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1 研究背景断奶这一过程,对于仔猪来说是一个非常大的应激.仔猪断奶后,面临着生理的、环境的、心理和营养性的应激,进而对仔猪肠道结构造成损伤,目前欧盟已经禁止仔猪在21日龄前断奶.断奶后一段时间,常常伴随着低采食量,较差的生产速度,甚至严重的腹泻情况.断奶后前几天低的采食量完全不能满足仔猪营养的需求,一般需到断奶后的2~3周,仔猪采食量才能满足其营养需要,达到断奶前的生长速度.仔猪断奶后的生长速度已被证实具有巨大的提升空间,如何缩短断奶后的生长缺陷已经成为当今仔猪营养领域一个非常重要的研究课题.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine whether decreasing dietary protein content and increasing weaning age could improve piglet health and decrease the occurrence and severity of post-weaning colibacillosis (PWC) in the absence of in-feed antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs). The experiment consisted of a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial combination of weaning age (4 vs 6 weeks), dietary protein content (H vs L; 230 vs 130 g CP/kg) and experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) challenge (+ vs −). On day 3 post-weaning half of the piglets were challenged per os with 109 cfu ETEC. A sample of piglets was euthanased on days 0 and 6 to assess digesta pH and lactobacilli to coliform (L:C) ratio. ETEC excretion persisted longer in the 4-week-weaned piglets than those weaned at 6 weeks (P = 0.003), and the numbers of ETEC shed tended to be higher on the H than L diet, especially in the 4-week-weaned piglets (P = 0.093). Decreasing protein level led to significantly firmer faeces, decreased pH and increased L:C ratio of proximal colon digesta. These results suggest that in the absence of AGPs, increasing weaning age and decreasing dietary protein level, especially in earlier weaned piglets, may help to minimize the effects of PWC.  相似文献   

Outdoor reared pigs are reported to be larger at weaning than indoor reared pigs and respond better to the weaning process. This may be due to enhanced gut development associated with increased size. Eighty sows were allocated to either indoor or outdoor farrowing on the basis of size, parity and past performance. Resulting litters were weaned at either 4 or 6 weeks of age. On days 26 and 40 of age, 40 (10/treatment) and 20 piglets (10/treatment still unweaned) were killed to measure intestinal morphology. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 factorial using the GLM procedures of Minitab 12.2. Pigs reared outdoors were larger than those reared indoors at both weaning ages, pigs weaned at 6 weeks were heavier than those weaned at 4 weeks, 8.4 versus 7.4 kg at 4 weeks and 12.9 versus 10.5 kg at 6 weeks respectively (± 0.25, P ≤ 0.001). There were no differences in small intestine size relative to body weight due to rearing environment and no differences in gut morphology. When corrected for body weight, 6 week pigs had heavier small intestines than 4 week pigs, 0.39 (± 0.010) versus 0.34 (± 0.007) g/cm length, respectively (P ≤ 0.001). Six week unweaned pigs had similar villus heights to 4 week unweaned pigs but wider villi (P < 0.05) and deeper crypts, for example, at the 25% site crypt depths were 236 and 193 μm (± 7.7/5.5) respectively (P < 0.001). Hence increased piglet size due to outdoor rearing did not advance gut maturation whereas increased piglet size due to age did influence maturation of gut structure.  相似文献   

