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M.A. Hoque K. Suzuki H. Kadowaki T. Shibata & T. Oikawa 《Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie》2007,124(3):108-116
Genetic parameters for feed efficiency traits of 380 boars and growth and carcass traits of 1642 pigs (380 boars, 868 gilts and 394 barrows) in seven generations of Duroc population were estimated. Feed efficiency traits included the feed conversion ratio (FCR), and nutritional (RFI(nut)), phenotypic (RFI(phe)) and genetic (RFI(gen)) residual feed intake. Growth and carcass traits were the age to reach 105-kg body weight (A105), loin eye muscle area (EMA), backfat (BF), intra-muscular fat (IMF) and meat tenderness. The mean values for RFI(phe) and RFI(gen) were close to zero and for RFI(nut) was negative. All the measures of feed efficiency were moderately heritable (h(2) = 0.31, 0.38, 0.40 and 0.27 for RFI(nut), RFI(phe), RFI(gen) and FCR respectively). The heritabilities for all growth and carcass traits were moderate (ranged from 0.37 to 0.45), except for BF, which was high (0.72). The genetic correlations of RFI(phe) and RFI(gen) with A105 were positive and high. Measures of RFI were correlated negatively with EMA. BF was more strongly correlated with measures of RFI (r(g) > or = 0.73) than with FCR (r(g) = 0.52). Selection for daily gain, EMA, BF and IMF caused favourable genetic changes in feed efficiency traits. Results of this study indicate that selection against either RFI(phe) or RFI(gen) would give a similar correlated response in carcass traits. 相似文献
Estimates of genetic parameters related to pig behavior under stressful situations are required before selection programs can be designed to produce more docile pigs. Pig behavior was evaluated in a pedigreed Landrace–Duroc–Yorkshire composite population. Piglets were evaluated for their response to handling at 1 d of age (n=11069), being placed on their back for 60 s at ~24 d of age (n=975), and being confined in a scale while backfat measurements were being collected (n=9035). Feeding behavior was monitored in a growing–finishing facility (n=1162) including preferences for feeding positions. Feeders were placed along a fence with one end adjacent to a gate (gate-end) and the other end open. An animal model was fitted to the data using WOMBAT where litter was included for d 1 activity scores and backtest traits. Fixed effects of sex, pen/year-season/date of collection in all analyses along with scorer (d 1 activity score) and a covariate of age (d 154 weight and backfat). Multiple trait models were fit to estimate genetic covariances among traits. All estimates of heritability were significantly different than zero. Activity scores and backtest traits had the lowest estimates of heritability (0.15–0.19), measures of feeding behavior were more variable (0.16–0.60) while production data had high heritabilities (>0.5). Genomic heritability estimates were similar to standard heritability estimates for most traits, except traits measured at a young age. All traits measured during the backtest had strong genetic correlations and similar estimated heritability. Among feeding behavior traits, number of meals/d and average meal length were highly correlated with total daily meal time. In addition, animals that preferred to eat alone avoided the open-end position at the feeder. The only behavioral traits with genetic correlations significantly different from zero with production traits were associated with feeding behavior where animals that ate longer meals and spent more time at the feeder/d tended to be heavier and fatter at 154 d. In addition, animals that ate more meals/d were fatter and animals that preferred the gate-end position of the feeder were heavier. Pigs with more reactive personalities tended to eat fewer meals/d, each longer in duration, and they preferred the gate-end feeder position. The measures of pig behavior studied were heritable and selection for more docile pigs should not have large detrimental effects on performance. 相似文献
