treatment in all rice varieties. NAs of stem, leaf and panicle were significantly higher in FACE treatment than in CK treatment with the highest increase of 51.86% in leaf. The largest increase of NA was observed in hybrid indica rice. NA in different rice growth stages was significantly improved with the maximum increment of 108.90% during heading-maturity. The maximum increment of NA from heading to maturity was observed in hybrid indica rice varieties.5) Effects of dry matter weight, NA per panicle, NA intensity, NA of panicle and NA from heading to maturity on NA at maturity were greater than those of nitrogen content, panicle number, growth duration, NAA of leaf, stem and sheath, NAA during transplanting-tillering and tillering-heading. 6) Partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer (PFPN) was significantly improved in FACE treatment with an average increase of 24.16% and the maximum increment in conventional indica rice. NAA per 100 kg grains was significantly reduced in FACE treatment with an average decrease of 4.7%. The maximum decrease of NAA per 100 kg grains was observed in conventional indica rice varieties.【Conclusion】The results indicated that FACE could markedly increased both grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in all rice varieties, but the increases varied with the variety types.  相似文献   

Breeding for enhanced quality in lucerne (Medicago sativa) frequently involves selection for higher leaf‐to‐stem ratio, multifoliolate leaves or short‐internode stems. Three populations selected for such alternative morphologies and a reference cultivar were evaluated for forage yield, leaf‐to‐stem ratio and protein and fibre concentrations in leaves, stems and whole plants. Four managed environments were obtained by combining two stress levels (moderate or nil) with two sowing times. The population selected for high leaf‐to‐stem ratio, as well as the short‐internode population, had highest leaf‐to‐stem ratio (1.27) across six harvests in two non‐stress environments. The latter population had higher stem protein (12.9%) and lower stem neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) concentration (58.7%) than other populations. The multifoliolate population had intermediate quality, showing low expression of the multifoliolate trait (14.0% across four environments), particularly under stress (10.5%). The autumn‐sown, fully irrigated environment had, on average, highest dry‐matter yield (4.19 t ha?1) and lowest leaf‐to‐stem ratio (0.74). Drought‐stressed environments had lower plant NDF (?12.3% on average) and leaf protein (?9.7%), and higher stem protein (+8.6%) than fully irrigated environments. The results suggested that environmental effects might have greater impact on quality than genetic effects, even for a population set including material selected for quality‐driven morphology.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent grazing pressure and timing modulate the seasonal progression of herbage quality in hilly Mediterranean grassland systems. The study was conducted during six consecutive years between 2003 and 2008 at the Karei Deshe experimental farm, in eastern Galilee, Israel, dominated by rich hemicryptophytic grassland. Treatments included two different grazing intensities, heavy and moderate, with 1·1 and 0·55 cows ha?1, respectively, and management that included a continuous and a seasonal stocking system that was divided at both intensities into early and late grazing. Herbage samples were analysed for digestibility, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre contents. Significant differences in herbage quality were found between seasons and years. Herbage quality was significantly higher in paddocks grazed continuously or early in the season. Herbage quality increased with increasing grazing intensity as younger herbage and continued re‐growth were maintained during the green season. The greater difference between herbage qualities was found at the peak of the growing season. The significant differences found in herbage quality emphasize the importance of the decision‐making process aimed at improving cattle grazing management in Mediterranean rangelands and its consequences for the sustainability of the system.  相似文献   

Based on experimental data gathered in a research project on nitrogen fluxes in intensive dairy farming in Northern Germany, an analysis of fossil energy input and energy efficiency in forage production from permanent grassland and maize for silage was conducted. Field experiments comprised different defoliation systems and different rates of mineral N fertilizer and slurry application. Each change from grazing to cutting in grassland systems reduced the energy efficiency. Energy efficiency consistently decreased with increasing rates of mineral N application. In the production of maize for silage, maximum energy efficiency was obtained with an application of 50 kg N ha?1 from slurry only. Net energy yields of maize for silage were much higher than that of grassland when compared at the same level of fossil energy and nitrogen fertilizer input. Considering both nitrate‐leaching losses and a necessary minimum quantity of grass herbage in a well‐balanced ration, it is suggested that a high proportion of maize for silage in combination with N‐unfertilized grass/clover swards used in a mixed cutting/grazing system represents a good trade‐off between the leaching of nitrates and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at testing the hypothesis that a dense maize stand (320–720·203 plants ha-1) will produce more dry matter of acceptable quality than a stand sown at the density generally advocated (105 plants ha-1). It was also aimed at proving that grain is not essential in order to obtain a high yield of good-quality forage maize.
It was found that dry matter yield increased with density, especially at the early stages of growth. When ear-formation was depressed by increasing plant density, the resulting reduction of ear yield and its quality due to the absence of ear was partly compensated for by the increased yield and quality of the stem.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to study changes in the yield and nutritional characteristics of whole crop semi-leafless field pea over two growing seasons in the Po plain, Italy. Samples of two cultivars (Baccara and Sidney) were collected from flowering to grain maturity. The developmental stage, yield, dry matter (DM) content, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), starch, water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), gross energy (GE), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and the net energy for lactation (NEL) were determined at each harvest. The forage characteristics were regressed on the growing degree days (GDD) with 4.4 °C as the base temperature. The DM yield increased with advancing maturity from 0.5 to 8.91 Mg ha−1, while the CP decreased from 261 to 159 g kg−1 DM. During the whole growth cycle the GE, OMD, NEL and milk forage units (milk FU) were almost steady. No differences were observed between the cultivars for any of the measured parameters. At grain maturity, the crop produced over 4.0 Mg ha−1 DM of grain. The CP, starch and WSC of the grain did not show any differences between the cultivars or years. The data showed that the nutritive quality of the forage of the semi-leafless grain pea harvested as a whole crop for ensiling purposes did not diminish with maturity and could help improve the self-sufficiency of dairy farms, in terms of home-grown protein forages.  相似文献   

