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Polyphosphate kinase (PPK), encoded by the ppk gene, is a principal enzyme responsible for synthesis of inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) from ATP in many Gram-negative bacteria. In order to elucidate the functions of poly P in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 6605, an in-frame deletion mutant of the ppk gene (ppk) was constructed. The ppk mutant did not accumulate poly P, whereas the wild-type strain accumulated a large quantity. The mutant had reduced swarming motility, even though it retains swimming motility like the parental strain. The mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to prolonged incubation and environmental stresses, such as heat shock and oxidative stress and reduced exopolysaccharide (EPS) production compared to the wild-type. Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of the rpoS gene, encoding the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS, was reduced in ppk in the logarithmic phase, indicating that rpoS is regulated by the ppk gene. The poly P deficient mutant had significantly reduced ability to cause disease in its host tobacco plant and in planta growth of the mutant was also significantly reduced in host tobacco leaves as compared to the wild-type strain. Thus, our results suggest that poly P plays an important role in the virulence of P. syringae pv. tabaci 6605.  相似文献   

为有效防控我国的检疫性有害生物十字花科细菌性黑斑病菌Pseudomonas syringae pv.maculicola在国内的传播与蔓延,通过设计1对特异性引物3539,利用132株靶标和非靶标菌为模板进行PCR扩增,建立了实时荧光定量PCR法,并进行了模拟种子带菌试验。结果显示,引物3539为只针对十字花科细菌性黑斑病菌扩增出的特异性产物;在模拟种子带菌检测中,常规PCR对菌悬液的检测限为10~5CFU/m L,实时荧光定量PCR的检测限为10~3CFU/m L,其中10~8CFU/m L菌液的Ct值最低,为22.90,10~3CFU/m L菌液的Ct值最高,为35.73,且不同浓度菌液间的Ct值均有显著差异;不同带菌率模拟种子的检测结果表明,常规PCR和实时荧光定量PCR能检测到的带菌率分别为0.5%和0.1%。研究表明,实时荧光定量PCR法不仅可用于病种的检测,也可用于病害的早期诊断。  相似文献   

An early event correlated with the gene-for-gene hypersensitive response (HR) is the accumulation of active oxygen species (AOS), also known as the oxidative burst. We present data that genetically demonstrates that the oxidative burst is a downstream component of the RPS2- avrRpt2gene-for-gene signal cascade. An in planta AOS assay using the fluorescent probe 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) was modified for use with the Arabidopsis thaliana / Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato (P. syringae pv. tomato) model system. An oxidative burst occurred between 8 and 15 hpi with avirulent P. syringae pv. tomato(avrRpt2), but not with virulent P. syringae pv. tomato. This burst preceded cell death and was not observed in the RPS2 Arabidopsis mutantsrps2-101C and rps2-201 inoculated with avirulent P. syringae pv. tomato. An HR-like response has been observed when plants undergoing a systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response are challenged with a normally virulent pathogen (manifestation stage of SAR), however an HR-like oxidative burst was not detected by the in planta AOS assay during this stage of SAR.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Erwinia amylovora biovar 4 (the pathogen of bacterial shoot blight of pear in Japan), other biovars of E. amylovora, and Erwinia pyrifoliae were investigated using the sequences of 16S rRNA, gyrB, and rpoD genes. The tested isolates formed two distinct monophyletic groups in the phylogenetic trees constructed based on the gyrB gene, rpoD gene, or a combination of the three genes: group 1 contained E. amylovora biovars 1, 2, and 3; group 2 contained E. amylovora bv. 4 and E. pyrifoliae. This phylogenetic analysis showed that E. amylovora bv. 4 was more closely related to E. pyrifoliae than to other biovars of E. amylovora. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB242876 to AB242925.  相似文献   

为获得能够修复除草剂莠去津污染土壤的高效降解菌,采用摇瓶富集法、平板分离法从莠去津过量使用的土壤中分离得到降解菌SFAD3,通过形态学、生理生化特征观察以及16S rDNA和ITS序列分析进行种类鉴定,测定获得菌株的最适降解条件,并通过土壤接种和盆栽试验验证菌株对莠去津污染土壤的修复作用。结果表明,菌株SFAD3最终被鉴定为门多萨假单胞菌Pseudomonas mendocina,该菌株培养30 d时对污染土壤中50 mg/kg莠去津的降解率可达72.6%;菌株SFAD3在MM液体培养基中最适降解条件为温度37℃、pH 7、莠去津初始浓度6.25 mg/L、接种量2%,对莠去津降的降解率为50.0%~72.2%;与仅有莠去津的处理相比,添加有SFAD3发酵液的处理20 d后芝麻的株高、根长、湿重和干重能够显著恢复,并且该菌对芝麻还具有一定的促生作用。表明降解菌SFAD3在修复莠去津污染土壤方面具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