A restricted maximum likelihood analysis applied to an animal model showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) in pH value of the longissimus dorsi measured at 24 h post-mortem (pH24) between high and low lines of Large White pigs selected over 4 years for post-weaning growth rate on restricted feeding. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between pH24 and production and carcass traits were estimated using all performance testing records combined with the pH24 measurements (5.05–7.02) on slaughtered animals. The estimate of heritability for pH24 was moderate (0.29 ± 0.18). Genetic correlations between pH24 and production or carcass composition traits, except for ultrasonic backfat (UBF), were not significantly different from zero. UBF had a moderate, positive genetic correlation with pH24 (0.24 ± 0.33). These estimates of genetic correlations affirmed that selection for increased growth rate on restricted feeding is likely to result in limited changes in pH24 and pork quality since the selection does not put a high emphasis on reduced fatness. 相似文献
I. Nagy N. Ibez R. Romvri W. Mekkawy Sz. Metzger P. Horn Zs. Szendr 《Livestock Science》2006,104(1-2):46-52
Genetic parameters for average daily gain between the age of 5 and 10 weeks (ADG), the average cross-sectional area of the m. Longissimus dorsi (L) (between the 2nd–3rd and 4th–5th lumbar vertebrae-based on in vivo computerized tomography (CT)) and dressing out percentage (DoP) were estimated in a group of 28,686 Pannon White rabbits reared in 5044 litters and born between 2000 and 2003. Using multivariate animal models with Bayesian procedures, estimated heritabilities were moderate and moderately high for ADG, L and DoP (0.21 to 0.29, 0.25 to 0.42 and 0.19 to 0.71, respectively). Litter effects were moderate for ADG, L and DoP estimates (0.20 to 0.22, 0.10 to 0.18 and 0.09 to 0.30, respectively). Genetic correlation coefficient estimates between ADG and L and ADG and DoP were moderate and negative (− 0.41 to − 0.01, − 0.70 to + 0.10). A moderately high positive genetic correlation was found between L and DoP (0.13 to 0.83). 相似文献
Data from Thai Landrace sows were used to estimate the genetic parameters and trends for production and reproduction traits, over the first four parities. The reproduction traits investigated were age at first conception (AFC), total number of piglets born per litter (TB) and weaning to first service interval (WSI). The reproduction data was gathered from 9194 litters born between 1993 and 2005. The production measures were average daily gain (ADG) and backfat thickness (BF). These were recorded from 4163 boars and 15 171 gilts. Analyses were carried out using a multivariate animal model inputting average information restricted maximum likelihood procedures. Heritability estimates on the reproduction traits for AFC was 0.21, for TB in the first four parities it ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 and for WSI over the first three parities it ranged from 0.16 to 0.18. Heritability estimates for production traits were: 0.31 (ADG) and 0.45 (BF). AFC was genetically correlated favorably with TB (− 0.48) and WSI (0.35) in the first parity. Genetic trends were 4.71 g, − 0.23 mm and 0.23 days per year for ADG, BF and AFC respectively. There was no genetic progress for the other traits. It was concluded that selection for low AFC will increase TB and decrease WSI. The results further revealed that the ongoing selection being used improved growth rate and reduced backfat thickness. However, there was no genetic improvement in TB. 相似文献
Luara Afonso de Freitas Rodrigo Pelicioni Savegnago Natalia Vinhal Grupioni Salvador Boccaletti Ramos Nedenia Bonvino Stafuzza Elsio Antônio Pereira de Figueiredo 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2018,68(2):81-86
The aims of this study were to compare the suitability of the multi-trait (MUT) model to estimate genetic parameters with that of 13 reduced-rank principal component models (PC1 to PC13), and then to explore the additive genetic patterns of the breeding values obtained from these using clustering analyses of egg production traits. A total of 1,212 records were used to estimate genetic parameters using the MUT and PC models. The PC4 model was the best representation of the data since it had a lower AIC value and was more parsimonious than the MUT model. The estimated heritability of the age at the first egg (AFE) trait from this model was 0.28?±?0.06, and the estimated genetic correlation between AFE and total egg production (TP) was ?0.52?±?0.23. Potentially animals from cluster 2 are more likely to be in the selected group to help improve the egg production. 相似文献
E. Albertsdttir S. Eriksson A. Nsholm E. Strandberg Th. rnason 《Livestock Science》2008,114(2-3):181-187
