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Colombo  Stephen J. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):449-467
Difficulties overwintering container stock in northern Ontario led to the development of the extended greenhouse culture hardening regime for spruce seedlings. Laboratories to measure shoot frost hardiness and evaluate terminal bud development were established to monitor nursery crops being hardened using this regime. Information on frost hardiness and bud development provided by these laboratories has been used by nursery managers to determine readiness of container seedlings for overwintering. Since 1982, over 200 stock lots have been monitored by these operational laboratories. This database can be used to determine the importance of nursery cultural factors and seed source on frost hardening. The database shows large differences between nurseries in approach to hardening seedlings which were reflected in levels of freezing damage, winter desiccation and overwintering success. Rates of frost hardening (i.e., the interval between terminal bud initiation and attainment of a --15°C level of shoot frost hardiness) of crops produced in north central Ontario failed to show significant seed source effects. The rate of frost hardening was faster in crops producing fewer needle primordia in terminal buds.  相似文献   

Data from 122 northeastern Ontario plots were used to develop composite site-productivity functions for black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). A logistic model produced the best fit to the data. The resulting equations produce sets of polymorphic site-productivity curves with subsets of three curves, one for each of Ontario's Forest Ecosystem Classification Operational Groups (FEC OGs) 11, 12 and 14. For direct estimates of site productivity, site index was expressed as a function of stand height, age and FEC OG by employing the reciprocal of the logistic model. Application of the resulting equations and tables is demonstrated in an example. The procedures employed may be used to develop ecologically based site-productivity functions for other areas.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of nutrient addition on several physiological characteristics of 60-cm-tall black spruce (Picea mariana Mill. B.S.P.) layers (i.e., rooted branches of overstory trees) and 20-cm-tall planted seedlings on a clear-cut, N-limited boreal site. After two growing seasons, current-year and one-year-old needles of fertilized trees (layers and seedlings combined) had higher net photosynthetic rates (A(n)) and maximum capacity of Rubisco for CO(2) fixation (V(max)) than unfertilized trees. One-year-old needles of fertilized trees had higher stomatal conductance (g(s)), higher water-use efficiency, and lower intercellular to ambient CO(2) ratio than unfertilized trees. Additionally, fertilized trees had higher predawn and midday shoot water potentials than unfertilized trees. Stomatal conductance of 1-year-old needles was 23% higher in seedlings than in layers, but there were no significant differences in g(s) of current-year needles between the regeneration types. For both needle age-classes, A(n) and V(max) of layers were 25 and 40% higher, respectively, than the corresponding values for seedlings. The higher values of A(n), V(max) and foliar N concentration of layers compared with seedlings after two growing seasons may be associated with the larger root systems of the layers compared with the transplanted seedlings.  相似文献   

Bareroot jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) were planted near Elliot Lake, Ontario, on a boreal reforestation site. Site preparation treatments were mixed, mineral and undisturbed (i.e., control) soil. Seedling water relations and growth were examined during the first field season. During the first 28 days after planting, jack pine base (i.e., predawn) and minimum xylem water potential readings were more negative in the control site preparation treatment. White spruce, during the first 10 days, in all site preparation treatments had base and minimum xylem water potential readings more negative than –1.7 MPa. By day 28 base xylem water potentials of white spruce had increased to approximately –1.0 MPa in all site preparation treatments. As the growing season progressed, white spruce minimum xylem water potential readings ceased exceeding the measured turgor loss point first in the mixed followed by the mineral and then control site preparation treatment. Jack pine minimum xylem water potential readings, in all site preparation treatments, almost never exceeded the measured turgor loss point. Water stress and stomatal optimization integrals, day 28 and 125, for both species showed least water stress and greater stomatal optimization in the mixed, mineral and control site preparation treatments, respectively. Both species had less new root growth in the field during the first 28 days after planting compared to seedlings grown for 28 days in a greenhouse for root growth capacity testing. Root growth at 28 days and both shoot and root development at the end of the growing season, were greatest to least in mixed, mineral, and control site preparation treatments, respectively.  相似文献   

