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The design and results of a mail survey of a simple random sample of southwestern Ontario feedlot owners are presented. The survey provided general data about management of feedlot calves and the association between a number of factors and disease and/or death rates. The number of calves purchased was related positively, in a linear manner, to mortality and morbidity rates. Increased levels of morbidity and mortality were noted when the ration was changed to corn silage from dry-hay within the first month after arrival. However, it was not clear whether the ration changes preceded or followed increased rates of morbidity and mortality. Prophylactic levels of antimicrobials in the water supply were associated with increased death losses. Shipping cattle by truck, rather than train, was associated with decreased rates of disease. Processing factors, including using vaccines against respiratory disease, were not associated significantly with mortality or morbidity. It was concluded that reducing the number of calves, to approximately 100 per group, not changing the ration to silage within the first month and not using antibiotics in the water supply on arrival could significantly reduce disease and death losses.  相似文献   

Three field trials were conducted in a large commercial feedlot in Saskatchewan to determine the prevalence of Haemophilus somnus in calves and to evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic mass medication with long-acting oxytetracycline on day 17 (1990, n = 1336), day 11 (1991, n = 4372), or day 8 (1992, n = 5632) postarrival. Hemophilosis accounted for > 40% of the mortality in feedlot calves each year. Haemophilus somnus was cultured from the blood of one febrile calf on day 1 (0.1%, n = 895), but it was not cultured from nasal swabs on day 1 or day 11 (n = 881) or from blood samples on day 11 (n = 883). Similarly, it was not cultured from nasal swabs or blood samples from sick calves first treated for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) (n = 219). Serological titers to H. somnus increased (p < 0.05) in unvaccinated calves from day 1 (Geometric mean titer = 11,846) to day 96 (Geometric mean titer = 63,712), indicating natural infection following feedlot entry. Calves that relapsed twice with BRD or died from BRD +/- hemophilosis had significantly (p < 0.06) lower titers to H. somnus on days 1 and 96 than those that did not relapse twice or die. Postarrival mass medication with long-acting oxytetracycline did not reduce (p > 0.05) the risk of hemophilosis mortality. However, it reduced (p < 0.05) the risk of BRD treatment by 14% and the risk of BRD mortality by 71%. Additional epidemiological studies of H. somnus are needed so that we can develop strategic medication and vaccination programs to reduce losses from hemophilosis.  相似文献   

Two replicated-pen field studies were performed under commercial feedlot conditions in western Canada to compare the administration of long-acting oxytetracycline at 30 mg/kg body weight (BW) versus tilmicosin at 10 mg/kg BW to feedlot calves upon arrival at the feedlot. Ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine, recently weaned, auction market derived, crossbred beef steer and bull calves were randomly allocated upon arrival at the feedlot to one of 2 experimental groups as follows: oxytetracycline, which received intramuscular long-acting oxytetracycline (300 mg/mL formulation) at a rate of 30 mg/kg BW; or tilmicosin, which received subcutaneous tilmicosin (300 mg/mL formulation) at a rate of 10 mg/kg BW. There were 20 pens in each experimental group. In Study 1 and in the combined analysis, the initial undifferentiated fever (UF) treatment rate was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the oxytetracycline group as compared with the tilmicosin group. There were no significant (P > or = 0.05) differences in first UF relapse, second UF relapse, third UF relapse, overall chronicity, overall rail, overall mortality, bovine respiratory disease (BRD) mortality, hemophilosis mortality, arthritis mortality, or miscellaneous mortality rates between the experimental groups in either study or in the combined analysis. In addition, there were no significant (P > or = 0.05) differences in initial weight, final weight, weight gain, days on feed, daily dry matter intake, average daily gain, or the dry matter intake to gain ratio between the experimental groups in either study or in the combined analyses. In the economic analysis, there was a net economic advantage of $5.22 CDN per animal in the oxytetracycline group, due to a lower prophylactic cost, even though the UF therapeutic cost was higher.  相似文献   