Relationships between breeding field-test traits and competition traits were studied to investigate whether the latter could be usefully included in the genetic evaluation of Icelandic horses. The current method of genetic evaluation is based on records from breeding field-tests only. The breeding field-test data included 16 401 individual records of Icelandic horses evaluated in 11 countries during 1990–2005. Competition results included 18 982 records of 3790 horses competing in sport and gæðinga competitions in Iceland and Sweden during 1998–2004. In the breeding field-tests, eight conformation traits and eight riding ability traits were scored; height of withers was also recorded. These traits were analysed together with the competition traits tölt(comp), 4-gait, 5-gait and pace test, in bivariate analyses. Animal models were used; the fixed effects for breeding field-test traits included sex by age interaction and country by year interaction. For the competition traits the model included fixed effects of sex, age and event, and a random permanent environmental effect. Estimated heritabilities and genetic correlations for breeding field-test traits were consistent with earlier results; heritabilities ranged from 0.20 to 0.67, and moderate to high genetic correlations were estimated between many of the riding ability traits, and between riding ability traits and some conformation traits. The estimated heritabilities for competition traits were about 0.20, and genetic correlations between competition traits varied from − 0.12 to 1.00. In general, high genetic correlations were estimated between breeding field-test riding ability traits and competition traits. Moderately positive genetic correlations were found between some breeding field-test conformation traits and competition traits. Competition traits add information relating to the breeding goal of the Icelandic horse; they should therefore be added to genetic evaluation in future. 相似文献
K.F. Stock 《Livestock Production Science》2005,92(1):77-94
The results of a standardised radiological examination of 5928 Hanoverian Warmblood horses selected for sale at auction were used to predict relative breeding values (RBV) in the 23,662 horses included in the last four generations of the probands' pedigrees. The distribution of the RBV was investigated in the whole four-generation pedigree, in the probands and in those stallions that contributed at least three offspring to the probands. The RBV of the probands' sires were further compared with the officially published performance-based relative breeding values, i.e., total indices dressage (TID) and jumping (TIJ). The sires' level of dressage indices was considerably higher (mean TID=110) than of the jumping indices (mean TIJ=98). Total indices radiographic findings (TIR) were calculated for the sires with varying weighting given to the individual RBV. In each case, this resulted in a mean TIR of 99. Finally, total indices were derived from TIR and TID and/or TIJ in order to develop different selection schemes for all-purpose breeding and for breeding focused on dressage and show jumping. All breeding values under consideration increased by between 1% and 19% when radiographic findings were weighted with between 30% and 60% complementary to the corresponding performance parameters, and when only sires were selected with above average total indices. At the same time, the prevalences of the radiographic findings investigated here were lowered by up to 10% each. When only one radiographic finding was considered at a time, the maximum attainable response to selection was a 16-23% increase in the relative breeding values and a relative decrease in prevalences of radiographic findings of between 31% and 52%. The results of this study indicate that it is possible in horse breeding to consider simultaneously health and performance traits. Medical data should be included in the prediction of breeding values in order to improve the radiological status of today's riding horses. 相似文献
A linear assessment methodology was developed for the conformational data in the Pura Raza Español horse (Andalusian horse). The final design included 31 linear traits (20 primary and 11 secondary). A total of 4158 records from 2512 horses collected during 2008 and 2011 were included in the genetic evaluation. The genetic analyses were executed twice, the first one only with the first conformation assessment record of each animal (dataset 1: 2512 horses and records), and the second one, only for animals with more than one conformation records available (dataset 2: 876 horses and 2522 records). Genetic parameters were estimated using REML methodology (in a linear animal model), and