Individual-tree distance independent diameter growth models were developed for black spruce and jack pine plantations. Data used in this study came via stem analysis on 1170 black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) and 800 jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) trees sampled from 75 stands of 25 even-aged monospecific plantations for each species in the Canadian boreal forest region of northern Ontario. Of the 75 stands, 50 were randomly selected for each species and all trees from these stands were used for model development. Trees from the remaining stands were used for model evaluation.A nonlinear mixed-effects approach was applied in fitting the diameter growth models. The predictive accuracy of the models was improved by including random effects coefficients. Four selection criteria - random, dominant or codominant, tree size close to quadratic mean diameter, and small sized - were evaluated for accuracy in predicting random effects for a new stand using the developed models. Random effects predicted based on trees selected using the random selection criterion provided more accurate diameter predictions than those using trees obtained via other selection criteria for both species. The models developed here are very important to forest managers as the diameters predicted by these models or, their stand-level summaries (i.e., basal area, average diameter), are used as inputs in any forest growth and yield models. In addition, individual-tree diameter growth models can be used to directly forecast changes in diameter distribution of stands.  相似文献   

Peterson  John 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):329-339
Black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) overwintered container crops produced in four container types spanning a range of container sizes and seedling rearing densities were compared for two consecutive years. In 1989 two growing environments (greenhouse and outdoors) were compared. In 1990 three growing environments (greenhouse, coldframe, and outdoors) and two hardening regimes (short day and natural) were compared. Seedlings were outplanted during the spring of 1989 and 1990 and total height and survival were assessed for five years.The outdoor-grown crop was shorter, smaller in root collar diameter and had less dry weight at time of planting than the crops produced in the greenhouse (1989 study) and in the greenhouse and coldframe (1990 study). Although the greenhouse crops in both studies were larger at time of planting, the outdoor-grown crops (1989 and 1990) and coldframe-grown crop (1990) displayed significantly greater annual height increment in the first two years after planting. The enhanced early height growth of the outdoor-grown crops may be due to the natural acclimation created by their growing environment.Seedlings grown in a large volume container, at a low plant density (441 plants/m2), had significantly larger root collar diameters and total dry weights at time of planting than seedlings grown in a smaller volume container at a high plant density. Stem volume production in the field was greater on seedlings from larger volume containers grown at low densities.  相似文献   

Boyce RL  Lucero SA 《Tree physiology》1999,19(13):893-898
Roots play a role in maintaining foliar water balance in subalpine conifer saplings during winter. We used deuterium-labeled water to demonstrate that roots of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry) take up water during the late-winter-early spring period. Based on a root severing experiment, we conclude that small, snow-covered saplings were largely dependent on root water uptake to meet winter transpiration needs, whereas larger saplings relied more on water stored in stem sapwood. Both water uptake and water stored in roots appeared to be critical for the survival of saplings exposed above the snowpack during the late-winter-early spring period, when sap reserves were insufficient to meet increasing transpirational demands.  相似文献   

New Forests - Advance regeneration of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) is scarce in many forest stands, due to past clearcuts and heavy harvesting of large seed trees in partial cuts. Understory...  相似文献   

Water relation patterns and subsequent growth were studied on bare-root and container jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) seedlings during the first growing season on boreal cut-over sites.Containerized seedlings of both species had greater needle conductance compared to bare-root seedlings over a range of absolute humidity deficits. Needle conductance of containerized seedlings in both species remained high during periods of high absolute humidity deficits and increasing plant moisture stress. Bare-root seedlings of both species had a greater early season resistance to water-flow through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) than container seedlings. Resistance to water flow through the SPAC decreased in bare-noot seedlings of both species as the growing season progressed, and was comparable to container seedlings 9 through 14 weeks after planting. Four weeks after field planting jack pine container seedlings had greater new root development compared to bare-root seedlings, while at the end of the summer both stock types had similar new root development. Black spruce bare-root seedlings had greater new root development compared with container seedlings throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

