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Urban development typically has extensive and intensive effects on native ecosystems, including vegetation communities and their associated biota. Increasingly, urban planning strives to retain elements of native ecosystems to meet multiple social and ecological objectives. The ecological integrity of native forests in an urbanizing landscape is challenged by a myriad of impacts, such as forest management and invasive species. Environmental protection efforts in the Lake Tahoe basin, spanning the California/Nevada border in the Sierra Nevada mountains, over the past half century have resulted in the retention of thousands of parcels of remnant native forest located throughout the urbanizing landscape. The basin landscape provides an opportunity to evaluate the effects of land development on the composition and structure of remnant native forests along a gradient of urbanization. We sampled 118 sites located in remnant forests in the lower montane zone surrounded by 0–70% development. We also sampled forest structure in the landscape surrounding 75 of these sites to evaluate the contribution of remnant forests to the retention of native forest elements in the larger landscape. We characterized plant species composition and cover, vertical structure, and the density of trees, snags, and logs, as well as levels of ground disturbance and human activity. We found that remnant native forests retained much of their compositional and structural character along the development gradient, including large tree density, total canopy cover, and plant species richness. Notable exceptions were reductions in the density and decay stage of snags and logs, and the density of understory trees. We also observed increases in the richness and cover of herb and grass species and increases in the number of exotic plant species. In contrast, structural complexity was reduced in the landscape surrounding forest remnants in all measures except large tree density. We conclude that remnant native forests contribute significantly to maintaining native species in an urbanizing landscape, and that land conservation practices have an important role to play in protecting native forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

乡土树种是创建国家生态文明城市的重要保障。为满足城市园林建设的需要,基于广州乡土植物名录,筛选出一批适合华南地区城市绿化的乡土树种。从景观与美学价值、生态与资源价值、科研价值和适应能力4个方面构建了广州、华南地区乡土树种筛选与评价体系,确定了20个评价指标,运用层次分析法(AHP),针对乡土树种共99科327属609种进行了综合评价。共筛选出优良I级树种104种,II级树种156种,III级树种162种,IV树种187种,建议选取前2级进行开发利用。基于综合评价结果,筛选了包括观赏树种、硬木类树种、湿地适宜树种等9类乡土特色树种。  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge has influenced native species selection in agroforestry systems worldwide. However, scientific advancements in plant sciences, agroforestry technologies and trade have accelerated species movements and establishment beyond their native range. Managing native and non-native species is an important area of research in agroforestry and this thematic issue includes 13 papers that cover a range of topics from the role of non-native species in agroforestry to management interventions to improve yield. As evident from these papers, non-native plants are still an important component of agroforestry in many parts of the world. Whether native or non-native, management interventions can increase the economic, environmental and social values of these species and that of agroforestry. Collectively, these papers attest to the increasing body of foundational knowledge in agroforestry.  相似文献   

乡土树种概念及其简易判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡土树种含义明确,尽人皆知,却难于判定。为了提高乡土树种的判定能力,从分析乡土树种概念及其应用价值入手,研究了树种俗名的命名原因、命名方式,认为俗名具有与文献记载相同的记录价值,可以用作乡土树种判定标准,并简略定义乡土树种为土生土长有土名的树种。最后概要介绍,在走访调查俗名的过程中,要注意避免方言差异引起的误听误记。  相似文献   

The Andes of Ecuador are known for their outstanding biodiversity but also as the region with the highest deforestation rate in South America. This process is accompanied by accelerating degradation and loss of environmental services. Despite an extraordinary richness in native tree diversity, more than 90% of all forest plantations established in Ecuador consist of exotic species, primarily Eucalyptus spp. and Pinus spp. This is mainly due to the lack of information about the autecological and synecological requirements of the native species.  相似文献   

亮叶木莲(Manglietia lucida)为木兰科常绿乔木,原产于我国云南。其树姿优美,叶大浓绿,花艳典雅,极具观赏价值。文章对亮叶木莲的形态特征、分布和生态、生长发育、繁殖栽培及园林应用进行了介绍,以为其在园林绿化推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The composition and structure of vegetation within riparian buffers prior to, and immediately post-harvesting in a managed radiata pine (Pinus radiata D.Don) forest is described and compared with riparian buffers in residual adjoining native forest on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. One hundred and twenty-one species (71% native) representing life forms from grasses to trees were recorded. The highest species richness, including both native and adventive (non-native) species, was found in riparian buffers in the post-harvest and native reference sites which had 18–25 species per site. Riparian buffers in mature pine plantations contained a mix of native species that was generally similar to, and not significantly reduced in species richness, from the reference native forest. Native species comprised 82–92% of the total cover in mature pre-harvest sites (irrespective of riparian width), and 99.8% in native reference sites. Compared with native forest the principal difference was a reduction of total cover in the upper tiers (5–12 m), and some increase in cover in the lower tiers. Adventive species in post-harvest sites comprised 16–67% of the total cover and were most frequently found in riparian areas highly disturbed by recent harvesting of the pines, particularly where riparian buffers were narrow or absent. Invasion by light-demanding adventives is expected to be temporary and most species are likely to be shaded out as the new rotation of pine trees develops. Radiata pine plantations in Whangapoua Forest can provide suitable conditions for the development of riparian buffer zones that will become dominated by native species, similar in richness and structure to neighbouring native forest.  相似文献   

