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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine a population of miniature schnauzers exhibiting syncope as their primary presenting complaint and to correlate their electrocardiographic (ECG) findings with the criteria for the diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome (SSS) reported in the human and veterinary literature. Design: Retrospective study. Patients: Case records of 31 miniature schnauzers with syncope during the period 1996–2000 were reviewed. Measurements and results: This study supported two previous studies finding that females were more predisposed to ECG abnormalities associated with SSS than males. It was also noted that females were slightly older (10.1 years) when compared to males (8.9 years) at the time of diagnosis. A heart murmur was present in 61% of the dogs and this was most likely secondary to mitral valve endocardiosis and regurgitation. The primary rhythm disturbance seen was sinus arrest/sinoatrial block in 48.5% of the cases; sinus bradycardia was the second most common arrhythmia noted. Conclusion: In miniature schnauzers with syncope, SSS should be considered as a primary etiology if abnormal ECG findings are noted.  相似文献   

To evaluate underlying causes of calcium oxalate urolithiasis, 24-hour excretion of urine metabolites was measured in 6 Miniature Schnauzers that formed calcium oxalate (CaOx) uroliths during periods when they were fed a standard diet and during periods when food was withheld. Serum concentrations of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D also were evaluated. Serum calcium concentrations were normal in all 6 affected Miniature Schnauzers; however, during diet consumption, mean 24-hour urinary excretion of calcium was significantly (P = 0.025) higher than calcium excretion when food was withheld. In 1 dog, urinary calcium excretion was lower during the period of food consumption, compared with the period when food was withheld. Compared with clinically normal Beagles, Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly greater quantities of calcium when food was consumed (P = 0.0004) and when food was withheld (P = 0.001). Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly less oxalate than clinically normal Beagles during fed (P = 0.028) and nonfed (P = 0.004) conditions. Affected Miniature Schnauzers also excreted abnormally high quantities of uric acid. Excretion of citrate was not different between Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis and clinically normal Beagles. In 5 of 6 Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis, concentrations of serum parathyroid hormone were similar to values from age- and gender-matched Miniature Schnauzers without uroliths. The concentration of serum parathyroid hormone in 1 dog was greater than 4 times the mean concentration of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers. Mean serum concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in Miniature Schnauzers with calcium oxalate urolithiasis were similar to concentrations of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers.  相似文献   

Prevalence of calcium oxalate uroliths in miniature schnauzers.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epidemiologic data were evaluated from all dogs admitted to the University of Minnesota, Veterinary Teaching Hospital (UMVTH) between June 1981 and November 1989. Of 69,890 admissions, 2,077 were Miniature Schnauzers. Uroliths were retrieved from 63 of the 2,077 Miniature Schnauzers admitted. In 20 of the 63 urolith episodes, calcium oxalate was the predominant mineral identified. By comparison, calcium oxalate uroliths were identified in only 56 of the remaining 67,813 non-Miniature Schnauzer canine admissions. The odds that uroliths from Miniature Schnauzers were composed of calcium oxalate was 11.8 times greater than for other canine breeds evaluated at the UMVTH (95% confidence interval = 6.8 to 20.1). Data also were evaluated from files of uroliths retrieved from dogs and submitted to the Minnesota Urolith Center for quantitative mineral analysis, between June 1981 and November 1989. Of 3,930 uroliths analyzed, 615 (15.6%) uroliths were obtained from Miniature Schnauzers. of the 615 uroliths, 175 (28.4%) were calcium oxalate. By comparison, only 550 (16.6%) of the remaining 3,315 from dogs of breeds other than Miniature Schnauzers were calcium oxalate. The odds that uroliths submitted for analysis were composed of calcium oxalate was 2 times greater for Miniature Schnauzers than for dogs of other breeds (95% confidence interval = 1.6 to 2.4). Calcium oxalate uroliths were retrieved more frequently in males than females. The risk for males developing calcium oxalate uroliths was greater than 3 times the risk for females in both groups of data evaluated. The mean age of all Miniature Schnauzers admitted to the UMVTH with calcium oxalate uroliths was 9 years. Calcium oxalate uroliths were not detected in Miniature Schnauzers younger than 1.7 years.  相似文献   