Wilson  S.J.  Clark  R.J. 《New Forests》2000,19(1):13-25
Bare-root seedlings of Eucalyptus nitens frequently exhibit water stress after planting resulting in leaf lamina damage and reduced leaf area. Two trials examined effects of root exposure and desiccation between lifting and transplanting on post-planting water relations, leaf retention and root growth. Plants with roots exposed on a glasshouse bench initially lost water rapidly. In one trial 1 declined to around –2.0 MPa within 2.5 h, after which there was no further change with exposure up to 7.5 h. In the second trial, the initial decline in 1 was more rapid, reaching below –2.0 MPa in the first hour, before remaining stable with continuing exposure up to 4.5 h. A further decline then continued to –4.0 MPa after 7.5 h.Two days after transplanting into potting mix, day – time leaf water potentials in all desiccation treatments had declined to near –2.0 MPa. Hydraulic resistivity, measured as leaf specific resistivity two days after transplanting, increased following exposure for greater than 2.5 h, but there was no further increase between 4.5 and 7.5 h. The increase in resistivity corresponded with leaf water potential declining below –2.0 MPa during exposure.In the second trial, increasing root exposure time resulted in decreased leaf area due to lamina necrosis. Root growth, measured three weeks after planting, was also reduced. and there was also a positive curvilinear relationship between leaf area remaining at three weeks and new root growth. The results are discussed in terms of hardiness and the management of E. nitens seedlings from nursery to plantation.  相似文献   

Bareroot jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings (2 + 0) and bareroot white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) transplants (1 1/2 + 1 1/2) were taken from cold storage and planted on a clearcut forest site in northeastern Ontario on several dates between May 6 and June 5 during which period soil temperature at 15 cm depth increased from 0 to 18 degrees C. Additional cold-stored trees were transferred to a greenhouse where they were grown in pots for 0, 7 or 28 days and then placed with their roots in aerated water maintained at one of a range of constant temperatures between 0 and 22 degrees C. In both species, daytime xylem pressure potentials (Psi(x)) and needle conductances (g(wv)) decreased with decreasing soil or water temperature. At all root temperatures, g(wv) was lower, and Psi(x) higher, in jack pine than in white spruce. After 28 days in the greenhouse, g(wv) of jack pine seedlings, and Psi(x) of white spruce, was higher than in plants just removed from cold storage. In both species, water-flow resistance through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (RSPAC) increased as root temperature decreased. At all root temperatures, RSPAC was higher in plants just removed from cold storage than in plants grown in the greenhouse for 28 days, during which time many new unsuberized roots were formed. At root temperatures above 10 degrees C, RSPAC of both species was higher in trees newly planted in mineral soil than in trees with roots in aerated water; presumably because the roots of planted trees had limited hydraulic contact with the soil. On the day following removal from cold storage, relative plant water flow resistance increased, in both species, more rapidly with declining root temperature than could be accounted for by the change with temperature in the viscosity of water, thus indicating an effect of temperature on root permeability. The same effect was evident in jack pine seedlings, but not white spruce transplants, that had been grown for 28 days in the greenhouse after removal from cold storage.  相似文献   

Significant reductions in needle water content were observed in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings in response to a 10-day drought, although turgor was apparently maintained. When the seedlings were re-watered after the drought, jack pine needles regained their original saturated volume, whereas white spruce and black spruce needles did not. Significant drought-induced reductions in turgor-loss volume (i.e., tissue volume at the point of turgor loss) were observed in shoots of all three species, especially jack pine. Repeated exposure to 7 days of drought or treatment with the cytochrome P(450) inhibitor, paclobutrazol ((2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-pentan-3-ol), reduced seedling height relative to that of untreated controls in all three species. The reductions in saturated and turgor-loss needle volumes in the paclobutrazol-treated seedlings were comparable with those of seedlings subjected to a 10-day drought. The treatment-induced reductions in shoot and needle water contents enabled seedlings to maintain turgor with tissue volumes close to, or below, the turgor-loss volume of untreated seedlings. Paclobutrazol-treated seedlings subsequently survived drought treatments that were lethal to untreated seedlings.  相似文献   

