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通过对潍河下游地区即昌邑市的咸水入侵地区土地利用状况分析,出现了一系列的水环境效应。随着人类对自然活动强度的不断加大,城乡工矿居民用地的增加,对水资源的需求量越来越大,此外对地下水的大量开采造成了严重的咸水入侵,地表及地下可利用水量不断减少;工农业生产及生活废弃物等的排放造成河流污染,与咸水入侵对水源的侵染共同导致了地下水矿化度增大,水质恶化。  相似文献   

为了研究不同组合灌溉顺序对土壤水盐分布状况和冬小麦产量的影响,2003年-2005年在河北省中科院南皮生态试验站进行了冬小麦田间微咸水灌溉试验。通过对冬小麦主根区和100 cm深度土壤的水、盐分布状况和冬小麦产量进行分析,结果表明3 g/L的微咸水可以作为冬小麦的灌溉用水,但连续使用会导致土壤发生积盐;拔节期应尽量避免使用微咸水,且不宜连续使用微咸水进行灌溉,组合灌溉最好采用咸淡交替的方式;综合土壤的积盐状况和冬小麦产量分析,淡(拔节水)淡(抽穗水)咸(灌浆水)的组合灌溉顺序为最优方案,该研究为合理开发利用灌区地下微咸水提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过对潍河下游地区即昌邑市的咸水入侵地区土地利用状况分析,出现了一系列的水环境效应.随着人类对自然活动强度的不断加大,城乡工矿居民用地的增加,对水资源的需求量越来越大,此外对地下水的大量开采造成了严重的咸水入侵,地表及地下可利用水量不断减少;工农业生产及生活废弃物等的排放造成河流污染,与咸水入侵对水源的侵染共同导致了地下水矿化度增大,水质恶化.  相似文献   

庄莱州湾海水入侵地区较严重的山东省莱州市沿岸内陆,利用高矿化水灌溉耐盐性植物大田试验的基础上,于2003年lo月~2004年6月进行了海水入侵区微咸水补充灌溉冬小麦的田间大面积试验,并对灌区地下水时空分布进行初步观测,结果表明:(1)海水入侵地区大面积种植冬小麦,返青后期的关键生育期,采用2.4~3.2g/L和3.2~5.0g/L微咸水与咸水,适时、适量地进行补充灌溉,其产量比雨养种植的小麦增产35.87%~38.43%.获得较高经济产量。(2)微咸水补充灌溉二次后,60cm土体盐分累积比雨养种植处理(不灌溉)增加了28.5%和72.3%,随着作物的生理耗水和生态耗水作用的加强,土壤盐分随水分的蒸发而主要积累于40cm以上的土层.季节性降雨使土壤盐分下降,雨量偏小或季节性干旱,土壤盐分仍然存在于上层土体。然而,微咸水灌溉冬小麦,增加了土壤水的体积容量,及时补充因干旱缺水而造成植物的生理耗水量,确保植株干物质的积累,取得较高的生物产量。  相似文献   

咸水埋深浅是沿海地区生态环境脆弱,盐碱难以治理的主因。通过咸水资源化开发,在利用中实现排咸,是治理盐碱、改善生态环境的重要手段和有效途径。通过分析沧州沿海地区浅层咸水特征及其对生态环境的影响,提出了浅层咸水资源化开发利用模式:农渔结合利用、淡化利用、工矿直接利用、分质农灌等。  相似文献   

