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全球水稻生产时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球水稻生产数据分析表明,1961年至2018年全球水稻面积、单产和总产年均增幅分别为0.67%、1.65%和2.33%,受多种因素制约,近年单产和面积增长幅度变小。水稻在亚洲、非洲、美洲、欧洲和大洋洲均有种植,其中,亚洲水稻种植面积占比为87.9%,非洲占7.7%、美洲占4.0%,欧洲和大洋洲不到0.5%。近10年与上世纪60年代相比,全球水稻种植面积和总产区域间分布已发生变化,非洲水稻面积增长,亚洲水稻面积下降。1961年至2018年全球水稻总产增长因子分析表明,总产增长的60%~70%来自单产的提高,各洲水稻总产增长贡献因子存在较大差异。  相似文献   

中国马铃薯种植业现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对近20年(1999~2018年)中国马铃薯种植情况的相关数据进行统计整理,分析了4个生态区域播种面积、总产和单产变化情况及中国马铃薯种植业在国际中的地位。2017年中国马铃薯播种面积占全球的29.88%,总产占25.26%,单产为世界平均水平的85.50%。中国马铃薯种植面积和总产量在亚洲占比,多数年份在50%~60%浮动,占世界的比例逐年上升,从1961年的不足10%,增加到2017年的30%和25%。单产水平波动中上升,与亚洲和世界差距缩小。在中国,马铃薯占粮食产量和农作物总播种面积比例常年保持在3%左右,占粮食作物播种面积比重则在4%~5%浮动。西南混作区和北方一作区为中国马铃薯重要产区,播种面积接近全国的90%,总产量接近全国产量的85%,播种面积上西南混作区高于北方一作区,总产数据2个区域间差异不大。单产方面,中原二作区最高,其他3个区域水平相当。现今,中国马铃薯种植业存在单产水平低、种植比例小和区域分布不均等问题。未来中国马铃薯播种面积和总产量会继续占据世界领先地位,所占比例仍有较大增长潜力。品质提升将成为马铃薯产业未来第一要素,单产受其影响,增长速度将会减缓。  相似文献   

花生遍布世界各地,但主要分布于亚、非两洲,亚洲种植面积最大,约占60%,非洲约占32%,美洲约占6%,欧洲和大洋洲总计不过2%。据资料统计,六十年代世界花生种植面积约2.55亿亩,单产约56.5公斤;七十年代约2.85亿亩,单产约61.5公斤;八十年代种植面积基本上维持原来的水平,但单产有了提高,为67公斤左右。  相似文献   

对2004~2013年定西市各县(区)马铃薯的播种面积、总产及单产等方面进行统计分析。结果表明,从2004~2013年,定西市马铃薯播种面积总体呈上升趋势,其中安定区上升较多,其次是渭源县、岷县,其他县呈下降趋势;定西市马铃薯平均单产最高的是渭源县,为17.88 t/hm2;近10年全市马铃薯总产量变化不大,其中通渭县、陇西县、漳县等呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

谷物稻谷播种面积每公顷产量总产量播种面积每公顷产量总产量(khm2)(kg)(kt)(khm2)(kg)(kt)世界主要国家谷物、稻谷生产情况表 (2001年 )国家 (地区 )世界总计亚洲中国孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚伊朗以色列日本韩国马来西亚蒙古缅甸巴基斯坦菲律宾斯里兰卡泰国土耳其越南非洲埃及尼日利亚南非北美洲加拿大墨西哥美国南美洲阿根廷巴西委内瑞拉欧洲保加利亚捷克共和国法国德国匈牙利意大利波兰俄罗斯罗马尼亚英国南斯拉夫大洋洲澳大利亚新西兰669811314724831451161999150151027…  相似文献   

李佩华 《中国马铃薯》2002,16(6):376-377
1 凉山州马铃薯生产状况 四川省是全国马铃薯栽培面积最大的省份之一,常年种植面积在27万hm2,其中凉山州常年种植面积在6.4万hm2,属于西南一、二季作垂直分布区.凉山州位于四川省西南部横断山区东北部,青藏高原东南部,界于四川盆地与云南省中部高原之间,地理位置在北纬26°03′~29°18′,东经100°03′~103°52′之间,属立体气候类型.马铃薯是凉山州山区特别是高寒山区主要的粮食作物之一,其播种面积仅次于玉米、水稻,居第3位.1952年马铃薯种植面积3.9 hm2,总产55385 t,单产94.5 kg/667m2,1980年种植面积5.5 hm2,总产为129160 t,单产155.5 kg/667m2,1981年种植面积6.3 hm2,总产154470 t,单产164.5 kg/667m2,1984年播种面积5.97 hm2,总产179835 t,单产201 kg/667m2,2000年播种面积6.1 hm2,总产250625 t,单产275 kg/667m2,2001年播种面积6.05 hm2,总产249355 t,单产为265 kg/667m2.  相似文献   