Weanling pigs (n = 176), 21 to 26 d of age (average initial weight, 7.1 kg), were used to evaluate the effects of weaning time (evening vs morning) and feeding time (immediate vs delayed) on postweaning performance. Pigs were randomly allotted within litters to four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement as follows: 1) weaning at 2000 with immediate feeding, 2) weaning at 2000 with 12-h delayed feeding, 3) weaning at 0800 with immediate feeding, and 4) weaning at 0800 with 12-h delayed feeding. A 12:12 light:dark photoperiod was maintained. Four pigs were held per pen, and all pigs were given ad libitum access to a 20% CP corn-soybean meal diet with 15% dried whey throughout the 28-d study. The interactions between weaning and feeding times were not significant. During the 28-d period, pigs weaned at 2000 consumed 5% more feed (P less than .10) and grew 6% faster (P less than .05) than pigs weaned at 0800. Feed to gain ratios were similar for both time treatments. Variance of ADG within pens as measured by range, logarithm of variance, and CV were generally smaller for pigs weaned at 2000 than for pigs weaned at 0800 with no effect of feeding time. Pigs fed immediately after weaning and those delayed for 12 h had similar overall feed consumption, ADG, and feed to gain ratios. Weaning pigs in the evening enhanced performance, perhaps by better matching the normal diurnal eating and activity patterns and weaning time.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) solubility and inclusion rate on gut health and development, performance and risk of post weaning enteric disorders (PWED) using NSP sources known not to affect digesta viscosity. The experiment consisted of a 2 × 3 factorial combination of NSP type (sNSP vs insoluble NSP (iNSP); inulin vs purified cellulose) and inclusion level (50 vs 100 vs 150 g/kg). Piglets were weaned at 28 days (day 0) and fed ad libitum until slaughter on day 14. There were no incidences of PWED. NSP solubility had little effect on performance, but sNSP diets resulted in lower caecal and colonic pH and higher colonic Lactobacilli to coliform ratio compared to iNSP diets. Increasing NSP levels significantly reduced caecal and colonic pH but decreased empty body weight percentage (P = 0.067). These results suggest that gut health may benefit most from diets containing appropriate sources of predominantly sNSP rather than iNSP. The optimal level of such sNSP will likely depend upon the level of risk of PWED in order to balance the trade off between maximising performance and improving gut health. Effects of NSP feeding under a higher infectious pressure remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of weaning age, diet, and classification of piglets as ‘eaters’ or ‘non eaters’ of creep feed in lactation, on production and diarrhoea after weaning. Four antimicrobial-free diets were offered in lactation and for 14 days after weaning: (i) wheat–soy based diet with animal and vegetable (‘mixed’) protein sources (COMM), (ii) heat-processed rice (HPR) with barley hulls and potato starch and mixed protein sources (RBHPS), (iii) HPR with sugar-beet pulp and mixed protein sources (RSBP), and (iv) HPR with mixed protein sources (R). Piglets were individually examined for diarrhoea daily for 14 days after weaning, and antibiotic treatments were individually recorded. Faecal swabs were taken on day 10 after weaning and scored for β-haemolytic Escherichia coli. There were significant main effects of weaning age and diet (both P < 0.001) on daily gain between weaning and 14 days after weaning. Pigs weaned later grew 50 g/day more than pigs weaned earlier, and pigs fed the COMM diet grew slower than pigs fed the rice-based diets. The number of antibiotic treatments was influenced by diet (P < 0.001), with most treatments (2.1) given to pigs fed the diet RBHPS. Faecal score was influenced by a weaning age and diet interaction (P < 0.01). There was no correlation (P > 0.05) between the number of antibiotics treatments and the E. coli score.  相似文献   

Various methods can be used to feed dairy calves that may influence calf performance and these include changing frequency of feeding or age at weaning. Two trials were conducted to determine effects of feeding frequency and weaning age on calf growth, health and rumen development, where 124 Holstein heifer and bull calves were weaned at 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age. During Trial 1, milk replacer (12.5% DM; 22% CP, 15.6% fat) was fed at 10% BW twice per day until 1 week prior to weaning when intake was reduced to 5% BW. During Trial 2 calves were fed at 10% BW in two feedings until 14 days, then at 10% BW once daily until 1 week prior to weaning when milk replacer was reduced to 5% BW. Blood glucose and urea nitrogen, BW 4 h post-feeding, heart girth, hip height, and withers height 4 h post-feeding were obtained weekly. Growth and structural measurements were similar for all treatments up to 8 weeks of age in both trials. Blood constituents and health observations were not different between trials. Similar growth and performance between treatments in both trials through 8 weeks of age indicate that calf performance is not affected by weaning early and feeding once daily.  相似文献   

The study comprises fifty 4 to 12 weeks old pigs that died from oedema disease or severe diarrhoea. Smears were prepared from the mucosa of duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and by immunofluorescence F107 fimbrial antigens were detected. E. coli. strains were isolated from the intestines and were characterised by slide agglutination (serogroup and F107 fimbriae production), by their cytotoxicity for Vero cells, and by gene amplification (genes coding for the major F107 subunit FedA, the toxin causing oedema disease SLT-IIv, and enterotoxins LTI, STIa and STII). F107 fimbriae were demonstrated in association with E. coli of serogroups O139:K12 and O141:K85a,b but not of serogroup O149:K91:F4a,c. Expression in culture of F107 fimbriae by some isolates gave additional evidence for production of these fimbriae by ETEC strains. The genetic determinant of SLT-IIv was found in association with F107, and could not be detected in serogroup O149:K91:F4a,c. Gene fedA was demonstrated in two isolates which were devoid of SLT-IIv. Most isolates from cases of oedema disease belonged to serogroup O139:K12 and did not contain enterotoxin genes. Isolates from pigs that suffered from diarrhoea were serotyped O141:K85a,b or O149:K91:F4a,c, and carried at least two enterotoxin genes in their genomes. In a small proportion of the cases F107 antigens were demonstrated in intestinal smears although gene fedA was not detected in the corresponding isolates. The results confirm the importance of F107 fimbriae as virulence factor in oedema disease E coli strains, but also demonstrate that F107 fimbriae can be found in association with postweaning diarrhoea isolates. In these latter strauns enterotoxins were always demonstrated, irrespective of the presence of toxin SLT-IIv.  相似文献   



