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Ascochyta blight [Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab.] is the major foliar disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In search of better sources of resistance to ascochyta blight, 201 accessions of 8 annual wildCicer species were evaluated in field and greenhouse for 3 years (1988 to 1991) at Tel Hadya, Syria. One accession each ofC. judaicum Boiss (ILWC 165) andC. pinnatifidum Jaub. & Spach. (ILWC 159) were consistently rated resistant in both field and greenhouse evaluations. Another three accessions ofC. judaicum (ILWC 61, ILWC 154, ILWC 199) and six accessions ofC. pinnatifidum (ILWC 78, ILWC 88, ILWC 155, ILWC 160, ILWC 162, ILWC 203) were resistant or moderately resistant. The blight-resistant accessions ofC. judaicum originated from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey; and those ofC. pinnatifidum from Syria and Turkey. None of the accessions ofC. bijugum, C. chorassanicum, C. cuneatum, C. echinospermum, C. reticulatum andC. yamashitae were resistant to blight.  相似文献   

A second gene conferring resistance to the chickpea wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp ciceris race 0, has been mapped to linkage group 2 (LG2) of the chickpea genetic map. Resistance to race 0 is controlled by two genes which segregate independently; one present in accession JG62 (Foc0 1 /foc0 1 ) and mapping to LG5 and the second present in accession CA2139 (Foc0 2 /foc0 2 ) but remaining unmapped. Both genes separately confer complete resistance to race 0 of the wilt pathogen. Using a Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population that segregated for both genes (CA2139 × JG62) and the genotypic information provided by two markers flanking Foc0 1 /foc0 1 ten resistant lines containing the resistant allele Foc0 2 /foc0 2 were selected. Genotypic analysis using these ten resistant lines paired with ten susceptible RILs, selected in the same population, revealed that sequence tagged microsatellite sites (STMS) markers sited on LG2 were strongly associated with Foc0 2 /foc0 2 . Linkage analysis, using data from two mapping populations (CA2139/JG62 and CA2156/JG62), located Foc0 2 /foc0 2 in a region where genes for resistance to wilt races 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have previously been reported and which is highly saturated with tightly-linked STMS markers that could be used in marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Selective media without pentachloronitrobenzene were developed for quantitative assays of Fusarium oxysporum in soils. Media Fo-G1 and Fo-G2 were effective for naturally infested soils, Fo-W1 and Fo-W2 for wild-type isolates in soils containing a nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutant, and Fo-N1 and Fo-N2 for nit mutants. Selective media were made using ammonium citrate dibasic, l-sorbose, econazole nitrate, 25% iminoctadine triacetate solution and 50% tolclofos-methyl wettable powder for soil dilutions of 100-fold or more (Fo-G1, FoW1 and Fo-N1) and 10-fold (Fo-G2, Fo-W2 and Fo-N2). Potassium chlorate was added to Fo-N1 and Fo-N2. The efficacy for selectively isolating F. oxysporum was confirmed using six soils naturally infested with one of six formae speciales of F. oxysporum and with soil dilutions containing conidia of wild-type strains or nit mutants from the six formae speciales. On Fo-G1 and Fo-G2, most colonies of F. oxysporum were compact and round with purplish or reddish pigment in the reverse. Cylindrocarpon sp. formed colonies as large as those of F. oxysporum but were distinguishable by their colony morphology. Other contaminants such as F. solani, F. moniliforme, and Trichoderma were suppressed by medium ingredients and colonies of F. oxysporum. On Fo-W1 and Fo-W2, colony morphology of F. oxysporum and contaminants corresponded to that on Fo-G1 and Fo-G2, although F. oxysporum failed to produce the pigment. On Fo-N1 and Fo-N2, nit mutants formed clear colonies from 100- and 10-fold soil dilutions, respectively, and contaminants seldom formed large colonies.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae (FOS; the causal agent of spinach wilt) collected from Japan were assessed for mating type and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Mating type analysis revealed all isolates to be MAT1-2, suggesting that there is no sexual recombination within the population. Phylogenetic analyses based on nucleotide sequences of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) and the mating type locus (MAT1) suggested that FOS is polyphyletic. The cluster analysis based on IGS showed four phylogenetic groups (S1–S4) among the isolates. Two distinct lineages, S1 and S3, included FOS isolates both of the vegetative compatibility group (VCG) types, 0330 and 0331, demonstrating that VCG differentiation in FOS may not necessarily reflect the phylogenetic relationships based on IGS and MAT1-2-1.  相似文献   

