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关于发展农产品和农资连锁经营的意见 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2003年3月14日农业部发布农牧发[2003]3号文件 ,公布了《农业部关于发展农产品和农资连锁经营的意见》 ,现刊发全文 ,以飨读者。 相似文献
一、开展农产品加工推进行动的重要意义。改革开放以来,我国农产品加工业获得迅速发展。目前,已成为国民经济的一支重要力量和新的增长点。但与发达国家相比,我国农产品加工业还存在很大差距,如农产品加工业产值与农业产值比例,发达国家平均为3:1,而我国只有0.6:1加入WTO后,我国农产品加工企业正受到跨国公司的挑战.面临越来越激烈的市场竞争。从总体上看, 相似文献
中国农业部副部长牛盾10月10日在北京表示,中国将采取一系列扶持措施。支持农产品和农业生产资料的连锁经营。在农产品和农业生产资料领域引入连锁经营方式不仅有利于促进规模。还有利于规范流通秩序,保证农产品与农业生产资料的质量安全。牛盾在10月10日召开的中国农产品与农业生产资料连锁经营研讨会说: 相似文献
为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,切实保障饲料和畜产品质量安全,促进养殖业持续健康发展,保障人民身体健康,按照《畜牧法》和《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》及规范性文件的有关规定,现将2008年饲料和畜产品质量安全监管工作的有关事宜通知如下: 相似文献
近年来,国外技术性贸易壁垒对我国产品出口的影响比加入世贸组织前更加严重,已成为影响我国外贸出口的重要因素。一些西方发达国家设置的重重非关税壁垒,使生产加工标准化程度还不高的我国农业承受着前所未有的考验。目前,我国农产品在国际市场中的份额正呈下降的趋势,因此,如何积极采取应对措施,消除技术性贸易壁垒对外贸的不利影响,扩大我国农产品在国际市场中的份额,成了摆在我们面前的头等大事。 相似文献
J. Roosen A. Fadlaoui & M. Bertaglia 《Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie》2005,122(4):217-228
The decline in biodiversity of farm animal genetic resources (AnGR) has come to the forefront of concern in the discussion of animal conservation and breeding programmes. To improve decision‐making regarding conservation and breeding programmes, a number of evaluation techniques of farm AnGR are available. This paper presents an overview of the different values associated to AnGR and of the techniques for their measurement being employed in the economic literature. Those include linear programming and farm simulation models, dynamic models estimating the value of research and development and econometric models estimating the demand for breed characteristics. While farm programming and simulation models are fairly well developed, they do have large data requirements. Alternatively, contingent valuation methods are available, in particular when the goal is to capture non‐market values embedded in breeds. 相似文献
Alexander Valverde DVM DVSc DACVA Cornelia I. Gunkel Dr. med. vet. MRCVS 《Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care》2005,15(4):295-307
Objective: This review discusses the different analgesic drugs and routes of administration used in large animals for acute pain management. General guidelines and doses are given to assist in choosing techniques that provide effective analgesia. Etiology: Noxious stimuli are perceived, recognized, and localized by specialized sensory systems located at spinal and supraspinal levels. Diagnosis: Localizing the source of the noxious stimulus as well as understanding the behavioral aspects and physiological changes that result from such insult is important to adequately diagnose and treat pain. Pain assessment is far from being definite and objective; not only are there species differences, but also individual variation. In addition, the behavioral and physiological manifestations vary with the acute or chronic nature of pain. Therapy: Pain management should include (1) selecting drugs that better control the type of pain elicited by the insult; (2) selecting techniques of analgesic drug administration that act on pathways or anatomical locations where the nociceptive information is being processed or originating from; (3) combining analgesic drugs that act on different pain pathways; and (4) provide the best possible comfort for the animal. Prognosis: Providing pain relief improves the animal's well being and outcome; however, interpreting and diagnosing pain remains difficult. Continuing research in pain management will contribute to the evaluation of the pathophysiology of pain, pain assessment, and newer analgesic drugs and techniques. 相似文献
农户作为农业经营主体的主要组成部分,只有对其进行正确的分析和评价,把握其特点,才能为甘肃省各级政府农业发展、区域经济发展以及农业经营主体发展政策的制定提供参考。本研究从甘肃省农业经营主体这一视角介绍了农户经营主体的历史变迁,探讨了农户经营主体演变的特点,对农户经营主体变迁中存在的问题进行了较为详细地分析,并给出了相应建议。 相似文献