age, sex, geographic region and combination of appraiser×event were included as fixed effects in the model. For the analysis with dataset 2, permanent environment was also included as random effect. The pedigree file traced back the relationships to include a total of 12,385 (dataset 1) and 3025 (dataset 2) horses. After the repeatability and reproducibility of the system were evaluated, according to our results, the appraisers used the whole scale and showed an adequate level of repeatability (≥0.95), and the reproducibility of analyzed traits was over 0.90 for all traits. Despite the fact that the quality of the morphological assessment can be considered adequate, further training is recommendable for appraisers in order to improve uniformity. Heritabilities with dataset 1 were low-moderate, ranging from 0.06±0.026 (angle of shoulder) to 0.35±0.044 (head length) for the primary traits, and from 0.08±0.032 (frontal angle of knee) to 0.23±0.035 (head-neck junction) for the secondary ones. Heritabilities found with dataset 2 were slightly lower than those obtained with dataset 1. Genetic correlations between traits were also obtained, which ranged from 0.92 to 0.00 in both datasets. These results must be taken into account in order to reduce the number of traits routinely collected in this population. 相似文献
Production objectives and breeding practices of smallholder households participating in dairy goat breeding projects were
analysed in relation to their ability to bring about sustainable genetic improvement in the dairy goat flocks in Kenya. A
stratified survey involving 311 goat keepers in 4 project sites was used. This employed both qualitative and quantitative
research methods to get a holistic view of dairy goats, and take into account the full array of contributions of dairy goats
to the smallholder households. Milk production and sales of breeding stock were high priority functions for the objective
to create a financial buffer. The breeding objective traits that farmers perceived as being of primary importance were milk
yield, growth rate, body size, fertility and disease tolerance. There were logical trade-offs in the choice of these traits
by farmers. Female dairy goats were mainly culled due to old age, poor fertility, small body size and poor health. Farmers
did not place a large significance on unsatisfactory milk performance when culling female goats, mainly due to the very small
production size and the high demand existing for breeding animals. Factors affecting milk yield and flock size presented satisfied
a P < 0.1 significance level. The performance levels of dairy goats were mainly influenced by breeding strategies and the resource
availability at the farm level. The optimisation of genotype x environment interactions remains the biggest challenge given
the objectives set by the farmer. 相似文献
T. Druet S. Fritz E. Sellem B. Basso O. Gérard L. Salas-Cortes P. Humblot X. Druart & A. Eggen 《Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie》2009,126(4):269-277
A QTL detection experiment was performed in French dairy cattle to search for QTL related to male fertility. Ten families, involving a total of 515 bulls, were phenotyped for ejaculated volume and sperm concentration, number of spermatozoa, motility, velocity, percentage of motile spermatozoa after thawing and abnormal spermatozoa. A set of 148 microsatellite markers were used to realize a genome scan. First, genetic parameters were estimated for all traits. Semen production traits were found to have moderate heritabilities (from 0.15 to 0.30) while some of the semen quality traits such as motility had high heritabilities (close to 0.60). Genetic correlations among traits showed negative relationships between volume and concentration and between volume and most quality traits such as motility or abnormal sperm while correlations between concentration and these traits were rather favourable. Percentages of abnormal sperm were negatively related to quality traits, especially with motility and velocity of spermatozoa. Three QTL related to abnormal sperm frequencies were significant at p < 0.01. In total, 11 QTL (p < 0.05) were detected. However, the number of QTL detected was within the range of expected false positives. Because of the lack of power to find QTL in this design further analyses are required to confirm these QTL. 相似文献
