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Energetic efficiency of the sow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Improving efficiency of sow productivity: nutrition and health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This reviews research focused to understand the nutrient requirement and balance to meet the needs of fetal growth, mammary growth, and milk production. This summary will handle how feeding strategies can be adjusted according to the nutrient needs for a sow to enhance productivity and health. Most research data used in this summary are based on the studies conducted by the authors between 1996 and 2013. Nutrient requirements of sows are affected by stage of gestation and parity of sows. Dietary antioxidant concentrations need to be re-evaluated for its sufficiency in sow diets especially to prevent excessive oxidative stress during late gestation and lactation. When feeding sows, consideration of phase feeding of gestating sows and parity feeding of lactating sows could enhances production longevity and health of sows. Use of selected nutrients and additives seems to help productivity and health of sows.  相似文献   

In order to investigate sow-specific risk factors associated with coliform mastitis, a case-control study was performed over the course of 28 months. Data of three farms were collected under production conditions. Sows suffering from coliform mastitis after farrowing served as cases, and healthy half- or full-sib sows from the same farm served as controls. Individual sow characteristics and the seasonal influence were analysed by conditional logistic regression. The final multivariate model identified four risk factors: the risk of suffering from coliform mastitis increased with a higher number of piglets born alive and stillborn piglets. Gilts had an increased risk for the disease, and birth intervention was also associated with a higher prevalence of mastitis. Birth induction and season had no significant influence on the occurrence of coliform mastitis. The time during and soon after farrowing is a very sensitive period in pig production demanding great attention by the farmer. With respect to the economic losses, monitoring of potentially endangered sows as well as detailed documentation and selection of disease cases are of particular importance when coping with coliform mastitis.  相似文献   

The majority of sows return to estrus within 2 weeks after weaning. Swine practitioners attempt to optimize production by reducing the WEI. Some sows fail to resume estrous cyclicity after weaning; however, the endocrinologic pathogenesis of these anestrous sows is speculative. The average WEI is influenced by numerous factors, including season, environmental temperature, photoperiod, nutrition, stress, facility design, lactation length, and management practices. It is evident that the majority of these factors have a more profound influence on primiparous sows than on multiparous sows. Optimum protein and energy consumption by sows during lactation and after weaning and effective utilization of breeding facilities reduce the WEI. The precise roles of photoperiodic changes, elevated environmental temperatures, and stress in seasonal infertility remain poorly understood. Fortunately, current management techniques have reduced the WEI on most farms without instituting therapeutic measures.  相似文献   

世界各地养猪生产成绩顶尖的猪场瞄准每头母猪每年生产35头断奶仔猪的目标。然而,在美国的许多养猪场,每头母猪每年生产30头仔猪仍是一个刚刚提出的目标。Purina动物营养公司为人表率,帮助养猪生产者确定目标并实现目标。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a number of environmental, behavioural and biological factors on passive immunization of piglets as assessed by transfer of porcine parvovirus (PPV) antibodies (ab) from the colostrum of PPV vaccinated mothers to the serum of the piglets. Twenty primiparous sows were housed in pens with peat, straw and branches for nest building. Half the sows were prevented from achieving feedback from a completed farrowing nest by repeated removal of the nest from 10 to 12 h after nest building had begun, whereas the other half kept their nests. Sow serum PPV-ab titres were positively related to colostrum PPV-ab titres at birth of the first piglet (BFP) (P < 0.001). Litter average piglet PPV-ab titre was positively related to both sow serum and colostrum PPV-ab titres (both P < 0.001). In addition, in the individual piglets. PPV-ab titres were reduced as time from BFP to birth and time from birth to first sucking increased and time spent sucking decreased (all P < 0.01). There were no effects of treatment, time spent in lateral recumbency by the sow, number of times the sow stood or piglet weight on day 1 on piglet serum PPV-ab titres. Preventing prolonged farrowing, while at the same time ensuring the piglets' access to the udder, is important for transfer of maternal immunity. Measurements of specific antibodies in sow serum during the periparturient period and in piglet serum at 28 days of age may provide a practical tool for evaluating transfer of maternal immunity from sow to piglets.  相似文献   