The Portuguese Landrace of Eucalyptus globulus is of unknown origin, with the earliest plantings of this tree species dating back to the early 19th century. In Portugal it is currently a major seed source for plantations and is also used in breeding programs. Eucalyptus globulus is native to south-eastern Australia. The substantial genetic differentiation of chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers between different native geographic races of this species allowed us to uncover the Australian origins of the Portuguese Landrace and to study its genetic diversity. To achieve this, we sequenced a highly polymorphic region of chloroplast DNA from 47 Portuguese Landrace individuals, and genotyped 34 of these using seven nuclear microsatellites. We compared these individuals to those in a database comprising chloroplast DNA sequence profiles from 292 native trees and seven nuclear microsatellites from 372 native trees. The majority of the Portuguese Landrace samples had closest affinities, in both marker systems, to native trees from south-eastern Tasmania, but some had affinities to trees from south-eastern Victoria. The discrepancies in the affinities indicated by chloroplast versus nuclear DNA markers could be explained by inter-race hybridisation after introduction. The genetic diversity in the Portuguese Landrace was less than that found in native E. globulus at the species level, but was similar to the average diversity found in native races of the species. This study demonstrates the power of using independent marker systems to identify the origins and diversity of domesticated populations, by comparison with variation in native stands.  相似文献   

The suitability of plantation monocultures for the conservation of forest animals is an issue under continous debate. The adaptability of forest dwellers and the forest management regime seem to play key roles. In this study, I investigated the habitat selection of a generalist bird, the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), within a pine (Pine spp.) monoculture, as well as the importance of the native habitat features within the pine matrix for the species’ conservation. I compared 52 plots with woodpecker presence against 121 plots where the species was absent, as well as 68 nest-trees against 90 random ones. Regression analyses were used to investigate the habitat attributes involved in the habitat selection. Although the great spotted woodpecker is considered a generalist forest dweller, it shows a marked habitat selection. Based on presence/absence records, the woodpecker prefers well-forested patches with high levels of tree diversity and with good coverage of a secondary species such as the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). To excavate their nests, woodpeckers select large trees in patches where other trees are also larger, rejecting patches with a high number of small trees. The most striking conclusion from this work is the preference shown for native trees, especially Portuguese oaks (Quercus faginea), as nest-trees. This is noteworthy because native trees are smaller and they are surrounded by smaller trees than pines. These findings support that woodpecker conservation benefits from an increase of habitat heterogeneity, particularly by the retention of native woodland patches within the plantation matrix.  相似文献   

An on-line survey during August–September 2006 examined community attitudes toward private native forestry. Views expressed by the 156 respondents confirmed prior hypotheses that attitudes would correlate with associations (e.g. professionals in favour of incentives, farmers in favour of freedom to manage, conservationists in favour of regulations), and with interest (biodiversity enthusiasts in favour of regulations, producers in favour of incentives), but refuted the prior hypotheses that urban dwellers would be more likely to favour regulations. Respondents appear to reflect different constituencies with divergent views without a shared understanding of the condition and dynamics of private native forests in NSW. This indicates the need for more extension and public education, particularly since forests continue to be an election issue. The survey did not gauge support for private native forestry, but helps to untangle the views from the constituencies promoting them. Regulatory approaches received most support from respondents affiliated with an environmental group, with a national concern for biodiversity, who fear that private native forests are in poor condition and will degrade further. Advocates for more landholder freedom tend to be landholders who believe that private native forests are in better condition than comparable State Forests, and who are optimistic about the future for private native forests. Advocates for incentives tend to be urban dwellers with a production focus and professional affiliation.  相似文献   