Invasive grasses (especially Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. et Schult) increasingly threaten meadows and pastures as a consequence of human impact and climate change. We conducted a study in 2012 and in 2013 to better understand the growing cycle and the influence of S. pumila on forage quality of lowland meadows. We observed a rapid increase of S. pumila presence and phytomass on the southern side of the Alps across the growing season. We measured (i) above‐ground phytomass, with a modified Corral‐Fenlon method; (ii) botanical composition using the linear point quadrat method; and (iii) grassland chemical composition by NIRs (near‐infrared spectroscopy) analyses. To test the hypothesis that S. pumila summer growth is related to specific climatic conditions, meteorological data (temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration) were collected from meteorological stations near the study sites. Total phytomass was sorted into S. pumila and other species. We used a generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and found the abundance of S. pumila to be inversely correlated with rainfall and the presence of other species, but positively correlated with temperature increase. The increase of S. pumila above‐ground phytomass production was linked to a reduction of forage quality.  相似文献   

Four high yielding varieties of field (Rachna and RFP4) and vegetable peas (Bonnivielle and Arkal) were studied for their protein quality. Crude protein and true protein content of all four pea varieties varied from 19.5 to 20.6 percent and 18.7 to 19.8 percent, respectively. Non protein nitrogen formed only 3.94 to 4.84 percent of total nitrogen. Globulins were the major fractions followed by albumins and glutelins. All the four varieties of peas had similar methionine and tryptophan content. Lysine content of four pea varieties ranged from 7.56 to 9.65 g per 16 g of N. Cooking brought about an increase in in vitro protein digestibility of peas by 10 percent. The sodium dodecyl polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis of total protein revealed the presence of 22–25 bands with some difference in banding pattern of all four varieties. Some differences were observed in banding patterns of globulin and albumin of all four varieties, suggesting that composition of protein of pea varieties differed.  相似文献   

There is limited information on the effects of the increase in the density of shrubs on herbage production and nutritive value of natural grasslands in the Mediterranean region, currently facing major land use changes. Herbage production of drymatter (herbaceous fractions, of plant functional groups and by species), crude protein (CP), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL) and hemicellulose concentrations and in vitro organic matter digestibility were determined at the time of peak of annual growth across four types of grassland vegetation each characterized by different shrub cover regimes. A sharp reduction in herbage production and a reduction in nutritive value were found as a result of the increase in shrub cover. These changes appeared to be closely related to the shift in plant functional groups detected as shrub density increased. Herbage production from grasses and legumes was found to be more sensitive to shrub cover changes than herbage production from forbs, whereas, as grassland types became denser, annual species were gradually replaced by perennials and C4 grasses by C3 ones. The impact of shrub encroachment on Mediterranean grasslands is discussed in relation to their use by livestock.  相似文献   