Race 2 isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae have been recognized as biotin auxotrophs and consequently have restricted growth on Puhalla's minimal medium (MM), which contains no biotin. Biotin-autotrophic isolates were raised from race 2 isolates through cultural mutation that grew as well on MM as they did on MM supplemented with biotin. These autotrophs were identical to the parental isolates in pathogenicity on race differential cultivars of lettuce (Patriot, Banchu Red Fire, and Costa Rica No. 4), and thus were designated as race 2. A vegetative compatibility test indicated that the autotrophic isolates fell into the same vegetative compatibility group as the parents. Culture filtrates of the autotrophs allowed abundant growth of the parental auxotroph on MM, and, through a competitive enzyme-binding assay, biotin was detected in the culture filtrates. These results suggest that biotin auxotrophy in the natural race 2 isolates has no direct relation to pathogenicity, qualitatively defined as physiological race, or to vegetative compatibility.  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei, is the most destructive disease in many chickpea growing countries. Disease development varies with the growth stage and host resistance. Hence, disease development was studied in cvs ICCX 810800 (resistant), ICCV 90201 (moderately resistant), C 235 (moderately susceptible), ICCV 96029 and Pb 7 (susceptible) under controlled environment (ICRISAT, Patencheru) and field conditions (Dhaulakuan, Himachal Pradesh) at seedling, post-seedling, vegetative, flowering and podding stages. Under controlled environment, the incubation period and terminal disease reaction (TDR) did not vary significantly at different growth stages against virulent isolate AB 4. Cultivars ICCX 810800, ICCV 90201 and C 235 showed a significantly longer incubation period than the susceptible cv. Pb 7. Cultivar ICCX 810800 showed slow disease progress and the least TDR. Field experiments were conducted during the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 growing seasons. During 2003–2004, TDR was higher in plants inoculated at podding and the flowering stage and the lowest disease reaction was recorded in ICCX 810800. A severe epidemic during 2004–2005 was attributed to the favourable temperature, humidity and well distributed high rainfall. TDR did not differ significantly at any of the growth stages in susceptible cvs ICCV 96029 and Pb 7. With respect to seeding date and cultivar, the highest yield was recorded in the early-sown crop (1,276.7 kg ha−1) and in ICCV 90201 (1,799.3 kg ha−1), respectively. The yields were greatly reduced in all the cultivars during 2004–2005 and the highest yield was recorded in ICCX 810800 (524.7 kg ha−1). Integrated disease management using resistant cultivars, optimum sowing period and foliar application of fungicides will improve chickpea production. The experiment under controlled environment and field conditions (during the epidemic year) showed a similar disease development.  相似文献   

A wilt disease of the model legume Lotus japonicus was observed in a greenhouse in Tokyo, Japan in May 2004. Roots of diseased plants were rotted and dark brown with lesions spreading to lower stems and leaves, resulting in rapid plant death. The causal agent was identified as Fusarium solani based on the morphology. Sequence analysis of rDNA supported the identification. Inoculation of roots of healthy plants with conidia reproduced characteristic disease symptoms, and F. solani was reisolated from lesions, satisfying Koch’s postulates. The isolate also caused chlorotic to necrotic lesions on leaves of healthy plants after wound-inoculation. Infection by F. solani of leaves of L. japonicus was confirmed histologically. Mycelia were observed in the intercellular spaces of parenchymatous tissues in the lesion area and the surrounding tissues. This is the first report of fungal disease on L. japonicus satisfying Koch’s postulates. We named it “Fusarium root rot of L. japonicus” as a new disease. The compatibility of L. japonicus and F. solani is expected to form a novel pathosystem for studying interactions between legumes and fungal pathogens. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB258993 and AB258994.  相似文献   