Performance test records from on-farm tests of young Polish Large White boars and reproductive records of Polish Large White sows from 94 nucleus farms during 1978 to 1987 were used to estimate population parameters for the measured traits. The number of boar performance records after editing was 114,347 from 3,932 sires, 21,543 dams, 44,493 litters and 1,075 herd-year-seasons. Reproductive performance records of sows involved 41,080 litters from 2,348 sires, 18,683 dams and 1,520 herd-year-seasons. Both data sets were analyzed by using restricted maximum-likelihood programs. The model used for the performance records included fixed herd-year-seasons, random sires, dams and error effects, and covariances for the year of birth of sire and year of birth of dam. The model used for the reproduction data set was the same as the performance data with parity as an additional fixed effect. Estimated heritabilities were .27, .29, .26, .07, .06, .06 for average daily gain standardized to 180 d (ADG), backfat thickness standardized to 110 kg BW (BF), days to 110 kg (DAYS), litter size at birth born alive (NBA), litter size at 21 d (N21) and litter weight at 21 d (W21), respectively. Estimated common environmental effects for the same traits were .09, .10, .09, .06, .07 and .08, respectively. Genetic correlations were .25 (ADG and BF), -.99 (ADG and DAYS), -.21 (BF and DAYS), .91 (NBA and N21), .68 (NBA and W21) and .80 (N21 and W21). The respective phenotypic correlations were .23, -.99, -.20, .88, .75, .86. These population parameters for Polish Large White pigs are similar to those for breeds in other countries. 相似文献
Estimates of (co)variance components for productive and composite reproductive traits in Iranian Cashmere goats 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The objective of this study was to estimate variance and covariance components, in Iranian Cashmere goats, for birth weight (BWT) and weaning weight (WWT) performances of kids and total weight of kids weaned (TWW) per doe joined at first (TWW1), second (TWW2) and third (TWW3) parities by REML procedures using univariate and multivariate animal models. The analysis was based on 2313 records of kids and 940 records of does. Through ignoring or including maternal additive genetic or maternal permanent environmental effects, four different models were fitted for BWT and WWT performances. For TWW performances only two models (without or with service sire effect) were used. Models were compared using likelihood ratio test. Direct additive genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects had significant influence on BWT and WWT performances. These effects accounted for 9.4% and 15.6%, and 13.9% and 6.7% of phenotypic variation, respectively. No significant effect of service sire was observed on TWW. The estimates of heritabilities were 0.072, 0.109 and 0.082 for TWW1, TWW2 and TWW3, respectively. Direct genetic correlations among all performances were positive and low (for BWT with TWW) to high (for BWT with WWT and WWT with TWW). The corresponding estimates for phenotypic and residual correlations were moderate and lower than genetic correlations. The high genetic correlation among WWT and TWW suggests that direct selection on TWW1 or indirect selection on WWT would increase total weight of kids weaned per doe joined. 相似文献
Case study: The effect of inbreeding on the production and reproduction traits in the Elsenburg Dormer sheep stud 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Data of the Elsenburg Dormer sheep stud, which was kept closed since inception, were collected over a period of 62 years (1941–2002). The breed is a composite, resulting from a cross of Dorset Horn rams with South African Mutton Merino ewes. These data were analysed to quantify the increase in actual level of inbreeding and to investigate the effect of inbreeding on phenotypic values, genetic parameters and estimated breeding values. After editing 11954 pedigree, 11721 birth weight (BW) and survival, 9205 weaning weight (WW) and 7504 reproduction records were available for analysis. The mean level of inbreeding (F) of all animals over all years was 16%; 14% for dams and 16% for sires. Mean, minimum and maximum F for the lambs in 1997 (when 3 rams from outside were introduced) were 22%, 21% and 24% respectively. Estimates of inbreeding depression for individual inbreeding of 1% were − 0.006 kg for birth and − 0.093 kg for weaning weight respectively. These were the only estimates that were significantly (P < 0.01) different from zero. No significant effects of inbreeding on the other traits were found. There were virtually no differences in the