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Three diploid perennial sunflower species are useful for variety improvement: Helianthus mollis, because of sessile leaves, H. salicifolius, because of a high oil concentration, and H. maximiliani, a potential source of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The crossability of these species to cultivated sunflower was examined.Hybrids were obtained from eight combinations, with 3–15 F1 plants per combination. The F1's exhibited the dominant phenotype of the wild species. Pollen viability varied between 32.1 and 69.9%. Meiosis was irregular in the F1 hybrids. At diakinesis, bivalents (62.7–97.9% of meiocytes), univalents (0–31.23%), and multivalents (3.84–7.68%) were detected. At anaphase I, chromosome bridges were detected in 6.77 to 11.44% of meiocytes. Fast chromosomes in metaphase I, and lagging chromosomes in anaphase I and telophase II were evidenced in a high percentage of meiocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Ten cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) lines were crossed with nine maintainer or male fertility restorer lines in a diallel crossing scheme. Based on fertility restoration of the F1 generation, CMS lines were divided into four groups. At least two new sources of CMS, CMS PET2 and CMS GIG1, were found to be potentially useful for commercial production of hybrids. Environment had an influence on fertility restoration of one CMS line, CMS MAX1. Effective restoration of male fertility for CMS RIG1, CMS ANN2, and CMS ANN3 was not found.  相似文献   

Summary Helianthus petiolaris is a wild species used in genetic improvement of sunflower, as a donor of cytoplasmic male sterility and of genetic resistance to diseases. Isozyme variation for ADH, ACP, EST, GDH, LAP, PGI, PGD and SKDH in this species was studied using starch gel electrophoresis. The patterns thus obtained were compared with zymograms of inbred lines, hybrids and open pollinated varieties of H. annuus. The same alleles for EST and SKDH isozymes were found in both species, while ACP showed an allele that has not been found in sunflower. The rest of the isozyme systems showed both common alleles and characteristic ones for each species. ACP, GDH and PGD were monomorphic in H. petiolaris, while ADH and LAP were monomorphic in H. annuus. The isozyme markers obtained here could be useful in breeding programs involving interspecific crosses, and studies on introgression and on genetic variation in other populations of this wild species.  相似文献   

Summary A new cms source, ANN-5, was found in wild Helianthus annuus. This source showed high stability under different conditions in 1991 and 1992. All progenies from crosses of this source with several stable B-lines and restorer lines, which are homozygous for the gene which restores Leclercq's source of male sterility, were completely male sterile. Flower contained pistils and atrophied stamens. The cytological analysis showed that pollen mother cell degeneration took place in a premeiotic stage.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of developing new techniques that would simplify the complexity and operative costs of genetic breeding plans has been widely recognized. In that sense, germination from immature seeds in sunflower is a simpler and cheaper alternative to that of in vitro embryo culture, as it is produced in non-sterile conditions. Different techniques to maximize germination percentage were tested using 15 day old seeds. The results indicate that it was important: 1) to scarify seeds and 2) to soak them in 100 ppm of gibberellic acid for 1 hour. Through the application of this technique more than 94% of the seeds germinated.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific variation for osmotic adjustment in sunflower was examined using a collection of 33 genotypes of different origin which were exposed to water stress at the 8-leaf stage. Changes in osmotic adjustment with ontogeny were also evaluated in the pre- and post-anthesis phases using seven genotypes drawn from this collection. Estimates of osmotic adjustment were derived from measurements of leaf relative water content (RWC) and osmotic potential () during a period in which the soil was allowed to dry out gradually. The degree of osmotic adjustment, expressed as the value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa (RWCe), was derived from the ln RWC/ln relationship. Both monophasic and biphasic ln RWC/ln relationships were found. Irrespective of the form of the relationship, all genotypes at the 8-leaf stage showed some degree of osmotic adjustment. This was also true for the cultivars included in the subset examined in pre- and post-anthesis phases. Significant differences (P=0.05) in RWCe were found between extreme genotypes in all three phases.Significant (P=0.05) linear relationships were found between RWCe measured in the 8-leaf stage and that measured in the pre- and post-anthesis phases, establishing the viability of measurements in the 8-leaf stage as a means of selection for osmotic adjustment in later developmental stages. Genotype rank order was stable (P=0.01) across the three ontogenetic phases examined.Abbreviations ETp potential evapotranspiration - osmotic potential - RWC relative water content - RWCe value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) restorer line RHA325, which carries the restorer gene Rf1 and the Pl2-gene conferring resistance to downy mildew. High molecular weight DNA was prepared from nuclei using leaf material from two-week old seedlings. The library was constructed using the HindIII site of pBeloBAC11. The current BAC library comprises 104,736 clones. The insert size of the clones varied between 20 and 270 kb, with an average insert size of 60 kb. The whole 1.9× sunflower BAC library was spotted in duplicate on four high-density filters, each carrying 55,296 clones. The content of organellar DNA, which was estimated by colony hybridisation against the mitochondrial probe coxI and the chloroplast probe rbcL, proved to be less than 0.03 and 0.1%, respectively. BAC pools, allowing PCR-based screening, were made and used to identify positive BAC clones for the markers OP-K13_454, closely linked to the restorer gene Rf1. The PCR-based screening was verified by the results obtained for this marker by colony hybridisation.  相似文献   