This study attempted to separate the effects of forage source and field microbiota on silage fermentation quality and aerobic stability. Single samples of grass, red clover and maize were used. Field microbiota was obtained by centrifugation of microbial suspensions of the three samples. The intact forages were dried and sterilized by heating at 60°C for 3 h + 103°C for 15 h, inoculated in a 3 (forage) × 3 (inoculum) design and reconstituted to a dry‐matter level of 400 g kg?1 before ensiling. After ensiling for 71 d, subsamples were subjected to an 8‐d aerobic stability test, which included temperature and pH measurements. Bacterial community analysis was performed on samples before and after ensiling by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Forage source had a marked effect on the levels of lactic acid, acetic acid, ammonia‐N and 2,3‐butanediol, but microbiota source only affected the acetic acid concentration. The forage and microbiota as well as their interactions affected silage stability variables. The maize microbiota improved silage stability, whereas silages made from the maize forage had the poorest stability. Bacterial community analysis revealed higher abundance of lactic acid bacteria on the maize forage, with Lactococcus and Leuconostoc being the dominant genera. These preliminary results suggested that fermentation quality is mainly affected by forage source, whereas the aerobic stability is affected by both forage and field microbiota.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is a consequence of recent anthropogenic environmental changes, and few studies have evaluated its effects on tropical grasses used in Brazilian pastures, the main feed source for major part of ruminant livestock. This study evaluated forage production, chemical composition, in vitro total gas production and organic matter degradability of Brachiaria brizantha under contrasting CO2 atmospheric conditions in a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) facility. The forage plants were sown in each of the 12 octagonal rings of the FACE facility: six under ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration of approximately 390 μmol/mol, hereafter referred to as control (CON) plots, and other six rings enriched with pure CO2 flux to achieve a target CO2 concentration of 550 μmol/mol, hereafter called elevated CO2 (eCO2) plots. Soil samples were collected to determine carbon and nitrogen concentrations. After seventy days of sowing, a standardization cutting was performed and then at regular intervals of 21 days the forage was harvested (ten harvest dates) and forwarded to laboratorial analyses. Forage above‐ground biomass production (dry matter (DM): 6,143 vs. 6,554 kg/ha), as well as morphological characteristics (leaves: 71% vs. 68%; stem: 28% vs. 31%), chemical composition (crude protein: 162.9 vs. 161.8; neutral detergent fibre: 663.8 vs. 664.3; acid detergent fibre: 369.5 vs. 381; lignin: 60.1 vs. 64.1 g/kg DM; total C: 45.9 vs. 45.9; total N: 2.8 vs. 2.8; total S: 0.2% vs. 0.2%), organic matter in vitro degradability (573.5 vs. 585.3 g/kg), methane (5.7 vs. 4.3 ml/g DM) and total gas (128.3 vs. 94.5 ml/g DM) production did not differ significantly between CON and eCO2 treatments (p > .05). The results indicated that at least under short‐term enrichment, B. brizantha was not affected by eCO2.  相似文献   

为明确生育后期水分胁迫下施氮对花生产量、氮素吸收及氮肥利用效率的影响,以花育25号为材料,采用双因素试验设计,通过防雨棚土柱试验研究了不同水氮处理对花生氮素吸收、分配、产量及氮肥利用率的影响。在荚果充实期设置水分条件分别为充足灌水(W 0)、轻度干旱胁迫(W 1)和中度干旱胁迫(W 2),设置5个施氮(N)水平,即0kg·hm^-2(N0)、45kg·hm^-2(N1)、90kg·hm^-2(N2)、135kg·hm^-2(N3)和180kg·hm^-2(N4)。结果表明,W1N2处理下花生经济产量、全株生物量、籽仁和全株氮素积累量均达最大值。与其它氮肥处理相比,同一水分条件下适量施氮(N 2)处理增加花生产量,提高收获指数。花生各器官中来自于15N原子标记的肥料中的15N原子百分比随施氮量的增加而显著增加,但增加幅度不同。正常供水和轻度干旱胁迫条件下花生植株氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加先增加后降低,而中度干旱胁迫下氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而降低。本试验条件下,W1N2处理(轻度干旱胁迫和施氮90 kg·hm^-2)处理下花生干物质与氮素积累量适宜,氮素向生殖器官分配比例和氮肥利用率较高。  相似文献   

Flowering time plasticity is a commonly occurring adaptive characteristic of fodder crops, including legumes, in arid and semiarid environments of the Mediterranean regions. Time of flowering is mainly influenced by genotype, temperature and photoperiod. Field experiments were carried out at Foggia (southern Italy) during successive growing seasons (from 8 to 16 growing cycles according to species) to study the relation among air temperature, photoperiod and duration of the morphological development of flowering in eight forage legume species: sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), pea (Pisum sativun L.), berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). Time to reach 10% flowering (EF) and 100% flowering (FF) were recorded. Rate of progress to flowering, defined as the inverse of time from sowing to EF and FF, was related to mean daily temperature, or to both mean daily temperature and mean photoperiod. Using the linear equations, the thermal time requirements (Tt) and the base temperature (Tb) expressed as heat units were determined by the x-intercept method for both EF and FF stages. Evaluation of flowering time was also based on days after planting (DAP), day of year (DOY) and on a photothermal index (PTI). For all species, a significant negative correlation (P ≥ 0.01) was found between planting date (PD) and DAP whereas PTI showed a significant negative relationship (P ≥ 0.05) only for faba bean, pea, berseem clover and common vetch. In sainfoin, sulla and berseem clover, the rate of progress to flowering was affected significantly (P ≥ 0.05) by both mean temperature and photoperiod. The Tt requirements to reach the EF and the FF stage ranged from 871 to 1665 °C day and from 1043 to 1616 °C day, respectively, for the studied species. Both phenological stages considered depended upon accumulated thermal time above a species-specific base temperature. Furthermore, in all legumes the onset of flowering only occurred when dual thresholds of a minimum Tt and a minimum photoperiod were reached, which were specific to each species.  相似文献   

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