磁化或电离化微咸水理化特性试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
改善微咸水理化特性,提高微咸水利用效率,成为合理利用微咸水重要研究内容。为了对微咸水活化效果及活化微咸水理化特性进行定量评价,该文采用磁化和电离化法对微咸水进行不同的活化处理,通过室内测试,对电离化微咸水活化系统的技术参数进行了分析,并对活化微咸水的表面张力系数、溶氧量、电导率及p H值等理化特性进行了研究。结果表明,电离化系统要求接地电阻不超过5Ω;活化微咸水表面张力系数显著减小、溶氧量显著增加、电导率和p H值受到不同程度的影响;但对表面张力系数和溶解氧影响比较明显,对电导率和p H值影响不显著。在矿化度5 g/L时,活化微咸水表面张力相对减少9.14%~13.84%,溶氧量相对增加8.04%~10.23%,表面张力相对减少量与溶氧量相对增加量可以从客观上反应活化微咸水理化特性的变化,而表面张力相对减少量与溶氧量相对增加量之间又存在显著的指数函数关系。根据表面张力相对减少量,电离化微咸水活化处理效果优于磁化处理,磁场强度3 000 Gs与变频磁化处理活化效果显著。因此,可以用表面张力相对减少量作为定量评价指标对活化微咸水的理化特性进行综合性定量评价,以判断不同活化方式的活化效果。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市地下水环境质量评价与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对秦皇岛市地下水位下降,环境污染日益严重的现实,开展了以海水入侵区为主的地下水质综合评价与分析。在全市境内布设76眼监测井,用单因子法和综合法对地下水质量进行了评价,并对地下水水质变化趋势进行了分析。研究结果表明:Ⅰ类水只占5.3%.Ⅱ、Ⅲ水占14.5%,Ⅳ类及超Ⅳ类水占到80%以上,其中Ⅴ类水占40%。主要污染物有Fe、Mn、NO3-N、Cl、总硬度等。地下水质监测动态变化显示:总硬度、Cl^-、矿化度、F-等呈上升趋势,其中总硬度和Cl^-上升达75X,说明海水入侵的影响很大。  相似文献   

苏北滩涂水稻微咸水灌溉模式及土壤盐分动态变化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为研究微咸水灌溉对水稻水分利用效率和土壤盐分动态的影响,利用田间试验资料对SWAP(Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant)模型进行了率定和验证。用验证认可的模型模拟并分析了水稻生育期水盐运移规律和水稻水分利用效率,并预测了长期微咸水灌溉对土壤盐分的影响。结果表明:1.5 mg/cm3矿化度微咸水足量灌溉可以获得较高的产量和水分利用效率;各微咸水处理在60~90 cm土层均出现不同程度的盐分累积现象,具体累积深度和土壤盐分浓度与灌水量和灌水矿化度有关;采用1.5 mg/cm3矿化度微咸水进行微咸水长期灌溉研究,10 a的模拟结果显示此灌溉制度不会引起0~100 cm土层土壤次生盐渍化。该研究为滨海地区微咸水合理利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

咸水结冰灌溉改良盐碱地的研究进展及展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
冬季咸水结冰灌溉技术是滨海区高矿化度咸水利用和盐碱地改良的有效手段,该项技术依据咸水结冰融化过程中咸淡水分离的基本原理,基于区域气候特点、土壤水盐运移规律以及作物生长发育规律,在冬季抽提当地高矿化度地下咸水对盐碱地进行灌溉,并在冬季低温作用下迅速冻结成咸水冰,春季咸水冰层融化过程中,咸淡水分离入渗,其中先融化的高矿度咸水先入渗,而后融化出的低矿化度微咸水和淡水的入渗对土壤盐分具有较好的淋洗作用,以上过程实现了春季土壤返盐期的土壤脱盐,结合春季地表覆盖抑盐措施和夏季降雨淋盐,土壤的低盐条件得到保持,保证了作物和植物整个生长期的正常生长。该项技术改变了滨海盐碱区土壤水盐运移特征,使春季土壤积盐期变为脱盐期,咸水结冰灌溉后,春季耕层土壤盐分由最初的12g×kg~(-1)迅速降低至4 g×kg~(-1)以下,脱盐率达到66%以上,实现了棉花、油葵、甜菜等作物在滨海重盐碱地中的种植,提高了柽柳、枸杞、白蜡等盐生植物和耐盐植物的扦插移栽成活率,咸水结冰灌溉当年便获得了籽棉产量3 t×hm~(-2)、油葵1.5 t×hm~(-2)、甜菜60 t×hm~(-2),以及90%以上的盐生植物和耐盐植物的扦插成活率,促进了滨海盐碱区盐碱地的开发、农业发展和生态环境建设。近年来,通过系统的研究,我们探明了咸水结冰灌溉过程中咸水冻融咸淡水分离规律,明确了咸水结冰灌溉对土壤盐分的淋洗效果,构建了冬季咸水结冰灌溉改良盐碱地技术体系,确立了冬季咸水结冰灌溉的灌溉时间、灌溉水量和水质等指标体系。本文在以上研究基础上,对盐碱地咸水利用的研究进展进行了总结,并对咸水结冰灌溉基本原理、影响因素以及土壤盐分淋洗效果等方面进行了概述,系统分析了冬季咸水结冰灌溉在盐碱地区农业生产、植被恢复以及咸水利用等方面的作用,并就其未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