This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of DL-selenomethionine (DL-SeMet) supplementation on growth performance, antioxidant status, plasma selenium (Se) concentration, and immune function of weaning pigs. 216 weaning pigs were randomly allocated to 6 treatments with 6 replicates each according to a complete randomized block design. Each replicate had six pigs. Diet of group one was corn-soybean basal diet without any additional Se supplement. Group 2 was supplemented with 0.3 mg/kg of Se from sodium selenite. Groups 3-6 were supplemented with 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 mg/kg of Se from DL-SeMet, respectively. The trial lasted for 42 days.


Pigs supplemented with 0.3 and 0.7 mg/kg DL-SeMet obtained better feed gain ratio (P < 0.05). The best antioxidant ability (serum, liver, and muscle) was shown in 0.1-0.3 mg/kg DL-SeMet groups (P < 0.05). The plasma Se concentration increased as the dietary DL-SeMet level elevated. The immunity among groups was not affected.


DL-SeMet supplementation in the diet significantly improved the growth performance, antioxidant ability and plasma Se content of weaning pigs. DL-SeMet can replace sodium selenite in the diet of weaning pigs.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究饲喂颗粒料或液态料以及日粮添加精氨酸对断奶仔猪生长性能及血浆必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸含量的影响。试验选择21 d断奶的健康仔猪672头,随机分为4组,每组6个重复,每个重复28头。试验日粮采用2×2多因素方差设计,2种饲料形态(液态料或颗粒料),2个精氨酸水平(0或6 g/kg精氨酸),试验共进行21 d。断奶后前10 d饲喂液态料较颗粒料显著改善了仔猪的平均日采食量、平均日增重和料比(P<0.05);在断奶后第11~13天液态料向颗粒料过渡阶段,液态料组较颗粒料组对日增重和料比具有负面影响(P<0.05);饲料形态和添加精氨酸以及饲料形态和仔猪日龄对断奶仔猪的平均日采食量的影响具有显著交互效应(P<0.05)。断奶后前10 d,饲喂液态料的仔猪较颗粒显著提高了干物质摄入量(P<0.05);断奶后前10 d饲喂添加精氨酸的液态料仔猪,由液态料向固体料过渡,显著提高了采食量和日增重(P<0.05)。液态或颗粒饲料添加精氨酸显著降低了断奶仔猪血浆尿素氮含量(P<0.05);饲喂液态料的断奶仔猪在28和37 d较颗粒料组显著降低了血浆尿素氮含量(P<0.05)。除了色氨酸、组氨酸、谷氨酸和甘氨酸外,液态料较颗粒料均显著提高了断奶仔猪血浆氨基酸水平(P<0.05);颗粒料或液态料添加精氨酸显著提高了断奶仔猪血浆亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、精氨酸和甘氨酸水平(P<0.05)。综上所述,断奶后仔猪饲喂液态料可以提高生长性能,但无论颗粒料还是液态料添加精氨酸均可以显著提高血浆精氨酸水平,降低尿素氮含量。  相似文献   