genetic parameters estimated when fitting the two models (inclusion or exclusion of inbreeding coefficients as covariates). Estimates of the phenotypic variance differed slightly for WW between the two models. Ranking of animals were studied for weaning weight when the two models were considered. The high correlation coefficients (0.990) indicate that the use of inbreeding coefficients did not cause important changes in ranking of animals and sires for WW. It was concluded that slow inbreeding (rate of inbreeding of approximately 1.53% per generation over 19 generations) allows natural selection to operate and to remove the less fit animals. At any given mean level of F, less inbreeding depression would then be expected among the individuals who accumulated the inbreeding over a larger number of generations. Nevertheless, inbreeding coefficients should be considered when mating decisions are made, to limit the possible deleterious effects of inbreeding on productive and reproductive traits and to detect animals “resilient to” higher levels of inbreeding. 相似文献
Genetic parameters for carcass traits of 1774 field progeny (1281 steers and 493 heifers), and their genetic relationships with feed efficiency traits of their sire population (740 bulls) were estimated with REML. Feed efficiency traits included feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI). RFI was calculated by the residual of phenotypic (RFIphe) and genetic (RFIgen) regression from the multivariate analysis of feed intake on metabolic weight and daily gain. Progeny traits were carcass weight (CWT), rib eye area (REA), rib thickness (RBT), subcutaneous fat, yield estimate (YEM), marbling score (MSR), meat quality grade, meat color, fat color, meat firmness and meat texture. The estimated heritability for CWT (0.70) was high and heritabilities for all the other traits were moderate (ranged from 0.32 to 0.47), except for meat and fat color and meat texture which were low (ranged from 0.02 to 0.25). The high genetic correlation (0.62) between YEM and MSR suggests that simultaneous improvement of high carcass yield and beef marbling is possible. Estimated genetic correlations of RFI (RFIphe and RFIgen) of sires with CWT (− 0.60 and − 0.53) and MSR (− 0.62 and − 0.50) of their progeny were favorably negative indicating that the selection against RFI of sires may have contributed to produce heavier carcass and increase in beef marbling. The correlated responses in CWT, REA and RBT of progeny were higher to selection against RFI than those to selection against FCR of sires. This study provides evidence that selection against RFI is preferred over selection against FCR in sire population for getting better correlated responses in carcass traits of their progeny. 相似文献
This study estimated genetic and phenotypic parameters and annual trends for growth and fertility traits of Charolais and
Hereford cattle in Kenya. Traits considered were birth weight (BW, kg), pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG, kg/day) and weaning
weight (WW, kg); calving interval (CI, days) and age at first calving (AFC, days). Direct heritability estimates for growth
traits were 0.36 and 0.21; 0.25 and 0.10; 0.23 and 0.13 for BW, ADG and WW in Charolais and Hereford, respectively. Maternal
heritability estimates were 0.11 and 0.01; 0.18 and 0.00; 0.17 and 0.17 for BW, ADG and WW in Charolais and Hereford, respectively.
Direct-maternal genetic correlations ranged between −0.46 and 1.00; −0.51 and −1.00; −0.47 and −0.39 for BW, ADG and WW in
Charolais and Hereford, respectively. Genetic correlations ranged from −0.99 to unity and −1.00 to unity for growth and fertility
traits respectively. Prospects for improvement of growth and fertility traits exist. 相似文献
Ziguang Liu Dongjie Zhang Wentao Wang Xinmiao He Fugang Peng Liang Wang 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2017,67(1-2):34-39
Min Pig (Sus scrofa) is a northern Chinese domestic pig breed, whose cold resistance is remarkable. However, the cold-resistant phenotype of Min Pig is unclear. Our studies showed that in long-term cold exposure, the death rate of Min Pigs is significantly lower than that of the control Large White (LW) Pigs. The ear tissue freezing rate for Min Pigs is 0%, but that for LW Pigs is 100%. The shivering time and shivering frequency of Min Pigs are both significantly lower than that of LW Pigs at 5 months (P?.005) and in 80–90?kg pigs (P?.001). Our results indicated that Min Pig is more cold resistant than LW Pig in long-term cold exposure. These findings provided important reference data for the field of cold resistance research in Min Pigs, and for the breeding of cold-resistant pigs. 相似文献