The sow varies greatly in her mineral requirements, which largely reflects the nutritional demands during different phases of her reproductive cycle. Minerals are required for conceptus product formation, mammary secretions, and growth and maintenance. Although the sow's mineral requirements are highest during late gestation and lactation, those that are supplied from the diet and tissue reserves both contribute in meeting these nutritional needs. The sow is fairly resilient to borderline mineral insults, but longevity in the herd may be compromised under these conditions. Specific mineral deficiencies vary, but the reproducing sow will deplete the pool of tissue minerals before litter size, congenital abnormalities of developing fetuses or milk mineral composition are affected. Inadequate mineral supplies may prolong the duration of parturition, increase the number of stillbirths and result in a higher occurrence of skeletal problems. Tissue mineral reserves can be increased in various tissues with higher dietary fortification, but subsequent mineral availability from various pools differ. Because feed intake during lactation is low, daily mineral intake during lactation often is below NRC (1988) requirements.  相似文献   

The relationships between management and environmental factors and annual sow culling rate were investigated in 152 Minnesota swine breeding herds. Data were obtained through a postal survey. A general path model was hypothesized to describe relationships among variables. Multiple least-squares and logistic regressions were used to test the statistical significance of pathways. The associations between the indepen variables and the annual culling rate (ACR) were decomposed into direct, indirect, and common cause associations.

The mean ACR of the 152 farms was 39% ± 2% rm(SE). Using path-analysis techniques, only the type of flooring during gestation, the size of the herd and the lactation length had a direct relationship with ACR. The type of housing during gestation and farrowing were related indirectly to the ACR. Their association was mediated by the type of flooring during gestation and the weaning age. Herds housing their sows in total confinement during gestation were most likely to keep them on partially or totally slatted floors which were associated with a higher ACR. Sows kept in crates during the farrowing period were more likely to have a short lactation length which was associated with a higher ACR.

Most associations between the use of preventive veterinary services and the ACR were due to association with other variables. Herds using veterinary preventive medicine were most likely to have a short lactation length, a large number of females, and sows housed in total confinement during gestation and in crates during the farrowing period. All of the aforementioned variables were associated with a high ACR.

The relationships of other management and environmental factors with the ACR were due to common cause associations. These factors included having the sows individually identified, using a more comprehensive recording system, mainly a hand-mating system, testing regularly for pregnancy and housing sows in total confinement during the breeding period. The strongest associations with the ACR were the type of flooring during gestation and the size of the herd.  相似文献   

Factors associated with the severity with which different challenge models (CMs) compromise growth performance in pigs were investigated using hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC) analysis. One hundred seventy-eight studies reporting growth performance variables (average daily gain [ADG], average daily feed intake [ADFI], gain:feed [GF], and final body weight [FBW]) of a Control (Ct) vs. a Challenged (Ch) group of pigs using different CMs (enteric [ENT], environmental [ENV], lipopolysaccharide [LPS], respiratory [RES], or sanitary condition [SAN] challenges) were included. Studies were grouped by similarity in performance in three clusters (C1, C2, and C3) by HCPC. The effects of CM, cluster, and sex (males [M], females [F], mixed [Mi]) were investigated. Linear (LRP) and quadratic (QRP) response plateau models were fitted to assess the interrelationships between the change in ADG (∆ADG) and ADFI (∆ADFI) and the duration of challenge. All variables increased from C1 through C3, except for GF, which decreased (P < 0.05). LPS was more detrimental to ADG than ENV, RES, and SAN models (P < 0.05). Furthermore, LPS also lowered GF more than all the other CMs (P < 0.05). The ∆ADG independent of ∆ADFI was significant in LPS and SAN (P < 0.05), showed a trend toward the significance in ENT and RES (P < 0.10), and was not significant in ENV (P > 0.10), while the ∆ADG dependent on ∆ADFI was significant in ENT, ENV, and LPS only (P < 0.05). The critical value of ∆ADFI influencing the ∆ADG was significant in pigs belonging to C1 (P < 0.05) but not C2 or C3 (P > 0.10). The ∆ADG independent of duration post-Ch (irreparable portion of growth) was significant in C1 and C2 pigs, whereas the ∆ADFI independent of duration post-Ch (irreparable portion of feed intake) was significant in C1 pigs only (P < 0.05). Moreover, the time for recovery of ADG and ADFI after Ch was significant in pigs belonging to C1 and C2 (P < 0.05). Control F showed reduced ADG compared with Ct-M, and Ch-F showed reduced ADFI compared with Ch-M (P < 0.05). Moreover, the irreparable portion of ΔADG was 4.8 higher in F (−187.7; P < 0.05) compared with M (−39.1; P < 0.05). There are significant differences in growth performance response to CM based on cluster and sex. Furthermore, bacterial lipopolysaccharide appears to be an appropriate noninfectious model for immune stimulation and growth impairment in pigs.  相似文献   