国家和地区世界总计发达国家亚洲中国孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚伊朗以色列日本哈萨克斯坦朝鲜韩国马来西亚蒙古缅甸巴基斯坦菲律宾斯里兰卡泰国土耳其越南非洲埃及尼日利亚南非南美洲阿根廷巴西委内瑞拉北美洲加拿大美国墨西哥欧洲白俄罗斯保加利亚捷克共和国法国德国意大利荷兰波兰罗马尼亚俄罗斯英国西班牙大洋洲澳大利亚新西兰总产量(103t)202938684354398585840200139811213590608811732325512184159524181710621611512284926768175902827304843194036378115757194642208911955104341320235043631483676123544029874527734437171552474006…  相似文献   

国家 (地区 )世界总计亚洲中国孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚伊朗以色列日本朝鲜韩国马来西亚蒙古缅甸巴基斯坦菲律宾斯里兰卡泰国土耳其越南非洲埃及尼日利亚南非北美洲加拿大墨西哥美国南美洲阿根廷巴西委内瑞拉欧洲白俄罗斯保加利亚捷克哈萨克斯坦法国德国意大利荷兰波兰罗马尼亚俄罗斯西班牙乌克兰英国南斯拉夫大洋洲澳大利亚新西兰资料来源为联合国粮农组织发布的统计数据 (国家统计局国际统计信息中心 )。谷世界及主要国家谷物及稻谷生产情况表(2002年)  相似文献   

近10年世界大麦生产概况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
回顾了 2 0世纪 90年代世界大麦、啤麦和麦芽的生产与贸易情况。其中 ,大麦的种植面积由 7330万hm2 降到 6 16 0万hm2 ,单产亦有所下降 ,总产由 1770 0万t降到 136 0 0万t。世界啤麦生产主要为北美的加拿大、澳洲的澳大利亚和欧洲的欧盟国家。大麦的世界贸易量在 80年代中期曾达到 2 2 0 0万t,90年代初期为 180 0万t,其后 ,又有所下降。需求量以中东地区、亚太地区及非洲为多。世界麦芽生产到 1997年已达 1950万t。其中 ,欧洲占 51% ,其次为北美 2 1% ,亚洲16 %。麦芽贸易量从 1990年的 310万t到 1997年已达 4 10万t。最后对我国发展大麦的必要性与可能性作了讨论。  相似文献   

一、世界茶叶产销概况根据有关资料报导,目前世界上种茶的有57个国家,以亚洲、非洲为主,美洲、大洋洲次之。其中约3O个国家具有一定的商品茶数量,而亚洲的茶叶产量占世界的80%。全世界有饮茶习惯的国家、地区超过150个,前苏联、英、芙、巴基斯坦、埃及为世界五大茶叶进口国。欧洲是最大的茶叶市场,约占世界一半。过去的三十年,世界茶叶生产有了迅速发展,1995年的产量比1963年增长156%。世界茶叶价格,同期却有所下降,世界茶叶市场竞争激烈,进口需要减少,1996年仍处于历史低水平。1995年,世界茶叶总产259万吨左右,比1994年增…  相似文献   

A field investigation was carried out on red sandy soil in the semi-arid tropical climate of south India to investigate the response of industrially important, multi-harvest, aromatic crop palmarosa {Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Wats. var. motia Burk., family: Poaceae} to foliar application (2.5 g/L single application for each harvest at 700 L nutrient solution per hectare) of magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), boron (B) and their residual effect on the succeeding harvest. During the experimental period, palmarosa crop afforded four harvests, 49.5-70.6 t/ha total biomass yield (fresh weight), 211.4-384.2 kg/ha total essential oil yield and Rs. 232,540-422,620/ha (US$ 4844.6-8804.6/ha) gross returns. Fifth harvest (no nutrients were applied) performed to examine the residual effect of Mg and micronutrients applied to the previous four harvests revealed the absence of residual effect pointing to the need for application of nutrients to individual harvests. Foliar application of Mg and micronutrients significantly increased the yield attributes (plant height, tiller number/plant, leaf number/plant), biomass yield, essential oil yield and gross returns of palmarosa. Mg and micronutrients enhanced the total biomass yields by 37.0-42.6% and the total essential oil yields by 44.6-81.7% in comparison to the control (water spray).All the treatments produced good quality essential oils with 1.5-3.2% linalool, 79.7-85.8% geraniol and 4.5-10.3% geranyl acetate. Mg and B additions declined linalool (%) in the second and fourth harvests and increased geraniol (%) in the first harvest. Mg and micronutrients application improved geraniol (%) in the second harvest. Except Zn, all the other nutrients decreased geranyl acetate (%) in the second harvest, but in the third and fourth harvests Mn and B increased geranyl acetate (%).  相似文献   

