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第一章总则第一条本协会的中文名称:中国饲料工业协会(以下简称“本协会”)。本协会的英文译名:CHINAFEEDINDUSTRYASSOCIATION,缩写:CFIA。第二条本协会是经国务院批准成立的、具有法人资格的全国饲料工业行业社会团体,是联系政府和饲料工业行业企事业单位、社会团体和个人的非  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 本协会的中文名称,内蒙古自治区饲料工业协会(以下简称“本协会”)。本协会的英文译名:INNER MONGOLIA FEED INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION,缩写:IMFIA。  相似文献   

广东省饲料工业协会章程(广东省饲料工业协会第二次会员代表大会通过)第一章总则第一条广东省饲料工业协会(以下简称协会)是经省政府批准、民政厅注册登记的跨地区、跨部门、跨所有制的从事饲料行业的科研、生产、流通等企事业单位、社会团体和个人自愿组成的自律性团...  相似文献   

2010年1月14日,2009年湖南省饲料工业协会年会在长沙隆重举行。来自全省各市州饲料工业协会(办公室)的负责人以及全体会员代表共计400多人欢聚一堂,参加了此次年会。  相似文献   

我代表中国饲料工业协会、全国饲料工业办公室,对吉林省正式成立饲料工业协会表示热烈的祝贺!现就饲料工业协会的组织、工作等方面的问题,谈几点粗浅认识,供大家研讨。一、饲料工业在国民经济和社会发展中具有重要位置饲料工业是多部门、多学科、多经济成分的产业,要充分发挥粮食、农业、畜牧、水产、农垦、乡镇、医药、化工.轻工、机械、地矿、有色金属、外贸、林业、军队等有关  相似文献   

根据《中国饲料工业协会推荐产品评选办法》,1997年中国饲料工业协会开展了推荐仔猪、生长肥育猪配合饲料和仔猪、生长肥育猪浓缩饲料的活动.按推荐程序,在各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市饲料工业协会推荐的基础上,中国饲料工业协会组织专家对生产企业的规模、质量体系、产品质量水平、经济技术指标、饲料标签和产品抽样检验结果进行综合评定,以下69个企业的118个产品符合中国饲料工业协会推荐产品推荐条件,由中国饲料工业协会确认为“1997年中国饲料工业协会推荐产品”.现公布如下(排列不分先后):  相似文献   

[本刊讯]2月26日,广东省饲料工业协会年会在羊城隆重举行.中国饲料工业协会副会长王维四,全国饲料工业办公室副主任季之华,中国饲料工业协会副秘书长王随元,中国饲料工业协会宣传处主任单钟莅临会议.广东省贸易委员会副主任黄年顺,广东省饲料工业协会会长吴菊生,广东省饲料工业协会副会长游世强,广东省饲料工业协会秘书长朱阳生出席会议.来自广东省21个地级市团体会员单位及省直有关部门、科研院所的400多名代表欢聚一堂,总结交流经验,共商发展大计,显示了广东省饲料工业行业的雄厚实力和勃勃生机.  相似文献   

自贡市食品饲料工业协会随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展 ,该协会已不能适应发展的需要。经充分酝酿准备、协商 ,得到自贡市政府和民政部门的大力支持 ,于 1 999年 1 1月2 6日成立了自贡市饲料工业协会 ,由原自贡市副市长杨锦华同志担任会长 ,陈一爽副市长作名誉会长。自贡市饲料工业协会的成立 ,必将更有力地促进该市饲料工业的健康发展自贡市饲料工业协会成立$四川省饲料工业办公室  相似文献   

由中国饲料工业协会和美国大豆协会主办、中国农业科学院饲料研究所承办的膨化技术专题讲座近期在中国农业科学院举行.参加讲座的有中国饲料工业协会秘书长刘金波、中国农业科学院饲料研究所所长白韵如、美国大豆协会饲料技术主任熊易强以及来自北京、天津、山西等省市大专院校、科研和饲料生产代表共100余人  相似文献   

根据中饲协[1998]34号文件《关于开展98年度“中国饲料工业协会推荐产品”和“中国饲料工业协会推荐高新科技产品”工作的通知》,1998—1999年中国饲料工业协会开展了推荐鸡、猪配合饲料和单一饲料(饲料原料)的饲料级磷酸氢钙产品的活动。按推荐程序,在各省、自治区、直辖市饲料工业协会推荐的基础上,中国饲料工业协会组织专家对生产企业的规模、质量体系、产品质量水平(卫生指标、药  相似文献   

Data from a mastitis control programme involving 158 herds in northern Norway are presented. The association between housing factors and indoor climate variables, and the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and herd cell count was calculated from a least squares model by a backward elimination procedure. Ten to 23% of the herd udder health variation at the start of the programme was associated with environmental variables. The following variables were found to be of significance: herd size, hoof trimming, lactation age, stall floor surface, type of stall, stall width, stall length, presence or absence of a grating over dung channel, single-/double-glazed windows and ambient humidity.  相似文献   

