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The population changes in San Jose and St. Louis between 1960 and 1970 exemplify the two broad trends-urban formation followed by metropolitan dispersal-that have shaped 20th-century urbanization in this country. The fact that these developmental trends were expressed through demographic processes found to be common to both cities, despite their contrasting recent experiences, suggests that generalizations can be made about the complex forces underlying urbanization. The formation of metropolitan San Jose's population parallels the traditional process whereby a region's growth comes to be focused, through migration, on a few urban centers. The modern variant is not characterized by a rural-to-urban shift, however, but by migration flows among urban areas, and particularly to a few most-favored areas, such as San Jose. Migratory growth has left a powerful demographic legacy in San Jose. This legacy is also instructive for studying the migratory formation of any new city's population. Its demographic character determines its demographic destiny, whose likely variations we can now perceive with some clarity. San Jose's population is both youthful and chronically migratory. The presence of many prospective parents and relatively few elderly persons lays a broad foundation for the population's continued growth through natural increase, despite the national downturn in fertility (14). Even without further net in-migration, the population of new cities like San Jose would continue to grow at an above-average rate. The hypermobility of San Jose's population (that is, its propensity for further migration) also has an important bearing on the future. With about 21 migrants entering and 17 departing each year per hundred residents, San Jose's rapid migratory growth rests (as it would in other new cities) on a precarious arithmetic balance. A significant dip in local employment growth could easily reduce net migration to a small fraction of its present high level. Even a slight decline would result in the inflow's no longer exceeding the high volume of outflow. Demographic analysis alone cannot foresee such an employment downturn, but if it happened, the migratory downturn probably would be swift. Hypermobility also works the other way; and given San Jose's focal position in California's expanding metropolitan structure (with its virtually endless supply of migratory growth), net migration could resume with equal swiftness. The outward dispersal of population from central cities that has occurred in St. Louis has been accelerating in other cities as well, and will remain a prominent feature of U.S. urban growth. It may seem paradoxical that in a period noted for something called "urban growth" there are so many declining central cities, but that is merely one indication that the "central city" no longer is the real city, except in name. Real city or not, the central city can expect to come into political conflict with other jurisdictions created in the process of dispersion. In cities like St. Louis, where population is dispersing but old political boundaries are fixed, the problems of the central city are separated from the resources in the suburbs. Transitional problems associated with persistent and severe outmigration also arise: accumulation of disadvantaged citizens, declining demand for city housing, and a diminished replacement capacity in the population. Carried far enough, the last of these problems results in natural decrease, and thereafter the population's decline acquires its own dynamic. As noted earlier, the white population in St. Louis has reached this point: The number of persons dying now exceeds the number being born. For two reasons, this natural decrease can do little other than intensify. First, a substantial proportion of whites are either entering or already within the high-mortality age brackets.The white population's crude death rate therefore will continue to rise. Second, prospective parents are becoming scarce among St. Louis's whites, and the national evidence that parents in general will choose to have smaller families continues to mount. The white population's crude birth rate is therefore likely to fall, barring a dramatic increase in fertility or a strong and sustained inflow of childbearing families. Nor is St. Louis's black population likely to grow substantially. It is expanding steadily through natural increase, but black migration out of the city is more than enough to cancel that increase.  相似文献   

Two strains of St. Louis encephalitis virus were isolated from overwintering mosquitoes collected in Maryland and Pennsylvania during January and February 1977. There isolations from Culex pipiens constitute evidence that a mosquito-borne flavivirus can persist in a vector mosquito in temperate climates during the winter season.  相似文献   

A largely qualitative body of literature has contributed to understanding the contradictory dimensions of community gardening as a social justice tool. Building on this literature through a city-wide, quantitative intervention, this paper focuses on community gardening as a facilitator of ecological gentrification in St. Louis, Missouri. Combining the analytical lenses of spatial justice, urban political ecology, and the rent gap theory of gentrification, I deploy spatial regression analysis to show that community gardening was positively associated with gentrification in St. Louis between the years 2000 and 2010, as measured by the growth of high socioeconomic status residents in each neighborhood. This result suggests that a sociospatial dialectic exists in which the implementation of a community garden, a change in the use of urban space, leads to unintended social outcomes. Contextualizing this finding within the broader literature, I conclude that the potential of community gardening as an instrument for spatial justice is contingent on institutional support against larger-scale processes, like gentrification, that lead to spatially unjust outcomes.  相似文献   