影响母猪产仔数和仔猪初生重的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
繁殖率是反映母猪繁殖力和猪场生产管理水平的重要经济参数。通常衡量母猪群生产性能的指标是每头母猪每年提供的断奶仔猪数,主要有两部分组成,即年母猪产仔窝数和母猪每窝的断奶仔猪数。据生产实践,有许多因素影响着母猪的生产性能,包括遗传因素、环境因素、饲养管理因素等。饲养母猪,只有年产仔窝数多,  相似文献   

Data from the National Pork Producers Council Maternal Line National Genetic Evaluation Program were used to compare longevity of sows from 6 commercial genetic lines and to estimate the phenotypic associations of sow longevity with gilt backfat thickness, ADG, age at first farrowing, litter size at first farrowing, litter weight at first farrowing, average feed intake during lactation, and average backfat loss during lactation. The lines evaluated were American Diamond Genetics, Danbred North America, Dekalb-Monsanto DK44, Dekalb-Monsanto GPK347, Newsham Hybrids, and National Swine Registry. The data set contained information from 3,251 gilts, of which 17% had censored longevity records (sows lived longer than 6 parities). The line comparison was carried out by analyzing all lines simultaneously. Because the survival distribution functions differed among genetic lines, later analyses were carried out separately for each genetic line. All analyses were based on the non-parametric proportional hazard (Cox model). Dekalb-Monsanto GPK347 sows had a lower risk of being culled than sows from the other lines. Moreover, the shape of the survival distribution function of the Delkab-Monsanto GPK347 line was different from the other 5 lines. The Dekalb-Monsanto 347 line had lower culling rates because they had lower gilt reproductive failure before the first parity than gilts from the other lines. Within line, sows with lower feed intake and greater backfat loss during lactation had a shorter productive lifetime. Thus, producers should implement management practices having positive effects on sow lactation feed intake. Additionally, the swine genetics industry is challenged to simultaneously improve efficiency of gain of their terminal market pigs and to obtain high feed intake during lactation of their maternal lines for future improvement of sow longevity. Recording sow feed intake and backfat loss during lactation in nucleus and multiplication breeding herds should be considered. Between-line differences in this study indicate that it is possible to select for sow longevity, but more research is needed to determine the most efficient selection methods to improve sow longevity.  相似文献   