1. Because tylosin is a time-dependent antibacterial agent, and because feeding and drinking of broilers decreases in late afternoon and ceases in the dark, it was hypothesised that serum concentrations of this drug are greatly reduced during the dark period. 2. The trial was carried out in a commercial poultry house, under standard broiler husbandry conditions, with food and water withdrawn from 22:00 until 07:00 h next morning and exposed to a natural light cycle of 13L:11D. 3. Broilers were given tylosin tartrate, in either feed or water, for 5 d as follows: 100, 200 and 300 ppm in feed, equivalent to 12.6, 25.2 and 37.8 mg/kg/d, respectively; and 200 and 400 mg/l in drinking water, equivalent to 51 to 102 mg/kg/d, respectively. 4. At 07:00 h on d 4, and for the next 40 h, hourly serum samples were obtained and analysed for tylosin by means of a microbiological assay. 5. Day vs night concentrations of tylosin expressed as area under the curve (AUC) in all groups revealed greater values during the day. The highest AUC and AUC(24)/minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) ratio were obtained in the group medicated with 400 mg/l and the corresponding lowest values were found in the group medicated with 100 ppm in feed. 6. In conclusion, tylosin did not reach therapeutic serum concentrations during the dark period, at all dose rates tested when administered in feed or water. A sustained release form of this drug is needed to solve this inadequacy of tylosin medication in broilers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of tulathromycin (DRAX) versus tilmicosin (MIC) or oxytetracycline (TET) as a metaphylactic antimicrobial in feedlot calves. Calves that received DRAX had significantly (P<.05) lower initial undifferentiated fever (UF) treatment and relapse rates; lower overall chronicity, overall mortality, and cause-specific mortality rates; higher average daily gains; and improved quality grades. However, calves that received DRAX also had poorer (P<.05) yield grades compared with calves that received MIC or TET and worse feed conversion compared with calves that received MIC. Net advantages in the DRAX group were 3.79CanDollars/animal and 16.96CanDollars/animal compared with the MIC and TET groups, respectively. Based on these results, DRAX is a more efficacious and cost-effective metaphylactic antimicrobial than MIC or TET in feedlot calves at ultra-high risk of developing UF. In addition, this study presents a comparison between two methods ("deads out" and "deads in") of calculating feedlot performance variables.  相似文献   

Half the progeny in a 200-sow herd (2045 pigs) was given feed medicated with 500 g/tonne of a 1:5 trimethoprim/sulphadiazine mixture from three to nine weeks of age. The other half (1989) acted as controls. The trial lasted 12 months. No difference was observed between the two groups in the incidence of streptococcal meningitis and the morbidity and mortality from all disease causes during the growing/fattening periods did not differ significantly. The main diseases encountered were pneumonia (7.24 per cent), streptococcal meningitis (5.12 per cent), leg and foot disorders (3.34 per cent) and the after-effects of vices (1.86 per cent). The resistance of faecal coliforms to trimethoprim was studied during the six-week period of trimethoprim/sulphadiazine feeding. Faecal coliforms in both medicated and non-medicated groups developed almost 100 per cent resistance. However, resistance developed more slowly in the untreated pigs. The medicated pigs showed a small overall improvement in feed conversion rate up to 18 weeks of age mainly because of a marked improvement between three and six weeks.  相似文献   

The principles of path analysis and causal modelling are discussed. Path analysis was applied to three data sets to assess the relationship between group characteristics (number per group and "mixing" subgroups of cattle, feeding-management of the group and processing factors (vaccination and prophylactic antimicrobials) and subsequent morbidity and mortality in feedlot cattle. The major findings agree with previously reported results but the timing and pathways of the effects are elaborated. In general, morbidity in week 1 was correlated with morbidity in week 2, which was correlated with morbidity in weeks 3-5. The same was generally true for mortality. In general, morbidity was not strongly correlated with mortality. Lots (unmixed groups) did not arrive in better condition, but experienced fewer subsequent health problems than mixed groups. (Silage-fed lots appeared to do poorly, however this was apparently due to the positive association between lots and vaccination, the latter being detrimental to mortality rates.) The more cattle per group, the greater the health problems in weeks 3-5 postarrival. Prophylactic antimicrobials in the water supply on arrival lead to increased health problems in the three to five week postarrival period. Antibiotic containing starter rations had a beneficial effect on health status in this period. This effect appeared to be partly due to delaying making silage the major ration component in silage-fed cattle receiving antimicrobial containing starter rations. Vaccination against respiratory disease in either of the first two weeks postarrival had detrimental direct and indirect effects on subsequent health status. Vaccination during weeks 3-5 postarrival was not significantly related to health status in that period.  相似文献   