Plantations cover a substantial amount of Earth's terrestrial surface and this area is expected to increase dramatically in the coming decades. Pinus plantations make up approximately 32% of the global plantation estate. They are primarily managed for wood production, but have some capacity to support native fauna. This capacity likely varies with plantation management. We examined changes in the richness and frequency of occurrence of bird species at 32 plots within a Pinus radiata plantation (a management unit comprising multiple Pinus stands) in south-eastern Australia. Plots were stratified by distance to native forest, stand age class and thinning regime. We also assessed the landscape context of each plot to determine relationships between bird assemblages and stand and landscape-level factors. Bird species richness was significantly higher at plots ≥300 m from native forest and in mature (∼20 years since planting) and old (∼27 years since planting) thinned pine stands. We were able to separate the often confounding effects of stand age and thinning regime by including old stands that had never been thinned. These stands had significantly fewer species than thinned stands suggesting thinning regime, not age is a key factor to improving the capacity of pine plantations to support native species (although an age × thinning interaction may influence this result). At the landscape level, species richness increased in pine stands when they were closer to native riparian vegetation. There were no significant differences in species composition across plots. Our study indicates the importance of stand thinning and retention of native riparian vegetation in improving the value of pine plantations for the conservation of native fauna.  相似文献   

尾赤桉DH191-4是东门林场采用印度尼西亚的尾叶桉U48(母本)和澳大利亚的赤桉CM(父本)进行人工杂交,利用杂优模式选育的桉树新品种(桂S-SC-EUC-011-2013),2013年经广西壮族自治区良种委员会审定为桉树良种.本文简介了该品种的选育研究过程,并对其特征特性、适应性、栽培技术要点作了简述.  相似文献   

Background: Prosopis species have been introduced to many areas outside their native range to provide benefits to local communities. Several Prosopis species and their hybrids(hereafter "mesquite") have, however, become naturalised and invasive and now generate substantial costs. Management options are limited because of the complex conflicts of interest regarding benefits and costs. Management policies and strategies must take account of such conflicts, but further insights are needed on the dimensions of uses and impacts before such information can be usefully applied. Current policy in South Africa allows for the growth and use of mesquite in one province,but not in others where its control is mandatory. We report on a study to quantify the direct use and perceptions of non-timber forest products(NTFPs) from mesquite and native trees in South Africa.Methods: Semi-structures household interviews were conducted with various stakeholder groups to identify what tree products are used, to ascertain amounts used as well as to gauge perceptions of natural resource use between different tree species and use over time.Results: The direct household use value of native trees was higher than that of mesquite, and local stakeholders attached greater value to products from native trees than from mesquite. Therefore, native trees are and will still be preferentially harvested, and mesquite is unlikely to offer protection to native species by providing an alternative source of products. Mesquite pods do, however, provide valuable additional resources(fodder and medicinal products). The use of both native trees and mesquite is decreasing as the incomes of poorer households rise and as alternative energy sources become available. The benefits and reliance on mesquite are not as high as previously assumed and the impacts from mesquite invasions create large problems for local communities.Conclusion: This study provides further evidence that the impacts of mesquite exceed the benefits, lending support for a policy to reduce negative impacts.  相似文献   

The last remains of native laurel forest in the Azores are highly threatened by the spread of invasive plants. Because landslides are very frequent in these islands, conservation of native laurel forest requires knowledge of the patterns of bird-dispersed seed rain into forest gaps. We monitored 78 seed traps over 1 year to investigate (1) the role of perches in attracting avian dispersers into gaps, (2) temporal patterns in the dispersal of exotic and native seeds, (3) how seed rain affects vegetation establishment in gaps at different distances from the native forest and (4) whether the caloric content of fruits could explain the number of seeds dispersed. Perches were highly effective in concentrating avian seed dispersal. While some native fruits are produced all year-round, most exotic plants set fruits during the main peak of the native fruit production (August–November). Most seeds recovered from the traps were native, and native seed rain inside the native forest was higher than in gaps. However, deposition of exotic seeds was not affected by distance from native forest. Seed dispersal frequencies monitored by seed traps and by faecal analysis were correlated with each other, but not with fruit caloric content, suggesting that other factors are more important that the nutritional value in predicting avian fruit choice. Forest restoration activities should take into consideration that seed dispersal decreases sharply beyond 100 m from native forest and the attractive potential of perches to direct natural seed dispersal into forest gaps.  相似文献   