The 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins produced in sorghum leaves in response to Colletotrichum sublineolum have chemical structure similarities to the 3-deoxy flavonoids that are precursors of phlobaphene pigments. Phlobaphenes are commonly observed in the pericarp of mature sorghum grains, while synthesis of 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins is a site-specific response to infection with C. sublineolum. We have taken a genetic approach to investigate the possible overlap between the two sub-branches of flavonoid biosynthesis in sorghum that lead to phlobaphenes and 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins. A sorghum line with a functional y1 gene synthesizes 3-deoxyanthocyanidins as well as phlobaphenes. However, a progenitor line with the mutable Y1-candystripe (Y1-cs) allele shows variable levels of biosynthesis of these compounds. The Y1-cs allele carries a copy of the Candystripe1 (Cs1) transposable element in the y1 gene. We demonstrate here that the variability in the expression of 3-deoxyanthocyanidins produced in individual mesocotyls of hyper-mutable Y1-cs plants is a function of the activity of the y1 gene. TheCs1 insertion in the Y1-cs allele blocks y1 function, while excision of Cs1 out of they1 locus restores the gene to a functional state. The combined molecular and biochemical characterization of sibling plants confirms that the allelic state of the y1 gene is completely correlated with the production of phytoalexins in response to fungal infection. These results provide support for the idea that the y1 gene regulates the biosynthesis of both 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins and phlobaphene pigments in sorghum.  相似文献   

为深入研究柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax嗅觉系统中气味信号降解机制,对柑橘大实蝇头部转录组进行分析,筛选谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferase,GST)基因,对其进行序列测定和分子生物学分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测该基因在柑橘大实蝇成虫各组织中的表达模式,并对该基因进行克隆和原核表达,采用Western blot对获得的编码蛋白GSTd1进行检测,并分析该蛋白的酶学特征。结果显示,成功获得1条具有完整开放阅读框的GST基因,将其命名为GSTd1,该基因完整开放阅读框为624 bp,编码207个氨基酸残基,预测蛋白分子量为23.72 kD,等电点为6.16,无信号肽,不含跨膜结构域,属于胞质型GST蛋白。序列比对和系统进化树分析结果表明柑橘大实蝇GSTd1属于昆虫特有的GST蛋白的Delta亚家族成员。柑橘大实蝇GSTd1基因在柑橘大实蝇成虫触角中的相对表达量最高。柑橘大实蝇GSTd1重组蛋白具有催化其通用底物1-氯-2,4-二硝基苯(1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene,CDNB)的能力,最大反应速度和米氏常数分别为...  相似文献   

为进一步明确麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum唾液蛋白Sg1655在调控小麦防御反应中的作用,基于麦二叉蚜唾液腺转录组数据,利用PCR技术克隆获取Sg1655开放阅读框,利用生物信息学软件对其序列进行分析;通过实时荧光定量PCR(real-time quantitative PCR,RT-qPCR)技术检测Sg1655在麦二叉蚜不同组织及不同龄期中的表达;利用细菌III型分泌系统将Sg1655导入到小麦叶片内,检测其瞬时表达对小麦胼胝质积累的影响。结果表明,Sg1655开放阅读框全长375 bp,编码125个氨基酸残基,N端1~21位为信号肽序列,预测蛋白分子量为14.90 kD。麦二叉蚜Sg1655氨基酸序列与玉米蚜Rhopalosiphum maidis同源序列相致性最高,为89.52%;麦二叉蚜Sg1655与玉米蚜同源序列聚为一个分支,亲缘关系最近。Sg1655在麦二叉蚜各组织中均有表达,其中在唾液腺中表达量最高,Sg1655在麦二叉蚜各个龄期均有表达,且在不同龄期之间无显著差异。小麦叶片内Sg1655瞬时表达可显著抑制小麦胼胝质积累,表明该蛋白可作为潜在效应子参与抑制小麦防御反应。  相似文献   

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