Postnatal ossification of the atlas and axis was studied in Miniature Schnauzers by examining alizarin-stained bone clearings, cleaned dry bones, radiographs, histologic sections, and arterially perfused bone clearings. Sixty-two pups (1 day to 16 weeks old) and 4 adults were examined. In 1-day-old pups, the atlas consisted of 3 separate ossification centers: a left and right neural arch center and midventrally, the intercentrum 1, which formed the body of the atlas. The axis contained 4 separate ossification centers: a left and right neural arch center; centrum 2 in the main part of the axis body; and centrum 1, which formed the caudal part of the dens and the cranial part of the axis body. By 6 weeks of age, the epiphysis on the caudal end of the axis body had begun to ossify. At this time, the intercentrum 2, which developed as a cuboidal ossification center intercalated between centrum 1 and centrum 2 in the middle of the cranial half of the axis body, also began to ossify. The centrum of the proatlas, which formed the apex of the dens, was first seen ossified in a 9-week-old pup. These 10 ossification centers were seen as constant and separate elements. In all dogs, the dens developed from 2 separate ossification centers: the centrum of the proatlas formed the cranial one-quarter, and centrum 1 formed the caudal three-quarters. Dens dysplasia is unlikely to be a result of failure of development of one of the ossification centers for the dens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old, castrated male, miniature schnauzer presented with malaise, anorexia, fever and severe inflammatory skin lesions on the dorsum, thighs and pinnae. The lesions developed 2 days after bathing with a commercial shampoo. Histopathological examination of skin samples revealed neutrophilic exocytosis, parakeratosis, epidermal hyperplasia and neutrophilic infiltration in the superficial dermis. Skin lesions resolved completely after 14 days of treatment with prednisolone and ofloxacin. Patch testing performed on the patient and a clinically healthy dog showed erythema at the site exposed to the culprit shampoo 48 h later only on the patient. Histopathological findings of the erythematous reaction were similar to those of the spontaneous skin lesions. Based on these findings, the dog was diagnosed with superficial suppurative necrolytic dermatitis of miniature schnauzers. The patch test results suggested that contact dermatitis to a commercial shampoo played a role in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate two possible feeding strategies as methods for reducing the risk of calcium oxalate (CaOx) formation in two breeds of healthy dog. The studies compared the effect of dietary moisture (Study 1) and dietary sodium (Na), (Study 2) on urine composition of labrador retrievers (LR) and miniature schnauzers (MS). A nutritionally complete dry dog food was fed to 16 dogs (eight LR, eight MS; Study 1) and 15 dogs (seven LR, eight MS; Study 2) for 24 days (Study 1), or 36 days (Study 2). The dogs were fed the diet alone (7% moisture, 0.06 g Na/100 kcal), or supplemented with deionised water to 73% moisture (Study 1), or dietary Na, to deliver 0.20 or 0.30 g Na per 100 kcal (Study 2). Urine pH, volume, specific gravity, and concentrations of 12 analytes were measured for each dog. Urinary relative supersaturations (RSS) with CaOx were calculated from these values. The effects of supplemental Na or water were established using t tests (Study 1) or analysis of variance, and multiple range tests (least significant difference) (Study 2); P<0.05 was considered significant. Increasing dietary moisture significantly increased total moisture intake (P=0.001), and reduced urine specific gravity (P=0.003), urinary oxalate concentration (P=0.04), and CaOx relative supersaturation (P=0.04) in the MS. Urinary parameters remained unchanged in the LR, indicating that feeding a high moisture diet may reduce the risk of CaOx formation in high-risk breeds. Increasing dietary Na led to production of urine with a significantly lower CaOx RSS in both breeds, indicating that sodium supplementation to dry diet formats may reduce the risk of CaOx formation. These feeding strategies should be considered when evaluating methods for preventing CaOx formation within high-risk groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the specificity