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Twenty-four Hereford × Friesian cows and their South Devon cross calves were allocated to three herbage allowances allotted daily for three periods of 8 weeks in a Latin square design. The daily allowances were 17, 34 and 51 g dry matter per kg cow plus calf live weight. Milk production was depressed by 0·2 and 1·2 kg d-1 at the medium and low allowances. The corresponding falls in liveweight gain were for cows 0·26 and 0·25, and for calves 0·27 and 0·24 kg d-1. Residual sward height after grazing gave a better indication of the animals' reaction to sward conditions and the management imposed than actual herbage allowance. The quantity per unit area and the composition of material present were important factors influencing intake. Calves were unable to compete with their dams to maintain herbage intake at the lower allowances and therefore are likely to benefit from additional feeding or creep grazing when residual sward height falls below 6cm for periods in excess of 1–2 weeks.  相似文献   

Measurements of herbage intake and ingestive behaviour were made on British Friesian calves 4–9 months old, which were strip-grazed on swards of S24 perennial ryegrass at three (Experiment A) or four (Experiment B) levels of daily herbage allowance in three (A) or four (B) 12-d periods. Herbage intake declined by approx. 18% as daily herbage allowance was reduced from 90 to 30 g DM per kg LW in both experiments, but the relationship between intake and allowance was not consistent between periods. Bite size and rate of biting were greater in calves on low than on high allowances after entry to a new strip of herbage but the positions were reversed towards the end of grazing. Reduced herbage intakes at low allowance resulted from reductions of approx. equal magnitude in bite size, rate of biting and grazing time, though not all of these effects were significant. It is suggested that these responses result from the increasing difficulty of prehending and ingesting herbage as swards are grazed down. The calves at low herbage allowances did not increase grazing time, probably because their behaviour was conditioned by anticipation of a new allowance of herbage. Bite size and daily herbage intake were greater on a spring sward than on an autumn sward, but within experiments herbage intake was not consistently related to any of the sward characteristics measured.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which groups of lactating cows, non-lactating cattle and weaned calves grazed a sequence of swards varying in maturity and herbage mass under strip grazing management at a daily herbage allowance of 60 g dry matter per kg live weight. Lactating cows ate 43% and 76% more herbage than non-lactating cattle of similar weight in the two experiments but herbage OM intakes per unit live weight by the calves and lactating cows were similar.
Variations in diet digestibility and herbage intake in the lactating and non-lactating cattle with changes in sward conditions were similar. In the first experiment the calves were experienced grazers; the variation in the digestibility of the herbage selected was less in the calves than the adult cattle, but the variation in herbage intake was greater. The calves in the second experiment were younger, and they were inexperienced grazers; their ability to increase herbage intake in response to changing sward conditions was poorer than that of adult cattle, though variations in diet digestibility were similar in all classes.
The practical implications of these results are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The digestibility of herbage selected by dairy cows, milk-fed calves, weaned calves and wether sheep was examined on four occasions each day as they strip-grazed together a daily allocation of herbage. The average quality of the material selected by each group was similar. Organic matter digestibility of the herbage selected declined from 0·274 to 0·223 as the average height of the sward fell from 16 to 6 cm; this decline was slightly more rapid for the cows than for the other stock. A similar trend was also evident in samples cut from the sward to simulate the horizon removed prior to each sampling time.  相似文献   

The effect of herbage allowance on the herbage intake and performance of ewes and their twin lambs at pasture was investigated. Daily herbage allowances of 40,80.120 and 160 g organic matter (OM) kg-1 ewe live weight, based on herbage mass measured to ground level, were offered during the first 12 weeks of lactation.
The sheep were grazed rotationally around four paddocks of a perennial ryegrass pasture for 7-day periods and herbage mass, extended tiller length and digestibility of the herbage consumed by the animals were estimated. Herbage intake by the ewes was estimated during weeks two to twelve and live weights were recorded weekly: during the last two weeks of the experiment grazing behaviour of one ewe on each treatment was recorded continuously.
Herbage intakes by the ewes (164, 1–81, 2–42 and 268 ± 0153 kg d-1) and live weight gains of the lambs (202, 245, 274 and 300 ± 7–3 g d-1) increased with increasing herbage allowances. Herbage intakes by the ewes and growth rates of their lambs increased up to a herbage allowance which was over five times the amount of herbage eaten by the ewes.
As the animals reduced herbage mass and sward height, biting rates by the ewes during grazing increased by 4 (± 0·08) bites min-1 cm-1 and masticating rates decreased. Mastications reached a maximum of 90 (± 3·5) min-1 at a sward surface height of 9 cm.  相似文献   