Tangential pitting in black spruce tracheids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tangential pit features were studied in a 55-year old black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.) tree by means of light and electron microscopy.It was found that tangential pitting is lacking from the greatest part of the growth ring, except for the last four tangential rows of latewood tracheids and the first row of early wood tracheids. The average number of pits per tangential wall of a 3.55-mm-long tracheid is 234, 144, 28, 4 and zero, respectively, in the last 5 tangential rows of latewood tracheids, starting at the growth-ring boundary.On the average, tangential pits measure 5.4 m in diameter, possess oval to elliptical apertures, and are randomly distributed uniformly over the tangential tracheid wall. All tangential intertracheid pits are bordered and in that respect are similar to those in the radial walls. Although most of the pits contain membranes with tori, some at the growth-ring boundary lack tori and exhibit randomly oriented microfibrillar structure.  相似文献   

Plasma treatments for black spruce wood (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), a widespread forest species from Canada, were carried out in order to waterproof the exposed surfaces. Experiments were performed using inductively coupled argon plasma with carbon tetrafluoride as the gaseous precursor for plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of functional fluoropolymer coatings on wood. Analysis of the wettability through water contact angle measurements showed water-repellent characteristics, with static contact angles up to 130° depending on plasma exposure time, CF4 concentration in the Ar/CF4 plasma, and plasma source-to-substrate distance. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigations of plasma-treated wood surfaces confirmed the growth of a thin, fluorocarbon layer with fluorine atomic concentrations close to 50 % on highly hydrophobic wood surfaces. Estimation of the thickness of the coatings by stylus profilometry revealed that a minimum layer thickness of about 80 nm is required to obtain water repellant wood surfaces with minimum water uptake. This complete set of data indicates that fluorocarbon-containing plasmas represent a very promising approach for improving the durability of wood products in wet and humid conditions.  相似文献   

In 1986, four allopatric Eucalyptus species (E. camaldulensis Dehnh, E. saligna Smith, E. leucoxylon F. Muell and E. platypus Hook.) were planted together in a 480-mm rainfall zone, in 8-m wide contour belts as part of a plan to minimize waterlogging and secondary salinization. Throughout 1997, 1998 and 1999, there was significant inter-specific variation in predawn leaf water potential (Psi(pd)); however, maximum stomatal conductance (g(sm)) only differed significantly between species in mid to late summer. Relationships between g(sm) and Psi(pd) were significant and showed that stomata of E. camaldulensis were significantly more sensitive to Psi(pd), and presumably soil water potential, than stomata of E. leucoxylon or E. platypus. When applied to the Psi(pd) data, these relationships predicted that g(sm), and by inference transpiration, varied much less between species than Psi(pd). Diurnal measurements throughout the season confirmed this prediction, and showed that E. camaldulensis and E. saligna avoided drought by gaining access to deeper water, whereas E. leucoxylon and E. platypus maintained greater g(sm) at a given water stress than E. camaldulensis or E. saligna. Osmotic potentials measured after rehydration and water release curves of the leaves indicated that different mechanisms accounted for the apparent drought tolerance of E. leucoxylon and E. platypus. In summer, E. leucoxylon reduced osmotic potential at full and zero turgor by similar amounts compared with winter. In summer, E. platypus had a significantly lower bulk elastic modulus and relative water content at turgor loss point than E. camaldulensis, E. saligna or E. leucoxylon. This elastic adjustment resulted in a larger difference between osmotic potential at full and zero turgor in summer than in winter. The inherently low osmotic potential in E. leucoxylon and elastic adjustment in E. platypus resulted in turgor loss at a similar and significantly lower water potential than in E. camaldulensis or E. saligna. These results have implications for species selection for planting to manage groundwater recharge in areas prone to waterlogging and secondary salinization.  相似文献   