and sensitivity of plasma and urinary trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP) concentrations in diagnosing pancreatitis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of clinical cases. PROCEDURE: Dogs were classified into three groups: healthy animals, dogs with confirmed pancreatitis and dogs with nonpancreatic disease, which clinically or biochemically resembled pancreatitis. This last group was further subdivided into dogs with renal and those with nonrenal disease. The plasma and urinary TAP concentration was determined by a competitive enzyme immunoassay. Clinical cases additionally had serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity concentration measured, as well as radiography and ultrasound of the abdomen and further diagnostic procedures. Nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis test) was performed using Statistix 4.0 program. RESULTS: There was a wide range of urinary TAP concentration in healthy dogs (mean 52.30 nmol/L, standard deviation 55.25) that made interpretation of urinary TAP concentrations difficult in the other groups. There was a narrow reference range for plasma TAP (mean 2.67 nmol/L, standard deviation 0.93). Plasma and urinary TAP concentrations, as well as urinary TAP to creatinine ratio, were all increased in dogs that died with necrotising pancreatitis. Values were not increased in mild, interstitial pancreatitis. Increased plasma TAP concentrations were also present in dogs with severe renal disease. CONCLUSION: Plasma TAP concentration is a good prognostic indicator in naturally occurring pancreatitis in dogs. The failure of TAP to increase in mild pancreatitis, and the increase present in severe renal disease, suggests its measurement has limited application as a sole diagnostic tool for canine pancreatitis. Further investigations are required in order to explain the large variability of urinary TAP concentration and the presence of circulating TAP in healthy dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate serum feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity (fTLI) concentration and results of abdominal ultrasonography, CBC, and serum biochemical analyses for diagnosis of pancreatitis in cats. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 28 cats with clinical signs compatible with pancreatitis. PROCEDURE: Serum fTLI concentrations were determined, and abdominal ultrasonography, CBC, and serum biochemical analyses were performed prior to histologic evaluation of pancreatic, hepatic, and intestinal specimens. On the basis of histologic results, cats were categorized as having a normal pancreas (n = 10), pancreatic fibrosis with ongoing inflammation (9), pancreatic fibrosis without inflammation (4), and acute necrotizing pancreatitis (5). Serum fTLI concentrations and results of CBC, serum biochemical analyses, and histologic evaluation of hepatic and intestinal specimens were compared among groups. RESULTS: Significant differences in serum fTLI concentrations or any hematologic or biochemical variable were not detected among the 4 groups of cats. Median serum fTLI concentrations were 51 micrograms/L (range, 18 to 200 micrograms/L) in cats with a normal pancreas, 32 micrograms/L (range, 12 to > 200 micrograms/L) in cats with pancreatic fibrosis and ongoing inflammation, 124 micrograms/L (range, 36 to > 200 micrograms/L) in cats with pancreatic fibrosis without ongoing inflammation, and 30 micrograms/L (range, 24 to 84 micrograms/L) in cats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis. We detected a high prevalence of concurrent hepatic and intestinal tract disease in cats with pancreatitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In cats with clinical signs of pancreatitis, serum fTLI concentration is poorly associated with histopathologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old, neutered male miniature schnauzer dog with a history of cryptorchidism and umbilical hernia was referred for diabetic ketoacidosis. Clinical evaluation revealed stunted growth, skeletal abnormalities, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Further testing was diagnostic for mucopolysaccharidosis type VI causing the stunted growth and skeletal deformities, but no connection between mucopolysaccharidosis type VI, hypertriglyceridemia, and pancreatic diseases was found.  相似文献   