A strain of St. Louis encephalitis virus has been isolated from Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida b. mexicana) collected at the time of an outbreak of encephalitis in Texas in 1964.  相似文献   

Highly resolved aerosol size distributions measured from high-altitude aircraft can be used to describe the effect of the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo on the stratospheric aerosol. In some air masses, aerosol mass mixing ratios increased by factors exceeding 100 and aerosol surface area concentrations increased by factors of 30 or more. Increases in aerosol surface area concentration were accompanied by increases in chlorine monoxide at mid-latitudes when confounding factors were controlled. This observation supports the assertion that reactions occurring on the aerosol can increase the fraction of stratospheric chlorine that occurs in ozone-destroying forms.  相似文献   

In recent years, atmospheric scientists have been endeavoring to determine the relative contributions of local and distant sources to pollution aerosol in eastern North America. Elemental analysis of aerosol from various sites in the northeastern United States has revealed a persistent northeastern "foreground" upon which pulses of midwestern aerosol are superimposed every few days, in response to large-scale meteorological features. Regional apportionment of tracer element and sulfate in summer and winter samples from Narragansett, Rhode Island, and Underhill, Vermont, shows that most of the elements come predominantly from northeastern sources. Notable exceptions include arsenic and indium, for which Canadian nonferrous smelters are important sources, and sulfur and selenium, for which the Midwest is an important source. During 1982 and 1983, the Northeast and the Midwest contributed comparably to aerosol sulfate at Narragansett and Underhill, in spite of the fact that the emissions of sulfur dioxide in the Midwest were ten times those in the Northeast; Canadian smelters accounted for less than 10 percent of the total sulfate. During a major pollution episode in July 1982, northeastern and midwestern sources produced comparable sulfate concentration in Rhode Island, whereas midwestern sources dominated northeastern sources in Vermont. Thus, although distant midwestern sources affect the quantity of pollution aerosol in the Northeast and may dominate episodically, nearer northeastern sources are comparably important on the long term.  相似文献   

Rainfall changes in summer caused by st. Louis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precipitation in and around St. Louis was investigated to study urban influences on summer precipitation conditions. Prerain winds were used to define the "downwind area" where influences would be greatest, and wind-sorted rains were combined into monthly and summer totals. Seventy-five percent of the 16 rain patterns revealed a rainfall maximization downwind of the city, and the rainfall in the downwind area was 22.7 percent more than the rainfall upwind of St. Louis where no urban influences existed. Various statistical tests of the summer rainfall distribution reveal the downwind rainfall to be significantly greater than elsewhere and supportive of other findings that St. Louis increases rainfall.  相似文献   

利用功能标记YP7A、YP7A-2、YP7B-1、YP7B-2、YP7B-3、YP7D-1和YP7D-2对168份供试材料的Psy-A1、Psy-B1和Psy-D1位点的等位基因进行分子检测,研究黄色素含量基因在黄淮麦区小麦品种中的分布情况.结果 表明:在Psy-A1位点,共检测到Psy-A1a和Psy-A1b 2种等...  相似文献   

提出一种基于颜色和纹理信息的木板材表面节疤缺陷区域检测方法。首先,根据木板材表面图像中正常区域和缺陷区域的颜色差异,通过颜色直方图自动获取缺陷区域的种子点;然后,提出一种纹理扩散算法,它从种子点出发,基于图像局部纹理特征搜索缺陷区域的边缘。此外,改进了局部二进制模式算子,提出一种LBP—TD算子以更好地适应纹理扩散。实验结果表明:针对各种常见的木板材节疤缺陷,当缺陷区域与正常木纹区域的颜色、纹理存在较明显差异时,无论木纹本身是否规则,本文方法都能准确地检测出木板材节疤缺陷的区域;而当缺陷区域与正常木纹区域的颜色、纹理的差异均不明显时,本文方法仍能检测出缺陷区域的大致轮廓。数据对比显示了本文方法的误检率要低于传统的OTSU法。  相似文献   

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