Sunflower downy mildew caused by Plasmopara halstedii is an important disease of sunflower capable of causing losses of more than 80% of production. Races 100, 300, 310, 330, 710, 703, 730 and770 of the fungus have been identified in Spain. Race 703, of high virulence, has been identified frequently in the northeast, while race 310 seems to occur over the south, the main sunflower growing region of the country. Oil sunflower lines RHA-274 and DM4 were studied for their resistance to races 310(RHA-274 and DM4) and 703 (DM4). In each cross, only one plant of the resistant parent was crossed to the inbred susceptible line HA-89 (or cmsHA-89).Plants from F2 and backcross(BC1F1 to susceptible parent)generations were evaluated for fungal sporulation on true leaves and/or cotyledons. The resistant-to-susceptible ratios obtained in the F2 and BC1F1 progenies from the crosses cmsHA-89 × RHA-274 and HA-89 × DM4suggested that one major gene in each line is responsible for resistance to race 703.The segregations of the progenies of the cross HA-89 × DM4 inoculated with race 703also fitted the ratios 1:1 and 3:1 (for BC1F1 and F2, respectively)corresponding to control of resistance by a single dominant gene. In RHA-274, the gene for resistance to race 310 was designated Pl 9, whereas Pl v is tentatively proposed to designate the gene in DM4 responsible for resistance to races310 and 703. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) productions reliance on a single source of cytoplasmic male sterility, PET1, derived from H. petiolaris Nutt., makes the crop genetically vulnerable. Twenty diverse cytoplasmic substitution lines from annual and perennial wild species were compared with the inbred line HA89 over four environments. Pairwise comparisons of alloplasmic male fertile (MF) with euplasmic MF lines suggested that cytoplasm of perennial H. angustifolius increased lodging while perennial cytoplasms of H. mollis, H. grosseserratus, and H. divaricatus reduced head size and consequently reduced yield and will need to be used with caution. Lines having annual species, cytoplasms had no effects on agronomic traits. Comparisons of CMS HA 89 with 10 CMS lines suggested yield‐reducing cytoplasmic effects of perennial H. maximiliani and annual H. annuus PI 413178 and PI 413024. Cytoplasmic effects on oil percentage and fatty acid composition were minimal and should not be of concern for sunflower breeders. In general, most cytoplasms of wild annual Helianthus species accommodate cultivated nuclear genes without drastic adverse interactions, and are potential sources of cytoplasmic diversity for sunflower breeding.  相似文献   