Pressure-volume curves and shoot water potentials were determined for black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) trees from four full-sib families at the Petawawa Research Forest, Ontario, Canada. Trees were sampled from a dry site in 1992 and from the dry site and a wet site in 1993. Modulus of elasticity (epsilon), osmotic potential at turgor loss point (Psi(tlp)) and relative water at turgor loss point (RWC(tlp)) all decreased during the growing season. Osmotic potential at saturation (Psi(sat)) and turgor displayed no general temporal trend. Across a range of environmental conditions, Female 59 progeny had equal or lower Psi(sat), and higher or similar epsilon, mean turgor pressure (P(x)) and predawn turgor pressure (P(pd)) compared with Female 63 progeny. Osmotic potential at saturation decreased as water stress increased from mild to moderate and increased as water stress increased from moderate to severe. Stable genetic differences in Psi(sat) were maintained by the same rate of osmotic adjustment from low to moderate water stress. Modulus of elasticity and RWC(tlp) decreased with decreasing water availability, whereas Psi(tlp) showed no response. The combined effects of Psi(sat) and epsilon resulted in no change in P(pd) as water stress increased from low to moderate values, but turgor declined sharply as water stress increased from moderate to high values. We conclude that drought tolerance traits strongly influence the growth of these black spruce families across sites of varying water availability.  相似文献   

Water relations of bare-root jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) planted in a greenhouse and on a boreal cut-over site were examined during the first growing season. In field-planted trees, maximum stomatal conductances (g(wv)) were initially low (< 0.10 cm s(-1)). Base and minimum xylem pressure potentials (Psi(x(base)) and Psi(x(min))) were less than -1.5 and -1.7 MPa for jack pine and -2.0 and -2.6 MPa for white spruce, respectively. During the growing season, maximum g(wv) increased in both species to around 0.2 cm s(-1). Base and minimum xylem pressure potentials also increased in both species to around -0.5 and -1.0 MPa in jack pine and -1.0 and -1.5 MPa in white spruce, respectively. Minimum xylem pressure potentials in white spruce fell below the turgor loss point during the first half of the growing season. Osmotic potential at the turgor loss point Psi(pi(TLP)) decreased after field planting to around -2.7 and -2.3 MPa in jack pine and white spruce, respectively. In the greenhouse, minimum values of Psi(pi(TLP)) were -2.2 and -2.3 MPa in jack pine and white spruce, respectively. Maximum bulk modulus of elasticity was greater in white spruce and underwent greater seasonal change than in jack pine. Relative water content (RWC) at turgor loss ranged between 71 and 74% in jack pine and 80 and 87% in white spruce. Available turgor (T(avail)), defined as the integral of turgor over the range of RWC between Psi(x(base)) and xylem pressure potential at the turgor loss point, was similar in jack pine and white spruce just after field planting. For the rest of the growing season, however, T(avail) in jack pine was two to three times that in white spruce. Diurnal turgor (T(diurnal)), defined as the integral of turgor over the range of RWC between Psi(x(base)) and Psi(x(min)), as a percent of T(avail) was higher in field-planted white spruce than jack pine until the end of the season. Dynamics of tissue water potential components are discussed in relation to plantation establishment.  相似文献   



Following forest harvest, mechanical site preparation (MSP) is commonly used to regenerate harvested sites. In boreal forested peatlands, however, the effectiveness of MSP to regenerate harvested sites is likely to be hampered by thick organic layers.  相似文献   

Wilson  S.J.  Clark  R.J. 《New Forests》1998,16(3):199-211
Field symptoms of transplanting shock in Eucalyptus nitens open rooted (1/2 + 1/2) transplants suggest water stress. To identify stages in the development of symptoms, changes in water relations were monitored from undisturbed seedlings growing in a commercial nursery through lifting, transplanting into pots and re-establishment of normal water relations. Hydraulic resistance measured as leaf specific resistivity increased with each step in the transplanting process. Resistivity after lifting was double that measured on undisturbed plants in the nursery and subsequently doubled with each of the two successive stages, root trimming and planting out. Resistivity fell after the initial rise, returning to the values recorded in the nursery in two stages. An initial rapid decrease, which was not accompanied by any measurable root growth, was followed by a seven day period without a change in resistivity before a further gradual decrease as root volume increased with new root growth.All water relations measurements were taken on trees which had not suffered any permanent leaf damage as a result of transplanting. For a small group of trees which did suffer damage there was a significant relationship between root volume at planting and the retained healthy leaf area. Before shoot growth had recommenced the final ratio of turgid leaf area to initial root volume was comparable with plants immediately after lifting and before trimming. The results are discussed in terms of the changes in predawn leaf water potential, leaf water potential and the leaf damage or defoliation symptoms occuring in plantations.  相似文献   

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