本试验探讨了在日粮中使用发酵豆粕替代普通豆粕并添加植物精油对仔猪生产性能的影响,为发酵豆粕和植物精油在仔猪日粮中的利用提供科学依据。结果表明,日粮中添加发酵豆粕和植物精油,仔猪末重和平均日增重分别提高14.81%和19.51%,提高仔猪平均日采食量6.84%,而降低料重比和单位增重成本分别为10.71%和7.67%;有效降低仔猪腹泻率50.67%。  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of hormones sampled throughout the production cycle is complicated because factors such as age and weight at the measuring date interfere. Spline curves constructed from pieces of low-degree, random-effects polynomials could be used for a more accurate analysis of data. Concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), weight gain, and concentrate intake of Parda de Montaña (PM) (n = 27) and Pirenaica calves (n = 14) were modeled with a spline model according to age at weaning, pre-weaning concentrate feeding, and breed. At birth, calves were randomly assigned to early weaning (EW) at 90 d or traditional weaning (TW) at 150 d. During lactation, half of PM calves received concentrates (S), whereas the remainder received no concentrates (NS). After weaning, calves received concentrates on an ad libitum basis until they reached a weight of 450 kg. The spline model had better likelihood than a polynomial of 6 degrees or a split-plot model. Serum IGF-1 concentration was greatly affected by age at weaning and pre-weaning concentrate feeding, but not by breed. In NS calves, IGF-1 concentration was greater in EW than in TW calves from 120 to 300 d, irrespective of breed. During lactation, S calves had greater IGF-1 concentration than NS calves. After weaning, EWNS calves reached the IGF-1 concentration of EWS calves after 4 mo on concentrates, whereas TWNS calves attained IGF-1 concentration of TWS calves after only 2 mo, because of their increased concentrate intake relative to TWS calves. Concentration of IGF-1 was positively correlated with the immediate weight gains and intake, but it was not a good predictor of performance in the long term.  相似文献   

A total of 2,184 pigs (DNA 600 × PIC L42) were used to evaluate the effects of weaning age and antibiotic (AB) use on pig performance from weaning to marketing in a commercial production system. Experimental treatments were arranged in a 3 × 2 factorial with main effects of weaning age (18.5, 21.5, or 24.5 d of age) and with the use of ABs or an antibiotic-free (NAE) program. At birth, pigs were ear tagged, and the date of birth and sex recorded. Pigs were weaned from a 4,000-sow farm over four consecutive weeks. Four weaning batches (one per week) of 546 pigs were used. Each weaning batch had one-third of pigs of each weaning age. Pigs were placed in pens by weaning age and then randomly assigned to an AB or NAE program. There were 14 replicate pens per treatment and 26 pigs per pen (13 barrows and 13 gilts). Pigs allocated to the AB program were fed a diet containing 441 mg/kg chlortetracycline (CTC) from day 8 to 21 postweaning. They were also administered 22 mg/kg of body weight (BW) of CTC via drinking water for five consecutive days after a porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome outbreak during week 7 after weaning. In the first 42 d postweaning, increasing weaning age improved (linear, P < 0.001) BW at day 42, average daily gain (ADG), and average daily feed intake (ADFI). From weaning to 197 d of age, increasing weaning age increased (linear, P < 0.001) ADG and ADFI. Pigs on the AB program had greater (P = 0.031) ADG and ADFI compared with NAE pigs. An interaction (linear, P = 0.005) was observed for feed efficiency (G:F). When ABs were provided, increasing weaning age did not result in any change in G:F; however, in the NAE program, increasing weaning age increased G:F. Pigs on the AB program had lower (P < 0.001) total losses (mortality and removals) than those on the NAE program. Increasing weaning age marginally (linear, P = 0.097) decreased total losses. Increasing weaning age decreased (quadratic, P < 0.001) the number of pigs treated with an injectable AB but the AB program did not (P = 0.238). The weight sold (at 197 d of age) per pig weaned was increased (linear, P = 0.050) by increasing weaning age and by using AB in feed and water (P = 0.019). In summary, increasing weaning age linearly improved most of the pig performance criteria and relatively the short-term use of ABs reduced mortality and removals with both factors contributing to increased weight sold per pig weaned.  相似文献   