Summary The Pl6 locus in the inbred sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) line HA335 giving resistance to French races of downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. & de Toni. was localized by molecular techniques. A bulked segregant analysis was made on the F2 progeny from a cross between this line and H52, a downy mildew susceptible line. The resistance gene in HA335 was found to have the same linked RFLP marker loci as those determined for Pl1 (resistance to race 1 in the line RHA266) on linkage group 1 of the consensus RFLP map of the cultivated sunflower. Pl1 and Pl6 thus appear either to be allelic or closely linked. The implications for sunflower breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Sunflower lines breeding true for very high oleic acid content in their oil (average levels higher than 85%) were crossed with standard sunflower lines with mean oleic acid levels of 30%. Analysis of the oil of F1 seeds indicated dominance for high oleic levels and control of the genotype of the embryo. Segregating generations were obtained selfing heterozygous high oleic BCnF1 plants from several generations of a backcrossing program to incorporate the high oleic character to standard inbred lines and testcrossing these plants to low oleic material. Analysis of F2 and testcrossed seeds showed three kind of segregations, in both F2 and testcrossed populations, with different proportions of low, intermediate and high oleic types. Genetic analysis of these data supported the hypothesis, that the high oleic character is controlled by three dominant complementary genes OL1, OL2 and OL3. Additional data showing F1 seeds with intermediate oleic content and segregations for high oleic in progenies of intermediate types, suggest the presence of major factors modifying high oleic acid content.  相似文献   

Ninety-three recombinant inbred lines (F8) of sunflower developed by the single-seed descent method from the cross ‘PAC-2 × RHA-266’ were used to screen their regenerability by organogenesis. The experiment was designed in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Each replication consisted of 10 Petri dishes with four explants. Cotyledons were excised from 2-day-old seedlings. Each cotyledon was divided into two pieces (four explants), which were incubated in solid regeneration medium consisting of full-strength Murashige and Skoog medium modified by adding hormones. A high genotypic variability for organogenesis parameters between genotypes was observed in this study. The difference between all recombinant F8 lines and their parents was not significant, showing that the 93 inbred lines used in this experiment are representative of the total possible recombinant lines from the cross ‘PAC-2 × RHA-266′. These F8 lines were not consciously selected for any trait; therefore, they represent a random set of lines segregating for the organogenesis parameters, as well as for other traits which could be important for breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance of sunflower leaves to attack by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was studied by infecting them, in the field, with agar disks containing Sclerotinia mycelium. Resistance levels were determined by the length of lesions after a given period. There were significant differences in reaction between both sunflower hybrids and inbred lines. Different Sclerotinia isolates gave the same classification of sunflower genotypes. The results of trials repeated in one year or different years were significantly correlated. The general combining ability variance/specific combining ability variance ratio was 1.35. Strict sense heritability was 0.61±0.03. The midparent-offspring correlation coefficient was significant, but the relation between per se values of the male parents used with the values of their hybrids was much closer than that for the female parents. Mean heterosis for resistance was 28.9%, compared with the midparent. The results of the leaf resistance test are frequently correlated with levels of resistance to root attack by Sclerotinia. Possible use of this test in breeding both directly for leaf resistance and indirectly for root resistance are discussed. H.P.L. Chromatography studies of the phenols present in healthy and infected leaves distinguished 19 compounds, all of the inhibitin type. There was a large increase in phenol content in leaves infected by Sclerotinia, for all genotypes. However, more especially in uninfected leaves, the contents of 3 chromatogram peaks, numbered 4, 6 and 9, showed a close relation with levels of Sclerotinia resistance. It is proposed that these compounds could be used as markers of certain types of resistance.  相似文献   

Spodoptera litura (Fabr.), the tobacco caterpillar, is a major defoliator on sunflower in the tropics. Genetic variability for resistance to S. litura is limited in the cultivar germplasm of sunflower. In the present investigation, 43 accessions of 17 wild Helianthus species of the annual and perennial habit groups were evaluated along with cultivated sunflower under field and no-choice conditions in the laboratory for resistance to this pest. Under field conditions, H. occidentalis and H. argophyllus were found to be immune with no leaf damage and few accessions of the species belonging to section Divaricati were found to be resistant. Laboratory bioassays against neonate, two and 4-day-old larvae confirmed resistance both in terms of high larval mortality and low larval weight gain in eight species viz., H. occidentalis, H. argophyllus, H. tuberosus, H. maximiliani, H. mollis, H. simulans, H. divaricatus and H. hirsutus. Intra-accessional variability was observed and accessions of few species showed varied reaction (resistant, partially resistant to susceptible) to the target pest. Field evaluation of 224 backcross derived inbred lines from five cross combinations involving diploid species under high natural pest incidence revealed low damage in plants derived from crosses involving H. argophyllus and H. petiolaris.  相似文献   