微咸水喷灌对作物影响的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微咸水喷灌条件下, 作物同时受到土壤盐分和喷灌水盐分的双重影响。大部分作物通过叶片吸收盐分的速率与盐分浓度和喷水历时基本上呈线性函数关系; 同时, 喷灌过程中不仅要监测灌溉水的电导率, 而且与其他水源混合时也要监测离子组成, 尽量降低Mg2+、Cl-和Na+的含量。喷灌频率的增加比喷水历时的增加更能增加作物盐分的吸收, 并加重对作物的损伤。微咸水喷灌后短时间的淡水冲洗可以减少作物叶片对盐分的吸收。微咸水喷灌显著降低成熟植被的生物量和作物累积耗水量, 造成作物一定程度的减产, 而且具有累积效应; 但作物产量和叶片汁液离子浓度没有明显的相关关系。今后, 应重点研究以下5个方面的问题: (1)微咸水喷灌下作物的耐盐性评价指标, 建立相应的评价体系; (2)选育耐微咸水喷灌的品种, 尤其是用于草场恢复重建、城市绿化、盐渍土改良等耐盐牧草、草坪草的选育; (3)制定与微咸水喷灌相适应的灌溉制度, 研究微咸水喷灌条件下作物叶片上和土壤中盐分的淋洗对微咸水喷灌具有重要的作用; (4)微咸水喷灌对作物影响的区域性和时效性, 应建立微咸水喷灌对作物产量影响的区域性评价和研究长期微咸水喷灌对作物的影响; (5)微咸水喷灌对土壤盐分积累及分布的影响。  相似文献   

利用国家863课题支持研制的电阻率探杆自动监测系统,分别进行了海水入侵、地下水位升降、土壤盐渍化过程的动态监测室内模拟实验,旨在探讨该系统用于海水入侵、地下水位变化、土壤盐渍化等环境过程自动监测的可行性。结果表明,海水入侵形成的咸-淡水界面及海水弥散带,地下水位位置上下及包气带,及不同含盐量的土体,均具有显著的电阻率探杆测试结果特征差异。该系统可为海水入侵,地下水位变化,土壤盐渍化,土壤地下污染等环境过程的原位连续实时自动监测提供数据资料及技术支持。  相似文献   

Diffused petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination was detected in a sandy aquifer below a chemical plant in Southern Italy. The contamination was due to underground leaking tanks and pipes. The site is located near the shore line and is bordered by canals which, in combination with pumping wells, control the groundwater flow direction toward the sea. In this study, a comprehensive three-dimensional flow model was developed and calibrated to simulate the general groundwater flow system and to individuate a flow line. On this latter, a detailed field investigation was performed in order to determine the fate of dissolved hydrocarbons. Depth profiles obtained from multi-level samplers located along the modelled flow line, including measurements of hydrocarbons, all major ions and dissolved gasses, were used to constrain the conceptual model. These data were then included into a two-dimensional transport model in order to verify the efficacy of the hydraulic barrier (HB) in preventing the hydrocarbon plume to reach the shore line. Two different approaches were used in the transport simulation, one accounting for density-dependent flow and the other not. The calibrated models show that the plume length and consequently, the submarine groundwater discharge of contaminants is slightly different for the two approaches. For the simulation not accounting for the density contrast between freshwater and saltwater, the mass of contaminant discharged downstream to the HB was underestimated and also the reconstructed plume geometry was different than the observed. Moreover, the reconstruction of the saltwater intrusion interface (SWII) with the two different approaches was substantially different. This study demonstrates that at field site, variable density processes should be carefully taken into account not only when the modelling is devoted to the reconstruction of the SWII but also when the modelling is targeting the fate of hydrocarbons at sites affected by SWII, in order to provide accurate data on which soundly environmental management of the coastal zone can be based.  相似文献   



A longtime monitoring (2003–2013) of groundwater levels and soil moisture was done in a plain tract surrounded by deposits from the Saale glacial stage in northern Germany. The purpose was to document the changes in the soil water regime over time in relation to changes in management of groundwater extraction and to evaluate if the hitherto management has been suitable for plant water supply for the local grassland production.