兽医协会早已有之,界定各国兽医协会历史比较困难。兽医协会一般均从兽医学会分立或隶属于兽医学会。兽医协会以会员利益为主体,服务于兽医行业,保护动物福利和健康。协会多由委员会及下属理事会构成。理事会是协会运作的主体,分设各职能分会、部门或机构。协会会员多需要经过正式的学术教育,且通过国家或地方兽医资格考试,有些国家还要求会员是注册兽医。兽医资格考试分为理论考试和临床技能考试。多数国家只需要通过理论考试,有些国家还需要通过临床技能考试。欧美国家还设有专科考试。  相似文献   

SUMMARY To investigate husbandry-disease associations in farmed crocodiles 7 farms in Queensland and the Northern Territory were visited and details of past and present farm design and husbandry practices were recorded. In addition pathological examination of 300 (mostly young) crocodiles was carried out (85 necropsied, one biopsied and 214 examined retrospectively). Mortality rate and occurrence of disease, especially opportunistic infections with bacteria and fungi, were highest during winter months and in farms located at greater latitudes. A difference in the presence and prevalence of disease between the initial establishment phase of Northern Territory crocodile farms (1984–87) and currently (1988–91) was apparent; parasitic infections are now relatively infrequent and bacterial septicaemias and mycoses less common as a result of some provision of artificial heating for juveniles. Gross and microscopic changes observed in visceral and periarticular gout, bacterial hepatitis/septicaemia, deep and superficial mycosis, pentastomiasis and other parasitic infections are described.  相似文献   

One classic system of pulsed resource and animal population is mast seeding and population dynamics of seed-eating rodents in forests. However, we still lack an understanding of the global patterns regarding the contributions of seed falls to rodent outbreaks or population dynamics. We analyzed a global dataset of coupled long-term time series of seed abundances and rodent populations from published literature, including 66 and 89 time series (156 rodent–seed pairs from 37 studies) for rodent and seed abundances, respectively. We found only half of the examined rodent populations showed statistically significant coincidence between rodent outbreak and mast-seeding years. Over all the coupled time series, seed abundance was found to positively correlate with rodent abundance with a one-year lag, and the relative importance of seed abundance was much lower than that of density dependence in affecting rodent population growth rates. We also found the relative importance of seed abundance decreased, but that of rodent density dependence increased with the latitude of study. For the first time, our work provides a global pattern on the associations between seed falls and rodent population dynamics mostly in mid- and high-latitude forests, and highlights the necessity of more long-term studies on this subject in more forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. An F2 resource population of Gushi chickens crossed with Anka broilers was used to investigate the genetic effects of the chicken PNPLA3 gene on growth and adipose accumulation.

2. Associations between three SNPs (g.40006G?>?T, g.42344T?>?C and g.42404A?>?T) and broiler traits were determined using linkage disequilibrium, haplotype construction and association analysis.

3. The g.40006G?>?T mutation was associated with body weights at 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks of age, carcass weight, evisceration weight and semi-evisceration weight (P? 4. Haplotypes of the g.42344T?>?C and g.42404A?>?T mutations were associated with body weight at 12 weeks, carcass weight, evisceration weight, and semi-evisceration weight (P? 5. The results suggest that the PNPLA3 gene may be in linkage with the causative mutation or a QTL controlling growth traits in chickens. In contrast to human studies, the polymorphisms were not associated with fat related traits.  相似文献   

The present study examined factors associated with suckling, eating and postural behaviors (standing, lying and sitting) and the relationships between sow behaviors and reproductive performance. A commercial farrowing-to-finish farm with approximately 300 female pigs was visited eight times for 3 years to record sow behaviors using time-lapse video recorders for 24 hr. The lactational and postweaning reproductive performances of each sow were recorded using a recording software system. Statistical models were built to investigate the factors associated with each behavior. Regression analyses were performed to determine the associations between behavior measurements and adjusted 21-day litter weights (A21d-Wt), weaning-to-first-mating intervals (WMI) and occurrence of >or= 2 dead piglets during lactation. The means of suckling intervals and frequency of postural changes of the 145 recorded sows were 47.5 +/- 0.59 min and 86.8 +/- 2.97, respectively. As parity increased from 1 to >or= 4, the suckling interval and total standing duration increased (P<0.05). The number of nursing piglets and observation days 4 to 21 of lactation were not associated with the suckling intervals. A longer duration of lactation was associated with a longer total standing duration and a higher frequency of postural changes (P<0.05). Shorter suckling intervals were associated with heavier A21d-Wt (P<0.05). Each change in postural behavior increased the likelihood of occurrence of >or= 2 dead piglets during lactation (P<0.05). No postural or suckling behaviors were associated with WMI. Eating behavior was not associated with any reproductive performance. In conclusion, sow behaviors during lactation were related to lactational performance but were not related to postweaning reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The associations between individual foot lesions and different types of floor were investigated in 4038 finishing pigs on 21 units. The overall prevalence of foot lesions was 93.8 per cent and the prevalence ranged from 79.4 per cent to 100 per cent on different units. Analysis showed that pigs kept on bedded floors, with either sparse or deep straw, had a lower prevalence of sole erosions, heel erosions and heel flaps and a higher prevalence of white line lesions, false sand cracks, wall separations and toe erosions than pigs kept on bare solid concrete floors. Partially slatted floors were associated with an increased prevalence of heel erosions, heel flaps, white line lesions, wall separations and false sand cracks, and totally slatted floors were associated with an increased prevalence of sole erosions and heel flaps.  相似文献   

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