The relationships between 4 bacterial and 3 viral antibody titers and morbidity (undifferentiated fever (UF)) and mortality were investigated in recently weaned beef calves. Blood samples from 100 animals that required treatment for UF (Cases) and 100 healthy control animals (Controls) were obtained: upon arrival at the feedlot (Arrival), at the time of selection as a Case or Control (Selection), and at approximately 33 d of the feeding period (Convalescent). Seroconversion to Pasteurella haemolytica antileukotoxin was associated with an increased risk of UF (OR = 2.83); however, seroconversion to bovine herpesvirus-1 G-IV glycoprotein was associated with a decreased risk of UF (OR = 0.43). Higher Arrival bovine viral diarrhea virus antibody titer was associated with a decreased risk of UF (OR = 0.83). Increases in Mycoplasma alkalescens antibody titer after Arrival were associated with an increased risk of UF (OR = 1.10). Higher Arrival Haemophilus somnus antibody titer and increases in Haemophilus somnus antibody titer after Arrival were both associated with a decreased risk of UF (OR = 0.76 and OR = 0.78). The odds of overall mortality (OR = 5.09) and hemophilosis mortality (OR = 11.31) in Cases were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in the Controls. Higher Arrival bovine herpesvirus-1 antibody titer was associated with an increased risk of mortality (OR = 1.30). Protective immunity to Pasteurella haemolytica antileukotoxin, Haemophilus somnus, bovine herpesvirus-1 G-IV glycoprotein, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and Mycoplasma spp. may be necessary to reduce the occurrence of UF. Animals with UF are at an increased risk of overall and hemophilosis mortality.  相似文献   

Four experiments involving 16 pens of 8 to 10 crossbred steer calves each were conducted at Yuma, Arizona. Initial and final weights were approximately 170 and 275 kg, respectively. The experimental design was a 2 x 2 x 4 factorial replicated over 2 yr with main effects for season (summer, winter), diet (H = ground alfalfa hay, H + G = 50% ground alfalfa, 47.5% dry-rolled wheat and 2.5% molasses) and water source (N = normal, S = saline) during two consecutive 56-d periods in each experiment (N-N, N-S, S-N, S-S). Normal water contained approximately 1,300 ppm, and saline water contained approximately 6,000 ppm, total dissolved salts. Steers on the H + G diet gained 32% faster (P less than .01) and consumed 4% less (P less than .01) feed than those on the H diet. Gain and feed intake during winter were greater than during summer (20% and 7%, respectively, P less than .01). Gain and feed intake were reduced approximately 9% (P less than .01) on S water combinations compared with N-N water. Depression in gain and feed intake due to heat stress (summer season) or S water ingestion was greater on the H diet (diet x water source and diet x season interactions, P less than .02). Although season x water source interactions were not significant, saline water ingestion tended to be more detrimental during periods of heat stress (summer). Apparent adaptation to saline water occurred on the H + G diet, but not on the H diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A trial involving 512 beef calves was conducted in a commercial research feedlot to determine the effect of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on performance parameters and carcass characteristics. Two hundred and fifty-six calves that were deemed to be “sick” (S) from BRD were allocated to 16 pens and 256 calves that were considered to be “well” (W) were allocated to another 16 pens. The outcome variables that were measured included average daily gain (ADG), daily dry matter intake (DDMI), dry matter intake to gain ratio (DM:G), BRD treatment rate, death loss, carcass traits, and net profit per pen.