High (H; 27 350 m?1:) or low (L. 13 300 m-1) tiller density perennial ryegrass swards were created in the mid- and late grazing season by imposing different sward heights in the spring. Summer-calving cows then grazed these swards from 6 June to 2 September 1992 and were offered 5 kg fresh weight hd?1 d?1 of either a barley (S) or a molassed sugar beet pulp (F) based supplement. The factorial combination of sward and supplement types resulted in four experimental swards being grazed by thirteen Holstein/Friesian cows each. Supplement F contained more crude fibre (110 vs. 58 g kg?1) and less metabolizable energy [12–5 vs. 13–2 MJ kg?1 dry matter (DM)] than supplement S. Herbage on the H sward contained more metabolizable energy (11–9 vs. 104 MJ kg?1 DM) and crude protein (232 vs. 205 g kg?1 DM), had fewer rejected areas f 16–5 vs. 26–9%) and a higher live-dead tiller ratio (4–6 vs. 2–1) than that on the L sward. Sward, but not supplement type, significantly affected the intake of grazed herbage (P<0–001). On average, the herbage intakes of cows grazing II swards were higher than for L swards (14–5 vs. 11 6kg DM d?1) and those of cows on the S and F supplements were 12–6 and 13–5 kg DM d?1 respectively. Averaged over the grazing period, sward and supplement had no significant effects on milk yield, milk composition or yield of constituents. When expressed on an average weekly basis, cows grazing an L sward and offered the F supplement on occasions had significantly lower milk yields and higher milk fat contents (P<005) than those grazing an H sward and offered the S supplement. There were no significant effects on cow live weight or condition score change. The results suggested that grazing swards with a high density of live tillers increased herbage intakes and on occasions milk yield, relative to low density swards. However, small increases in energy intake from sward and supplement effects were used primarily to ameliorate liveweight loss.  相似文献   

Twenty-four British Friesian cows were allocated between six grazing treatments (two levels of herbage mass x three levels of daily herbage allowance) in a balanced change-over design with four periods of 12 d each at monthly intervals. Herbage OM mass ranged from 3790 to 5770 kg ha-1 measured to ground level and daily herbage DM allowances were 30, 60 and 90 g per kg animal live weight. Herbage OM intake was lower at high than at low herbage mass (24·6 vs 26·3 g per kg LW), and was 26·9, 26·6 and 22·9 g per kg LW respectively at daily herbage DM allowances of 90, 60 and 30 g per kg LW. Milk yield was not affected by herbage mass but was depressed at the low herbage allowance.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

Models to predict herbage intake were constructed using 168 dairy cow records from three grazing experiments. Variables included fell into three categories: animal state, sward state and animal behaviour. Linear regression models of varying complexity were obtained by removing variables from the best fitting model to reflect progressive lack of information availability on farms. Thus, behavioural variables were removed first, followed by sward surface height and milk fat concentration. Models were subject to outlier analysis and collinearity tests. Equivalent models were constructed using ridge regression to minimize collinearity problems. They were tested using 20 Holstein–Friesian dairy cows continuously stocked on a perennial ryegrass sward. A `best practice' treatment [7 cm sward surface height (SSH), 6 kg day−1 concentrate (C)] was used together with treatments of SSH5/C6, SSH7/C8, SSH7/C0 and SSH9/C6. The best model accounted for 0.37 of the variance in the estimation data and contained the following variables: concentrate intake, milk yield, milk fat concentration, days in milk, sward surface height and chewing rate while ruminating. Model performance against test data was generally poor. This was mainly because of consistent underprediction of herbage intake, caused in part by the higher average herbage intakes in the test data compared with the estimation data.  相似文献   

A framework for managing rotationally grazed pastures for dairy cattle which enables the cows’ energy and protein requirements to be met while simultaneously limiting the amount of N excreted in order to reduce N losses is described. The first objective is achieved by ensuring that lamina mass and the N concentration of herbage do not limit herbage intake or feeding value. The second objective is achieved by limiting N fertilizer supply or increasing the interval between defoliations to reduce the N concentration of herbage. Lower and upper thresholds for the N concentration of herbage and lamina mass were estimated from published data. The method is illustrated using two vegetative regrowths (beginning and end of spring) in a cutting experiment with two fertilizer treatments, 0 or 120 kg N ha?1 (?N and +N), and early or late cutting. Decreasing N supply led to a reduction in grazing management flexibility, i.e. the defoliation interval ranges which were compatible with the required sward characteristics (minimum lamina mass and N concentration of lamina) for herbage intake and to meet the protein requirements of dairy cows. Aiming for the upper threshold N concentration of herbage increased the minimum interval between defoliations only for the +N treatments. Nevertheless, grazing management flexibility remained the highest for the +N treatments.  相似文献   