An in-home beef study evaluated consumer ratings of clod steaks (n = 1,264) as influenced by USDA quality grade (Top Choice, Low Choice, High Select, and Low Select), city (Chicago and Philadelphia), consumer segment (Beef Loyals, who are heavy consumers of beef; Budget Rotators, who are cost-driven and split meat consumption between beef and chicken; and Variety Rotators, who have higher incomes and education and split their meat consumption among beef, poultry, and other foods), degree of doneness, and cooking method. Consumers evaluated each steak for Overall Like, Tenderness, Juiciness, Flavor Like, and Flavor Amount using 10-point scales. Grilling was the predominant cooking method used, and steaks were cooked to medium-well and greater degrees of doneness. Interactions existed involving the consumer-controlled factors of degree of doneness and(or) cooking method for all consumer-evaluated traits for the clod steak (P < 0.05). USDA grade did not affect any consumer evaluation traits or Warner-Bratzler shear force values (P > 0.05). One significant main effect, segment (P = 0.006), and one significant interaction, cooking method x city (P = 0.0407), existed for Overall Like ratings. Consumers in the Beef Loyals segment rated clod steaks higher in Overall Like than the other segments. Consumers in Chicago tended to give more uniform Overall Like ratings to clod steaks cooked by various methods; however, consumers in Philadelphia gave among the highest ratings to clod steaks that were fried and among the lowest to those that were grilled. Additionally, although clod steaks that were fried were given generally high ratings by consumers in Philadelphia, consumers in Chicago rated clod steaks cooked in this manner significantly lower than those in Philadelphia. Conversely, consumers in Chicago rated clod steaks that were grilled significantly higher than consumers in Philadelphia. Correlation and stepwise regression analyses indicated that Flavor Like was driving customer satisfaction of the clod steak. Flavor Like was the sensory trait most highly correlated to Overall Like, followed by Tenderness, Flavor Amount, and Juiciness. Flavor Like was the first variable to enter into the stepwise regression equation for predicting Overall Like, followed by Tenderness and Flavor Amount. For the clod steak, it is likely that preparation techniques that improve flavor without reducing tenderness positively affect customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

影响苜蓿蛋白质含量的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苜蓿是一种粗蛋白质含量高,营养丰富的豆科牧草。本文综述了近年来关于苜蓿蛋白质和影响苜蓿粗蛋白质含量的因素这两方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The influence of some husbandry factors on morbidity and mortality was studied in 1996 artificially reared, dairy bred calves over the period from purchase until about six weeks of age. The effects of housing (indoors versus outdoors), penning (individual versus group), breed, time since purchase and season of purchase were examined. The overall mortality rate was approximately 4 per cent and calves were more likely to die if reared in groups outdoors than if reared either singly or in groups indoors. The mortality rate was significantly lower in calves purchased between April and June than at other times of year. Pneumonia was the most common disease symptom (48.3 per cent of calves) with diarrhoea the second most common (14.1 per cent). Neither the type of penning nor housing affected the incidence of pneumonia but diarrhoea was most common in individually penned calves. Case mortality rates for diarrhoeic calves in group pens were higher than for those in single pens and case mortality rates for pneumonia were highest for calves reared in groups outdoors. More than half the cases of pneumonia occurred between one and three weeks after purchase whereas two-thirds of the cases of diarrhoea occurred within the first week after purchase. However, case mortality rates for both conditions appeared to increase with time since purchase.  相似文献   

Salmonellosis in calves has economic and welfare implications, and serves as a potential source of human infections. Our objectives were to assess the risk of Salmonella spread following its introduction into a herd of pre-weaned calves and to evaluate the efficacy of control strategies to prevent and control outbreaks. To meet these objectives, we developed a model of Salmonella transmission within a pre-weaned group of calves based on a well documented outbreak of salmonellosis in a calf-raising operation and other literature. Intervention scenarios were evaluated in both deterministic and stochastic versions of the model. While the basic reproduction number (R0) was estimated to be 2.4, simulation analysis showed that more than 60% of the invasions failed after the introduction of a single index case. With repeated introduction of index cases, the probability of Salmonella spread was close to 1, and the tested control strategies were insufficient to prevent transmission within the group. The most effective strategies to control ongoing outbreaks were to completely close the rearing operation to incoming calves, to increase the proportion of admitted calves that were immunized (>75%), and to assign personnel and equipment to groups of calves.  相似文献   

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