The data were partitioned into several time intervals including processing (P) to day −1, day 0 to day 27, day 28 to day 55, day 56 to day 83, day 84 to day 111, day 112 to day 139, day 140 to slaughter, day 0 to slaughter (0-Slaugh), and processing to slaughter (P-Slaugh). However, the most important interval was from processing to slaughter.

For the interval P-Slaugh, there were no significant (p≥0.05) differences between the S and W groups with respect to ADG and DM:G. Also, for the interval 0-Slaugh, the DDMI was similar for both groups. There were no significant (p≥0.05) differences between the S and W groups for carcass weight, average fat, grade fat, rib eye area, marbling score, cutability estimate, or carcass grade distribution.

The BRD treatment rates in the S and W groups were 6.6% and 4.7%, respectively. The mortality rates in the S and W groups were 0.78% and 0.39%, respectively. Also, there were no deaths attributable to BRD in either group.

In the economic model, there was no significant (p≥0.05) difference between the S and W groups with respect to net profit per pen.

We conclude that this trial did not validate the concept that BRD impacts performance parameters, because a sufficient disease challenge was not present. However, this study provides several observations that will enhance the experimental design of future studies that attempt to quantify the total economic impact of BRD.


A field trial was performed under commercial feedlot conditions in central Nebraska to assess the relative efficacy of tulathromycin (TULA) to florfenicol (FLOR) for the treatment of undifferentiated fever (UF) in feedlot calves that did not receive a metaphylactic antimicrobial or vaccines/bacterins containing Mannheimia haemolytica or Histophilus somni at feedlot arrival by comparing animal health, feedlot performance, and carcass characteristic variables. Two hundred recently weaned, auction market derived, crossbred beef calves that met the study-specific case definition of UF were randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to 1 of 2 experimental groups as follows: TULA, which received tulathromycin administered subcutaneously at the rate of 2.5 mg/kg body weight (BW) once at the time of allocation; or FLOR, which received florfenicol administered subcutaneously at the rate of 40 mg/kg BW once at the time of allocation. In terms of animal health, the first UF relapse (RR = 0.65), overall mortality (RR = 0.33), and BRD mortality (RR = 0.29) rates in the TULA group were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than in the FLOR group. There were no significant (P > or = 0.05) differences between the TULA and FLOR groups for the other animal health variables measured. There was no significant (P > or = 0.05) difference in average daily gain between the TULA and FLOR groups. There were no significant (P > or = 0.05) differences in the overall distributions of quality grade and yield grade between the experimental groups; however, a significantly (P < 0.05) higher proportion of carcasses in the TULA group graded yield grade USDA-4 as compared with the FLOR group. In the economic analysis, the benefits observed resulted in an economic advantage of $52.50 USD/animal in the TULA group due to lower first UF relapse and overall mortality rates, even though the occurrence of yield grade USDA-4 carcasses increased and the initial UF treatment cost was higher.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is perceived as an emerging cause of mortality in feedlot beef cattle. This study examined the lesions and infectious agents in naturally occurring M. bovis-associated bronchopneumonia and arthritis and the relationship of this condition with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection. Standardized pathologic, immunohistochemical, and microbiologic investigations were conducted on 99 calves that died or were euthanized within 60 days after arrival in 72 feedlots. Cranioventral bronchopneumonia with multiple foci of caseous necrosis was identified in 54 of 99 calves, including 30 with concurrent fibrinosuppurative bronchopneumonia typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Mycoplasma bovis was consistently identified in these lesions by culture and immunohistochemistry, but also commonly in healthy lungs and those with pneumonia of other causes. Focal lesions of coagulation necrosis, typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis, were often infected with both Mannheimia haemolytica and M. bovis. Arthritis was present in 25 of 54 (46%) calves with M. bovis pneumonia, and all calves with arthritis had pneumonia. BVDV infection was more common in calves with lesions of bacterial pneumonia than in those dying of other causes, but BVDV infection was not more common in calves with caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia than those with fibrinosuppurative bronchopneumonia. Retrospective analysis identified cases of M. bovis pneumonia in the early 1980s that had milder lesions than the current cases. The findings suggest that, in at least some calves, M. bovis induces caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia within the lesions of pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the relative cost-effectiveness of florfenicol with that of tulathromycin for treatment of undifferentiated fever (UF) in feedlot calves at ultra-high risk of developing UF that receive metaphylactic tulathromycin on arrival at the feedlot. Calves that received therapeutic florfenicol had lower overall mortality (P=.045) and bovine respiratory disease mortality (P=.050) compared with calves that received therapeutic tulathromycin, but no significant differences were detected in feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, or other animal health variables. There was a net advantage of Can$41.19/treated animal in the florfenicol group versus the tulathromycin group. This study demonstrates that it is more cost-effective to use florfenicol than tulathromycin for the initial treatment of UF in feedlot calves at ultra-high risk of developing UF that receive on-arrival metaphylactic tulathromycin.  相似文献   