为分析近交系连续3代次五指山小型猪内源性反转录病毒囊膜基因(PERV-env)变异特征,本研究采用PCR方法对该基因进行扩增、克隆和序列测定,将其与参考序列比对和遗传进化分析.序列分析显示:PERV-env核苷酸序列与参考序列之间的同源性为98.3 %~99.3%,具有明显G→A突变,并且偏好发生于GA、GG.进一步分析表明,在PERV-env序列190 bp和1 875 bp位置均有G→A突变发生.PERV-env基因遗传进化树分析表明,五指山来源的PERV与国外小型猪PERV-A亲缘关系较近,但仍存在差异.本实验将有助于PERV分子特性的研究,为进一步开展异种移植中PERV的安全性评价奠定基础.  相似文献   

Summary Since 2004, significant associations between bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility in cattle and frequencies of insertion/deletion (ins/del; indel) polymorphisms within the bovine prion protein gene (PRNP) have been reported. In this study, we investigated the frequencies of indel polymorphisms within two variable sites, a 23-bp indel polymorphism in the promoter region (23indel) and a 12-bp indel polymorphism in intron 1 region (12indel), in the PRNP in 206 Vietnamese dairy cattle and seven Japanese BSE-affected cattle. In Vietnamese dairy cattle, the frequency distributions of del allele and del/del genotypic polymorphisms in the 23indel site, which are thought to be associated with BSE susceptibility, were significantly higher, whereas the frequencies of del allelic and del/del genotypic polymorphisms in the 12indel site, which have been reported to confer BSE susceptibility, were significantly lower. We have provided evidence that Vietnamese dairy cattle have a unique genetic background in the PRNP gene in comparison with cattle or sires previously reported in other countries.  相似文献   

按常规方法提取鸡毒支原体参考株(S6-10)、疫苗株(F14-6)及在氟喹诺酮类药物压力下体外筛选出来的耐药株的基因组DNA,扩增各菌株DNA旋转酶gyrA基因片段,并克隆、测序,利用DNASIS分析软件对测序结果进行分析。结果表明,S6-10和F14-6在恩诺沙星或环丙沙星压力下均筛选出不同程度的耐药菌,而且恩诺沙星致鸡毒支原体发生耐药性突变的机率高于环丙沙星,S6-10株耐药突变频率高于F14-6。S6-10筛选出来的耐药菌株发生突变的位置在DNA旋转酶gyrA亚基的第83位(相对于大肠杆菌gyrA亚基中的位置,以下同)和87位上,取代模式为Ser83→Ile、Glu87→Gln,高水平耐药株(Se32M,MIC≥128)除了在第83位发生突变外,在第82位还增加一突变位点(Asp→Gly);F14-6筛选出来的高水平耐药菌株(Fe32M)在DNA旋转酶gyrA亚基的第83、87位发生了双位点突变(Ser83→Ile,Glu87→Gly),而低水平耐药株(Fe8M、Fc8M)在gyrA亚基未发生任何位点突变。  相似文献   

Theileriosis is an economically important haemoprotozoal disease with high morbidity and mortality in cattle. Buparvaquone is very effective in the treatment of Theileria infections in cattle. The present study reported an outbreak of bovine tropical theileriosis in Fars Province, southern Iran with buparvaquone treatment failure associated with mutations in drug-binding sites of its causative agent. The infected animals (n=8) exhibited poor condition, fever, anemia, rough coat and superficial lymph node enlargement. Both blood smears and lymph nodes punctures were positive and further molecular examination revealed that these animals were infected with Theileria annulata. Death occurred in seven of the eight infected animals in spite of the buparvaquone treatment. At molecular study, two types of important single-base mutations were observed in the cytochrome b gene of the parasite. These changes resulted in amino acid mutations in the parasite cytochrome b from serine (AGT) 109 to glycine (GGT) for the six dead cases and proline (CCT) 233 to serine (TCT) for one dead case within strongly Q(o) drug-binding sites. In contrast, neither of these mutations was found in the parasite cytochrome b for the buvarvaquone-treated animal. It seems that these mutation sites are associated with resistance to buparvaquone, a hydroxynaphthoquinone compound.  相似文献   

Haemostasis was evaluated in 19 dogs with natural Leishmania infection, six of them with a history of epistaxis, and the results were compared with the results from 24 healthy dogs. In addition, the dogs' blood pressure was measured and biopsies were taken from the nasal mucosa. Buccal mucosa bleeding time was prolonged in the dogs with leishmaniasis (P < 0.002) and most significantly in those with epistaxis (P < 0.005). None of the Leishmania-infected dogs had thrombocytopenia, low levels of plasma von Willebrand factor antigen, a prolonged prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time, a low plasma fibrinogen concentration or high serum fibrin degradation products. These results rule out defects of secondary haemostasis or disseminated intravascular coagulation as significant causes of epistaxis in non-complicated leishmaniasis. Histopathology of the nasal mucosa of 10 of the affected dogs, three of them with epistaxis, revealed ulcerative and inflammatory lesions in all of them.  相似文献   

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