Eleven pathotype groups (A-K), including five not previously reported, ofDidymella rabiei (anamorphAscochyta rabiei), representing isolates of the pathogen from Ascochyta blight-affected chickpeas mainly from India, Pakistan, Spain and the USA, were characterized using 44 single-spore isolates tested against seven differential chickpea lines. Of 48 isolates tested for mating type, 58% belonged to MAT 1-1 and 42% to MAT 1-2. Thirty-nineD. rabiei isolates, as well as two isolates ofAscochyta pisi and six isolates of unrelated fungi, were analyzed using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) employing five primers (P2 at 40°C, and OPA3, OPC1, OPC11 and OPC20 at 35°C). Computer cluster analysis (UPGMA / NTSYS-PC) detected a relatively low level of polymorphism among all theD. rabiei isolates, although atca 7% dissimilarity,ca 10 RAPD groups [I-X] were demarcated, as well as subclustering within the larger groups. By the same criteria, the maximum dissimilarity for the whole population ofD. rabiei isolates wasca 13%. No correlation was found between different RAPD groups, pathotype, or mating type ofD. rabiei, although some evidence of clustering based on geographic origin was detected. The use of RAPDs enabled us to identify specific DNA fragments that may have a potential use as genetic markers in sexual crosses, but none which could be used as virulence markers.  相似文献   

Different sets of wheat genotypes were tested under field conditions by spraying inocula of isolates of seven Fusarium spp. and Microdochium nivale (formerly F. nivale) in the period 1998–2002. The severity of Fusarium head blight (FHB), Fusarium-damaged kernels (FDK), the yield reduction and the deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination were also measured to describe the nature of the resistance. The degrees of FHB severity of genotypes to F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, F. sporotrichioides, F. poae, F.␣verticillioides, F. sambucinum and M. nivale were very similar, indicating that the resistance to F.␣graminearum was similar to that for other Fusarium spp. listed. This is an important message to breeders as the resistance relates not only to any particular isolate of F. graminearum, but similarly to isolates of other Fusarium spp. This holds true for all the parameters measured. The DON contamination refers only to DON-producers F. graminearum and F. culmorum. Highly significant correlations were found between FHB, FDK, yield loss and DON contamination. Resistance components such as resistance to kernel infection, resistance to DON and tolerance were identified in the more susceptible genotypes. As compared with western European genotypes which produced up to 700 mg kg−1 DON, the Hungarian genotypes produced only 100 mg kg−1 at a similar FDK level. This research demonstrates the importance of measuring both FDK and DON in the breeding and selection of resistant germplasm and cultivars.  相似文献   

Liriomyza cicerina (Rondani, 1875) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an important pest on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in some regions of Turkey. The objective of this study was to determine whether the populations ofL. cicerina on different varieties of chickpea plants during the 2004 and 2005 production seasons affected yield in Sanliurfa province. The trials were carried out using eight different varieties of chickpea with three replicates. During each season, larval densities on leaves were assessed weekly. TheL. cicerina larval population was lowest on four varieties for both seasons. There were very minor differences in yield among the eight varieties in the production seasons. There was no correlation found between larval density and yield loss. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 14, 2007.  相似文献   

Leaf blight disease was found on Gloriosa superba L. (Liliaceae), an endangered, herbaceous, perennial, climbing lily that produces colchicine, in West Bengal, India in 2004. Small brownish spots on leaves developed into concentric rings, which eventually darkened and coalesced to blight the entire leaf. The causal fungus was morphologically identified as Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. This is the first record of A. alternata on G. superba.  相似文献   

Biofilm-grown cells of Pseudomonas syringae pv. theae (P.s.theae) wild-type strain K9301 on abiotic surface had remarkable resistance to kasugamycin in comparison to planktonically grown cells; however, the biofilm-grown cells of K9301 had the same sensitivity to copper sulfate. Because both the lesser biofilm-forming strain K9301S3 and enhanced biofilm-forming strain K9301-6 also had remarkable biofilm resistance to kasugamycin just as K9301 did and because epigallocatechin gallate, which enhanced biofilm formation of P.s.theae, had no effect on biofilm resistance to kasugamaycin, the degree of biofilm formation was not correlated with the antibiotic susceptibilities. In addition, K9301 and K9301S3 had less sensitivity to kasugamycin but had high sensitivity to copper sulfate on nonwounded leaf surfaces. These results indicate a possibility that the mechanism of P.s.theae biofilm resistance to bactericide functions on both abiotic and nonwounded leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Five experimental trials were carried out to test different biological control agents against Fusarium wilt of lettuce, cause byFusarium oxysporum f.sp.lactucae. In the presence of a very high disease incidence, the best results in terms of disease control as well as increased growth response were shown byTrichoderma harzianum T 22 (RootShield), which, at 3 gl −1 of substrate, provided very consistent results.F. oxysporum IF 23 gave good disease control but in two out of five trials reduced the biomass produced. Less consistent, but still significant results were provided byF oxysporium MSA 25, at 3 gl −1 of substrate, and byTrichoderma viride TV 1. The twoF. oxysporum agents Fo 251/2 and Fo 47 and the mixture ofT. harzianum + T. viride (Remedier) partially reduced disease incidence but were less effective than the above mentioned. Less interesting results were offered byStreptomyces griseoviridis (Mycostop). The results obtained show that biological control can play a role in the management of Fusarium wilt of lettuce.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella pinodes is one of the most devastating pea pathogens. Pea cultivars with adequate levels of resistance to control the disease are not so far available. However, promising levels of resistance have been identified in wild accessions of pea. In the present investigation the inheritance of resistance to M. pinodes was studied in two crosses between the susceptible pea cv. ‘Ballet’ and the partially wild resistant accessions P665 (Pisum sativum subsp. syriacum) and P42 (P. sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense). Both additive and dominant effects were important in control of resistance and susceptibility dominated over resistance.  相似文献   