In a 172-d finishing trial (Exp. 1), 210 recently weaned crossbred heifers were allotted to six growth promotant treatment groups, involving implanting initially with Synovex-C (C) or H (H) followed by reimplanting with Finaplix-H (F) or H and F. Melengestrol acetate (MGA) was provided in the diet to four of the treatment groups. Heifers fed MGA and administered only F as the terminal implant had the greatest (P = .01) number of mature ovaries with follicles but also had lower (P = .01) gain/DMI. In a 182-d finishing study (Exp. 2), 270 recently weaned crossbred heifers were allotted to the following six implant (d 0)/ reimplant (d 70) groups using no implant (N), Ralgro (R) or H: N/R, R/H, R/R, N/R, H/H and R/R for Treatments 1 through 6, respectively. On d 70, all heifers were implanted with F. Heifers were fed MGA from d 70 to 182 (Treatments 1, 2, and 3) or for the entire trial (Treatments 4, 5, and 6). Implanting on d 0 increased (P < .05) overall ADG. Differences (P > .05) in performance were not found between MGA treatment groups. Using an H implant/reimplant regimen decreased (P = .01) ovarian and(or) follicular development when compared with an R implant/reimplant regimen. In a 126-d finishing trial (Exp. 3), 360 crossbred yearling heifers were used to evaluate F and estrogen (Implus-H) implants when used in combination with an MGA feeding program. Heifers receiving only F in combination with MGA had greater (P < .05) ADG, whereas all heifers fed MGA had greater (P < .05) gain/DMI than heifers not fed MGA. These data suggest that feeding MGA was not beneficial for young heifers, particularly if they are provided an initial estrogenic implant followed by a second implant. In older (yearling) heifers, increased gains and gain/DMI were obtained by feeding MGA and implanting initially or 56 d later with F.  相似文献   