To allow improved prediction of daily herbage intake of dairy cows in rotational grazing systems, intake behaviour was assessed throughout the day in 24‐h paddocks. Herbage intake in 16 lactating Holstein–Friesian cows was assessed using the short‐term (1‐h) weight gain method at four predetermined natural meal times throughout the day (early morning, T1; late morning, T2; mid‐afternoon, T3; and early evening, T4). The study comprised two 4‐day experiments, each with a cross‐over design of four blocks. In both experiments, cows grazed a 24‐h paddock daily, and the effect of the immediately previous grazing experience on intake behaviour was investigated throughout the day, taking account of daily fluctuations in the short‐term physiological condition of the cows. Experiment 1 was carried out to investigate overall grazing behaviour during meals as a sward is progressively depleted during the day, with intake being assessed within the paddock and, hence, on a depleted sward. Experiment 2 similarly investigated the effect of sward depletion and physiological condition throughout the day on intake, but cows were removed to fresh, undefoliated swards during intake measurement periods; thus, intake rate was not influenced by differences in sward condition. Intake behaviour from both experiments was compared to establish the effect on herbage intake of changes in sward state and non‐sward factors. In Experiment 1, sward surface height, available herbage mass, proportion of leaf and green leaf mass declined as the day progressed. Bite mass declined with sward depletion, and mean intake rate was 1·64 kg dry matter (DM) h–1, which was significantly lower at T3 (P < 0·01) than during other meals. In Experiment 2, plot sward conditions did not change throughout the day, and intake behaviour also remained constant, with a mean intake rate of 2·11 kg DM h–1. Mean bite depth as a proportion of pregrazing extended tiller height was constant throughout the day (mean 0·32). The results show that, although cows grazed throughout the day on progressively depleted swards, indicative of rotationally grazed paddocks (Experiment 1), bite mass declined linearly and intake behaviour was variable. However, where intake was assessed on high‐quality, undefoliated swards (Experiment 2), intake behaviour was similar regardless of the time of day and the immediately previous experience. There was some indication of an interaction between the effects of the sward and the physiological condition of the animal on herbage intake.  相似文献   

The results are reported of an examination of detailed measurements on the ingestive behaviour of calves and lambs in response to variations in the surface characteristics of swards under strip-grazing and continuous stocking managements. It is shown that intake per bite and the short-term rate of herbage intake were both sensitive to the height of the surface horizon above ground level but, at least under strip-grazing management, not to variations in herbage density in the grazed horizon. The rate of biting was less sensitive to variations in sward conditions, particularly under strip-grazing.
Both intake per bite and rate of intake were more sensitive to variations in grazing height under strip-grazing, where sward changes were rapid, than under continuous stocking, where they were slow. Under continuous stocking, ingestive behaviour was more sensitive to changes in sward conditions in lambs than in calves.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which two levels of winter feeding and three levels of herbage allowance during the grazing season were imposed upon March/April calving British Friesian dairy cows. The winter treatments resulted in differences in live weight and milk yield at turnout of 35 and 53 kg and 3·4 and 3·2 kg d-1 for the two trials. Subsequently, when grazed at generous herbage allowances, the cows were able to compensate for much of this difference but when herbage was restricted the milk yield differences were accentuated. Groups of cows from each winter treatment were offered 25, 50 or 75 (Experiment 1) and 30, 50 or 70 (Experiment 2) g herbage DM per kg LW daily during the grazing season. Daily herbage intakes on the three allowances in each trial were 14·1, 13·3, 10·7 and 12·5, 12·1, 11·5 kg OM and milk yields were 16·0, 15·3, 12·5 and 15·2, 14·3, 11·8 kg SCM respectively. Both intake and milk production were depressed once the cows were forced to consume more than 50% of herbage on offer or to graze the sward down to a mean height of less than 8–10 cm. Grazing behaviour observations indicated that under rotational managements the cows did not compensate for restrictions in available herbage by grazing longer. Highest levels of milk production per unit area were observed in both trials when production per cow was depressed by 20–25%.  相似文献   