研究将ESR基因作为母猪繁殖性状候选基因,进行多态性检测和相关分析,旨在为大白猪的分子标记辅助选择提供依据。试验采用PCR-RFLP方法分析了451头美系大白母猪ESR基因的多态性,以及多态性与总产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重间的相关性,并分析ESR基因对繁殖性状的效应。结果表明:ESR基因在该美系大白猪中分布处于哈德-温伯格不平衡状态。在头胎中,AA型个体总产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重分别为10.47头、9.90头和13.79 kg,均高于BB型个体的9.78头(P0.01)、9.01头(P0.05)和12.41 kg(P0.05);AA型个体的3个性状均高于AB型,但均差异不显著(P0.05);AB型个体的总产仔数和初生窝重分别为10.32头和13.45 kg,均显著高于BB型个体(P0.05),AB型个体产活仔数为9.60头,高于BB型,但差异不显著(P0.05)。经产(2~5胎)AA型个体的总产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重分别为11.55头、11.03头和16.53 kg,均高于AB型个体的11.07头(P0.05)、10.44头(P0.01)、15.67 kg(P0.05),且极显著高于BB型个体(10.82头、10.02头和15.17 kg)。ESR基因的A等位基因对繁殖性状均具有正的加性效应。ESR基因AA型在美系大白猪中为有利基因型,A等位基因为有利等位基因。该位点可用于美系大白猪的育种中,在种猪选育时提高ESR基因的A等位基因频率可以提高产仔数和初生窝重。 相似文献
J. Verner P. Humpolíek & A. Knoll 《Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie》2007,124(2):81-85
Summary Porcine myogenic differentiation genes ( MYOD ) family play a key role in growth and muscle development and are therefore considered as candidate genes for meat production traits. The objective of the study was to investigate the polymorphisms at four loci belonging to the MYOD genes family and analyse their associations with variation in meat production traits in Czech pig breeds. To verify the associations between the polymorphisms and the selected meat traits, altogether 254 pigs, including full- and half-sibs, of Large White and Landrace breeds were tested. The studied meat characteristics were weight of neck, loin, shoulder and ham, lean meat content (LMC), backfat thickness, intramuscular fat (IMF), remission, dry matter content and test daily gain. Statistically significant associations were observed between MYOG gene and fat and neck weight, and between MYF5 gene and IMF and LMC. High significant differences were observed between genotypes AA and AB of MYOD1 in IMF and between genotypes AB and BB of MYF5 in loin weight. 相似文献
The aim of the present analysis was to determine the impact of a variety of traits and effects (i.e. production, type, health, management effects, pedigree information) on prices of Holstein cows sold at auction, and to estimate genetic (co)variance components between type traits and auction price. Results were used to derive economic weights for type traits. Data of 1565 cows in first parity were collected at six monthly auction sales from August 2005 through January 2006. Seventeen linear type traits and body condition (scale 1 to 9), and four type composites (dairy character, body, feet and legs, and udder; scale 65 to 88) were scored by two classifiers in the auction hall before cows were sold. Analysis of variance revealed a highly significant impact (P < 0.001) of auction date, test day milk yield, stage of lactation, origin of sire, and miscellaneous defects on auction price. The most expensive cows were sold in August, they were from foreign proven sires, they had a high level of test day milk yield, and they were free from defects related to udder, feet and legs, or milkability. The feet and leg, udder, and body composite also had a significant effect on the price (P < 0.001), with higher scores being associated with higher prices. The opposite association was found for dairy character (P < 0.01). Utilizing results from regression analysis, economic weights per genetic standard deviation were highest for linear scored rear udder height (1.23 €), front teat placement (0.97 €), and strength (0.80 €), but were negative for dairy character (− 0.69 €). Genetic parameters for linear type traits scored at the auction date were consistent with literature reports. Heritability for auction price was 0.27, and auction price was genetically positively related to the feet and leg (0.55), udder (0.55), and body composite (0.21). A relative breeding value for auction price was estimated for 27 influential sires, and correlated with official indices for production, conformation, somatic cell count, functional herd life, fertility, and the total net merit index. Correlations were 0.15, 0.21, 0.11, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.19, respectively. Auction price in combination with type scores and information related to farm management provide valuable information for genetic analysis in dairy cattle, and results can be used to increase dairy cow profitability. 相似文献