Forest rehabilitation is when a desired tree species is planted in degraded forests or lands. Rehabilitation by planting a single tree species is a common way to restore exploited forests to maintain ecological processes. We compared woody and herbaceous understory vegetation between forests rehabilitated by mahogany (N = 12) or teak (N = 12) planted from 1941 until 2003 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Understory vegetation of these areas was compared with that of three native forests. Species richness, species diversity, density of plants and proportion of native plants did not differ between the rehabilitated areas and the native forest. Recently rehabilitated areas were different from the native forests while 41–74 yr after rehabilitation, characteristics of understory vegetation approached those of native forest. We described species composition using ordination, and found it to differ between areas rehabilitated with teak and with mahogany and, particularly, between the rehabilitated areas and the native forests. Time since rehabilitation and tree species planted were important for the species composition of understory vegetation. We conclude that the selection of species for rehabilitation and letting rehabilitated areas mature are important for understory development and species diversity.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the accumulation of litter of an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, on the initial establishment of Schima mertensiana, a tree native to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, in field and greenhouse experiments. The field experiment compared emergence of seedlings in forests dominated by C. equisetifolia with those in native forests, with and without litter removal. The greenhouse experiment compared seedling germination and biomass among 12 treatments that included two soil types (collected from the C. equisetifolia and native forests), two litter types (C. equisetifolia and native litter), and three amounts of litter (5, 15, or 45 g/pot). Significantly fewer S. mertensiana seedlings emerged at sites dominated by C. equisetifolia than at sites of native species in the field experiment. Litter removal tended to increase seedling emergence. Fewer and smaller S. mertensiana seedlings germinated with greater litter cover regardless of soil type or litter type in the greenhouse experiment. Our results demonstrate that C. equisetifolia litter suppresses germination and initial growth of S. mertensiana, and that the main cause of the suppression is the greater amount of litter accumulated under C. equisetifolia forest floor rather than factors such as the nature of the soil or litter between native and alien species.  相似文献   

黄敏怡 《广东园林》2010,32(4):42-46
通过对广州市进行踏查,就48种乡土灌木以其生长适应性、观赏特性及物候性为研究内容,运用层次分析法(AHP法)建立评价系统,结合聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)对评价结果进行剖析阐述。依据聚类结果,探讨乡土灌木在园林绿化和景观营建中的应用价值与效果,旨在为乡土灌木的应用提供定量与定性依据,大力推广乡土灌木在城市园林景观配植中的运用。  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to improve the growth and biomass of Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.(an endangered leguminous tree) using native microbial symbionts such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium associated with native populations of P.santalinus.The native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolated from P.santalinus soils were identified as(1) Glomus fasciculatum;(2)Glomus geosporum;and Glomus aggregatum.A nitrogenfixing microbial symbiont was isolated from the root nodules of P.santalinus and identified as Rhizobium aegyptiacum by16 s rRNA gene sequencing.These microbial symbionts were inoculated individually and in combination into P.santalinus seedling roots.After 90 days,growth and biomass had improved compared with uninoculated controls.Shoot and root lengths,number of leaves,stem circumference,number of root nodules,biomass,nutrient uptake and seedling quality index were significantly increased by a combined inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi+Rhizobium aegyptiacum.It was concluded that native microbial symbionts positively influenced P.santalinus seedling growth which will be helpful for successful field establishment.  相似文献   

吴小娴 《中国城市林业》2015,13(3):21-23,38
高校校园绿化是绿化美化与校园文化建设的有机结合。生态化、个性化的校园绿化环境能够满足师生需求,有助于丰富景观内涵、提升学校品牌。校园绿化树种优化及合理配植,是高校校园绿化工作的基础。乡土树种的应用凸显高校校园文化在地化建设成果,符合高校生态型、节约型校园建设需求。重视并运用乡土树种对于构建可持续发展的大学校园绿化体系具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Tree invasions cause important conservation problems, such as changes in plant community composition, reduced regeneration rates of native species, and alteration in landscape structures. One of the most invasive tree genera in the world is Acacia (Fabaceae). In Chile, Acacia dealbata Link is distributed in the mediterranean zone, mostly associated with roadsides and anthropogenic disturbances. In this paper we address the following questions: How does A. dealbata perform across a gradient of native forest and invasive stands? Will it be capable of establishing itself in non-invaded native forests and regenerating under its own canopy in the absence of disturbances? From a contrasting viewpoint, will native species such as Cryptocarya alba (Molina) Looser and Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst be able to survive in an A. dealbata stand, allowing re-colonization of the invaded area? We conducted survival and growth experiments on A. dealbata seedlings in three sites near Concepción, Chile (36°S-72°W) under three conditions: under Acacia stand, in a close native forest and on an intermediate matrix between these two conditions. We compared this to the performance of two native trees (Cryptocarya alba and Nothofagus obliqua). Results showed that A. dealbata and C. alba have high growth and establishment capacities within the native forest, but on the intermediate matrix only A. dealbata can grow and survive. C. alba survives at significantly higher rates than A. dealbata within Acacia stand. Nothofagus obliqua only survive at a very low rate in the native forest. Without disturbances, A. dealbata would be successful on the intermediate matrix and within native forest, while C. alba seems capable of surviving and establishing itself in invaded areas, thereby contributing to recovery and restoration of natural spaces. The interplay between Acacia dealbata and the native vegetation may show us a larger picture of how invasive species are capable of expanding even into forested ecosystems and, furthermore, how we can restore native vegetation and avoid further invasion.  相似文献   

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