Groups of calves and lambs grazed on plots of S23 perennial ryegrass, in successive periods of 2, 2 and 3 weeks, at stocking rates which resulted in a slow change in herbage mass on each plot and measurements were made of ingestive behaviour (biting rate, bite size and grazing time) and herbage intake. As the green herbage mass was progressively reduced from approx. 3000 to 1000 kg OM per ha between periods, biting rate and grazing time increased, but insufficiently to offset the rapid fall in bite size so that herbage intake declined by 24% and 39% for calves and lambs respectively. Patterns of response were similar in calves and lambs, though in all parameters except biting rate the lambs appeared to be more sensitive than the calves to changes in sward conditions and there was no evidence that lambs were better adapted to grazing on short swards than calves. Intake increased in both calves and lambs up to levels of 2500–3000 kg green OM per ha, though this response may have been attributable in part to the reinforcing effects of increasing herbage mass and diet digestibility. Lambs consistently selected a more digestible diet than calves. Both calves and lambs increased grazing time substantially in response to limiting sward conditions, in contrast to results in earlier strip-grazing trials with calves, thus supporting the suggestion that the lack of response under strip-grazing is a characteristic of the management imposed.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding either traditional concentrates containing starch or high quality fibrous concentrates on the performance of grazing dairy cows was examined in a trial in which cows were given concentrates with either 350 g starch and sugars (kg dry matter (DM))-1 (high-starch) or 100 g starch and sugars (kg DM)-1 (high-fibre). The swards used consisted predominantly of perennial ryegrass and were usually aftermaths following cutting. Each area was grazed for 3 or 4 d at each grazing and a two-machine sward-cutting technique was used for estimating herbage intake.
The effect of concentrate composition on the herbage intake of grazing cows at a high daily herbage allowance of 28 kg OM above 4 cm cutting height was investigated in 1983 and 1984. With 54 kg OM d-1 of high-starch concentrates the mean herbage intake was 11·5 kg OM d-1 per cow while cows fed 5.3 kg d-1 of high-fibre concentrates consumed on average 12–6 kg OM d-1. The mean substitution rate of herbage by concentrates was reduced from 0·45 kg herbage OM (kg concentrate OM)-1 with the high-starch concentrate to 0·21 with the high-fibre concentrates.
The effect of the treatments on milk production was studied in 1984. The cows consumed 5·5 kg OM d-1 as concentrates and grazed at a lower herbage allowance of 19 kg OM above 4 cm cutting height. With high-fibre concentrates milk production and 4% fat-corrected milk production were 13 and 1·8 kg d-1, respectively, higher than with the high-starch treatment. The daily live weight gain with the high-starch concentrates was 0·17 kg per cow more than with the high-fibre concentrates.  相似文献   

Three contrasting defoliation regimes for dairy cows—four cuts annually, severe rotational grazing and lax rotational grazing integrated with cutting—were compared in terms of herbage production, selection and intake per cow. Lax and severe grazing were compared simultaneously and grazing intensity was characterized by means of changes in herbage mass and sward height during grazing.
Herbage growth and yield were similar under cutting, severe grazing and lax grazing/cutting (120 t organic matter (OM) ha−1). Herbage quality and leaf production were highest with severe grazing, which also had a less marked seasonal pattern of growth. The herbage intake per cow was 111 kg OM d−1 with severe grazing and proportionately (0-20) higher at lax grazing/ cutting. 050 of the herbage yield was harvested by cutting at lax grazing/cutting. Selectivity was described with high certainly by the nutrient content prior to defoliation and by the degree of defoliation. Models to quantify this are presented.
Grazing intensity could be described by the size and degree of utilization of the fouled area, and herbage intake was quantified by means of herbage height before and after grazing. Within the range of 80-240 mm sward height prior to grazing, height measurements led to realistic and more accurate estimates than those obtained by measuring organic matter disappearance.
Herbage utilization was depressed significantly by increasing maturity of herbage due to lower nutritive value, but in particular due to reduced green leaf content and increased reproductive development. If sward height did not exceed 250 mm at any time, good utilization by grazing could be obtained.  相似文献   