Materials and methods

Groundwater wells in the surface aquifer were monitored at 11 survey sites, and soil matric potentials were measured with tensiometers at five depths per site. Soil analyses also were done. This report contains the results from three of the 11 survey sites, which best represent the variability of the soils in the area.

Results and discussion

The monitoring showed that groundwater extraction from deep aquifers via individual wells altered the groundwater levels in the surface aquifer, even though there was a distance of several meters depth and a geological parting between the two aquifers. The impact of the groundwater extraction was shown by significant correlations between groundwater levels in the surveyed soils and groundwater extraction rates of individual wells. Climatic factors only affected groundwater levels in individual years. The management of the groundwater extraction from 1977 to 2006 severely lowered the groundwater level in the surface aquifer. Due to a limitation of the groundwater extraction rates and a shift in the degree of capacity utilization of the individual wells from 2006 onward, groundwater levels in the area are recovering. Correspondingly, the contribution of capillary rise to plant water supply has increased within the monitoring period.


The monitoring proves that the present management of groundwater extraction is more suitable for the groundwater situation than past management. However, groundwater levels have not yet obtained a new equilibrium, so continual monitoring is needed.

人工神经网络是一种高度非线性的并行分布处理系统,采用人工神经网络预测宝鸡市的地下水位动态变化趋势,取1995-2007年研究区内的降水入渗补给量、河道渗漏补给量、人工开采量和闸坝蓄水渗漏量作为输入因子,建立BP模型,用于模拟2008的年地下水位埋深,并与传统的灰色模型进行比较,结果表明:BP神经网络的相对误差介于0.07%~1.98%,相对于灰色模型(0.13%~6.41%)具有较高的预测精度,可为该灌区地下水位的动态预报提供参考。  相似文献   

随着Internet的高速发展,计算机网络安全问题愈加突出。依据TCP/IP协议,采用VC++6.0开发工具设计并实现了网络监测系统。该系统通过对网络传送数据包状态的监测及对计算机端口的扫描,达到帮助网络管理员监测网络安全漏洞和网络非法入侵的目的。  相似文献   

An extended water regime model was used for calculating the evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and peat mineralization (CO2 and N release) for various fen locations with grassland utilization in dependence on the groundwater level. The results show that an increasing groundwater level leads to a strong decline of the actual evapotranspiration Et. For example, increasing the groundwater level from 30 to 120 cm diminishes the Et by up to 230 mm a—1. A positive groundwater recharge only takes place at groundwater levels of 90 cm and more. At smaller distances the capillary rise into the rooting zone during the summer months is greater than the water seepage during the winter months, so that a negative groundwater recharge‐balance is reached in the course of a year. The CO2‐ and the N‐release, as well as the annual decline in peat thickness, increase significantly with rising groundwater levels. The results show, that varying the groundwater level can influence the water regime and the peat mineralization significantly. The lower the groundwater level the less is the peat decomposition. The demand for a groundwater level as small as possible is, however, limited by an agricultural utilization of the fens. Choosing the optimum groundwater level should consider the aims (1) peat mineralization, (2) gas emission (CO2, CH4, N2O), and (3) crop production. If a grassland utilization is supposed to be made possible and all three aims above are given equal importance, the groundwater level should be maintained at 30 cm. At this distance, about 90 % of the optimum plant output can be reached. The peat mineralization can be reduced to 30 to 40 % of the maximum peat mineralization. The gas emission amounts to 50—60 % of the maximum value.  相似文献   

World Soil Day 2021 encouraged the prevention of soil salinization and improved land productivity. As research underpins this effort, we analysed trends in research on water and salt mobilization in saline soils and groundwater over the past 20 years. We found that the average studies have increased by 30%, from 110 in 2003–2015 to 143 in 2016–2022, with agriculture, water resources and environmental science being the main research fields. The most common research interests were anthropogenic impact (28.6%) and climate change (27.8%), followed by agricultural irrigation management (20%). A keyword clustering analysis revealed that the studies could be classified into four categories: “Agricultural production,” “Freshwater and groundwater salinization,” “Seawater intrusion,” and “Solute dynamic migration.” The most frequently used keyword was “transport” while the use of “freshwater,” “groundwater,” and “seawater intrusion” has increased sharply, suggesting that seawater intrusion and freshwater salinization are an area of increasing interest related to climate change. We identified comprehensive simulating systems for seawater intrusion as an important area for future research. We recommend that promoting a comprehensive and quantitative understanding of water and salt transport in saline soil is needed to ensure stakeholders are provided with science-based information required for policymaking aimed towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