A field trial was performed to compare trimethoprim-sulfadoxine to ceftiofur sodium in the treatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in feedlot calves. Five-hundred-and-fifty-five recently weaned, crossbred beef calves, with naturally occurring cases of BRD, were randomly assigned to either trimethoprim-sulfadoxine or ceftiofur sodium treatment groups. The effectiveness of the antibiotics was assessed by comparing relapse rates, three day treatment response rates, mortality rates, chronicity rates, and wastage rates. There was no statistical difference in the first or second relapse rates between the two groups. For the initial therapy, first relapses, and overall treatment episodes, a significantly greater proportion of the calves treated with ceftiofur sodium responded to three days of therapy than those treated with trimethoprim-sulfadoxine (p < 0.05). This resulted in a 10% reduction in treatment costs for calves in the ceftiofur group. There were significantly lower mortality and wastage rates attributable to BRD in the ceftiofur sodium group than in the trimethoprim-sulfadoxine group (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in overall mortality, overall chronicity, or overall wastage rates between the treatment groups.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in western Canada to evaluate the efficacy of florfenicol for the treatment of undifferentiated fever (UF) in feedlot calves. One hundred and twenty-five recently weaned, auction market derived, crossbred, beef steer calves suffering from UF were allocated to 1 of 2 experimental groups as follows: florfenicol, which was intramuscular florfenicol administered at the rate of 20 mg/kg body weight at the time of allocation (day 0) and again 48 h later; or control, which was intramuscular saline administered at the same volume as florfenicol at the time of allocation and again 48 h later. Eighty-four calves were allocated to the florfenicol group and 41 calves were allocated to the control group. Outcome measures describing animal health, body weight, and rectal temperature parameters were used to determine the efficacy of florfenicol for the treatment of UF. The 1st relapse of UF, 2nd relapse of UF, overall mortality, bovine respiratory disease mortality, and haemophilosis mortality rates were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the florfenicol group than in the control group. Animals in the florfenicol group were significantly (P < 0.05) heavier at day 15 and day 45 than animals in the control group. The rectal temperature on days 1, 2, 3, and 4 of animals in the florfenicol group was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than in the control group. In addition, the change in rectal temperature from day 0 to day 4 was significantly (P < 0.05) different between the experimental groups. The results of this study demonstrate that florfenicol is an efficacious antimicrobial for the treatment of UF.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate management strategies designed to decrease heat stress of cattle finished during the summer. In Exp. 1, 144 Angus crossbred yearling steers were assigned to three treatments: 1) ad libitum access to feed at 0800 (ADLIB); 2) fed at 1600 with feed amount adjusted so that no feed was available at 0800 (BKMGT); and 3) fed at 1600 at 85% of predicted ad libitum levels (LIMFD). Treatments were imposed for 23 d of an 82-d study, after which all steers were fed ad libitum at 0800. Treatment did not affect (P > 0.10) overall DMI, although ADLIB cattle tended to consume less feed. Overall water intake was decreased (P < 0.05) by 6.8 L x animal(-1) x d(-1) for LIMFD vs. ADLIB steers. In Exp. 2, 96 Angus crossbred yearling steers were assigned to three treatments: 1) control, no water application; 2) water applied to the pen surfaces between 1000 and 1200 (AM); and 3) water applied to pen surfaces between 1400 and 1600 (PM). Water intake and DMI did not differ among treatments; however, feed efficiency of AM steers was superior (P = 0.06) to that of PM steers. Conversely, marbling scores of PM steers were higher (P = 0.06) than those of AM steers. In Exp. 3, 192 crossbred steers were used to determine the effects of feeding time (0800 [AMF] vs. 1400 [PMF]), with (WET) and without (DRY) sprinkling (20 min every 1.5 h between 1000 and 1750). Feed DMI did not differ among treatments; however, water intake and marbling scores were highest (P < 0.05) for AMF/DRY steers. During these experiments, bunk scores (0 = <10% of feed delivered remaining; 1 = 10 to 50% of feed remaining; 2 = >50% of feed remaining) were assigned to each pen at various times during the day. In Exp. 1, bunk scores of BKMGT pens remained similar (P > 0.20) under varying environmental conditions, whereas LIMFD steers had lower scores (P < 0.05) as days on feed increased, even under hot environmental conditions. In Exp. 3, bunk scores of PMF/WET steers tended to be lower (P < 0.10) at 1700 and 2000 compared with PMF/ DRY pens under mild heat stress but not under severe heat stress. Alternative feeding regimens and sprinkling can alter the feed intake pattern of steers. Heat stress management strategies imposed in these experiments had minimal effects on cattle performance. Such strategies would be most useful for decreasing the susceptibility of cattle to hyperthermia and reducing related feedlot cattle deaths without adversely affecting performance.  相似文献   