The n-alkane technique for estimating herbage intake and diet selection in dairy cows fed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)/white clover (Trifolium repens) herbages was evaluated. Pairs of animals were offered either 8, 10, 12 or 14 kg dry matter (DM) d?1 of herbage alone or with 2 kg DM d?1 of barley. Fresh herbage was cut daily from a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward and the appropriate amount was fed in four feeds during the day. Individual intakes and the white clover proportion of the diet were estimated during a 12-d period using the n-alkane technique. Animals were dosed twice daily with paper pellets containing dotriacontane (C32-alkane). Faecal grab samples were collected after the morning and afternoon milking. Three least-squares optimization methods were compared in calculating the white clover proportion in the diet; then, total DM intake was calculated. The different least-squares optimization methods gave similar predictions of the white clover content of the forage consumed. No significant (P < 0.05) effects of sampling routine, concentrate (barley) fed or interactions between the two were detected with respect to the difference between calculated and actual intake, the difference as a proportion of the total intake and estimated white clover content of the diet. The difference between the calculated and actual intake ranged from 139 to 366 g DM d ?1, which resulted in a proportional difference ranging from 0.004 to 0.02 depending on sampling routine. The actual white clover content of the herbage mixture fed was 0.42 ± 0.008, whereas the estimated white clover content ranged from 0.41 ± 0.006 to 0.43 ± 0.008. The results suggest that accurate herbage intake estimates can be achieved in dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass/white clover swards if representative samples from herbage consumed can be collected.  相似文献   

The prediction of both food intake and milk production constitutes a major issue in ruminants. This article presents a model predicting voluntary dry matter intake and milk production by lactating cows fed indoors. This model, with an extension to predict herbage intake at grazing presented in a second article, is used in the Grazemore decision support system. The model is largely based on the INRA fill unit system, consisting of predicting separately the intake capacity of the cows and the fill value (ingestibility) of each feed. The intake capacity model considers potential milk production as a key component of voluntary feed intake. This potential milk production represents the energy requirement of the mammary gland, adjusted by protein supply when the protein availability is limiting. Actual milk production is predicted from the potential milk production and from the nutritional status of the cow. The law of response of milk production is a function of the difference between energy demand and actual energy intake, modulated by protein intake level. The simulation of experimental data from different feeding trials illustrates the performance of the model. This new model enables dynamic simulations of intake and milk production sensitive to feeding management during the whole lactation period.  相似文献   

Decision support tools to help dairy farmers gain confidence in grazing management need to be able to predict performance of grazing animals with easy‐to‐obtain variables on farm. This paper, the second of a series of three, describes the GrazeIn model predicting herbage intake for grazing dairy cows. The model of voluntary intake described in the first paper is adapted to grazing situations taking account of sward characteristics and grazing management, which can potentially affect intake compared to indoor feeding. Rotational and continuously stocked grazing systems are considered separately. Specific effects of grazing management on intake were quantified from an extensive literature review, including the effect of daily herbage allowance and pre‐grazing herbage mass in rotational grazing systems, sward surface height in continuously stocked grazing systems, and daily time at pasture in both grazing systems. The model, based on iterative procedures, estimates many interactions between cows, supplements, sward characteristics and grazing management. The sensitivity of the prediction of herbage intake to sward and management characteristics, as well as the robustness of the simulations and an external validation of the GrazeIn model with an independent data set, is presented in a third paper.  相似文献   

The effects of short grazing intervals in the early part of the grazing season on the growth and utilization of grass herbage, and the performance of grazing dairy cows, in a rotational grazing system were examined. Seventy-six cows were allocated to two grazing treatments: a normal rotation treatment (20-d rotations for the first 60 d) and a short rotation treatment (12-, 8-, 8-, 8-, 12- and 12-day rotations). Thereafter, both treatments had the same grazing interval and over the season as a whole both treatments received the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer and were stocked at the same rate. The short rotation treatment significantly reduced pre- and post-grazing sward heights and pre-grazing herbage mass in May and June. Total herbage production was significantly lower on the short than the normal rotation treatment as a result of a significant reduction in the growth rate of herbage in May and June. The short rotation treatment had a significantly lower milk output per cow. Grazing shorter swards, as a result of shorter rotations, significantly reduced herbage intake, reflecting reductions in intake per bite, grazing time and total bites per day. Treatment had no significant effect on herbage quality or pre- and post-grazing sward height in August and September, despite the increased grazing severity in May and June with the short rotations. The severity of rotation length in this instance had a detrimental impact on animal performance, whereas a more modest reduction in grazing interval may control herbage production, without reducing animal performance.  相似文献   

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