Monitoring and prognosis of regional water and salt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system designed for monitoring and prognosis of regional water and salt (PWS), was developed to consist of a monitoring system, a group of models and an information system. PWS was developed and tested using a 253 km2 portion of a monitored area of 487 km2 established for observation of the surface water flow and quality, groundwater table and quality, soil water and salt regime in Quzhou county, Hebei Province. Predictive models for groundwater table location and quality were developed using basic principles of hydrodynamics and solved using finite element methods. A regional soil water model was developed based on a water balance approach, while a regional soil salinity models was developed by combining salt balance and expert identification methods. Submodels were integrated and applied seasonally, with satisfactory prediction results for the regional scale. The percentage of mean relative error for groundwater depth (m) and quality (g/l), water storage (mm) and salt storage (kg/m2) in the 0–1 m soil layer were 14.8, 13.1, 14.1 and 25.4%, respectively. The information system component of PWS, defined as PWSIS, was composed of four parts: the subsystems database, vector management, a system model, and information output. The predicted outputs were expressed as either tables or contour maps of groundwater table or depth and quality, grade maps of soil water and salt storage or drought/waterlogging and salinity status. Some key problems, such as how to expand the point data to a plane and how to determine the boundary of each grade on the map, were solved using “the point-to-plane expanding algorithm” and GIS techniques of digitizing and overlaying the grid maps concerned.  相似文献   



Urban soils’ variability in the vertical direction presumably affects hydrological parameters at the timescale. Moreover, horizontal soil alterations at small spatial scales are common in urban areas. This spatio-temporal variability and heterogeneity of soil moisture and the possible influencing factors were to be described and quantified, using data of a soil monitoring network in the city of Hamburg, Germany.

Materials and methods

Soil moisture data from ten observation sites within the project HUSCO was evaluated for two different years. The sites were located within districts with different mean groundwater table depths and characteristic urban soil properties. Soil hydrological simulations with SWAP were calculated for a selected site.

Results and discussion

The temporal evolution of soil water content and tension for the sites was very distinct, related to soil substrate, organic matter content, and groundwater table depth. Impacts of different vegetation rooting depths, the soil substrates’ type, and to some extent the degree of disturbance on soil water dynamics could be identified. An impact of groundwater table depth on the water content of the topsoil during low-precipitation periods could be assumed. The comparison of the results of soil hydrological simulations with empirical data indicated an overestimation of infiltration and percolation for the given soil substrates.


While soil properties are mainly determinant for the long-term progression of soil hydrology, local site factors affect the short-term regime. A shallow groundwater table contributes to more constant water dynamics while the relative decrease of water during a dry phase is diminished.

To investigate the possible contamination of groundwater by wastewater leaked from the underground sewage network, water samples from 29 monitoring wells, drilled at strategic locations across Kuwait City and the adjacent residential areas, were analyzed for their inorganic and organic constituents including isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium) that can be used as tracers for source identification. As a non-conventional method, statistical processing in the form of hierarchical cluster and discriminant function analyses of the inorganic and organic data was used to group the wells according to the degree of possible contamination of groundwater. It was concluded from this analysis that more than half of the wells (17) showed little evidence of such contamination. Sample from only one of the wells suggested high degree of contamination (concentrations of total coliform bacteria (TCB) and fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) >2,000 MPN/100 ml and boron (B) concentration >11 mg/l) whereas another well appeared significantly contaminated (TCB?>?2,000 MPN/100 ml; FCB?>?900 MPN/100 ml; B?>?4 mg/l). Three of the wells were possibly contaminated (1,000?<?TCB?<?2,000 MPN/100 ml; 15?<?FCB?<?500 MPN/100 ml; 3?<?B?<?11.5 mg/l), and the rest of the seven wells were classified as possibly not contaminated (TCB?>?2,400 MPN/100 ml; FCB?<?40 MPN/100 ml; B?<?5 mg/l). The overall conclusion was that the leakage from sewage network was affecting groundwater in localized areas only. Isotope data, available for water samples from eight of the monitoring wells, tended to support the aforesaid conclusions. However, because of the use of bailing as the sampling method and lack of actual leakage surveillance, further studies need to be carried out to strengthen the reliability of these findings.  相似文献   

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