The first success at interspecific hybridization between cultivated sunflower(H. annuus) and a diploid perennial species, H. simulans is reported. The F1s from both direct and reciprocal directions exhibited dominance of the wild species phenotype and were pollen sterile. Meiosis was irregular in the F1 hybrids and both univalents and multivalents were observed. Multiplication of the interspecific hybrids was achieved through in vitro culture of nodal sections on Murashige & Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l-1 benzyladenine. Fertility of the interspecific hybrids was improved by subjecting the in vitro proliferating shoots to 0.001% colchicine incorporated in the shoot multiplication medium. The amphiploids serve as fertile bridges and facilitate interspecific gene transfer through conventional breeding. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds from open-pollinated flowers collected from hybrids of several Coffea species were analysed for caffeine content. The caffeine content was not always intermediary to that of the parents; higher and lower values were found. Diploid F1 hybrids between accessions of C. eugenioides and C. salvatrix showed the lowest seed caffeine content. Seeds of the tetraploid hybrids C. arabica × C. salvatrix or C. arabica × C. eugenioides hybrids presented low caffeine content. The possibility of breeding coffee to reduce the caffeine content in the seeds by interspecific hybridization of C. arabica with other Coffea species is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions of seven bio-morphological characteristics of sunflower (head diameter, number of flowers per head, number of seeds per head, 1,000-seed weight, volume weight, kernel content in seed, oil content) and their correlations with seed yield per plant were examined. The path-coefficient analysis provided information about direct and indirect effects of the examined characteristics on seed yield per plant. The correlation coefficients were positive and highly significant. The highest direct positive effect on seed yield per plant was exhibited by the weight of 1,000 seeds. Head diameter, volume weight and kernel content had a direct negative effect on seed yield per plant.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility restoration in the cross between a cytoplasmic male sterile line, 2 cm 183, and the restorer line, BCZ 111, (both obtained from France) was dominant in F1 and segregated in a 9:7 ratio in the F2 generation and thus suggested the action of two independent, complementary dominant genes controlling restoration. The behaviour of F3 families broadly confirmed the F2 ratio. The reasons underlying this pattern of inheritance has been discussed and the genetic symbols rf 1 rf 1 rf2 rf2and Rf 1 Rf 1 Rf 2 Rf 2 have been suggested for the male sterile and the restorer parents respectively.  相似文献   

The definition of a suitable breeding strategy in drought-prone environments is an important task for sunflower breeders. To achieve this task, reliable information on heritability and gene effects on yield and related traits under these conditions is necessary. Thirty six sunflower hybrids were produced by factorial cross of six male-sterile and six restorer lines. Parents and their hybrids were evaluated in eight environments. Six environments consisted of two adjacent trials in the experimental area, the first under irrigation and the second under dryland conditions, during 1987, 1988 and 1992. The other environments were: one early planting trial in dryland conditions, conducted during 1987, and a winter trial planted in January during 1988. Estimates of female variance (σf) were significant for seeds per head, seed weight, head sterile center, days to blooming and oil content. Female × male interactions (σ2 fm) were significant for all characters except harvest index and index of susceptibility to drought. Estimates of narrow sense heritabilities, calculated with information from analyses combined across environments, were 0.65 for yield, 0.80 for seeds per head, 0.84 for seed weight, 0.81 for head diameter, 0.60 for sterile head center, 0.72 for oil content, 0.61 for harvest index, 0.72 for biomass, 0.94 for days to bloom, and 0.42 for drought susceptibility index. Heritability estimates for individual environments showed more variation for yield than for other traits. Estimates for heritability of canopy temperature were high (0.68–0.79). Rainfed yield was positively correlated with yield components and negatively correlated with canopy temperature and susceptibility index. It is concluded that an efficient breeding strategy for sunflower under moderate drought-stressed conditions is the simultaneous selection for seed yield in both rainfed and irrigated environments together with selection for canopy temperature and stem diameter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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