Effect of liquid feeding weaned pigs on growth performance to harvest   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Four experiments were undertaken to examine the effect of feeding postweaning diets as dry pelleted feed, fresh liquid feed, acidified liquid feed, and fermented liquid feed on pig performance from weaning (26 d) to harvest. In Exp. 1 (n = 12 replicates) and 2 (n = 10 replicates), the treatments were 1) dry pelleted feed and 2) fresh liquid feed. In Exp. 1, 2 kg of starter diet (16.7 MJ of DE/kg and 1.6% lysine) per pig and 5 kg of transition diet (16.7 MJ of DE/kg and 1.5% lysine) per pig followed by a weaner diet (14.0 MJ of DE/kg and 1.36% lysine) were offered to 27 d after weaning. In Exp. 3 (n = 8 replicates), the treatments were 1) dry pelleted feed, 2) fresh liquid feed, and 3) acidified liquid feed. In Exp. 4 (n = 8 replicates), the treatments were 1) dry pelleted feed, 2) acidified liquid feed, and 3) fermented liquid feed. In Exp. 2, 3, and 4, 3 kg of starter diet (16.1 MJ of DE/kg and 1.74% lysine) per pig and 6 kg of transition diet (15.3 MJ of DE/kg and 1.5% lysine) per pig followed by a weaner diet (14.0 MJ of DE/kg and 1.36% lysine) was offered to 27 d after weaning. All treatments were balanced for boars and gilts and diets were offered for ad libitum consumption. Acidified liquid feed was produced by adding lactic acid to the liquid feed so that its pH was decreased to 4.0. Fermented liquid feed was produced by adding an inoculum of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 303 (1.3%, vol/wt) to the first mix. In Exp. 1, ADG from weaning to d 27 after weaning was 338 and 286 g/d (SEM = 10; P < 0.01) and DM gain/feed in the same period was 888 and 594 g/kg (SEM = 23.1; P < 0.001) for dry pelleted feed and fresh liquid feed, respectively. In Exp. 2, ADG was 391 and 352 g/d (SEM = 6.4; P < 0.01) and DM gain/feed was 856 and 642 g/kg (SEM = 9.9; P < 0.001) for dry pelleted feed and fresh liquid feed, respectively, during the period from weaning to d 27 after weaning. In Exp. 3, ADG was 408, 416, and 433 g/d (SEM = 12.7; P > 0.05) and DM gain/feed was 865, 755, and 789 g/ kg (SEM = 14.5; P < 0.001) for dry pelleted feed, fresh liquid feed, and acidified liquid feed, respectively. In Exp. 4, ADG was 361, 389, and 347 g/d (SEM = 13.2; P = 0.11) and DM gain/feed was 888, 749, and 733 g/ kg (SEM = 15.8; P < 0.001) for dry pelleted feed, acidified liquid feed, and fermented liquid feed, respectively, during the period from weaning to d 27 after weaning. It is concluded that although feeding acidified liquid feed may have some merit in the first 27 d after weaning, this benefit is lost in the subsequent period. No benefit arose from feeding fresh liquid feed or fermented liquid feed. Growth performance from d 28 after weaning to harvest was not improved by any liquid feed treatment.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同饲养密度对生猪生长性能的影响。试验选取47 kg左右的健康育肥猪336头,分为4组(试验1、2、3、4),分别按头均面积1.09 m2/头、0.93 m2/头、0.84 m2/头、0.79 m2/头饲养,自由采食,试验期56 d。结果显示试验1日增重、料肉比均优于其他组(P0.01或P0.05),表明育肥猪占地面积以1.0 m2/头为宜。  相似文献   

The effect of bad sanitary conditions on growth performance and feeding behaviour were studied on a total of 48 Large White pigs between 95 and 130 d of age. This experiment carried out during the hot season in a tropical humid climate. Two groups of 12 pigs each were housed in a clean environment in which the pens were disinfected thoroughly prior to stocking and maintained in a clean state by daily washing the pens and by weekly emptying the manure stored beneath the partial concrete floor. The dirty environment was achieved by not cleaning the pens prior to stocking or throughout the experiment and by storing the manure beneath the floor slats throughout the experimental period. The microbial pressure was increased by introducing 5 additional non experimental pigs near each experimental dirty pen. Feeding behaviour parameters were measured using automatic feed dispensers. Pigs housed in a clean environment consumed more feed (2.283 vs. 1.953 kg/d; P < 0.001) and grew faster (871 vs. 780 g/d; P < 0.05) than those housed in the dirty environment. No significant effect on treatment was reported for the feed conversion efficiency (2.70 kg/kg on average). The reduced average daily feed intake in dirty pens was associated with a reduction of the meal size (334 vs. 282 g/meal; P = 0.10) whereas the meal frequency was not affected by treatment (7.5 meals/d on average). The rate of feed intake was significantly higher in the clean than in the dirty environment (34.0 vs. 29.9 g/min; P < 0.05).  相似文献   

早期断奶仔猪常出现断奶应激,导致腹泻。“102人工乳”具有多种生理功能,可显著降低断奶应激,减少腹泻,促进生长。因此通过饲喂人工乳,可以达到减少断奶应激、促进仔猪生长的目的。  相似文献   

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