Gummy stem blight of balsam pear found in the Kanto district and in the Hokkaido Prefecture was demonstrated to be caused by Didymella bryoniae (Auerswald) Rehm based on inoculation experiments, molecular analysis, and morphological identification of the pathogenic fungus. This fungus was also pathogenic to related plants belonging to Cucurbitaceae. The imperfect stage of the fungus was identified as Phoma cucurbitacearum (Fr.: Fr.) Sacc. based on morphological similarities.  相似文献   

Alstroemeria plants were surveyed for viruses in Japan from 2002 to 2004. Seventy-two Alstroemeria plants were collected from Aichi, Nagano, and Hokkaido prefectures and 54.2% were infected with some species of virus. The predominant virus was Alstroemeria mosaic virus, followed by Tomato spotted wilt virus, Youcai mosaic virus (YoMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Alstroemeria virus X and Broad bean wilt virus-2 (BBWV-2). On the basis of nucleotide sequence of the coat protein genes, all four CMV isolates belong to subgroup IA. CMV isolates induced mosaic and/or necrosis on Alstroemeria. YoMV and BBWV-2 were newly identified by traits such as host range, particle morphology, and nucleotide sequence as viruses infecting Alstroemeria. A BBWV-2 isolate also induced mosaic symptoms on Alstroemeria seedlings.  相似文献   

Four lines (designated MR0, MR1, MR2, and M8) from 13 accessions of Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima were selected on the basis of phenotypes produced after foliar rub-inoculation with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). The susceptible phenotype developed bright yellow local lesions, whereas the resistant phenotype had symptoms ranging from no visible lesions to necrotic lesions at the inoculation site. MR1 and MR2 lines had a resistant phenotype depending on the isolate and the MR0 line was susceptible to all isolates of BNYVV tested. The M8 line was highly susceptible; the virus spread systemically and caused severe stunting. These plant lines will be useful for distinguishing BNYVV isolates having different pathogenicities, especially those controlled by RNA3 and/or RNA5.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus causes yellow leaf disorder epidemics in many countries worldwide. Plants of Physalis ixocarpa showing abnormal interveinal yellowing and plants of Physalis peruviana showing mild yellowing collected in the vicinity of tomato crops in Portugal were found naturally infected with ToCV. Physalis ixocarpa and P. peruviana were tested for susceptibility to ToCV by inoculation with Bemisia tabaci, Q biotype. Results confirmed that ToCV is readily transmissible to both species. The infection was expressed in P. ixocarpa by conspicuous interveinal yellow areas on leaves that developed into red or brown necrotic flecks, while P. peruviana test plants remained asymptomatic. Infected plants of both P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana served as ToCV sources for tomato infection via B. tabaci transmission. This is the first report of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana as natural hosts of ToCV.  相似文献   

Diaporthe helianthi the causal agent of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) stem canker, causes significant reductions in yield and oil content in most sunflower-growing areas. With the aim of enhancing host resistance, we selected in vitro sunflower calli against culture filtrates of two pathogen isolates (7/96 and 101/96). This technique may be an effective and rapid tool to discriminate the most virulent D. helianthi isolate and to screen for host resistance in the early stage of a breeding programme. Further investigation on the mechanisms involved in defence pathways showed no induction of salicylic acid and pathogenesis-related proteins in calli, indicating that the host resistance is not associated with Systemic Acquired Resistance but probably other biochemical mechanisms.  相似文献   

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