Calves from five Ontario feedlots were bled on arrival and approximately 28 days later. Calves treated during this interval for undifferentiated respiratory disease were classified as cases and untreated calves were classified as controls. Serum was titrated blindly for antibodies to Mycoplasma bovis and Mycoplasma dispar. Indirect hemagglutination titers of 1:20 or more were assumed to reflect recent or current exposure, whereas 1:10 or less were not. The titers to M. bovis increased in all feedlots indicating active infection. The initial titers to M. dispar were higher than the titers against M. bovis, yet they increased in all feedlots except one, suggesting widespread infection with this organism. There was an increased risk (although not statistically significant) of being treated if the titer against M. bovis rose during the period. Calves with low M. dispar titers on arrival were at increased risk of being treated and titer increases were strongly associated with treatment (statistically significant). Thus, the serological results indicate high prevalence of M. bovis and M. dispar in the feedlot calves and that calves with increasing titers in particular to M. dispar are at increased risk of being treated for respiratory disease.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of two prophylactic antibiotic treatments against bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in veal calves. In addition, the antibiotic susceptibilities of isolated Pasteurellaceae were tested. The calves were treated either on the day of arrival by a single administration of tulathromycin (group A, n = 20), by a peroral administration of chlortetracycline, sulphadimidine, and tylosin (group B, n = 20) for seven consecutive days, or were not prophylactically treated (group C, n = 19). On the first day of clinically diagnosed BRD, transtracheal lavage samples were obtained prior to therapeutic treatment and were subsequently cultured. Pasteurellaceae isolates were tested for their susceptibility to 12 antimicrobial agents by the determination of the minimal inhibitory concentrations. During the first 56 d after arrival, different calves in group A and B suffered from one episode of clinically diagnosed BRD while calves of group C experienced two episodes. The average daily weight gain during the same period was significantly lower in group C (0.89 ± 0.04 kg/d) than in the two prophylactically treated groups (1.14 ± 0.05 and 1.15 ± 0.04 kg/d for group A and B, respectively). The improved performance of groups A and B in comparison to group C could be related to a lower incidence of respiratory disorders during the first days after arrival in the prophylactically treated animals. No differences in the clinical efficacy were seen between the two tested prophylactic treatments. The most prevalent bacterial pathogens isolated (n = 79) were Pasteurella multocida (23% of isolated pathogens), Mycoplasma bovis (18%), and Mannheimia varigena (16%). For the isolated Pasteurellaceae, a high resistance pattern was observed to tylosin (83% of the tested P. multocida and 88% of the Mannheimia spp. isolates resistant) and tilmicosin (56% of the tested P. multocida isolates non-sensitive).  相似文献   

The effects of grain adaptation protocol on subacute acidosis and feed intake by cattle were studied in a completely randomized experiment using 12 crossbred heifers (384 +/- 25 kg BW). The dietary proportion of concentrate was increased from 40 to 90% (DM basis) either by rapid adaptation (65% concentrate diet fed for 3 d) or by gradual adaptation (five intermediate diets containing 48.3, 56.7, 65.0, 73.3, and 81.7% concentrate, fed for 3 d each). Feed intake and ruminal pH (by indwelling ruminal electrodes) were monitored over 20 d. Mean daily pH variables did not differ (P > or = 0.10) between treatments on any of the 3 or 4 d that 65 or 90% concentrate was fed. Variances of a number of pH variables were greater (P < 0.05) for rapidly adapted heifers than for those on the gradual adaptation protocol during adaptation to 65 and 90% concentrate. Mean hourly pH did not differ over the first 24 h of adaptation to 65% concentrate, but variance of hourly pH tended (P < 0.10) to be greater for rapidly adapted than for gradually adapted heifers for eight of the first 24 h. On the first day of feeding 90% concentrate, ruminal pH tended (P = 0.07) to be less at 11 and 12 h after feeding with rapid adaptation than with gradual adaptation. Variance of hourly pH increased steadily in rapidly adapted heifers from 6 h after feeding onward. Ruminal VFA concentration and osmolality did not differ between treatments. Ruminal lactate concentration was < 1 mM, except in two rapidly adapted heifers and one gradually adapted heifer after introduction to 90% concentrate. Adaptation method did not affect DMI or day-to-day variation in DMI. Detection of acidosis was associated with increased variance in ruminal pH variables. A range of individual responses to grain challenge was observed, but current management strategies for preventing acidosis in pens of cattle are based on responses of the most susceptible individuals. A better understanding of factors governing individual responses to acidotic challenge may allow for the development of more effective acidosis prevention practices.  相似文献   

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