Wheat is an important food crop worldwide. Genetic improvements have contributed much to wheat production since the 1960s. Verifying the evolution of agronomic traits and the physiological basis of grain yield will facilitate breeders and agronomists in developing new wheat cultivars, with the aim of stable and high yields. Thirty-five wheat cultivars, bred or widely planted in the Yangtze River Basin from 1950 to 2005, were grown in field experiments under three N rates (0, 112.5, and 225 kg N ha−1) from 2006 to 2009 in Nanjing, China. Wheat grain yield, kernels per spike, 1000-kernel weight (TKW), and harvest index (HI) increased linearly with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 2000s, whereas spikes per unit land decreased significantly with cultivar development during the same period, and stabilized with further genetic improvements in cultivars. Grain yield, kernels per spike, and TKW differed with N rate and with cultivar. Grain yield, spikes per unit land, and kernels per spike increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer, but TKW and HI decreased. Cultivar height decreased with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 1980s, and remained relatively stable in subsequent cultivars. The proportion of the length of the top internode to total plant height increased with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 1980s and thereafter fell, while the length of the basal internode (BI) maintained a shortening trend. Leaf area per culm, leaf area index (LAI), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), and photosynthetic activity duration (PAD) of the flag leaf increased with cultivar development. Leaf area, LAI, and Pn increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer, while PAD did not. Single spike yield increased linearly with genetic development in cultivars, and these increases mainly resulted from increasing kernel number and weight, which were closely related to source size and cultivar. Grain yield was positively correlated to leaf area, LAI, PnMax, PAD, and single spike yield; single spike yield was positively correlated to leaf area, LAI, PnMax, and PAD, suggesting that grain yield improvements were mainly associated with improvements in the source (leaf area, LAI, Pn, PAD, etc.) and sink (single spike yield). Sink-source ratios increased with genetic development of cultivars, suggesting that productivity per leaf improved and that sink-source relationships have reached close to optimum in the Yangtze River Basin. Furthermore, breeding for high yield should be related to improvement in kernels per spike and TKW per unit land and increased sink-source ratios with a feasible LAI, and N fertilizer management should be considered during breeding for higher yields.  相似文献   

氮肥后移对江汉平原小麦籽粒产量及氮肥偏生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中筋小麦品种郑麦9023为试验材料,研究了氮肥后移对小麦籽粒产量、收获指数及氮肥偏生产力的影响。结果表明,底追比例为7:3,追肥时期由起身期后移至拔节期,籽粒产量及氮肥偏生产力均显著提高;底追比例为5:5,追肥时期由拔节期后移至旗叶露尖期,籽粒产量及氮肥偏生产力均显著降低,表明拔节期是追施氮肥的适宜时期。追肥时期同为拔节期,底追比例由3:7 调整至5:5,由5:5则调整至7:3,籽粒产量、收获指数、氮肥偏生产力均显著升高。总之,在本试验条件下,总施氮量为180kg•hm-2,底追比例为3:7、拔节期追肥的处理,成熟期籽粒产量最高,收获指数和氮肥偏生产力亦显著大于其他处理,是氮肥运筹的最优处理。  相似文献   

Five early, three mid-season and two late varieties of lucerne were grown in drills in a replicated plot experiment at the Hannah Dairy Research Institute in south-west Scotland in the period 1956–59, inclusive. The lucerne was cut three times each year after the year of establishment (1956).
Average yields were 10,200 lb. of dry matter and 1970 lb. of crude protein per acre in the first harvest year, but declined rapidly to 6290 lb. of dry matter and 1190 lb. of crude protein per acre in the third year. On average, the early types of lucerne gave the highest yields of dry matter and crude protein. Over the three harvest years of the experiment, Flandria was the highest yielding variety and New Zealand B the lowest. The distribution of dry-matter yields averaged over all varieties was 44, 29 and 27% for cuts 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The crude-protein content of the herbage from all the varieties was high, 63% of the values being greater than 19%. Grimm, a late variety, had the highest crude-protein content.
With all varieties tiller density declined rapidly from the first to the second harvest year, but increased again at the third harvest year.
11–34% of the total yield of dry matter in the second harvest year consisted of weed grasses, but this was reduced in the following year by spraying the plots with Dowpon, a selective herbicide.  相似文献   

世界大麦生产的现状及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从收获面积、总产及单产的变化趋势分析了世界大麦生产的现状,概述了世界大麦在各大洲及各主产国的生产情况,总结了世界大麦生产的特点。  相似文献   

以吉林省1958-2005年间育成的33个水稻品种为材料,研究了产量、收获指数及植株地上部分各器官生物量的变化。随着品种的遗传改良,产量、收获指数、有效分蘖生物量和单茎生物量增加,分蘖总数减少。47年间产量由9118·36kg/hm2增加到15060·1kg/hm2,收获指数由0·46增加到0·55,平均每年分别增加1·39%和0·44%。随着品种的演替,单株分蘖总数下降,收获期单位土地面积生物量略有增加。产量和收获指数的增加是有效分蘖生物量和单茎生物量增加的结果。品种改良过程中单茎生物量增加是植株各器官生物量增加的结果,其中,抽穗期茎鞘生物量和抽穗后30d叶片生物量分别增加75·17%和49·94%。抽穗后叶片生物量和抽穗后10d的茎鞘生物量与产量呈显著相关,可作为高产品种的选择指标;抽穗后30d的单茎生物量与产量呈显著相关。  相似文献   

Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a genetically diverse cereal crop grown in many semiarid regions of the world. Improving drought tolerance in sorghum is of prime importance. An association panel of about 300 sorghum genotypes from different races, representative of sorghum globally, was assembled for genetic studies. The objectives of this research were to (i) quantify the performance of the association panel under field conditions in Kansas, (ii) characterize the association panel for phenological, physiological and yield traits that might be associated with tolerance to limited moisture (drought), and (iii) identify genotypes with higher yield potential and stability under different environments that may be used in the sorghum breeding program. Results show large diversity for physiological and yield traits such as chlorophyll content, leaf temperature, grain numbers and grain weight per panicle, harvest index and yield. Significant differences were found for plant height, grain weight and numbers per panicle, harvest index, and grain yield among and within races. The US elite lines had the highest number of grains and grain weight per panicle while the guinea and bicolor races recorded the lowest. Harvest index and yield was highest for the US elite lines and the caudatum genotypes. Overall, there was a negative correlation between plant height and grain weight, grain numbers and yield. Harvest index and grain numbers were negatively affected by moisture limitation for all the races. Among the races, the caudatum genotypes were more stable in grain yield across the different environments. Overall, there was a wide variability within the association panel for physiological and yield traits that may prove to be useful for improving drought tolerance in sorghum.  相似文献   

探讨多效唑对蔓性千斤拔种子产量和干物质生产的调控效应,以为其高产种子生产技术体系建立提供理论依据和技术指导。试验设计4种多效唑浓度处理,比较其对蔓性千斤拔种子产量和干物质生产特性的差异。结果表明,低浓度的多效唑处理对蔓性千斤拔种子产量有较显著的正效应,而高浓度的多效唑处理则有一定的负效应,与CK比较,低浓度多效唑处理(50 mg/L)的种子产量(1318. 5 kg/hm^2)显著提高了17. 3%,但在收获指数上与CK无显著差异,其优势主要来自于千粒重和单株粒重,分别比CK显著增加了8. 31%和20. 6%;同时具有较高的物质生产性能,其后期叶片的SPAD值比CK明显增加3. 44%~4. 67%,其单株总的干物质积累量显著增加了20. 48%。相关分析显示,单株种子粒重与单株总粒数和果荚数呈显著正相关(r=0. 6126和0. 5657),与结实率呈明显的负相关(r=-0. 5361);通径分析表明,各产量构成因子对单株粒重的直接作用大小为单株粒数>结实率>千粒重>单株果荚数,其中单株粒数的贡献率最大,为0. 4918,其次为结实率的0. 2677。  相似文献   

Summary Potato production is increasing rapidly in the tropics and sub-tropics and is declining gradually in the temperate zone. It is not expected that in the near future potato production for ethanol production will become important or that the production for starch or stock feed will increase. Consumption per capita is more or less stable in Western Europe and North America but is increasing in Africa and Asia. On average, energy and protein from potatoes cost the developing-country consumer at least three times as much as from wheat or rice. Better application by farmers of existing and newly developed technologies — including better adapted cultivars, healthy seed tubers, botanical seed and low-cost storage and processing — can reduce costs per unit of output substantially, mainly by increasing yield. Doubling the yield without considerable increases in production costs per hectare would allow the potato to become a cheap vegetable in many tropical or sub-tropical areas and to become a staple food in others with favourable growing conditions. Derived from a paper prepared for the International Symposium ‘Research for the potato in the year 2000’ (CIP, Lima, 1982).  相似文献   

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